/** @file Abstract device driver for the UEFI Shell-hosted environment. In a Shell-hosted environment, this is the driver that is called when no other driver matches. Copyright (c) 2011, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License that accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license. THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static int EFIAPI da_ShellClose( IN struct __filedes *Fp ) { EFIerrno = ShellCloseFile( (SHELL_FILE_HANDLE *)&Fp->devdata); if(RETURN_ERROR(EFIerrno)) { return -1; } return 0; } static int EFIAPI da_ShellDelete( struct __filedes *filp ) { RETURN_STATUS Status; Status = ShellDeleteFile( (SHELL_FILE_HANDLE *)&filp->devdata); if(Status != RETURN_SUCCESS) { errno = EFI2errno(Status); EFIerrno = Status; return -1; } return 0; } static off_t EFIAPI da_ShellSeek( struct __filedes *filp, off_t offset, int whence ) { __off_t CurPos = -1; RETURN_STATUS Status = RETURN_SUCCESS; SHELL_FILE_HANDLE FileHandle; FileHandle = (SHELL_FILE_HANDLE)filp->devdata; if(whence != SEEK_SET) { // We are doing a relative seek if(whence == SEEK_END) { // seeking relative to EOF, so position there first. Status = ShellSetFilePosition( FileHandle, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL); } if(Status == RETURN_SUCCESS) { // Now, determine our current position. Status = ShellGetFilePosition( FileHandle, (UINT64 *)&CurPos); } } else { CurPos = 0; // offset is an absolute position for SEEK_SET if(offset < 0) { Status = RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } if(Status == RETURN_SUCCESS) { /* CurPos now indicates the point we are seeking from, so seek... */ Status = ShellSetFilePosition( FileHandle, (UINT64)(CurPos + offset)); if(Status == RETURN_SUCCESS) { // Now, determine our final position. Status = ShellGetFilePosition( FileHandle, (UINT64 *)&CurPos); } } if(Status != RETURN_SUCCESS) { if(Status == EFI_UNSUPPORTED) { errno = EISDIR; } else { errno = EFI2errno(Status); } EFIerrno = Status; CurPos = EOF; } return CurPos; } /** The directory path is created with the access permissions specified by perms. The directory is closed after it is created. @retval 0 The directory was created successfully. @retval -1 An error occurred and an error code is stored in errno. **/ static int EFIAPI da_ShellMkdir( const char *path, __mode_t perms ) { SHELL_FILE_HANDLE FileHandle; RETURN_STATUS Status; EFI_FILE_INFO *FileInfo; wchar_t *NewPath; int retval = -1; // Convert name from MBCS to WCS and change '/' to '\\' NewPath = NormalizePath( path); if(NewPath != NULL) { Status = ShellCreateDirectory( NewPath, &FileHandle); if(Status == RETURN_SUCCESS) { FileInfo = ShellGetFileInfo( FileHandle); Status = RETURN_ABORTED; // In case ShellGetFileInfo() failed if(FileInfo != NULL) { FileInfo->Attribute = Omode2EFI(perms); Status = ShellSetFileInfo( FileHandle, FileInfo); FreePool(FileInfo); if(Status == RETURN_SUCCESS) { (void)ShellCloseFile(&FileHandle); retval = 0; } } } errno = EFI2errno(Status); EFIerrno = Status; free(NewPath); } return retval; } static ssize_t EFIAPI da_ShellRead( IN OUT struct __filedes *filp, IN OUT off_t *offset, IN size_t BufferSize, OUT VOID *Buffer ) { ssize_t BufSize; SHELL_FILE_HANDLE FileHandle; RETURN_STATUS Status; if(offset != NULL) { BufSize = (ssize_t)da_ShellSeek(filp, *offset, SEEK_SET); if(BufSize >= 0) { filp->f_offset = BufSize; } } BufSize = (ssize_t)BufferSize; FileHandle = (SHELL_FILE_HANDLE)filp->devdata; Status = ShellReadFile( FileHandle, (UINTN *)&BufSize, Buffer); if(Status != RETURN_SUCCESS) { EFIerrno = Status; errno = EFI2errno(Status); if(Status == RETURN_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) { BufSize = -BufSize; } else { BufSize = -1; } } else { filp->f_offset += BufSize; // Advance to where we want to read next. } return BufSize; } static ssize_t EFIAPI da_ShellWrite( IN struct __filedes *filp, IN off_t *offset, IN size_t BufferSize, IN const void *Buffer ) { ssize_t BufSize; SHELL_FILE_HANDLE FileHandle; RETURN_STATUS Status; off_t Position = 0; int How = SEEK_SET; if((offset != NULL) || (filp->Oflags & O_APPEND)) { if(filp->Oflags & O_APPEND) { Position = 0; How = SEEK_END; } else { Position = *offset; How = SEEK_SET; } BufSize = (ssize_t)da_ShellSeek(filp, Position, How); if(BufSize >= 0) { filp->f_offset = BufSize; } } BufSize = (ssize_t)BufferSize; FileHandle = (SHELL_FILE_HANDLE)filp->devdata; Status = ShellWriteFile( FileHandle, (UINTN *)&BufSize, (void *)Buffer); if(Status != RETURN_SUCCESS) { EFIerrno = Status; errno = EFI2errno(Status); if(Status == EFI_UNSUPPORTED) { errno = EISDIR; } BufSize = -1; } else { filp->f_offset += BufSize; // Advance to where we want to write next. } return BufSize; } static int EFIAPI da_ShellStat( struct __filedes *filp, struct stat *statbuf, void *Something ) { SHELL_FILE_HANDLE FileHandle; EFI_FILE_INFO *FileInfo = NULL; UINT64 Attributes; RETURN_STATUS Status; mode_t newmode; FileHandle = (SHELL_FILE_HANDLE)filp->devdata; FileInfo = ShellGetFileInfo( FileHandle); if(FileInfo != NULL) { // Got the info, now populate statbuf with it statbuf->st_blksize = S_BLKSIZE; statbuf->st_size = FileInfo->FileSize; statbuf->st_physsize = FileInfo->PhysicalSize; statbuf->st_birthtime = Efi2Time( &FileInfo->CreateTime); statbuf->st_atime = Efi2Time( &FileInfo->LastAccessTime); statbuf->st_mtime = Efi2Time( &FileInfo->ModificationTime); Attributes = FileInfo->Attribute; newmode = (mode_t)(Attributes << S_EFISHIFT) | S_ACC_READ; if((Attributes & EFI_FILE_DIRECTORY) == 0) { newmode |= _S_IFREG; if((Attributes & EFI_FILE_READ_ONLY) == 0) { newmode |= S_ACC_WRITE; } } else { newmode |= _S_IFDIR; } statbuf->st_mode = newmode; Status = RETURN_SUCCESS; } else { Status = RETURN_DEVICE_ERROR; } errno = EFI2errno(Status); EFIerrno = Status; if(FileInfo != NULL) { FreePool(FileInfo); // Release the buffer allocated by the GetInfo function } return errno? -1 : 0; } static int EFIAPI da_ShellIoctl( struct __filedes *filp, ULONGN cmd, va_list argp ) { return -EPERM; } /** Open an abstract Shell File. **/ int EFIAPI da_ShellOpen( DeviceNode *DevNode, struct __filedes *filp, int DevInstance, /* Not used by Shell */ wchar_t *Path, wchar_t *MPath ) { UINT64 OpenMode; UINT64 Attributes; SHELL_FILE_HANDLE FileHandle; GenericInstance *Gip; char *NPath; wchar_t *WPath; RETURN_STATUS Status; int oflags; int retval; EFIerrno = RETURN_SUCCESS; //Attributes = Omode2EFI(mode); Attributes = 0; // Convert oflags to Attributes oflags = filp->Oflags; OpenMode = Oflags2EFI(oflags); if(OpenMode == 0) { errno = EINVAL; return -1; } /* Re-create the full mapped path for the shell. */ if(MPath != NULL) { WPath = AllocateZeroPool(PATH_MAX * sizeof(wchar_t) + 1); if(WPath == NULL) { errno = ENOMEM; EFIerrno = RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; return -1; } wcsncpy(WPath, MPath, NAME_MAX); /* Get the Map Name */ wcsncat(WPath, Path, (PATH_MAX - NAME_MAX)); /* Append the path */ } else { WPath = Path; } retval = -1; /* Initially assume failure. */ /* Do we care if the file already exists? If O_TRUNC, then delete the file. It will be created anew subsequently. If O_EXCL, then error if the file exists and O_CREAT is set. !!!!!!!!! Change this to use ShellSetFileInfo() to actually truncate the file !!!!!!!!! instead of deleting and re-creating it. */ do { /* Do fake exception handling */ if((oflags & O_TRUNC) || ((oflags & (O_EXCL | O_CREAT)) == (O_EXCL | O_CREAT))) { Status = ShellIsFile( WPath ); if(Status == RETURN_SUCCESS) { // The file exists if(oflags & O_TRUNC) { NPath = AllocateZeroPool(PATH_MAX); if(NPath == NULL) { errno = ENOMEM; EFIerrno = RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; break; } wcstombs(NPath, WPath, PATH_MAX); // We do a truncate by deleting the existing file and creating a new one. if(unlink(NPath) != 0) { filp->f_iflags = 0; // Release our reservation on this FD FreePool(NPath); break; } FreePool(NPath); } else if((oflags & (O_EXCL | O_CREAT)) == (O_EXCL | O_CREAT)) { errno = EEXIST; EFIerrno = RETURN_ACCESS_DENIED; filp->f_iflags = 0; // Release our reservation on this FD break; } } } // Call the EFI Shell's Open function Status = ShellOpenFileByName( WPath, &FileHandle, OpenMode, Attributes); if(RETURN_ERROR(Status)) { filp->f_iflags = 0; // Release our reservation on this FD // Set errno based upon Status errno = EFI2errno(Status); EFIerrno = Status; break; } retval = 0; // Successfully got a regular File filp->f_iflags |= S_IFREG; // Update the info in the fd filp->devdata = (void *)FileHandle; Gip = (GenericInstance *)DevNode->InstanceList; filp->f_offset = 0; filp->f_ops = &Gip->Abstraction; // filp->devdata = FileHandle; } while(FALSE); /* If we get this far, WPath is not NULL. If MPath is not NULL, then WPath was allocated so we need to free it. */ if(MPath != NULL) { FreePool(WPath); } return retval; } #include /* Returns a bit mask describing which operations could be completed immediately. For now, assume the file system, via the shell, is always ready. (POLLIN | POLLRDNORM) The file system is ready to be read. (POLLOUT) The file system is ready for output. */ static short EFIAPI da_ShellPoll( struct __filedes *filp, short events ) { UINT32 RdyMask; short retval = 0; RdyMask = (UINT32)filp->Oflags; switch(RdyMask & O_ACCMODE) { case O_RDONLY: retval = (POLLIN | POLLRDNORM); break; case O_WRONLY: retval = POLLOUT; break; case O_RDWR: retval = (POLLIN | POLLRDNORM | POLLOUT); break; default: retval = POLLERR; break; } return (retval & (events | POLL_RETONLY)); } static int EFIAPI da_ShellRename( const char *from, const char *to ) { RETURN_STATUS Status; EFI_FILE_INFO *NewFileInfo; EFI_FILE_INFO *OldFileInfo; wchar_t *NewFn; int OldFd; SHELL_FILE_HANDLE FileHandle; wchar_t *NormalizedPath; // Open old file OldFd = open(from, O_RDWR, 0); if(OldFd >= 0) { FileHandle = (SHELL_FILE_HANDLE)gMD->fdarray[OldFd].devdata; NewFileInfo = malloc(sizeof(EFI_FILE_INFO) + PATH_MAX); if(NewFileInfo != NULL) { OldFileInfo = ShellGetFileInfo( FileHandle); if(OldFileInfo != NULL) { // Copy the Old file info into our new buffer, and free the old. memcpy(NewFileInfo, OldFileInfo, sizeof(EFI_FILE_INFO)); FreePool(OldFileInfo); // Normalize path and convert to WCS. NormalizedPath = NormalizePath(to); if (NormalizedPath != NULL) { // Strip off all but the file name portion of new NewFn = GetFileNameFromPath(NormalizedPath); // Copy