/** @file The file is used to create, update Protocol of section of the MSA file Copyright (c) 2006, Intel Corporation All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ package org.tianocore.frameworkwizard.module.ui.dialog; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ItemEvent; import java.awt.event.ItemListener; import java.util.Vector; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JComboBox; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.JTextField; import javax.swing.JTextArea; import org.tianocore.frameworkwizard.common.DataType; import org.tianocore.frameworkwizard.common.DataValidation; import org.tianocore.frameworkwizard.common.EnumerationData; import org.tianocore.frameworkwizard.common.Log; import org.tianocore.frameworkwizard.common.Tools; import org.tianocore.frameworkwizard.common.ui.ArchCheckBox; import org.tianocore.frameworkwizard.common.ui.IDialog; import org.tianocore.frameworkwizard.common.ui.IFrame; import org.tianocore.frameworkwizard.common.ui.StarLabel; import org.tianocore.frameworkwizard.module.Identifications.Protocols.ProtocolsIdentification; import org.tianocore.frameworkwizard.workspace.WorkspaceTools; /** * The class is used to create, update Protocol of MSA file * * It extends IDialog * */ public class ProtocolsDlg extends IDialog implements ItemListener { // / // / Define class Serial Version UID // / private static final long serialVersionUID = -9084913640747858848L; // // Define class members // private JPanel jContentPane = null; private JLabel jLabelC_Name = null; private JLabel jLabelFeatureFlag = null; private JTextField jTextFieldFeatureFlag = null; private JLabel jLabelUsage = null; private JComboBox jComboBoxUsage = null; private StarLabel jStarLabel1 = null; private StarLabel jStarLabel2 = null; private StarLabel jStarLabel3 = null; private JLabel jLabelProtocolType = null; private JLabel jLabelArch = null; private JScrollPane jScrollPane = null; private JComboBox jComboBoxProtocolType = null; private JComboBox jComboBoxCName = null; private JLabel jLabelHelpText = null; private JTextArea jTextAreaHelpText = null; private JScrollPane jScrollPaneHelpText = null; private ArchCheckBox jArchCheckBox = null; private JButton jButtonOk = null; private JButton jButtonCancel = null; // // Not used by UI // private ProtocolsIdentification id = null; private WorkspaceTools wt = new WorkspaceTools(); private EnumerationData ed = new EnumerationData(); /** * This method initializes jTextFieldFeatureFlag * * @return javax.swing.JTextField jTextFieldFeatureFlag * */ private JTextField getJTextFieldFeatureFlag() { if (jTextFieldFeatureFlag == null) { jTextFieldFeatureFlag = new JTextField(); jTextFieldFeatureFlag.setBounds(new java.awt.Rectangle(168, 132, 320, 20)); jTextFieldFeatureFlag.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(320, 20)); jTextFieldFeatureFlag.setToolTipText("Postfix expression that must evaluate to TRUE or FALSE"); } return jTextFieldFeatureFlag; } /** * This method initializes jComboBoxUsage * * @return javax.swing.JComboBox jComboBoxUsage * */ private JComboBox getJComboBoxProtocolUsage() { if (jComboBoxUsage == null) { jComboBoxUsage = new JComboBox(); jComboBoxUsage.setBounds(new java.awt.Rectangle(168, 62, 320, 20)); jComboBoxUsage.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(320, 20)); jComboBoxUsage .setToolTipText("" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "
ALWAYS_CONSUMEDModule always consumes the protocol
SOMETIMES_CONSUMESModule sometimes consumes the protocol
ALWAYS_PRODUCEDModule always produces the protocol
SOMETIMES_PRODUCEDModule sometimes produces the protocol
TO_STARTThe protocol is consumed by a Driver Binding protocol Start
function. The protocol is used in EFI 1.10 driver model
BY_STARTProtocol is produced by a Driver Binding protocol Start
function. The protocol is used in EFI 1.10 driver model
Protocol Notify
SOMETIMES_CONSUMEDModule will consume the protocol if it is produced.
