/** @file AutoGen class. This class is to generate Autogen.h and Autogen.c according to module surface area or library surface area. Copyright (c) 2006, Intel Corporation All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ package org.tianocore.build.autogen; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.FileReader; import java.io.FileWriter; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.tools.ant.BuildException; import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject; import org.tianocore.build.exception.AutoGenException; import org.tianocore.build.global.GlobalData; import org.tianocore.build.global.SurfaceAreaQuery; import org.tianocore.build.id.ModuleIdentification; import org.tianocore.build.id.PackageIdentification; import org.tianocore.build.pcd.action.PCDAutoGenAction; import org.tianocore.common.definitions.ToolDefinitions; import org.tianocore.common.definitions.EdkDefinitions; import org.tianocore.common.exception.EdkException; import org.tianocore.common.logger.EdkLog; /** This class is to generate Autogen.h and Autogen.c according to module surface area or library surface area. **/ public class AutoGen { /// /// The output path of Autogen.h and Autogen.c /// private String outputPath; /// /// The name of FV directory /// private String fvDir; /// /// The base name of module or library. /// private ModuleIdentification moduleId; /// /// The build architecture /// private String arch; /// /// PcdAutogen instance which is used to manage how to generate the PCD /// information. /// private PCDAutoGenAction myPcdAutogen; /// /// the one of type : NOT_PCD_DRIVER, PEI_PCD_DRIVER, DXE_PCD_DRIVER /// private CommonDefinition.PCD_DRIVER_TYPE pcdDriverType; /// /// The protocl list which records in module or library surface area and /// it's dependence on library instance surface area. /// private Set mProtocolList = new HashSet(); /// /// The Ppi list which recorded in module or library surface area and its /// dependency on library instance surface area. /// private Set mPpiList = new HashSet(); /// /// The Guid list which recoreded in module or library surface area and it's /// dependence on library instance surface area. /// private Set mGuidList = new HashSet(); /// /// The dependence package list which recoreded in module or library surface /// area and it's dependence on library instance surface area. /// private List mDepPkgList = new LinkedList(); /// /// For non library module, add its library instance's construct and destructor to /// list. String[0] recode LibConstructor name, String[1] recode Lib instance /// module type. /// private List libConstructList = new ArrayList(); private List libDestructList = new ArrayList(); /// /// List to store SetVirtalAddressMapCallBack, ExitBootServiceCallBack /// private List setVirtalAddList = new ArrayList(); private List exitBootServiceList = new ArrayList(); // // flag of PcdComponentNameDisable, PcdDriverDiagnosticDisable // private boolean componentNamePcd = false; private boolean driverDiagnostPcd = false; // // Instance of SurfaceAreaQuery // private SurfaceAreaQuery saq = null; private ModuleIdentification parentId = null; /** Construct function This function mainly initialize some member variable. @param fvDir Absolute path of FV directory. @param outputPath Output path of AutoGen file. @param moduleId Module identification. @param arch Target architecture. **/ public AutoGen(String fvDir, String outputPath, ModuleIdentification moduleId, String arch, SurfaceAreaQuery saq, ModuleIdentification parentId) { this.outputPath = outputPath; this.moduleId = moduleId; this.arch = arch; this.fvDir = fvDir; this.saq = saq; this.parentId = parentId; } /** saveFile function This function save the content in stringBuffer to file. @param fileName The name of file. @param fileBuffer The content of AutoGen file in buffer. @return boolean "true" successful "false" failed **/ private boolean saveFile(String fileName, StringBuffer fileBuffer) { File autoGenH = new File(fileName); // // if the file exists, compare their content // if (autoGenH.exists()) { char[] oldFileBuffer = new char[(int) autoGenH.length()]; try { FileReader fIn = new FileReader(autoGenH); fIn.read(oldFileBuffer, 0, (int) autoGenH.length()); fIn.close(); } catch (IOException e) { EdkLog.log(EdkLog.EDK_INFO, this.moduleId.getName() + "'s " + fileName + " is exist, but can't be open!!"); return false; } // // if we got the same file, don't re-generate it to prevent // sources depending on it from re-building // if (fileBuffer.toString().compareTo(new String(oldFileBuffer)) == 0) { return true; } } try { FileWriter fOut = new FileWriter(autoGenH); fOut.write(fileBuffer.toString()); fOut.flush(); fOut.close(); } catch (IOException e) { EdkLog.log(EdkLog.EDK_INFO, this.moduleId.getName() + "'s " + fileName + " can't be create!!"); return false; } return true; } /** genAutogen function This function call libGenAutoGen or moduleGenAutogen function, which dependence on generate library autogen or module autogen. @throws BuildException Failed to creat AutoGen.c & AutoGen.h. **/ public void genAutogen() throws EdkException { // // If outputPath do not exist, create it. // File path = new File(outputPath); path.mkdirs(); // // Check current is library or not, then call the corresponding // function. // if (this.moduleId.isLibrary()) { libGenAutogen(); } else { moduleGenAutogen(); } } /** moduleGenAutogen function This function generates AutoGen.c & AutoGen.h for module. @throws BuildException Faile to create module AutoGen.c & AutoGen.h. **/ void moduleGenAutogen() throws EdkException { setPcdComponentName(); setPcdDriverDiagnostic(); collectLibInstanceInfo(); moduleGenAutogenC(); moduleGenAutogenH(); } /** libGenAutogen function This function generates AutoGen.c & AutoGen.h for library. @throws BuildException Faile to create library AutoGen.c & AutoGen.h **/ void libGenAutogen() throws EdkException { libGenAutogenC(); libGenAutogenH(); } /** moduleGenAutogenH This function generates AutoGen.h for module. @throws BuildException Failed to generate AutoGen.h. **/ void moduleGenAutogenH() throws EdkException { Set libClassIncludeH; String moduleType; // List headerFileList; List headerFileList; Iterator item; StringBuffer fileBuffer = new StringBuffer(8192); // // Write Autogen.h header notation // fileBuffer.append(CommonDefinition.AUTOGENHNOTATION); // // Add #ifndef ${BaseName}_AUTOGENH // #def ${BseeName}_AUTOGENH // fileBuffer.append(CommonDefinition.IFNDEF + CommonDefinition.AUTOGENH + this.moduleId.getGuid().replaceAll("-", "_") + ToolDefinitions.LINE_SEPARATOR); fileBuffer.append(CommonDefinition.DEFINE + CommonDefinition.AUTOGENH + this.moduleId.getGuid().replaceAll("-", "_") + ToolDefinitions.LINE_SEPARATOR + ToolDefinitions.LINE_SEPARATOR); // // Write the specification version and release version at the begine // of autogen.h file. // Note: the specification version and release version should // be got from module surface area instead of hard code by it's // moduleType. // moduleType = saq.getModuleType(); // // Add "extern int __make_me_compile_correctly;" at begin of // AutoGen.h. // fileBuffer.append(CommonDefinition.AUTOGENHBEGIN); // // Put EFI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION, and EDK_RELEASE_VERSION. // String[] specList = saq.getExternSpecificaiton(); for (int i = 0; i < specList.length; i++) { fileBuffer.append(CommonDefinition.DEFINE + specList[i] + "\n"); } // // Write consumed package's mdouleInfo related .h file to autogen.h // // PackageIdentification[] consumedPkgIdList = SurfaceAreaQuery // .getDependencePkg(this.arch); PackageIdentification[] consumedPkgIdList = saq.getDependencePkg(this.arch); if (consumedPkgIdList != null) { headerFileList = depPkgToAutogenH(consumedPkgIdList, moduleType); item = headerFileList.iterator(); while (item.hasNext()) { fileBuffer.append(item.next().toString()); } } // // Write library class's related *.h file to autogen.h. // String[] libClassList = saq.getLibraryClasses(CommonDefinition.ALWAYSCONSUMED,this.arch); if (libClassList != null) { libClassIncludeH = LibraryClassToAutogenH(libClassList); item = libClassIncludeH.iterator(); while (item.hasNext()) { fileBuffer.append(item.next().toString()); } } libClassList = saq.getLibraryClasses(CommonDefinition.ALWAYSPRODUCED, this.arch); if (libClassList != null) { libClassIncludeH = LibraryClassToAutogenH(libClassList); item = libClassIncludeH.iterator(); while (item.hasNext()) { fileBuffer.append(item.next().toString()); } } fileBuffer.append("\n"); // // If is TianoR8FlashMap, copy {Fv_DIR}/FlashMap.h to // {DEST_DIR_DRBUG}/FlashMap.h // if (saq.isHaveTianoR8FlashMap()) { fileBuffer.append(CommonDefinition.INCLUDE); fileBuffer.append(" <"); fileBuffer.append(CommonDefinition.TIANOR8PLASHMAPH + ">\n"); copyFlashMapHToDebugDir(); } // Write PCD autogen information to AutoGen.h. // if (this.myPcdAutogen != null) { fileBuffer.append("\n"); fileBuffer.append(this.myPcdAutogen.getHAutoGenString()); } // // Append the #endif at AutoGen.h // fileBuffer.append("#endif\n"); // // Save string buffer content in AutoGen.h. // if (!saveFile(outputPath + File.separatorChar + "AutoGen.h", fileBuffer)) { throw new AutoGenException("Failed to generate AutoGen.h !!!"); } } /** moduleGenAutogenC This function generates AutoGen.c for module. @throws BuildException Failed to generate AutoGen.c. **/ void moduleGenAutogenC() throws EdkException { StringBuffer fileBuffer = new StringBuffer(8192); // // Write Autogen.c header notation // fileBuffer.append(CommonDefinition.AUTOGENCNOTATION); // // Get the native MSA file infomation. Since before call autogen, // the MSA native information were overrided. So before // process it should be set the DOC as the Native MSA info. // Map doc = GlobalData.getNativeMsa(this.moduleId); saq.push(doc); // // Write // DriverBinding/ComponentName/DriverConfiguration/DriverDialog // to AutoGen.c // ExternsDriverBindingToAutoGenC(fileBuffer); // // Write DriverExitBootServicesEvent/DriverSetVirtualAddressMapEvent // to Autogen.c // ExternCallBackToAutoGenC(fileBuffer); // // Write EntryPoint to autgoGen.c // String[] entryPointList = saq.getModuleEntryPointArray(); String[] unloadImageList = saq.getModuleUnloadImageArray(); EntryPointToAutoGen(CommonDefinition.remDupString(entryPointList), CommonDefinition.remDupString(unloadImageList), fileBuffer); pcdDriverType = saq.getPcdDriverType(); // // Restore the DOC which include the FPD module info. // saq.pop(); // // Write Guid to autogen.c // String guid = CommonDefinition.formatGuidName(saq.getModuleGuid()); if (this.moduleId.getModuleType().equalsIgnoreCase(EdkDefinitions.MODULE_TYPE_BASE)) { fileBuffer.append("GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED GUID gEfiCallerIdGuid = {"); } else { fileBuffer.append("GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED EFI_GUID gEfiCallerIdGuid = {"); } if (guid == null) { throw new AutoGenException("Guid value must set!\n"); } // // Formate Guid as ANSI c form.Example: // {0xd2b2b828, 0x826, 0x48a7,{0xb3, 0xdf, 0x98, 0x3c, 0x0, 0x60, 0x24, // 0xf0}} // fileBuffer.append(guid); fileBuffer.append("};\n"); // // Generate library instance consumed protocol, guid, ppi, pcd list. // Save those to this.protocolList, this.ppiList, this.pcdList, // this.guidList. Write Consumed library constructor and desconstuct to // autogen.c // LibInstanceToAutogenC(fileBuffer); // // Get module dependent Package identification. // PackageIdentification[] packages = saq.getDependencePkg(this.arch); for (int i = 0; i < packages.length; i++) { if (!this.mDepPkgList.contains(packages[i])) { this.mDepPkgList.add(packages[i]); } } // // Write consumed ppi, guid, protocol to autogen.c // ProtocolGuidToAutogenC(fileBuffer); PpiGuidToAutogenC(fileBuffer); GuidGuidToAutogenC(fileBuffer); // // Call pcd autogen. // this.myPcdAutogen = new PCDAutoGenAction(moduleId, arch, false, null, pcdDriverType, parentId); this.myPcdAutogen.execute(); if (this.myPcdAutogen != null) { fileBuffer.append("\n"); fileBuffer.append(this.myPcdAutogen.getCAutoGenString()); } if (!saveFile(outputPath + File.separatorChar + "AutoGen.c", fileBuffer)) { throw new AutoGenException("Failed to generate AutoGen.c !!!"); } } /** libGenAutogenH This function generates AutoGen.h for library. @throws BuildException Failed to generate AutoGen.c. **/ void libGenAutogenH() throws EdkException { Set libClassIncludeH; String moduleType; List headerFileList; Iterator item; StringBuffer fileBuffer = new StringBuffer(10240); // // Write Autogen.h header notation // fileBuffer.append(CommonDefinition.AUTOGENHNOTATION); // // Add #ifndef ${BaseName}_AUTOGENH // #def ${BseeName}_AUTOGENH // fileBuffer.append(CommonDefinition.IFNDEF + CommonDefinition.AUTOGENH + this.moduleId.getGuid().replaceAll("-", "_") + ToolDefinitions.LINE_SEPARATOR); fileBuffer.append(CommonDefinition.DEFINE + CommonDefinition.AUTOGENH + this.moduleId.getGuid().replaceAll("-", "_") + ToolDefinitions.LINE_SEPARATOR + ToolDefinitions.LINE_SEPARATOR); // // Write EFI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION and EDK_RELEASE_VERSION // to autogen.h file. // Note: the specification version and release version should // be get from module surface area instead of hard code. // fileBuffer.append(CommonDefinition.AUTOGENHBEGIN); String[] specList = saq.getExternSpecificaiton(); for (int i = 0; i < specList.length; i++) { fileBuffer.append(CommonDefinition.DEFINE + specList[i] + "\n"); } // fileBuffer.append(CommonDefinition.autoGenHLine1); // fileBuffer.append(CommonDefinition.autoGenHLine2); // // Write consumed package's mdouleInfo related *.h file to autogen.h. // moduleType = saq.getModuleType(); PackageIdentification[] cosumedPkglist = saq .getDependencePkg(this.arch); headerFileList = depPkgToAutogenH(cosumedPkglist, moduleType); item = headerFileList.iterator(); while (item.hasNext()) { fileBuffer.append(item.next().toString()); } // // Write library class's related *.h file to autogen.h // String[] libClassList = saq.getLibraryClasses(CommonDefinition.ALWAYSCONSUMED, this.arch); if (libClassList != null) { libClassIncludeH = LibraryClassToAutogenH(libClassList); item = libClassIncludeH.iterator(); while (item.hasNext()) { fileBuffer.append(item.next().toString()); } } libClassList = saq.getLibraryClasses(CommonDefinition.ALWAYSPRODUCED, this.arch); if (libClassList != null) { libClassIncludeH = LibraryClassToAutogenH(libClassList); item = libClassIncludeH.iterator(); while (item.hasNext()) { fileBuffer.append(item.next().toString()); } } fileBuffer.append(ToolDefinitions.LINE_SEPARATOR); // // If is TianoR8FlashMap, copy {Fv_DIR}/FlashMap.h to // {DEST_DIR_DRBUG}/FlashMap.h // if (saq.isHaveTianoR8FlashMap()) { fileBuffer.append(CommonDefinition.INCLUDE); fileBuffer.append(" <"); fileBuffer.append(CommonDefinition.TIANOR8PLASHMAPH + ">\n"); copyFlashMapHToDebugDir(); } // // Write PCD information to library AutoGen.h. // if (this.myPcdAutogen != null) { fileBuffer.append("\n"); fileBuffer.append(this.myPcdAutogen.getHAutoGenString()); } // // generate function prototype for constructor and destructor // LibConstructorToAutogenH(moduleType, fileBuffer); LibDestructorToAutogenH(moduleType, fileBuffer); // // Append the #endif at AutoGen.h // fileBuffer.append("#endif\n"); // // Save content of string buffer to AutoGen.h file. // if (!saveFile(outputPath + File.separatorChar + "AutoGen.h", fileBuffer)) { throw new AutoGenException("Failed to generate AutoGen.h !!!"); } } /** libGenAutogenC This function generates AutoGen.h for library. @throws BuildException Failed to generate AutoGen.c. **/ void libGenAutogenC() throws EdkException { StringBuffer fileBuffer = new StringBuffer(10240); // // Write Autogen.c header notation // fileBuffer.append(CommonDefinition.AUTOGENCNOTATION); fileBuffer.append(ToolDefinitions.LINE_SEPARATOR); fileBuffer.append(ToolDefinitions.LINE_SEPARATOR); // // Call pcd autogen. // this.myPcdAutogen = new PCDAutoGenAction(moduleId, arch, true, saq.getModulePcdEntryNameArray(this.arch), pcdDriverType, parentId); this.myPcdAutogen.execute(); if (this.myPcdAutogen != null) { fileBuffer.append(ToolDefinitions.LINE_SEPARATOR); fileBuffer.append(this.myPcdAutogen.getCAutoGenString()); } if (!saveFile(outputPath + File.separatorChar + "AutoGen.c", fileBuffer)) { throw new AutoGenException("Failed to generate AutoGen.c !!!"); } } /** LibraryClassToAutogenH This function returns *.h files declared by library classes which are consumed or produced by current build module or library. @param libClassList List of library class which consumed or produce by current build module or library. @return includeStrList List of *.h file. **/ Set LibraryClassToAutogenH(String[] libClassList) throws EdkException { Set includeStrList = new LinkedHashSet(); String includeName[]; String str = ""; // // Get include file from GlobalData's SPDTable according to // library class name. // for (int i = 0; i < libClassList.length; i++) { includeName = GlobalData.getLibraryClassHeaderFiles( saq.getDependencePkg(this.arch), libClassList[i]); if (includeName == null) { throw new AutoGenException("Can not find library class [" + libClassList[i] + "] declaration in any SPD package. "); } for (int j = 0; j < includeName.length; j++) { String includeNameStr = includeName[j]; if (includeNameStr != null) { str = CommonDefinition.INCLUDE + " " + "<"; str = str + includeNameStr + ">\n"; includeStrList.add(str); includeNameStr = null; } } } return includeStrList; } /** IncludesToAutogenH This function add include file in AutoGen.h file. @param packageNameList List of module depended package. @param moduleType Module type. @return **/ List depPkgToAutogenH(PackageIdentification[] packageNameList, String moduleType) throws AutoGenException { List includeStrList = new LinkedList(); String pkgHeader; String includeStr = ""; // // Get include file from moduleInfo file // for (int i = 0; i < packageNameList.length; i++) { pkgHeader = GlobalData.getPackageHeaderFiles(packageNameList[i], moduleType); if (pkgHeader == null) { throw new AutoGenException("Can not find package [" + packageNameList[i] + "] declaration in any SPD package. "); } else if (!pkgHeader.