 * We reserve no LEGAL rights to SORCERER -- SORCERER is in the public
 * domain.  An individual or company may do whatever they wish with
 * source code distributed with SORCERER or the code generated by
 * SORCERER, including the incorporation of SORCERER, or its output, into
 * commerical software.
 * We encourage users to develop software with SORCERER.  However, we do
 * ask that credit is given to us for developing SORCERER.  By "credit",
 * we mean that if you incorporate our source code into one of your
 * programs (commercial product, research project, or otherwise) that you
 * acknowledge this fact somewhere in the documentation, research report,
 * etc...  If you like SORCERER and have developed a nice tool with the
 * output, please mention that you developed it using SORCERER.  In
 * addition, we ask that this header remain intact in our source code.
 * As long as these guidelines are kept, we expect to continue enhancing
 * this system and expect to make other tools available as they are
 * completed.
 * SORCERER 1.00B14 and ANTLR 1.33
 * Terence Parr
 * Parr Research Corporation
 * AHPCRC, University of Minnesota
 * 1992-2000


#include "pcctscfg.h"

#include "PCCTSAST.h"
#include "pccts_stdarg.h"


#include <ctype.h>

//#include "SList.h"

               /* String Scanning/Parsing Stuff */

const char *PCCTS_AST::scan_token_tbl[] = {     /* MR20 const */
	"invalid",	/*	0 */
	"LPAREN",	/*	1 */
	"RPAREN",	/*	2 */
	"PERCENT",	/*	3 */
	"INT",		/*	4 */
	"COLON",	/*	5 */
	"POUND",	/*	6 */
	"PERIOD",	/*	7 */

void PCCTS_AST::
addChild(PCCTS_AST *t)
	if ( t==NULL ) return;
	PCCTS_AST *s = down();
	if ( s!=NULL )
		while ( s->right()!=NULL ) s = s->right();

void PCCTS_AST::
lisp(FILE *f)
	if ( down() != NULL ) /* MR23 */ printMessage(f," (");
	if ( down()!=NULL ) down()->lisp(f);
	if ( down() != NULL ) /* MR23 */ printMessage(f," )");
	if ( right()!=NULL ) right()->lisp(f);

/* build a tree (root child1 child2 ... NULL)
 * If root is NULL, simply make the children siblings and return ptr
 * to 1st sibling (child1).  If root is not single node, return NULL.
 * Siblings that are actually sibling lists themselves are handled
 * correctly.  For example #( NULL, #( NULL, A, B, C), D) results
 * in the tree ( NULL A B C D ).
 * Requires at least two parameters with the last one being NULL.  If
 * both are NULL, return NULL.
 * The down() and right() down/right pointers are used to make the tree.
make(PCCTS_AST *rt, ...)
	va_list ap;
	register PCCTS_AST *child, *sibling=NULL, *tail=NULL /*MR23*/, *w;
	PCCTS_AST *root;

	va_start(ap, rt);
	root = rt;

	if ( root != NULL )
		if ( root->down() != NULL ) return NULL;
	child = va_arg(ap, PCCTS_AST *);
	while ( child != NULL )
		/* find end of child */
		for (w=child; w->right()!=NULL; w=w->right()) {;}
		if ( sibling == NULL ) {sibling = child; tail = w;}
		else {tail->setRight(child); tail = w;}
		child = va_arg(ap, PCCTS_AST *);
	if ( root==NULL ) root = sibling;
	else root->setDown(sibling);
	return root;

/* The following push and pop routines are only used by ast_find_all() */

void PCCTS_AST::
_push(PCCTS_AST **st, int *sp, PCCTS_AST *e)
	require((*sp)>=0, "stack overflow");
	st[(*sp)] = e;

_pop(PCCTS_AST **st, int *sp)
	PCCTS_AST *e = st[*sp];
	require((*sp)<=MaxTreeStackDepth, "stack underflow");
	return e;

/* Find all occurrences of u in t.
 * 'cursor' must be initialized to 't'.  It eventually
 * returns NULL when no more occurrences of 'u' are found.
ast_find_all(PCCTS_AST *u, PCCTS_AST **cursor)
	PCCTS_AST *sib;
	/*** static ***/ PCCTS_AST *template_stack[MaxTreeStackDepth];  /* MR23 Remove "static" */
	/*** static ***/ int tsp = MaxTreeStackDepth;                   /* MR23 Remove "static" */

