/** @file Utilities for Interactive I/O Functions. The functions assume that isatty() is TRUE at the time they are called. Copyright (c) 2012 - 2014, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php. THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "IIOutilities.h" /** Get the low-level UEFI protocol associated with an open file. @param[in] fd File descriptor for an open file. @param[out] filp NULL, or a pointer to where a pointer to the file's file descriptor structure is to be stored. @return Returns NULL if fd is not a valid file descriptor, otherwise a pointer to the file's associated UEFI protocol is returned. **/ void * EFIAPI IIO_GetDeviceProto ( int fd, struct __filedes **filp ) { void *Proto; ConInstance *Stream; struct __filedes *pfil; Proto = NULL; if(ValidateFD( fd, VALID_OPEN)) { pfil = &gMD->fdarray[fd]; Stream = BASE_CR(pfil->f_ops, ConInstance, Abstraction); Proto = (void *)Stream->Dev; if(filp != NULL) { *filp = pfil; } } return Proto; } /** Get a character either from the input buffer or from hardware. @param[in] filp Pointer to a file descriptor structure. @param[in] First Set to TRUE to identify the initial read. @return Returns a character read from either the input buffer or from the open file (device) identified by filp. A return value of WEOF indicates an error has occurred. **/ wint_t EFIAPI IIO_GetInChar ( struct __filedes *filp, BOOLEAN First ) { cIIO *This; cFIFO *InBuf; size_t Status; ssize_t NumRead; wint_t RetVal; wchar_t InChar; static size_t BufCnt; This = filp->devdata; InBuf = This->InBuf; NumRead = -1; InChar = 0; if(First) { BufCnt = InBuf->Count(InBuf, AsElements); } if(BufCnt > 0) { Status = InBuf->Read(InBuf, &InChar, 1); if (Status > 0) { --BufCnt; NumRead = 1; } } else { NumRead = filp->f_ops->fo_read(filp, &filp->f_offset, sizeof(wchar_t), &InChar); } if(NumRead <= 0) { RetVal = WEOF; } else { RetVal = (wint_t)InChar; } return RetVal; } /** Get the current cursor position. @param[in] fd File descriptor for an open file. @param[out] Column Pointer to where the current cursor column is to be stored. @param[out] Row Pointer to where the current cursor row is to be stored. @retval -1 fd is not an IIO output device. @retval 0 Cursor position retrieved, Cursor is Not Visible. @retval 1 Cursor position retrieved, Cursor is Visible. **/ int EFIAPI IIO_GetCursorPosition ( int fd, UINT32 *Column, UINT32 *Row ) { EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL *Proto; struct __filedes *pStdOut; int RetVal; RetVal = -1; Proto = (EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL *)IIO_GetDeviceProto(fd, &pStdOut); if(Proto != NULL) { if(((pStdOut->f_iflags & _S_ITTY) != 0) && // file is a TTY ((pStdOut->Oflags & O_ACCMODE) != 0)) // and it is open for output { // fd is for a TTY or "Interactive IO" device *Column = Proto->Mode->CursorColumn; *Row = Proto->Mode->CursorRow; if(Proto->Mode->CursorVisible) { RetVal = 1; } else { RetVal = 0; } } } return RetVal; } /** Set the cursor position. @param[in] filp Pointer to the output device's file descriptor structure. @param[in] StartXY Pointer to a cursor coordinate (XY) structure indicating the desired coordinate to move the cursor to. @retval -1 fd is not an IIO output device @retval 0 Cursor position set successfully. **/ int EFIAPI IIO_SetCursorPosition ( struct __filedes *filp, CURSOR_XY *CursorXY ) { EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL *Proto; cIIO *This; EFI_STATUS Status; int RetVal; RetVal = -1; This = filp->devdata; Proto = (EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL *)IIO_GetDeviceProto(filp->MyFD, NULL); if(Proto != NULL) { if(((filp->f_iflags & _S_ITTY) != 0) && // file is a TTY ((filp->Oflags & O_ACCMODE) != 0)) // and it is open for output { // fd is for a TTY or "Interactive IO" device Status = Proto->SetCursorPosition(Proto, CursorXY->Column, CursorXY->Row); if(Status == EFI_SUCCESS) { This->CurrentXY.Column = CursorXY->Column; This->CurrentXY.Row = CursorXY->Row; RetVal = 0; } } } return RetVal; } /** Get Output screen size and mode. @param[in] fd File descriptor of the output device. @param[out] Col Pointer to where to store the MAX Column, or NULL. @param[out] Row Pointer to where to store the MAX Row, or NULL. @retval <0 An error occurred. The reason is in errno and EFIerrno. * EIO UEFI QueryMode failed * ENOTTY fd does not refer to an interactive output device @retval >=0 Current output mode **/ int EFIAPI IIO_GetOutputSize ( int fd, UINTN *Col, UINTN *Row ) { EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL *Proto; struct __filedes *pStdOut; EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN TempCol; UINTN TempRow; UINTN TempMode; int RetVal; RetVal = -1; Proto = (EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL *)IIO_GetDeviceProto(fd, &pStdOut); if(Proto != NULL) { if(((pStdOut->f_iflags & _S_ITTY) != 0) && // file is a TTY ((pStdOut->Oflags & O_ACCMODE) != 0)) // and it is open for output { // fd is for a TTY or "Interactive IO" device TempMode = Proto->Mode->Mode; Status = Proto->QueryMode(Proto, TempMode, &TempCol, &TempRow); if(EFI_ERROR(Status)) { EFIerrno = Status; errno = EIO; } else { *Col = TempCol; *Row = TempRow; RetVal = (int)TempMode; } } else { errno = ENOTTY; } } return RetVal; } /** Calculate the number of character positions between two X/Y coordinate pairs. Using the current output device characteristics, calculate the number of characters between two coordinates. It is assumed that EndXY points to an output location that occurs after StartXY. RowDelta is the computed difference between the ending and starting rows. If RowDelta < 0, then EndXY is NOT after StartXY, so assert. ColumnDelta is the computed number of character positions (columns) between the starting position and the ending position. If ColumnDelta is < 0, then EndXY is NOT after StartXY, so assert. @param[in] This Pointer to the IIO instance to be examined. @param[in] StartXY Pointer to the starting coordinate pair. @param[in] EndXY Pointer to the ending coordinate pair. @return Returns the difference between the starting and ending coordinates. The return value is positive if the coordinates contained in EndXY are larger than StartXY, otherwise the return value is negative. **/ int EFIAPI IIO_CursorDelta ( cIIO *This, CURSOR_XY *StartXY, CURSOR_XY *EndXY ) { int ColumnDelta; int RowDelta; RowDelta = (int)EndXY->Row - (int)StartXY->Row; assert(RowDelta >= 0); // assert if EndXY is NOT after StartXY ColumnDelta = (int)((This->MaxColumn * RowDelta) + EndXY->Column); ColumnDelta -= (int)StartXY->Column; return ColumnDelta; }