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { includeStr = CommonDefinition.INCLUDE + " <" + pkgHeader + ">\n"; includeStrList.add(includeStr); } } return includeStrList; } /** EntryPointToAutoGen This function convert & information in mas to AutoGen.c @param entryPointList List of entry point. @param fileBuffer String buffer fo AutoGen.c. @throws Exception **/ void EntryPointToAutoGen(String[] entryPointList, String[] unloadImageList, StringBuffer fileBuffer) throws EdkException { String typeStr = saq.getModuleType(); String debugStr = "DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO | EFI_D_LOAD, \"Module Entry Point (%s) 0x%%p\\n\", (VOID *)(UINTN)%s));\n"; int unloadImageCount = 0; int entryPointCount = 0; // // The parameters and return value of entryPoint is difference // for difference module type. // switch (CommonDefinition.getModuleType(typeStr)) { case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypePeiCore: if (entryPointList == null ||entryPointList.length != 1 ) { throw new AutoGenException( "Module type = 'PEI_CORE', can have only one module entry point!"); } else { fileBuffer.append("EFI_STATUS\n"); fileBuffer.append("EFIAPI\n"); fileBuffer.append(entryPointList[0]); fileBuffer.append(" (\n"); fileBuffer.append(" IN EFI_PEI_STARTUP_DESCRIPTOR *PeiStartupDescriptor,\n"); fileBuffer.append(" IN VOID *OldCoreData\n"); fileBuffer.append(" );\n\n"); fileBuffer.append("EFI_STATUS\n"); fileBuffer.append("EFIAPI\n"); fileBuffer.append("ProcessModuleEntryPointList (\n"); fileBuffer.append(" IN EFI_PEI_STARTUP_DESCRIPTOR *PeiStartupDescriptor,\n"); fileBuffer.append(" IN VOID *OldCoreData\n"); fileBuffer.append(" )\n\n"); fileBuffer.append("{\n"); fileBuffer.append(" return "); fileBuffer.append(entryPointList[0]); fileBuffer.append(" (PeiStartupDescriptor, OldCoreData);\n"); fileBuffer.append("}\n\n"); } break; case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeDxeCore: fileBuffer.append("const UINT32 _gUefiDriverRevision = 0;\n"); if (entryPointList == null || entryPointList.length != 1) { throw new AutoGenException("Module type = 'DXE_CORE', can have only one module entry point!"); } else { fileBuffer.append("VOID\n"); fileBuffer.append("EFIAPI\n"); fileBuffer.append(entryPointList[0]); fileBuffer.append(" (\n"); fileBuffer.append(" IN VOID *HobStart\n"); fileBuffer.append(" );\n\n"); fileBuffer.append("VOID\n"); fileBuffer.append("EFIAPI\n"); fileBuffer.append("ProcessModuleEntryPointList (\n"); fileBuffer.append(" IN VOID *HobStart\n"); fileBuffer.append(" )\n\n"); fileBuffer.append("{\n"); fileBuffer.append(" "); fileBuffer.append(entryPointList[0]); fileBuffer.append(" (HobStart);\n"); fileBuffer.append("}\n\n"); } break; case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypePeim: entryPointCount = 0; fileBuffer.append("GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED const UINT32 _gPeimRevision = 0;\n"); if (entryPointList == null || entryPointList.length == 0) { fileBuffer.append("EFI_STATUS\n"); fileBuffer.append("EFIAPI\n"); fileBuffer.append("ProcessModuleEntryPointList (\n"); fileBuffer.append(" IN EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER *FfsHeader,\n"); fileBuffer.append(" IN EFI_PEI_SERVICES **PeiServices\n"); fileBuffer.append(" )\n\n"); fileBuffer.append("{\n"); fileBuffer.append(" return EFI_SUCCESS;\n"); fileBuffer.append("}\n\n"); break; } for (int i = 0; i < entryPointList.length; i++) { fileBuffer.append("EFI_STATUS\n"); fileBuffer.append("EFIAPI\n"); fileBuffer.append(entryPointList[i]); fileBuffer.append(" (\n"); fileBuffer.append(" IN EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER *FfsHeader,\n"); fileBuffer.append(" IN EFI_PEI_SERVICES **PeiServices\n"); fileBuffer.append(" );\n"); entryPointCount++; } fileBuffer.append("EFI_STATUS\n"); fileBuffer.append("EFIAPI\n"); fileBuffer.append("ProcessModuleEntryPointList (\n"); fileBuffer.append(" IN EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER *FfsHeader,\n"); fileBuffer.append(" IN EFI_PEI_SERVICES **PeiServices\n"); fileBuffer.append(" )\n\n"); fileBuffer.append("{\n"); if (entryPointCount == 1) { fileBuffer.append(String.format(" " + debugStr, entryPointList[0], entryPointList[0])); fileBuffer.append(" return "); fileBuffer.append(entryPointList[0]); fileBuffer.append(" (FfsHeader, PeiServices);\n"); } else { fileBuffer.append(" EFI_STATUS Status;\n"); fileBuffer.append(" EFI_STATUS CombinedStatus;\n\n"); fileBuffer.append(" CombinedStatus = EFI_LOAD_ERROR;\n\n"); for (int i = 0; i < entryPointList.length; i++) { if (!entryPointList[i].equals("")) { fileBuffer.append(String.format(" " + debugStr, entryPointList[i], entryPointList[i])); fileBuffer.append(" Status = "); fileBuffer.append(entryPointList[i]); fileBuffer.append(" (FfsHeader, PeiServices);\n"); fileBuffer.append(" if (!EFI_ERROR (Status) || EFI_ERROR (CombinedStatus)) {\n"); fileBuffer.append(" CombinedStatus = Status;\n"); fileBuffer.append(" }\n\n"); } else { break; } } fileBuffer.append(" return CombinedStatus;\n"); } fileBuffer.append("}\n\n"); break; case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeDxeSmmDriver: entryPointCount = 0; // // If entryPoint is null, create an empty ProcessModuleEntryPointList // function. // if (entryPointList == null || entryPointList.length == 0) { fileBuffer.append("GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED const UINT8 _gDriverEntryPointCount = "); fileBuffer.append(Integer.toString(entryPointCount)); fileBuffer.append(";\n"); fileBuffer.append("EFI_STATUS\n"); fileBuffer.append("EFIAPI\n"); fileBuffer.append("ProcessModuleEntryPointList (\n"); fileBuffer.append(" IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle,\n"); fileBuffer.append(" IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable\n"); fileBuffer.append(" )\n\n"); fileBuffer.append("{\n"); fileBuffer.append(" return EFI_SUCCESS;\n"); fileBuffer.append("}\n\n"); } else { for (int i = 0; i < entryPointList.length; i++) { fileBuffer.append("EFI_STATUS\n"); fileBuffer.append("EFIAPI\n"); fileBuffer.append(entryPointList[i]); fileBuffer.append(" (\n"); fileBuffer.append(" IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle,\n"); fileBuffer.append(" IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable\n"); fileBuffer.append(" );\n"); entryPointCount++; } fileBuffer.append("GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED const UINT8 _gDriverEntryPointCount = "); fileBuffer.append(Integer.toString(entryPointCount)); fileBuffer.append(";\n"); fileBuffer.append("static BASE_LIBRARY_JUMP_BUFFER mJumpContext;\n"); fileBuffer.append("static EFI_STATUS mDriverEntryPointStatus = EFI_LOAD_ERROR;\n\n"); fileBuffer.append("EFI_STATUS\n"); fileBuffer.append("EFIAPI\n"); fileBuffer.append("ProcessModuleEntryPointList (\n"); fileBuffer.append(" IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle,\n"); fileBuffer.append(" IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable\n"); fileBuffer.append(" )\n\n"); fileBuffer.append("{\n"); for (int i = 0; i < entryPointList.length; i++) { fileBuffer.append(" if (SetJump (&mJumpContext) == 0) {\n"); fileBuffer.append(String.format(" " + debugStr, entryPointList[i], entryPointList[i])); fileBuffer.append(" ExitDriver ("); fileBuffer.append(entryPointList[i]); fileBuffer.append(" (ImageHandle, SystemTable));\n"); fileBuffer.append(" ASSERT (FALSE);\n"); fileBuffer.append(" }\n"); } fileBuffer.append(" return mDriverEntryPointStatus;\n"); fileBuffer.append("}\n\n"); fileBuffer.append("VOID\n"); fileBuffer.append("EFIAPI\n"); fileBuffer.append("ExitDriver (\n"); fileBuffer.append(" IN EFI_STATUS Status\n"); fileBuffer.append(" )\n\n"); fileBuffer.append("{\n"); fileBuffer.append(" if (!EFI_ERROR (Status) || EFI_ERROR (mDriverEntryPointStatus)) {\n"); fileBuffer.append(" mDriverEntryPointStatus = Status;\n"); fileBuffer.append(" }\n"); fileBuffer.append(" LongJump (&mJumpContext, (UINTN)-1);\n"); fileBuffer.append(" ASSERT (FALSE);\n"); fileBuffer.append("}\n\n"); } // // Add "ModuleUnloadImage" for DxeSmmDriver module type; // //entryPointList = SurfaceAreaQuery.getModuleUnloadImageArray(); //entryPointList = CommonDefinition.remDupString(entryPointList); //entryPointCount = 0; unloadImageCount = 0; if (unloadImageList != null) { for (int i = 0; i < unloadImageList.length; i++) { fileBuffer.append("EFI_STATUS\n"); fileBuffer.append(unloadImageList[i]); fileBuffer.append(" (\n"); fileBuffer.append(" IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle\n"); fileBuffer.append(" );\n"); unloadImageCount++; } } fileBuffer.append("GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED const UINT8 _gDriverUnloadImageCount = "); fileBuffer.append(Integer.toString(unloadImageCount)); fileBuffer.append(";\n\n"); fileBuffer.append("EFI_STATUS\n"); fileBuffer.append("EFIAPI\n"); fileBuffer.append("ProcessModuleUnloadList (\n"); fileBuffer.append(" IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle\n"); fileBuffer.append(" )\n"); fileBuffer.append("{\n"); if (unloadImageCount == 0) { fileBuffer.append(" return EFI_SUCCESS;\n"); } else if (unloadImageCount == 1) { fileBuffer.append(" return "); fileBuffer.append(unloadImageList[0]); fileBuffer.append("(ImageHandle);\n"); } else { fileBuffer.append(" EFI_STATUS Status;\n\n"); fileBuffer.append(" Status = EFI_SUCCESS;\n\n"); for (int i = 0; i < unloadImageList.length; i++) { if (i == 0) { fileBuffer.append(" Status = "); fileBuffer.append(unloadImageList[i]); fileBuffer.append("(ImageHandle);\n"); } else { fileBuffer.append(" if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {\n"); fileBuffer.append(" "); fileBuffer.append(unloadImageList[i]); fileBuffer.append("(ImageHandle);\n"); fileBuffer.append(" } else {\n"); fileBuffer.append(" Status = "); fileBuffer.append(unloadImageList[i]); fileBuffer.append("(ImageHandle);\n"); fileBuffer.append(" }\n"); } } fileBuffer.append(" return Status;\n"); } fileBuffer.append("}\n\n"); break; case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeDxeRuntimeDriver: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeDxeDriver: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeDxeSalDriver: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeUefiDriver: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeUefiApplication: entryPointCount = 0; fileBuffer.append("const UINT32 _gUefiDriverRevision = 0;\n"); // // If entry point is null, create a empty ProcessModuleEntryPointList function. // if (entryPointList == null || entryPointList.length == 0) { fileBuffer.append("GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED const UINT8 _gDriverEntryPointCount = 0;\n"); fileBuffer.append("EFI_STATUS\n"); fileBuffer.append("EFIAPI\n"); fileBuffer.append("ProcessModuleEntryPointList (\n"); fileBuffer.append(" IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle,\n"); fileBuffer.append(" IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable\n"); fileBuffer.append(" )\n\n"); fileBuffer.append("{\n"); fileBuffer.append(" return EFI_SUCCESS;\n"); fileBuffer.append("}\n"); } else { for (int i = 0; i < entryPointList.length; i++) { fileBuffer.append("EFI_STATUS\n"); fileBuffer.append("EFIAPI\n"); fileBuffer.append(entryPointList[i]); fileBuffer.append(" (\n"); fileBuffer.append(" IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle,\n"); fileBuffer.append(" IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable\n"); fileBuffer.append(" );\n"); entryPointCount++; } fileBuffer.append("GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED const UINT8 _gDriverEntryPointCount = "); fileBuffer.append(Integer.toString(entryPointCount)); fileBuffer.append(";\n"); if (entryPointCount > 1) { fileBuffer.append("static BASE_LIBRARY_JUMP_BUFFER mJumpContext;\n"); fileBuffer.append("static EFI_STATUS mDriverEntryPointStatus = EFI_LOAD_ERROR;\n"); } fileBuffer.append("\n"); fileBuffer.append("EFI_STATUS\n"); fileBuffer.append("EFIAPI\n"); fileBuffer.append("ProcessModuleEntryPointList (\n"); fileBuffer.append(" IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle,\n"); fileBuffer.append(" IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable\n"); fileBuffer.append(" )\n\n"); fileBuffer.append("{\n"); if (entryPointCount == 1) { fileBuffer.append(String.format(" " + debugStr, entryPointList[0], entryPointList[0])); fileBuffer.append(" return "); fileBuffer.append(entryPointList[0]); fileBuffer.append(" (ImageHandle, SystemTable);\n"); } else { for (int i = 0; i < entryPointList.length; i++) { if (!entryPointList[i].equals("")) { fileBuffer.append(" if (SetJump (&mJumpContext) == 0) {\n"); fileBuffer.append(String.format(" " + debugStr, entryPointList[i], entryPointList[i])); fileBuffer.append(" ExitDriver ("); fileBuffer.append(entryPointList[i]); fileBuffer.append(" (ImageHandle, SystemTable));\n"); fileBuffer.append(" ASSERT (FALSE);\n"); fileBuffer.append(" }\n"); } else { break; } } fileBuffer.append(" return mDriverEntryPointStatus;\n"); } fileBuffer.append("}\n\n"); fileBuffer.append("VOID\n"); fileBuffer.append("EFIAPI\n"); fileBuffer.append("ExitDriver (\n"); fileBuffer.append(" IN EFI_STATUS Status\n"); fileBuffer.append(" )\n\n"); fileBuffer.append("{\n"); if (entryPointCount <= 1) { fileBuffer.append(" if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {\n"); fileBuffer.append(" ProcessLibraryDestructorList (gImageHandle, gST);\n"); fileBuffer.append(" }\n"); fileBuffer .append(" gBS->Exit (gImageHandle, Status, 0, NULL);\n"); } else { fileBuffer.append(" if (!EFI_ERROR (Status) || EFI_ERROR (mDriverEntryPointStatus)) {\n"); fileBuffer.append(" mDriverEntryPointStatus = Status;\n"); fileBuffer.append(" }\n"); fileBuffer.append(" LongJump (&mJumpContext, (UINTN)-1);\n"); fileBuffer.append(" ASSERT (FALSE);\n"); } fileBuffer.append("}\n\n"); } // // Add ModuleUnloadImage for DxeDriver and UefiDriver module type. // //entryPointList = SurfaceAreaQuery.getModuleUnloadImageArray(); // // Remover duplicate unload entry point. // //entryPointList = CommonDefinition.remDupString(entryPointList); //entryPointCount = 0; unloadImageCount = 0; if (unloadImageList != null) { for (int i = 0; i < unloadImageList.length; i++) { fileBuffer.append("EFI_STATUS\n"); fileBuffer.append("EFIAPI\n"); fileBuffer.append(unloadImageList[i]); fileBuffer.append(" (\n"); fileBuffer.append(" IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle\n"); fileBuffer.append(" );\n"); unloadImageCount++; } } fileBuffer.append("GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED const UINT8 _gDriverUnloadImageCount = "); fileBuffer.append(Integer.toString(unloadImageCount)); fileBuffer.append(";\n\n"); fileBuffer.append("EFI_STATUS\n"); fileBuffer.append("EFIAPI\n"); fileBuffer.append("ProcessModuleUnloadList (\n"); fileBuffer.append(" IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle\n"); fileBuffer.append(" )\n"); fileBuffer.append("{\n"); if (unloadImageCount == 0) { fileBuffer.append(" return EFI_SUCCESS;\n"); } else if (unloadImageCount == 1) { fileBuffer.append(" return "); fileBuffer.append(unloadImageList[0]); fileBuffer.append("(ImageHandle);\n"); } else { fileBuffer.append(" EFI_STATUS Status;\n\n"); fileBuffer.append(" Status = EFI_SUCCESS;\n\n"); for (int i = 0; i < unloadImageList.length; i++) { if (i == 0) { fileBuffer.append(" Status = "); fileBuffer.append(unloadImageList[i]); fileBuffer.append("(ImageHandle);\n"); } else { fileBuffer.append(" if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {\n"); fileBuffer.append(" "); fileBuffer.append(unloadImageList[i]); fileBuffer.append("(ImageHandle);\n"); fileBuffer.append(" } else {\n"); fileBuffer.append(" Status = "); fileBuffer.append(unloadImageList[i]); fileBuffer.append("(ImageHandle);\n"); fileBuffer.append(" }\n"); } } fileBuffer.append(" return Status;\n"); } fileBuffer.append("}\n\n"); break; } } /** PpiGuidToAutogenc This function gets GUIDs from SPD file accrodeing to information and write those GUIDs to AutoGen.c. @param fileBuffer String Buffer for Autogen.c file. @throws BuildException Guid must set value! **/ void PpiGuidToAutogenC(StringBuffer fileBuffer) throws AutoGenException { String[] cNameGuid = null; // // Get the all PPI adn PPI Notify from MSA file, // then add those PPI ,and PPI Notify name to list. // String[] ppiList = saq.getPpiArray(this.arch); for (int i = 0; i < ppiList.length; i++) { this.mPpiList.add(ppiList[i]); } String[] ppiNotifyList = saq.getPpiNotifyArray(this.arch); for (int i = 0; i < ppiNotifyList.length; i++) { this.mPpiList.add(ppiNotifyList[i]); } // // Find CNAME and GUID from dependence SPD file and write to Autogen.c // Iterator ppiIterator = this.mPpiList.iterator(); String ppiKeyWord = null; while (ppiIterator.hasNext()) { ppiKeyWord = ppiIterator.next().toString(); cNameGuid = GlobalData.getPpiGuid(this.mDepPkgList, ppiKeyWord); if (cNameGuid != null) { fileBuffer.append("\nGLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED EFI_GUID "); fileBuffer.append(cNameGuid[0]); fileBuffer.append(" = { "); fileBuffer.append(CommonDefinition.formatGuidName(cNameGuid[1])); fileBuffer.append(" } ;"); } else { // // If can't find Ppi GUID declaration in every package // throw new AutoGenException("Can not find Ppi GUID [" + ppiKeyWord + "] declaration in any SPD package!"); } } } /** ProtocolGuidToAutogenc This function gets GUIDs from SPD file accrodeing to information and write those GUIDs to AutoGen.c. @param fileBuffer String Buffer for Autogen.c file. @throws BuildException Protocol name must set. **/ void ProtocolGuidToAutogenC(StringBuffer fileBuffer) throws EdkException { String[] cNameGuid = null; String[] protocolList = saq.getProtocolArray(this.arch); // // Add result to Autogen global list. // for (int i = 0; i < protocolList.length; i++) { this.mProtocolList.add(protocolList[i]); } String[] protocolNotifyList = saq.getProtocolNotifyArray(this.arch); for (int i = 0; i < protocolNotifyList.length; i++) { this.mProtocolList.add(protocolNotifyList[i]); } // // Get the NAME and GUID from dependence SPD and write to Autogen.c // Iterator protocolIterator = this.mProtocolList.iterator(); String protocolKeyWord = null; while (protocolIterator.hasNext()) { protocolKeyWord = protocolIterator.next().toString(); cNameGuid = GlobalData.getProtocolGuid(this.mDepPkgList, protocolKeyWord); if (cNameGuid != null) { fileBuffer.append("\nGLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED EFI_GUID "); fileBuffer.append(cNameGuid[0]); fileBuffer.append(" = { "); fileBuffer.append(CommonDefinition.formatGuidName(cNameGuid[1])); fileBuffer.append(" } ;"); } else { // // If can't find protocol GUID declaration in every package // throw new AutoGenException("Can not find protocol Guid [" + protocolKeyWord + "] declaration in any SPD package!"); } } } /** GuidGuidToAutogenc This function gets GUIDs from SPD file accrodeing to information and write those GUIDs to AutoGen.c. @param fileBuffer String Buffer for Autogen.c file. **/ void GuidGuidToAutogenC(StringBuffer fileBuffer) throws AutoGenException { String[] cNameGuid = null; String guidKeyWord = null; String[] guidList = saq.getGuidEntryArray(this.arch); for (int i = 0; i < guidList.length; i++) { this.mGuidList.add(guidList[i]); } Iterator guidIterator = this.mGuidList.iterator(); while (guidIterator.hasNext()) { guidKeyWord = guidIterator.next().toString(); cNameGuid = GlobalData.getGuid(this.mDepPkgList, guidKeyWord); if (cNameGuid != null) { fileBuffer.append("\nGLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED EFI_GUID "); fileBuffer.append(cNameGuid[0]); fileBuffer.append(" = { "); fileBuffer.append(CommonDefinition.formatGuidName(cNameGuid[1])); fileBuffer.append("} ;"); } else { // // If can't find GUID declaration in every package // throw new AutoGenException("Can not find Guid [" + guidKeyWord + "] declaration in any SPD package. "); } } } /** LibInstanceToAutogenC This function adds dependent library instance to autogen.c,which includeing library's constructor, destructor, and library dependent ppi, protocol, guid, pcd information. @param fileBuffer String buffer for AutoGen.c @throws BuildException **/ void LibInstanceToAutogenC(StringBuffer fileBuffer) throws EdkException { String moduleType = this.moduleId.getModuleType(); // // Add library constructor to AutoGen.c // LibConstructorToAutogenC(libConstructList, moduleType, fileBuffer/* autogenC */); // // Add library destructor to AutoGen.c // LibDestructorToAutogenC(libDestructList, moduleType, fileBuffer/* autogenC */); } /** LibConstructorToAutogenH This function writes library constructor declarations AutoGen.h. The library constructor's parameter and return value depend on module type. @param libInstanceList List of library construct name. @param moduleType Module type. @param fileBuffer String buffer for AutoGen.c @throws Exception **/ void LibConstructorToAutogenH(String moduleType, StringBuffer fileBuffer) throws EdkException { boolean isFirst = true; // // If not yet parse this library instance's constructor // element,parse it. // String libConstructName = saq.getLibConstructorName(); if (libConstructName == null) { return; } // // The library constructor's parameter and return value depend on // module type. // if (moduleType.equalsIgnoreCase(EdkDefinitions.MODULE_TYPE_BASE)) { fileBuffer.append("RETURN_STATUS\n"); fileBuffer.append("EFIAPI\n"); fileBuffer.append(libConstructName); fileBuffer.append(" (\n"); fileBuffer.append(" VOID\n"); fileBuffer.append(" );\n"); } else { switch (CommonDefinition.getModuleType(moduleType)) { case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeBase: fileBuffer.append("RETURN_STATUS\n"); fileBuffer.append("EFIAPI\n"); fileBuffer.append(libConstructName); fileBuffer.append(" (\n"); fileBuffer.append(" VOID\n"); fileBuffer.append(" );\n"); break; case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypePeiCore: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypePeim: fileBuffer.append("EFI_STATUS\n"); fileBuffer.append("EFIAPI\n"); fileBuffer.append(libConstructName); fileBuffer.append(" (\n"); fileBuffer.append(" IN EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER *FfsHeader,\n"); fileBuffer.append(" IN EFI_PEI_SERVICES **PeiServices\n"); fileBuffer.append(" );\n"); break; case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeDxeCore: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeDxeDriver: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeDxeRuntimeDriver: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeDxeSmmDriver: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeDxeSalDriver: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeUefiDriver: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeUefiApplication: fileBuffer.append("EFI_STATUS\n"); fileBuffer.append("EFIAPI\n"); fileBuffer.append(libConstructName); fileBuffer.append(" (\n"); fileBuffer.append(" IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle,\n"); fileBuffer.append(" IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable\n"); fileBuffer.append(" );\n"); break; } } } /** LibDestructorToAutogenH This function writes library destructor declarations AutoGen.h. The library destructor's parameter and return value depend on module type. @param libInstanceList List of library destructor name. @param moduleType Module type. @param fileBuffer String buffer for AutoGen.c @throws Exception **/ void LibDestructorToAutogenH(String moduleType, StringBuffer fileBuffer) throws EdkException { boolean isFirst = true; String libDestructName = saq.getLibDestructorName(); if (libDestructName == null) { return; } if (moduleType.equalsIgnoreCase(EdkDefinitions.MODULE_TYPE_BASE)) { fileBuffer.append("RETURN_STATUS\n"); fileBuffer.append("EFIAPI\n"); fileBuffer.append(libDestructName); fileBuffer.append(" (\n"); fileBuffer.append(" VOID\n"); fileBuffer.append(" );\n"); } else { switch (CommonDefinition.getModuleType(moduleType)) { case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeBase: fileBuffer.append("RETURN_STATUS\n"); fileBuffer.append("EFIAPI\n"); fileBuffer.append(libDestructName); fileBuffer.append(" (\n"); fileBuffer.append(" VOID\n"); fileBuffer.append(" );\n"); break; case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypePeiCore: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypePeim: fileBuffer.append("EFI_STATUS\n"); fileBuffer.append("EFIAPI\n"); fileBuffer.append(libDestructName); fileBuffer.append(" (\n"); fileBuffer.append(" IN EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER *FfsHeader,\n"); fileBuffer.append(" IN EFI_PEI_SERVICES **PeiServices\n"); fileBuffer.append(" );\n"); break; case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeDxeCore: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeDxeDriver: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeDxeRuntimeDriver: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeDxeSmmDriver: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeDxeSalDriver: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeUefiDriver: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeUefiApplication: fileBuffer.append("EFI_STATUS\n"); fileBuffer.append("EFIAPI\n"); fileBuffer.append(libDestructName); fileBuffer.append(" (\n"); fileBuffer.append(" IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle,\n"); fileBuffer.append(" IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable\n"); fileBuffer.append(" );\n"); break; } } } /** LibConstructorToAutogenc This function writes library constructor list to AutoGen.c. The library constructor's parameter and return value depend on module type. @param libInstanceList List of library construct name. @param moduleType Module type. @param fileBuffer String buffer for AutoGen.c @throws Exception **/ void LibConstructorToAutogenC(List libInstanceList, String moduleType, StringBuffer fileBuffer) throws EdkException { boolean isFirst = true; // // The library constructor's parameter and return value depend on // module type. // for (int i = 0; i < libInstanceList.size(); i++) { if (libInstanceList.get(i)[1].equalsIgnoreCase(EdkDefinitions.MODULE_TYPE_BASE)) { fileBuffer.append("RETURN_STATUS\n"); fileBuffer.append("EFIAPI\n"); fileBuffer.append(libInstanceList.get(i)[0]); fileBuffer.append(" (\n"); fileBuffer.append(" VOID\n"); fileBuffer.append(" );\n"); } else { switch (CommonDefinition.getModuleType(moduleType)) { case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeBase: fileBuffer.append("RETURN_STATUS\n"); fileBuffer.append("EFIAPI\n"); fileBuffer.append(libInstanceList.get(i)[0]); fileBuffer.append(" (\n"); fileBuffer.append(" VOID\n"); fileBuffer.append(" );\n"); break; case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypePeiCore: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypePeim: fileBuffer.append("EFI_STATUS\n"); fileBuffer.append("EFIAPI\n"); fileBuffer.append(libInstanceList.get(i)[0]); fileBuffer.append(" (\n"); fileBuffer.append(" IN EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER *FfsHeader,\n"); fileBuffer.append(" IN EFI_PEI_SERVICES **PeiServices\n"); fileBuffer.append(" );\n"); break; case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeDxeCore: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeDxeDriver: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeDxeRuntimeDriver: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeDxeSmmDriver: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeDxeSalDriver: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeUefiDriver: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeUefiApplication: fileBuffer.append("EFI_STATUS\n"); fileBuffer.append("EFIAPI\n"); fileBuffer.append(libInstanceList.get(i)[0]); fileBuffer.append(" (\n"); fileBuffer.append(" IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle,\n"); fileBuffer.append(" IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable\n"); fileBuffer.append(" );\n"); break; } } } // // Add ProcessLibraryConstructorList in AutoGen.c // fileBuffer.append("VOID\n"); fileBuffer.append("EFIAPI\n"); fileBuffer.append("ProcessLibraryConstructorList (\n"); switch (CommonDefinition.getModuleType(moduleType)) { case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeBase: fileBuffer.append(" VOID\n"); break; case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypePeiCore: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypePeim: fileBuffer.append(" IN EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER *FfsHeader,\n"); fileBuffer .append(" IN EFI_PEI_SERVICES **PeiServices\n"); break; case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeDxeCore: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeDxeDriver: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeDxeRuntimeDriver: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeDxeSmmDriver: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeDxeSalDriver: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeUefiDriver: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeUefiApplication: fileBuffer.append(" IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle,\n"); fileBuffer.append(" IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable\n"); break; } fileBuffer.append(" )\n"); fileBuffer.append("{\n"); // // If no constructor function, return EFI_SUCCESS. // //if (libInstanceList.size() == 0){ // fileBuffer.append(" return EFI_SUCCESS;\n"); //} for (int i = 0; i < libInstanceList.size(); i++) { if (isFirst) { fileBuffer.append(" EFI_STATUS Status;\n"); fileBuffer.append(" Status = EFI_SUCCESS;\n"); fileBuffer.append("\n"); isFirst = false; } if (libInstanceList.get(i)[1].equalsIgnoreCase(EdkDefinitions.MODULE_TYPE_BASE)) { fileBuffer.append(" Status = "); fileBuffer.append(libInstanceList.get(i)[0]); fileBuffer.append("();\n"); } else { switch (CommonDefinition.getModuleType(moduleType)) { case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeBase: fileBuffer.append(" Status = "); fileBuffer.append(libInstanceList.get(i)[0]); fileBuffer.append("();\n"); break; case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypePeiCore: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypePeim: fileBuffer.append(" Status = "); fileBuffer.append(libInstanceList.get(i)[0]); fileBuffer.append(" (FfsHeader, PeiServices);\n"); break; case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeDxeCore: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeDxeDriver: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeDxeRuntimeDriver: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeDxeSmmDriver: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeDxeSalDriver: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeUefiDriver: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeUefiApplication: fileBuffer.append(" Status = "); fileBuffer.append(libInstanceList.get(i)[0]); fileBuffer.append(" (ImageHandle, SystemTable);\n"); break; default: EdkLog.log(EdkLog.EDK_INFO,"Autogen doesn't know how to deal with module type - " + moduleType + "!"); } } fileBuffer.append(" ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);\n"); } fileBuffer.append("}\n"); } /** LibDestructorToAutogenc This function writes library destructor list to AutoGen.c. The library destructor's parameter and return value depend on module type. @param libInstanceList List of library destructor name. @param moduleType Module type. @param fileBuffer String buffer for AutoGen.c @throws Exception **/ void LibDestructorToAutogenC(List libInstanceList, String moduleType, StringBuffer fileBuffer) throws EdkException { boolean isFirst = true; for (int i = 0; i < libInstanceList.size(); i++) { if (libInstanceList.get(i)[1].equalsIgnoreCase(EdkDefinitions.MODULE_TYPE_BASE)) { fileBuffer.append("RETURN_STATUS\n"); fileBuffer.append("EFIAPI\n"); fileBuffer.append(libInstanceList.get(i)[0]); fileBuffer.append(" (\n"); fileBuffer.append(" VOID\n"); fileBuffer.append(" );\n"); } else { switch (CommonDefinition.getModuleType(moduleType)) { case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeBase: fileBuffer.append("RETURN_STATUS\n"); fileBuffer.append("EFIAPI\n"); fileBuffer.append(libInstanceList.get(i)[0]); fileBuffer.append(" (\n"); fileBuffer.append(" VOID\n"); fileBuffer.append(" );\n"); break; case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypePeiCore: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypePeim: fileBuffer.append("EFI_STATUS\n"); fileBuffer.append("EFIAPI\n"); fileBuffer.append(libInstanceList.get(i)[0]); fileBuffer.append(" (\n"); fileBuffer.append(" IN EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER *FfsHeader,\n"); fileBuffer.append(" IN EFI_PEI_SERVICES **PeiServices\n"); fileBuffer.append(" );\n"); break; case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeDxeCore: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeDxeDriver: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeDxeRuntimeDriver: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeDxeSmmDriver: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeDxeSalDriver: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeUefiDriver: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeUefiApplication: fileBuffer.append("EFI_STATUS\n"); fileBuffer.append("EFIAPI\n"); fileBuffer.append(libInstanceList.get(i)[0]); fileBuffer.append(" (\n"); fileBuffer.append(" IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle,\n"); fileBuffer.append(" IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable\n"); fileBuffer.append(" );\n"); break; } } } // // Write ProcessLibraryDestructor list to autogen.c // switch (CommonDefinition.getModuleType(moduleType)) { case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeBase: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypePeiCore: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypePeim: break; case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeDxeCore: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeDxeDriver: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeDxeRuntimeDriver: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeDxeSmmDriver: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeDxeSalDriver: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeUefiDriver: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeUefiApplication: fileBuffer.append("VOID\n"); fileBuffer.append("EFIAPI\n"); fileBuffer.append("ProcessLibraryDestructorList (\n"); fileBuffer.append(" IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle,\n"); fileBuffer.append(" IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable\n"); fileBuffer.append(" )\n"); fileBuffer.append("{\n"); // // If no library destructor function, return EFI_SUCCESS. // for (int i = 0; i < libInstanceList.size(); i++) { if (isFirst) { fileBuffer.append(" EFI_STATUS Status;\n"); fileBuffer.append(" Status = EFI_SUCCESS;\n"); fileBuffer.append("\n"); isFirst = false; } if (libInstanceList.get(i)[1].equalsIgnoreCase(EdkDefinitions.MODULE_TYPE_BASE)) { fileBuffer.append(" Status = "); fileBuffer.append(libInstanceList.get(i)[0]); fileBuffer.append("();\n"); fileBuffer.append(" VOID\n"); } else { fileBuffer.append(" Status = "); fileBuffer.append(libInstanceList.get(i)[0]); fileBuffer.append("(ImageHandle, SystemTable);\n"); fileBuffer.append(" ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);\n"); } } fileBuffer.append("}\n"); break; } } /** ExternsDriverBindingToAutoGenC This function is to write DRIVER_BINDING, COMPONENT_NAME, DRIVER_CONFIGURATION, DRIVER_DIAGNOSTIC in AutoGen.c. @param fileBuffer String buffer for AutoGen.c **/ void ExternsDriverBindingToAutoGenC(StringBuffer fileBuffer) throws EdkException { // // Get the arry of extern. The driverBindingGroup is a 2 dimension array. // The second dimension is include following element: DriverBinding, // ComponentName, DriverConfiguration, DriverDiag; // String[][] driverBindingGroup = this.saq.getExternProtocolGroup(); // // inital BitMask; // int BitMask = 0; // // Write driver binding protocol extern to autogen.c // for (int i = 0; i < driverBindingGroup.length; i++) { if (driverBindingGroup[i][0] != null) { fileBuffer.append("extern EFI_DRIVER_BINDING_PROTOCOL "); fileBuffer.append(driverBindingGroup[i][0]); fileBuffer.append(";\n"); } } // // Write component name protocol extern to autogen.c // if (!componentNamePcd) { for (int i = 0; i < driverBindingGroup.length; i++) { if (driverBindingGroup[i][1]!= null) { if (driverBindingGroup[i][0] != null) { BitMask |= 0x01; fileBuffer.append("extern EFI_COMPONENT_NAME_PROTOCOL "); fileBuffer.append(driverBindingGroup[i][1]); fileBuffer.append(";\n"); } else { throw new AutoGenException("DriverBinding can't be empty!!"); } } } } // // Write driver configration protocol extern to autogen.c // for (int i = 0; i < driverBindingGroup.length; i++) { if (driverBindingGroup[i][2] != null) { if (driverBindingGroup[i][0] != null) { BitMask |= 0x02; fileBuffer.append("extern EFI_DRIVER_CONFIGURATION_PROTOCOL "); fileBuffer.append(driverBindingGroup[i][2]); fileBuffer.append(";\n"); } else { throw new AutoGenException("DriverBinding can't be empty!!"); } } } // // Write driver dignastic protocol extern to autogen.c // if (!driverDiagnostPcd) { for (int i = 0; i < driverBindingGroup.length; i++) { if (driverBindingGroup[i][3] != null) { if (driverBindingGroup[i][0] != null) { BitMask |= 0x04; fileBuffer.append("extern EFI_DRIVER_DIAGNOSTICS_PROTOCOL "); fileBuffer.append(driverBindingGroup[i][3]); fileBuffer.append(";\n"); } else { throw new AutoGenException("DriverBinding can't be empty!!"); } } } } // // Write driver module protocol bitmask. // fileBuffer.append("GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED const UINT8 _gDriverModelProtocolBitmask = "); fileBuffer.append(Integer.toString(BitMask)); fileBuffer.append(";\n"); // // Write driver module protocol list entry // fileBuffer.append("GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED const UINTN _gDriverModelProtocolListEntries = "); fileBuffer.append(Integer.toString(driverBindingGroup.length)); fileBuffer.append(";\n"); // // Write drive module protocol list to autogen.c // if (driverBindingGroup.length > 0) { fileBuffer.append("GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED const EFI_DRIVER_MODEL_PROTOCOL_LIST _gDriverModelProtocolList[] = {"); } for (int i = 0; i < driverBindingGroup.length; i++) { if (i != 0) { fileBuffer.append(","); } // // DriverBinding // fileBuffer.append("\n {\n"); fileBuffer.append(" &"); fileBuffer.append(driverBindingGroup[i][0]); fileBuffer.append(", \n"); // // ComponentName // if (driverBindingGroup[i][1] != null && componentNamePcd != true) { fileBuffer.append(" &"); fileBuffer.append(driverBindingGroup[i][1]); fileBuffer.append(", \n"); } else { fileBuffer.append(" NULL, \n"); } // // DriverConfiguration // if (driverBindingGroup[i][2] != null) { fileBuffer.append(" &"); fileBuffer.append(driverBindingGroup[i][2]); fileBuffer.append(", \n"); } else { fileBuffer.append(" NULL, \n"); } // // DriverDiagnostic // if (driverBindingGroup[i][3] != null && driverDiagnostPcd != true) { fileBuffer.append(" &"); fileBuffer.append(driverBindingGroup[i][3]); fileBuffer.append(", \n"); } else { fileBuffer.append(" NULL, \n"); } fileBuffer.append(" }"); } if (driverBindingGroup.length > 0) { fileBuffer.append("\n};\n"); } } /** ExternCallBackToAutoGenC This function adds and infomation to AutoGen.c @param fileBuffer String buffer for AutoGen.c @throws BuildException **/ void ExternCallBackToAutoGenC(StringBuffer fileBuffer) throws EdkException { // // Collect module's and // and add to setVirtualAddList // exitBootServiceList. // String[] setVirtuals = saq.getSetVirtualAddressMapCallBackArray(); String[] exitBoots = saq.getExitBootServicesCallBackArray(); if (setVirtuals != null) { for (int j = 0; j < setVirtuals.length; j++) { this.setVirtalAddList.add(setVirtuals[j]); } } if (exitBoots != null) { for (int k = 0; k < exitBoots.length; k++) { this.exitBootServiceList.add(exitBoots[k]); } } // // Add c code in autogen.c which relate to // and // String moduleType = this.moduleId.getModuleType(); switch (CommonDefinition.getModuleType(moduleType)) { case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeDxeDriver: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeDxeRuntimeDriver: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeDxeSalDriver: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeUefiDriver: case CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeUefiApplication: // // If moduleType is one of above, call setVirtualAddressToAutogenC, // and setExitBootServiceToAutogenC. // setVirtualAddressToAutogenC(fileBuffer); setExitBootServiceToAutogenC(fileBuffer); break; default: break; } } /** copyFlashMapHToDebugDir This function is to copy the falshmap.h to debug directory and change its name to TianoR8FlashMap.h @param @return **/ private void copyFlashMapHToDebugDir() throws AutoGenException{ File inFile = new File(fvDir + File.separatorChar + CommonDefinition.FLASHMAPH); int size = (int)inFile.length(); byte[] buffer = new byte[size]; File outFile = new File (this.outputPath + File.separatorChar + CommonDefinition.TIANOR8PLASHMAPH); // // If TianoR8FlashMap.h existed and the flashMap.h don't change, // do nothing. // if ((!outFile.exists()) ||(inFile.lastModified() - outFile.lastModified()) >= 0) { if (inFile.exists()) { try { FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream (inFile); fis.read(buffer); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(outFile); fos.write(buffer); fis.close(); fos.