Consumption is defined by executing the protocol notify
"); } return jComboBoxUsage; } /** * This method initializes jScrollPane * * @return javax.swing.JScrollPane */ private JScrollPane getJScrollPane() { if (jScrollPane == null) { jScrollPane = new JScrollPane(); jScrollPane.setViewportView(getJContentPane()); } return jScrollPane; } /** * This method initializes jComboBoxProtocolType * * @return javax.swing.JComboBox */ private JComboBox getJComboBoxProtocolType() { if (jComboBoxProtocolType == null) { jComboBoxProtocolType = new JComboBox(); jComboBoxProtocolType.setBounds(new java.awt.Rectangle(168, 12, 320, 20)); jComboBoxProtocolType.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(320, 20)); jComboBoxProtocolType.addItemListener(this); jComboBoxProtocolType .setToolTipText("Select Protocol Type
Protocol Notify is a register protocol notify mechanism."); } return jComboBoxProtocolType; } /** * This method initializes jComboBoxCName * * @return javax.swing.JComboBox */ private JComboBox getJComboBoxCName() { if (jComboBoxCName == null) { jComboBoxCName = new JComboBox(); jComboBoxCName.setBounds(new java.awt.Rectangle(168, 37, 320, 20)); jComboBoxCName.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(320, 20)); jComboBoxCName.setToolTipText("Select Guid C Name of the Protocol"); } return jComboBoxCName; } /** * This method initializes jTextAreaHelpText * * @return javax.swing.JTextArea * */ private JTextArea getJTextAreaHelpText() { if (jTextAreaHelpText == null) { jTextAreaHelpText = new JTextArea(); jTextAreaHelpText.setLineWrap(true); jTextAreaHelpText.setWrapStyleWord(true); } return jTextAreaHelpText; } /** * This method initializes jScrollPaneHelpText * * @return javax.swing.JScrollPane * */ private JScrollPane getJScrollPaneHelpText() { if (jScrollPaneHelpText == null) { jScrollPaneHelpText = new JScrollPane(); jScrollPaneHelpText.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(javax.swing.JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER); jScrollPaneHelpText.setSize(new java.awt.Dimension(320, 40)); jScrollPaneHelpText.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(320, 40)); jScrollPaneHelpText.setLocation(new java.awt.Point(168, 87)); jScrollPaneHelpText.setViewportView(getJTextAreaHelpText()); } return jScrollPaneHelpText; } /** * This method initializes jButtonOk * * @return javax.swing.JButton * */ private JButton getJButtonOk() { if (jButtonOk == null) { jButtonOk = new JButton(); jButtonOk.setBounds(new java.awt.Rectangle(290, 187, 90, 20)); jButtonOk.setText("Ok"); jButtonOk.addActionListener(this); } return jButtonOk; } /** * This method initializes jButtonCancel * * @return javax.swing.JButton * */ private JButton getJButtonCancel() { if (jButtonCancel == null) { jButtonCancel = new JButton(); jButtonCancel.setBounds(new java.awt.Rectangle(390, 187, 90, 20)); jButtonCancel.setText("Cancel"); jButtonCancel.addActionListener(this); } return jButtonCancel; } public static void main(String[] args) { } /** * This method initializes this * */ private void init() { // Width must be 20 larger than Content Pane PreferredSize width for MSFT // Height must be 45 larger than ContentPane PreferredSize height for MSFT this.setSize(505, 260); this.setContentPane(getJScrollPane()); this.setTitle("Protocols"); initFrame(); this.setViewMode(false); this.centerWindow(); } /** * This method initializes this Fill values to all fields if these values are * not empty * * @param inProtocolsId * */ private void init(ProtocolsIdentification inProtocolsId) { init(); this.id = inProtocolsId; if (this.id != null) { this.jComboBoxCName.setSelectedItem(id.getName()); this.jComboBoxProtocolType.setSelectedItem(id.getType()); this.jComboBoxUsage.setSelectedItem(id.getUsage()); this.jTextAreaHelpText.setText(id.getHelp()); this.jTextFieldFeatureFlag.setText(id.getFeatureFlag()); this.jArchCheckBox.setSelectedItems(id.getSupArchList()); } } /** * This is the override edit constructor * * @param inProtocolsIdentification * @param iFrame * */ public ProtocolsDlg(ProtocolsIdentification inProtocolsIdentification, IFrame iFrame) { super(iFrame, true); init(inProtocolsIdentification); } /** * Disable all components when the mode is view * * @param isView * true - The view mode; false - The non-view mode * */ public void setViewMode(boolean isView) { if (isView) { this.jComboBoxUsage.setEnabled(!isView); this.jTextFieldFeatureFlag.setEnabled(!isView); } } /** * This method initializes jContentPane * * @return javax.swing.JPanel jContentPane * */ private JPanel getJContentPane() { if (jContentPane == null) { jStarLabel1 = new StarLabel(); jStarLabel1.setLocation(new java.awt.Point(2, 12)); jLabelProtocolType = new JLabel(); jLabelProtocolType.setBounds(new java.awt.Rectangle(12, 12, 155, 20)); jLabelProtocolType.setText("Select