/** @file GuidChkTask class. GuidChkTask is to call GuidChk.exe to generate Section. Copyright (c) 2006, Intel Corporation All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ package org.tianocore.framework.tasks; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.io.File; import org.apache.tools.ant.BuildException; import org.apache.tools.ant.Project; import org.apache.tools.ant.Task; import org.tianocore.common.logger.EdkLog; /** GuidChkTask GuidChkTask is to call GuidChk.exe to generate Section. **/ public class GuidChkTask extends Task implements EfiDefine{ /** * GuidChk task class * class member * -exDir : directory name of exclusion searching * -exFile : file name of exclusion searching * -exExt : extension name of exclusion searching * -exSubDir: extesnion name of sub dir which excluded searching * -outFile : out put file wrote internal GUID+basename list * -chkGui : check for duplicate guids * -chkSign : check for duplicate signatures * -printGuiDef : if set will print guid+defined symbol name * -printAllGuid: if set will print all GUIDS found * -outPut : redirection file name * -fos : out put redirect to this file * */ // // Tool name // private static String toolName = "GuidChk"; // // Directory name of exclusion searching // private FileArg exDir = new FileArg(); // // File name of exclusion searching. // private FileArg exFile = new FileArg(); // // Extension name of exclusion searching. // private FileArg exExt = new FileArg(); // // Extesnion name of sub dir which excluded searching. // private FileArg exSubDir = new FileArg(); // // Out put file wrote internal GUID+basename list // private FileArg outFile = new FileArg(); // // Check for duplicate guids. // private ToolArg chkGui = new ToolArg(); // // Check for duplicate signatures // private ToolArg chkSign = new ToolArg(); // // If set will print guid+defined symbol name // private ToolArg printGuiDef = new ToolArg(); // // If set will print all GUIDS found // private ToolArg printAllGuid = new ToolArg(); // // redirection file name. // private String outPut = ""; // // out put redirect to this file. // protected PrintWriter fos = null; // // overload class execute method // public void execute() throws BuildException { Project project = this.getOwningTarget().getProject(); String path = project.getProperty("env.FRAMEWORK_TOOLS_PATH"); String command; if (path == null) { command = toolName; } else { command = path + File.separatorChar + toolName; } String argument = "" + exDir + exFile + exExt + exSubDir + outFile + chkGui + chkSign + printGuiDef + printAllGuid; try { EdkLog.log(this, EdkLog.EDK_VERBOSE, command + " " + argument); // // execute command line // Process proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command + " " + argument); // // if set output, redirect out put to output file, else print output to screen // if ( !this.outPut.equals("")) { fos = new PrintWriter(this.outPut); BufferedReader bin = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(proc.getInputStream())); String line = bin.readLine(); while (line != null ){ fos.println(line); line = bin.readLine(); } fos.close(); } else { BufferedReader bin = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(proc.getInputStream())); String line = bin.readLine(); while (line != null ){ line = bin.readLine(); } } EdkLog.log(this, EdkLog.EDK_VERBOSE, toolName + " Succeeded!"); } catch (Exception e) { throw new BuildException(toolName + " failed!"); } } /** getChkGui This function is to get the string of flag of ChkGui @return string of flag of ChkGui **/ public String getChkGui() { return chkGui.getValue(); } /** setChkGui This function is to set chkGui @param chkGui set class member of chkGui **/ public void setChkGui(boolean chkGui) { if (chkGui) { this.chkGui.setArg(" -", "g"); } } /** getChkSign This function is to get chkSign @return chkSign **/ public String getChkSign() { return chkSign.getValue(); } /** setChkSign This function is to set class member of chkSign * @param chkSign */ public void setChkSign(boolean chkSign) { if (chkSign){ this.chkSign.setArg(" -", "s"); } } /** getExDir This function is to get class member of exDir @return exDir **/ public String getExDir() { return exDir.getValue(); } /** setExDir This function is to set class member of exDir @param exDir **/ public void setExDir(String exDir) { this.exDir.setArg(" -d ", exDir); } /** getExExt This function is to get class member of exExt @return exExt **/ public String getExExt() { return exExt.getValue(); } /** setExExt This function is to set class member of exExt @param exExt **/ public void setExExt(String exExt) { this.exExt.setArg(" -e ", exExt); } /** getExFile This function is to get class member of exFile @return exFile **/ public String getExFile() { return exFile.getValue(); } /** setExFile This function is to set class member of exFile. @param exFile **/ public void setExFile(String exFile) { this.exFile.setArg(" -f ", exFile); } /** getExSubDir This function is to get class member of exSubDir @return exSubDir **/ public String getExSubDir() { return exSubDir.getValue(); } /** setExSubDir This function is to set class member of exSubDir. @param exSubDir **/ public void setExSubDir(String exSubDir) { this.exSubDir.setArg(" -u ", exSubDir); } /** getOutFile This function is to get outFile @return outFile **/ public String getOutFile() { return outFile.getValue(); } /** * set class member of outFile * @param outFile */ public void setOutFile(String outFile) { this.outFile.setArg(" -b ", outFile); } /** getPrintGuidDef This function is to get printGuidDef @return flage of printing (guid+defined symbol name) **/ public String getPrintGuiDef() { return printGuiDef.getValue(); } /** setPrintGuidDef This function is to set class member of printGuiDef. @param printGuiDef **/ public void setPrintGuiDef(boolean printGuiDef) { if (printGuiDef){ this.printGuiDef.setArg(" -", "x"); } } /** getOutput This function is to get output @return name of outPut file **/ public String getOutPut() { return outPut; } /** setOutPut This function is to set class member of outPut. @param outPut **/ public void setOutPut(String outPut) { this.outPut = outPut; } /** getPrintAllGuid This function is to get printAllGuid @return printAllGuid **/ public String getPrintAllGuid() { return printAllGuid.getValue(); } /** setPrintAllGuid This function is to set class member of printAllGuid. @param printAllGuid **/ public void setPrintAllGuid(boolean printAllGuid) { if (printAllGuid) { this.printAllGuid.setArg(" -", "p"); } } }