////static int nesting = 0;                                         /* MR23 Not referenced */

	if ( *cursor == NULL ) return NULL;
	if ( *cursor!=this ) sib = *cursor;
	else {
		/* else, first time--start at top of template 't' */
		tsp = MaxTreeStackDepth;
		sib = this;
		/* bottom of stack is always a NULL--"cookie" indicates "done" */
		_push(template_stack, &tsp, NULL);

	if ( sib==NULL )	/* hit end of sibling list */
		sib = _pop(template_stack, &tsp);
		if ( sib == NULL ) { *cursor = NULL; return NULL; }

	if ( sib->type() != u->type() )
		/* look for another match */
		if ( sib->down()!=NULL )
			if ( sib->right()!=NULL ) _push(template_stack, &tsp, sib->right());
			goto keep_looking;
		/* nothing below to try, try next sibling */
		goto keep_looking;

	/* found a matching root node, try to match what's below */
	if ( match_partial(sib, u) )
		/* record sibling cursor so we can pick up next from there */
		if ( sib->down()!=NULL )
			if ( sib->right()!=NULL ) _push(template_stack, &tsp, sib->right());
			*cursor = sib->down();
		else if ( sib->right()!=NULL ) *cursor = sib->right();
		else *cursor = _pop(template_stack, &tsp);
		return sib;

	/* no match, keep searching */
	if ( sib->down()!=NULL )
		if ( sib->right()!=NULL ) _push(template_stack, &tsp, sib->right());
	else sib = sib->right();	/* else, try to right if zip below */
	goto keep_looking;

/* are two trees exactly alike? */
match(PCCTS_AST *u)
	PCCTS_AST *t = this;
	PCCTS_AST *sib;

	if ( u==NULL ) return 0;

	for (sib=t; sib!=NULL&&u!=NULL; sib=sib->right(), u=u->right())
		if ( sib->type() != u->type() ) return 0;
		if ( sib->down()!=NULL )
			if ( !sib->down()->match(u->down()) ) return 0;
	return 1;

/* Is 'u' a subtree of 't' beginning at the root? */
match_partial(PCCTS_AST *t, PCCTS_AST *u)
	PCCTS_AST *sib;

	if ( u==NULL ) return 1;
	if ( t==NULL ) return 0; /* MR23 removed unreachable code */

	for (sib=t; sib!=NULL&&u!=NULL; sib=sib->right(), u=u->right())
		if ( sib->type() != u->type() ) return 0;
		if ( sib->down()!=NULL )
			if ( !match_partial(sib->down(), u->down()) ) return 0;
	return 1;

#ifdef _MSC_VER  // MR23
//Turn off "unreachable code" warning
#pragma warning(disable : 4702)
/* Walk the template tree 't' (matching against 'this'), filling in the
 * 'labels' array, and setting 'n' according to how many labels were matched.
scanmatch(ScanAST *t, PCCTS_AST **labels[], int *n)
	ScanAST *sib;
	PCCTS_AST *u = this;

	if ( u==NULL ) return 0;

	for (sib=t; sib!=NULL&&u!=NULL; sib=sib->right(), u=u->right())
		/* make sure tokens match; token of '0' means wildcard match */
		if ( sib->type() != u->type() && sib->type()!=0 ) return 0;
		/* we have a matched token here; set label pointers if exists */
		if ( sib->label_num>0 )
			require(labels!=NULL, "label found in template, but no array of labels");
			*(labels[sib->label_num-1]) = u;
		/* match what's below if something there and current node is not wildcard */
		if ( sib->down()!=NULL && sib->type()!=0 )
			if ( sib->down()==NULL ) 
				if ( u->down()!=NULL ) 
					return 0; 
					return 1;
			if ( !u->down()->scanmatch(sib->down(), labels, n) ) return 0;
	return 1;
#ifdef _MSC_VER  // MR23
#pragma warning(default : 4702)

void PCCTS_AST::
insert_after(PCCTS_AST *b)
	PCCTS_AST *end;
	if ( b==NULL ) return;
	/* find end of b's child list */
	for (end=b; end->right()!=NULL; end=end->right()) {;}

void PCCTS_AST::
append(PCCTS_AST *b)
	PCCTS_AST *end;
	require(b!=NULL, "append: NULL input tree");
	/* find end of child list */
	for (end=this; end->right()!=NULL; end=end->right()) {;}

	PCCTS_AST *end;
	/* find end of child list */
	for (end=this; end->right()!=NULL; end=end->right()) {;}
	return end;