Protocol Type"); jStarLabel2 = new StarLabel(); jStarLabel2.setLocation(new java.awt.Point(2, 37)); jLabelC_Name = new JLabel(); jLabelC_Name.setText("Protocol Guid C Name"); jLabelC_Name.setBounds(new java.awt.Rectangle(12, 37, 155, 20)); jStarLabel3 = new StarLabel(); jStarLabel3.setLocation(new java.awt.Point(2, 62)); jLabelUsage = new JLabel(); jLabelUsage.setText("Usage"); jLabelUsage.setBounds(new java.awt.Rectangle(12, 62, 155, 20)); jLabelHelpText = new JLabel(); jLabelHelpText.setBounds(new java.awt.Rectangle(12, 87, 155, 20)); jLabelHelpText.setText("Help Text"); jLabelFeatureFlag = new JLabel(); jLabelFeatureFlag.setText("Feature Flag Expression"); jLabelFeatureFlag.setBounds(new java.awt.Rectangle(12, 132, 155, 20)); jLabelArch = new JLabel(); jLabelArch.setBounds(new java.awt.Rectangle(12, 157, 155, 20)); jLabelArch.setText("Supported Architectures"); jArchCheckBox = new ArchCheckBox(); jArchCheckBox.setBounds(new java.awt.Rectangle(168, 157, 320, 20)); jArchCheckBox.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(320, 20)); jContentPane = new JPanel(); jContentPane.setLayout(null); jContentPane.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(485, 215)); jContentPane.add(jStarLabel1, null); jContentPane.add(jLabelProtocolType, null); jContentPane.add(getJComboBoxProtocolType(), null); jContentPane.add(jStarLabel2, null); jContentPane.add(jLabelC_Name, null); jContentPane.add(getJComboBoxCName(), null); jContentPane.add(jStarLabel3, null); jContentPane.add(jLabelUsage, null); jContentPane.add(getJComboBoxProtocolUsage(), null); jContentPane.add(jLabelHelpText, null); jContentPane.add(getJScrollPaneHelpText(), null); jContentPane.add(jLabelFeatureFlag, null); jContentPane.add(getJTextFieldFeatureFlag(), null); jContentPane.add(jLabelArch, null); jContentPane.add(jArchCheckBox, null); jContentPane.add(getJButtonOk(), null); jContentPane.add(getJButtonCancel(), null); } return jContentPane; } /** * This method initializes Usage type * */ private void initFrame() { Tools.generateComboBoxByVector(jComboBoxProtocolType, ed.getVProtocolType()); Tools.generateComboBoxByVector(jComboBoxCName, wt.getAllProtocolDeclarationsFromWorkspace()); Tools.generateComboBoxByVector(jComboBoxUsage, ed.getVProtocolUsage()); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.awt.event.ActionListener#actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent) * * Override actionPerformed to listen all actions * */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) { if (arg0.getSource() == jButtonOk) { if (checkAdd()) { getCurrentProtocols(); this.returnType = DataType.RETURN_TYPE_OK; this.setVisible(false); } } if (arg0.getSource() == jButtonCancel) { this.returnType = DataType.RETURN_TYPE_CANCEL; this.setVisible(false); } } /** * Data validation for all fields * * @retval true - All datas are valid * @retval false - At least one data is invalid * */ public boolean checkAdd() { // // Check if all fields have correct data types // // // Check Name // if (!isEmpty(this.jComboBoxCName.getSelectedItem().toString())) { if (!DataValidation.isC_NameType(this.jComboBoxCName.getSelectedItem().toString())) { Log.wrn("Update Protocols", "Incorrect data type for Protocol/ProtocolNotify Name"); return false; } } // // Check FeatureFlag // if (!isEmpty(this.jTextFieldFeatureFlag.getText())) { if (!DataValidation.isFeatureFlag(this.jTextFieldFeatureFlag.getText())) { Log.wrn("Update Protocols", "Incorrect data type for Feature Flag"); return false; } } return true; } private ProtocolsIdentification getCurrentProtocols() { String arg0 = this.jComboBoxCName.getSelectedItem().toString(); String arg1 = this.jComboBoxProtocolType.getSelectedItem().toString(); String arg2 = this.jComboBoxUsage.getSelectedItem().toString(); String arg3 = this.jTextFieldFeatureFlag.getText(); Vector arg4 = this.jArchCheckBox.getSelectedItemsVector(); String arg5 = this.jTextAreaHelpText.getText(); id = new ProtocolsIdentification(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); return id; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.awt.event.ItemListener#itemStateChanged(java.awt.event.ItemEvent) * * Reflesh the frame when selected item changed * */ public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent arg0) { if (arg0.getSource() == this.jComboBoxProtocolType && arg0.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED) { if (this.jComboBoxProtocolType.getSelectedItem().toString().equals(ed.getVProtocolType().get(0))) { Tools.generateComboBoxByVector(this.jComboBoxUsage, ed.getVProtocolUsage()); } else { Tools.generateComboBoxByVector(this.jComboBoxUsage, ed.getVProtocolNotifyUsage()); } } } public ProtocolsIdentification getId() { return id; } public void setId(ProtocolsIdentification id) { this.id = id; } }