This is the header for the Framework Package Database file.
This is the header for the Component Module Build Description (MBD) file. NOTE: The GUID may be different from the GUID in the MSA file, as the Guid is updated every time the file is changed, as the Guid may change if the contents of the file are changed.
This is the header for the Library Module Build Description (MBD) file. NOTE: The Guid may be different from the Guid in the MSA file, as the Guid may change when the contents of the file are changed..
This is the Component Module Surface Area Description Header - a replacement for INF files. The GUID may change when the contents of the file are changed.
This is the Library Module Surface Area Description Header - a replacement for INF files. The Guid may change when the contents of the file are changed.
This head is for the Framework Platform Description file (FPD.)
Define the Name of a Platform
DO NOT USE! removing from XMLSchema
This head is for the Surface Area Package Description file (SPD) The Guid may change when the contents of the file are changed.