	PCCTS_AST *end;
	/* find end of child list */
	for (end=this; end->down()!=NULL; end=end->down()) {;}
	return end;

cut_between(PCCTS_AST *a, PCCTS_AST *b)
	PCCTS_AST *end, *ret;
	if (a==NULL||b==NULL) return NULL;
	/* find node pointing to b */
	for (end=a; end->right()!=NULL&&end->right()!=b; end=end->right())
	if (end->right()==NULL) return NULL; //ast_cut_between: a,b not connected
	end->setRight(NULL);	/* don't want it point to 'b' anymore */
	ret = a->right();
	return ret;

#ifdef NOT_YET
	SList *list = new SList;

	for (p=this; p!=NULL; p=p->right())
	return list;

void PCCTS_AST::
	PCCTS_AST *t = this;
    if ( t->down()!=NULL ) t->down()->tfree();
    if ( t->right()!=NULL ) t->right()->tfree();
    delete t;

	PCCTS_AST *t = this;
	int n=0;

	while ( t!=NULL )
		t = t->right();
	return n;

sibling_index(int i)
	PCCTS_AST *t = this;
	int j=1;
	require(i>0, "sibling_index: i<=0");

	while ( t!=NULL )
		if ( j==i ) return t;
		t = t->right();
	return NULL;

/* Assume this is a root node of a tree--
 * duplicate that node and what's below; ignore siblings of root node.

// MR9 23-Sep-97 RJV
// MR9
// MR9 RJV: Original version only duplicated the node and down elements.
// MR9      Made copies of the pointers to sibling.
// MR9      Changed call "down()->deepCopy()" to "down()->deepCopyBushy()"
// MR9

	PCCTS_AST *u = this->shallowCopy();
	if ( down()!=NULL ) u->setDown(down()->deepCopyBushy());
	return u;

/* Copy all nodes including siblings of root. */
	PCCTS_AST *u = this->shallowCopy();
	/* copy the rest of the tree */
	if ( down()!=NULL ) u->setDown(down()->deepCopyBushy());
	if ( right()!=NULL ) u->setRight(right()->deepCopyBushy());
	return u;

void PCCTS_AST::
scanast_free(ScanAST *t)
    if ( t == NULL ) return;
    scanast_free( t->down() );
    scanast_free( t->right() );
    free( (char *) t );							// MR1

 * scan
 * This function is like scanf(): it attempts to match a template
 * against an input tree.  A variable number of tree pointers
 * may be set according to the '%i' labels in the template string.
 * For example:
 *   t->ast_scan("#( 6 #(5 %1:4 %2:3) #(1 %3:3 %4:3) )",
 *            &w, &x, &y, &z);
 * Naturally, you'd want this converted from
 *	 t->ast_scan("#( RangeOp #(Minus %1:IConst %2:Var) #(Plus %3:Var %4Var) )",
 *			  &w, &x, &y, &z);
 * This function call must be done withing a SORCERER file because SORCERER
 * must convert the token references to the associated token number.
 * This functions parses the template and creates trees which are then
 * matched against the input tree.  The labels are set as they are
 * encountered; hence, partial matches may leave some pointers set
 * and some NULL.  This routines initializes all argument pointers to NULL
 * at the beginning.
 * This function returns the number of labels matched.
ast_scan(char *templ, ...)
	va_list ap;
	ScanAST *tmpl;
	int n, i, found=0;
	PCCTS_AST ***label_ptrs=NULL;

	va_start(ap, templ);

	/* make a ScanAST tree out of the template */
	tmpl = stringparser_parse_scanast(templ, &n);

	/* make an array out of the labels */
	if ( n>0 )
		label_ptrs = (PCCTS_AST ***) calloc(n, sizeof(PCCTS_AST **));
		require(label_ptrs!=NULL, "scan: out of memory");
		for (i=1; i<=n; i++)
			label_ptrs[i-1] = va_arg(ap, PCCTS_AST **);
			*(label_ptrs[i-1]) = NULL;

	/* match the input tree against the template */
	scanmatch(tmpl, label_ptrs, &found);

	free( (char *) label_ptrs);					// MR1

	return found;

new_scanast(int tok)
    ScanAST *p = (ScanAST *) calloc(1, sizeof(ScanAST));
//  7-Apr-97 133MR1
    if ( p == NULL )
        panic("out of memory\n");			// MR23
	p->_token = tok;
	return p;

stringparser_parse_scanast(char *templ, int *num_labels)
	StringLexer lex;
	StringParser parser;
	ScanAST *t;

	stringlexer_init(&lex, templ);
	stringparser_init(&parser, &lex);
	t = stringparser_parse_tree(&parser);
	*num_labels = parser.num_labels;
	return t;

void PCCTS_AST::
stringparser_match(StringParser *parser, int token)
	if ( parser->token != token ) panic("bad tree in scan()");