the new file name into our new file info buffer wcsncpy(NewFileInfo->FileName, NewFn, wcslen(NewFn) + 1); // Update the size of the structure. NewFileInfo->Size = sizeof(EFI_FILE_INFO) + StrSize(NewFn); // Apply the new file name Status = ShellSetFileInfo(FileHandle, NewFileInfo); free(NormalizedPath); free(NewFileInfo); if(Status == EFI_SUCCESS) { // File has been successfully renamed. We are DONE! return 0; } errno = EFI2errno( Status ); EFIerrno = Status; } else { free(NewFileInfo); errno = ENOMEM; } } else { free(NewFileInfo); errno = EIO; } } else { errno = ENOMEM; } } return -1; } static int EFIAPI da_ShellRmdir( struct __filedes *filp ) { SHELL_FILE_HANDLE FileHandle; RETURN_STATUS Status = RETURN_SUCCESS; EFI_FILE_INFO *FileInfo = NULL; int Count = 0; BOOLEAN NoFile = FALSE; errno = 0; // Make it easier to see if we have an error later FileHandle = (SHELL_FILE_HANDLE)filp->devdata; FileInfo = ShellGetFileInfo(FileHandle); if(FileInfo != NULL) { if((FileInfo->Attribute & EFI_FILE_DIRECTORY) == 0) { errno = ENOTDIR; } else { // See if the directory has any entries other than ".." and ".". FreePool(FileInfo); // Free up the buffer from ShellGetFileInfo() Status = ShellFindFirstFile( FileHandle, &FileInfo); if(Status == RETURN_SUCCESS) { ++Count; while(Count < 3) { Status = ShellFindNextFile( FileHandle, FileInfo, &NoFile); if(Status == RETURN_SUCCESS) { if(NoFile) { break; } ++Count; } else { Count = 99; } } FreePool(FileInfo); // Free buffer from ShellFindFirstFile() if(Count < 3) { // Directory is empty Status = ShellDeleteFile( &FileHandle); if(Status == RETURN_SUCCESS) { EFIerrno = RETURN_SUCCESS; return 0; /* ######## SUCCESSFUL RETURN ######## */ } } else { if(Count == 99) { errno = EIO; } else { errno = ENOTEMPTY; } } } } } else { errno = EIO; } EFIerrno = Status; if(errno == 0) { errno = EFI2errno( Status ); } return -1; } /** Construct an instance of the abstract Shell device. Allocate the instance structure and populate it with the information for the device. **/ RETURN_STATUS EFIAPI __ctor_DevShell( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable ) { GenericInstance *Stream; DeviceNode *Node; RETURN_STATUS Status; Stream = (GenericInstance *)AllocateZeroPool(sizeof(GenericInstance)); if(Stream == NULL) { return RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } Stream->Cookie = CON_COOKIE; Stream->InstanceNum = 1; Stream->Dev = NULL; Stream->Abstraction.fo_close = &da_ShellClose; Stream->Abstraction.fo_read = &da_ShellRead; Stream->Abstraction.fo_write = &da_ShellWrite; Stream->Abstraction.fo_fcntl = &fnullop_fcntl; Stream->Abstraction.fo_poll = &da_ShellPoll; Stream->Abstraction.fo_flush = &fnullop_flush; Stream->Abstraction.fo_stat = &da_ShellStat; Stream->Abstraction.fo_ioctl = &da_ShellIoctl; Stream->Abstraction.fo_delete = &da_ShellDelete; Stream->Abstraction.fo_rmdir = &da_ShellRmdir; Stream->Abstraction.fo_mkdir = &da_ShellMkdir; Stream->Abstraction.fo_rename = &da_ShellRename; Stream->Abstraction.fo_lseek = &da_ShellSeek; Node = __DevRegister(NULL, NULL, &da_ShellOpen, Stream, 1, sizeof(GenericInstance), O_RDWR); Status = EFIerrno; Stream->Parent = Node; return Status; } RETURN_STATUS EFIAPI __dtor_DevShell( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable ) { if(daDefaultDevice != NULL) { if(daDefaultDevice->InstanceList != NULL) { FreePool(daDefaultDevice->InstanceList); } FreePool(daDefaultDevice); } return RETURN_SUCCESS; }