/** @file FfsHeader FfsHeader class describe the struct of Ffs file header. Copyright (c) 2006, Intel Corporation All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ package org.tianocore.framework.tasks; import org.apache.tools.ant.BuildException; /** FfsHeader FfsHeader class describe the struct of Ffs file header. **/ public class FfsHeader { /** FfsGuid FfsGuid is interal class of FfsHeader, it describe the struct of Guid. **/ public class FfsGuid { int data1 = 0; short data2 = 0; short data3 = 0; byte[] data4 = new byte[8]; byte[] dataBuffer = new byte[16]; /** bufferToStruct This function is to convert GUID to ffsGuid class member. @param dataBuffer Buffer contained the GUID value in byte. For example: if the input string as : "A6F691AC 31C8 4444 854C E2C1A6950F92" Then Data1: AC91F6A6 Data2: C831 Data3: 4444 Data4: 4C85E2C1A6950F92 **/ public void bufferToStruct (byte[] dataBuffer){ if (dataBuffer.length != 16) { throw new BuildException ("Buffer is not sized [" + dataBuffer.length + "] for data type, GUID!"); } data1 = (int)(dataBuffer[3]& 0xff); data1 = data1 << 8; data1 = (int)data1 | (dataBuffer[2]& 0xff); data1 = ((data1 << 8) & 0xffff00) | (dataBuffer[1]& 0xff); data1 = ((data1 << 8) & 0xffffff00) | (dataBuffer[0]& 0xff); data2 = (short) (dataBuffer[5] & 0xff); data2 = (short)((data2 << 8) | (dataBuffer[4]& 0xff)); data3 = (short)(dataBuffer[7] & 0xff); data3 = (short)((data3 << 8) | (dataBuffer[6] & 0xff)); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { data4[i] = dataBuffer[i+8]; } } /** structToBuffer This function is to store ffsHeader class member to buffer. @return Byte buffer which contained the ffsHeader class member **/ public byte[] structToBuffer (){ byte[] buffer = new byte [16]; buffer[3] = (byte)(data1 & 0x000000ff); buffer[2] = (byte)((data1 & 0x0000ff00)>> 8); buffer[1] = (byte)((data1 & 0x00ff0000)>> 16); buffer[0] = (byte)((data1 & 0xff000000)>> 24); buffer[5] = (byte)(data2 & 0x00ff); buffer[4] = (byte)((data2 & 0xff00)>> 8); buffer[7] = (byte)(data3 & 0x00ff); buffer[6] = (byte)((data3 & 0xff00)>> 8); for (int i = 8; i < 16; i++) { buffer[i] = data4[i-8]; } return buffer; } } /** integrityCheckSum This class is used to record the struct of checksum. **/ public class IntegrityCheckSum { byte header; byte file; } /// /// Guid /// FfsGuid name = new FfsGuid(); /// /// CheckSum /// IntegrityCheckSum integrityCheck = new IntegrityCheckSum(); /// /// File type /// byte fileType; /// /// Ffs attributes. /// byte ffsAttributes; /// /// Ffs file size /// byte[] ffsFileSize = new byte[3]; /// /// Ffs state. /// byte ffsState; /** structToBuffer This function is to store FfsHeader class member to buffer. @return Byte buffer which contained the FfsHeader class member. **/ public byte[] structToBuffer () { int i; byte[] buffer1; byte[] buffer = new byte[24]; buffer1 = name.structToBuffer(); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { buffer[i] = buffer1[i]; } buffer[16] = integrityCheck.header; buffer[17] = integrityCheck.file; buffer[18] = fileType; buffer[19] = ffsAttributes; for (i=20; i < 23; i++) { buffer[i] = ffsFileSize[i-20]; } buffer[23] = ffsState; return buffer; } /** getSize This function is to get the size of FfsHeader in byte. @return The size of FfsHeader. **/ public int getSize(){ return 24; } }