 * Match a tree of the form:
 *		(root child1 child2 ... childn)
 * or,
 *		node
 * where the elements are integers or labeled integers.
stringparser_parse_tree(StringParser *parser)
	ScanAST *t=NULL, *root, *child, *last=NULL /*MR23*/;

	if ( parser->token != __POUND )
		return stringparser_parse_element(parser);
	parser->token = stringscan_gettok(parser->lexer);
	parser->token = stringscan_gettok(parser->lexer);
	root = stringparser_parse_element(parser);
	while ( parser->token != __RPAREN )
		child = stringparser_parse_element(parser);
		if ( t==NULL ) { t = child; last = t; }
		else { last->_right = child; last = child; }
	parser->token = stringscan_gettok(parser->lexer);
	root->_down = t;
	return root;

stringparser_parse_element(StringParser *parser)
	char ebuf[100];
	int label = 0;

	if ( parser->token == __POUND )
		return stringparser_parse_tree(parser);
	if ( parser->token == __PERCENT )
		parser->token = stringscan_gettok(parser->lexer);
		label = atoi(parser->lexer->text);
		if ( label==0 ) panic("%%0 is an invalid label");
		parser->token = stringscan_gettok(parser->lexer);
		parser->token = stringscan_gettok(parser->lexer);
		/* can label tokens and wildcards */
		if ( parser->token != __INT && parser->token != __PERIOD )
			panic("can only label tokens");
	if ( parser->token == __INT )
		ScanAST *p = new_scanast(atoi(parser->lexer->text));
		parser->token = stringscan_gettok(parser->lexer);
		p->label_num = label;
		return p;
	if ( parser->token == __PERIOD )
		ScanAST *p = new_scanast(0);	/* token of 0 is wildcard */
		parser->token = stringscan_gettok(parser->lexer);
		p->label_num = label;
		return p;
	sprintf(ebuf, "mismatch token in scan(): %s", scan_token_str(parser->token));
	return NULL;

void PCCTS_AST::
stringparser_init(StringParser *parser, StringLexer *input)
	parser->lexer = input;
	parser->token = stringscan_gettok(parser->lexer);
	parser->num_labels = 0;

void PCCTS_AST::
stringlexer_init(StringLexer *scanner, char *input)
	scanner->input = input;
	scanner->p = input;

void PCCTS_AST::
stringscan_advance(StringLexer *scanner)
	if ( *(scanner->p) == '\0' ) scanner->c = __StringScanEOF;
	scanner->c = *(scanner->p)++;

stringscan_gettok(StringLexer *scanner)
	char *index = &scanner->text[0];
	char ebuf[100]; /* MR23 Remove static */

	while ( isspace(scanner->c) ) { stringscan_advance(scanner); }
	if ( isdigit(scanner->c) )
		int tok = __INT;
		while ( isdigit(scanner->c) ) {
			*index++ = (char) /* static_cast<char> */ (scanner->c);     // MR23
		*index = '\0';
		return tok;
	switch ( scanner->c )
		case '#' : stringscan_advance(scanner); return __POUND;
		case '(' : stringscan_advance(scanner); return __LPAREN;
		case ')' : stringscan_advance(scanner); return __RPAREN;
		case '%' : stringscan_advance(scanner); return __PERCENT;
		case ':' : stringscan_advance(scanner); return __COLON;
		case '.' : stringscan_advance(scanner); return __PERIOD;
		case '\0' : return __StringScanEOF;
		case __StringScanEOF : return __StringScanEOF;
		default  :
			sprintf(ebuf, "invalid char in scan: '%c'", scanner->c);
	return __StringScanEOF;	// never reached

const char *PCCTS_AST:: /* MR20 const */
scan_token_str(int t)
	if ( VALID_SCAN_TOKEN(t) ) return scan_token_tbl[t];
	else if ( t==__StringScanEOF ) return "<end-of-string>";
	else return "<invalid-token>";

int PCCTS_AST::printMessage(FILE* pFile, const char* pFormat, ...)
	va_list marker;
	va_start( marker, pFormat );
  	int iRet = vfprintf(pFile, pFormat, marker);
	va_end( marker );
	return iRet;