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new AutoGenException("The file, flashMap.h can't be open!"); } } else { throw new AutoGenException("The file, flashMap.h doesn't exist!"); } } } /** This function first order the library instances, then collect library instance 's PPI, Protocol, GUID, SetVirtalAddressMapCallBack, ExitBootServiceCallBack, and Destructor, Constructor. @param @return **/ private void collectLibInstanceInfo() throws EdkException{ int index; String libConstructName = null; String libDestructName = null; String libModuleType = null; String[] setVirtuals = null; String[] exitBoots = null; ModuleIdentification[] libraryIdList = saq.getLibraryInstance(this.arch); if (libraryIdList != null) { // // Reorder library instance sequence. // AutogenLibOrder libOrder = new AutogenLibOrder(libraryIdList, this.arch); List orderList = libOrder .orderLibInstance(); if (orderList != null) { // // Process library instance one by one. // for (int i = 0; i < orderList.size(); i++) { // // Get library instance basename. // ModuleIdentification libInstanceId = orderList.get(i); // // Get override map // Map libDoc = GlobalData.getDoc(libInstanceId, this.arch); saq.push(libDoc); // // Get , , list of this library // instance. // String[] ppiList = saq.getPpiArray(this.arch); String[] ppiNotifyList = saq.getPpiNotifyArray(this.arch); String[] protocolList = saq.getProtocolArray(this.arch); String[] protocolNotifyList = saq.getProtocolNotifyArray(this.arch); String[] guidList = saq.getGuidEntryArray(this.arch); PackageIdentification[] pkgList = saq.getDependencePkg(this.arch); // // Add those ppi, protocol, guid in global ppi, // protocol, guid // list. // for (index = 0; index < ppiList.length; index++) { this.mPpiList.add(ppiList[index]); } for (index = 0; index < ppiNotifyList.length; index++) { this.mPpiList.add(ppiNotifyList[index]); } for (index = 0; index < protocolList.length; index++) { this.mProtocolList.add(protocolList[index]); } for (index = 0; index < protocolNotifyList.length; index++) { this.mProtocolList.add(protocolNotifyList[index]); } for (index = 0; index < guidList.length; index++) { this.mGuidList.add(guidList[index]); } for (index = 0; index < pkgList.length; index++) { if (!this.mDepPkgList.contains(pkgList[index])) { this.mDepPkgList.add(pkgList[index]); } } // // If not yet parse this library instance's constructor // element,parse it. // libConstructName = saq.getLibConstructorName(); libDestructName = saq.getLibDestructorName(); libModuleType = saq.getModuleType(); // // Collect SetVirtualAddressMapCallBack and // ExitBootServiceCallBack. // setVirtuals = saq.getSetVirtualAddressMapCallBackArray(); exitBoots = saq.getExitBootServicesCallBackArray(); if (setVirtuals != null) { for (int j = 0; j < setVirtuals.length; j++) { this.setVirtalAddList.add(setVirtuals[j]); } } if (exitBoots != null) { for (int k = 0; k < exitBoots.length; k++) { this.exitBootServiceList.add(exitBoots[k]); } } saq.pop(); // // Add dependent library instance constructor function. // if (libConstructName != null) { this.libConstructList.add(new String[] {libConstructName, libModuleType}); } // // Add dependent library instance destructor fuction. // if (libDestructName != null) { this.libDestructList.add(new String[] {libDestructName, libModuleType}); } } } } } private void setVirtualAddressToAutogenC(StringBuffer fileBuffer){ // // Entry point lib for these module types needs to know the count // of entryPoint. // fileBuffer.append("\nGLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED const UINTN _gDriverSetVirtualAddressMapEventCount = "); // // If the list is not valid or has no entries set count to zero else // set count to the number of valid entries // int Count = 0; int i = 0; if (this.setVirtalAddList != null) { for (i = 0; i < this.setVirtalAddList.size(); i++) { if (this.setVirtalAddList.get(i).equalsIgnoreCase("")) { break; } } Count = i; } fileBuffer.append(Integer.toString(Count)); fileBuffer.append(";\n\n"); if (this.setVirtalAddList == null || this.setVirtalAddList.size() == 0) { // // No data so make a NULL list // fileBuffer.append("\nGLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED const EFI_EVENT_NOTIFY _gDriverSetVirtualAddressMapEvent[] = {\n"); fileBuffer.append(" NULL\n"); fileBuffer.append("};\n\n"); } else { // // Write SetVirtualAddressMap function definition. // for (i = 0; i < this.setVirtalAddList.size(); i++) { if (this.setVirtalAddList.get(i).equalsIgnoreCase("")) { break; } fileBuffer.append("VOID\n"); fileBuffer.append("EFIAPI\n"); fileBuffer.append(this.setVirtalAddList.get(i)); fileBuffer.append(" (\n"); fileBuffer.append(" IN EFI_EVENT Event,\n"); fileBuffer.append(" IN VOID *Context\n"); fileBuffer.append(" );\n\n"); } // // Write SetVirtualAddressMap entry point array. // fileBuffer.append("\nGLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED const EFI_EVENT_NOTIFY _gDriverSetVirtualAddressMapEvent[] = {"); for (i = 0; i < this.setVirtalAddList.size(); i++) { if (this.setVirtalAddList.get(i).equalsIgnoreCase("")) { break; } if (i == 0) { fileBuffer.append("\n "); } else { fileBuffer.append(",\n "); } fileBuffer.append(this.setVirtalAddList.get(i)); } // // add the NULL at the end of _gDriverSetVirtualAddressMapEvent list. // fileBuffer.append(",\n NULL"); fileBuffer.append("\n};\n\n"); } } private void setExitBootServiceToAutogenC(StringBuffer fileBuffer){ // // Entry point lib for these module types needs to know the count. // fileBuffer .append("\nGLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED const UINTN _gDriverExitBootServicesEventCount = "); // // If the list is not valid or has no entries set count to zero else // set count to the number of valid entries. // int Count = 0; int i = 0; if (this.exitBootServiceList != null) { for (i = 0; i < this.exitBootServiceList.size(); i++) { if (this.exitBootServiceList.get(i).equalsIgnoreCase("")) { break; } } Count = i; } fileBuffer.append(Integer.toString(Count)); fileBuffer.append(";\n\n"); if (this.exitBootServiceList == null || this.exitBootServiceList.size() == 0) { // // No data so make a NULL list. // fileBuffer.append("\nGLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED const EFI_EVENT_NOTIFY _gDriverExitBootServicesEvent[] = {\n"); fileBuffer.append(" NULL\n"); fileBuffer.append("};\n\n"); } else { // // Write DriverExitBootServices function definition. // for (i = 0; i < this.exitBootServiceList.size(); i++) { if (this.exitBootServiceList.get(i).equalsIgnoreCase("")) { break; } fileBuffer.append("VOID\n"); fileBuffer.append("EFIAPI\n"); fileBuffer.append(this.exitBootServiceList.get(i)); fileBuffer.append(" (\n"); fileBuffer.append(" IN EFI_EVENT Event,\n"); fileBuffer.append(" IN VOID *Context\n"); fileBuffer.append(" );\n\n"); } // // Write DriverExitBootServices entry point array. // fileBuffer.append("\nGLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED const EFI_EVENT_NOTIFY _gDriverExitBootServicesEvent[] = {"); for (i = 0; i < this.exitBootServiceList.size(); i++) { if (this.exitBootServiceList.get(i).equalsIgnoreCase("")) { break; } if (i == 0) { fileBuffer.append("\n "); } else { fileBuffer.append(",\n "); } fileBuffer.append(this.exitBootServiceList.get(i)); } fileBuffer.append(",\n NULL"); fileBuffer.append("\n};\n\n"); } } /** setPcdComponentName Get the Pcd Value of ComponentName to decide whether need to disable the componentName. **/ public void setPcdComponentName (){ String pcdValue = null; pcdValue = saq.getPcdValueBycName("PcdComponentNameDisable"); if (pcdValue != null && pcdValue.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { this.componentNamePcd = true; } } /** setPcdDriverDiagnostic Get the Pcd Value of DriverDiagnostic to decide whether need to disable DriverDiagnostic. **/ public void setPcdDriverDiagnostic (){ String pcdValue = null; pcdValue = saq.getPcdValueBycName("PcdDriverDiagnosticsDisable"); if (pcdValue != null && pcdValue.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { this.driverDiagnostPcd = true; } } }