/*++ Copyright (c) 1999 - 2014, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License that accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php. THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. Module Name: IgdOpRegion.h Abstract: This is part of the implementation of an Intel Graphics drivers OpRegion / Software SCI interface between system BIOS, ASL code, and Graphics drivers. Supporting Specifiction: OpRegion / Software SCI SPEC 0.70 Acronyms: IGD: Internal Graphics Device NVS: ACPI Non Volatile Storage OpRegion: ACPI Operational Region VBT: Video BIOS Table (OEM customizable data) --*/ #ifndef _IGD_OPREGION_H_ #define _IGD_OPREGION_H_ // // Statements that include other header files. // #include "VlvPlatformInit.h" #include "VlvCommonDefinitions.h" #include #include // // // OpRegion (Miscellaneous) #defines. // // OpRegion Header #defines. // #define HEADER_SIGNATURE "IntelGraphicsMem" #define HEADER_SIZE 0x2000 #define HEADER_OPREGION_VER 0x0200 #define HEADER_OPREGION_REV 0x00 // //For VLV Tablet, MailBOX2(SCI)is not supported. // #define HEADER_MBOX_SUPPORT (HD_MBOX4 + HD_MBOX3 + HD_MBOX1) #define HD_MBOX1 BIT0 #define HD_MBOX2 BIT1 #define HD_MBOX3 BIT2 #define HD_MBOX4 BIT3 #define HD_MBOX5 BIT4 #define SVER_SIZE 32 // //Audio Type support for VLV2 A0 // #define AUDIO_TYPE_SUPPORT_MASK 0xFFFFFFF3 #define NO_AUDIO_SUPPORT (0<<2) #define HD_AUDIO_SUPPORT (1<<2) #define LPE_AUDIO_SUPPORT (2<<2) #define AUDIO_TYPE_FIELD_MASK 0xFFFFFFEF #define AUDIO_TYPE_FIELD_VALID (1<<4) #define AUDIO_TYPE_FIELD_INVALID (0<<4) // // OpRegion Mailbox 1 EQUates. // // OpRegion Mailbox 3 EQUates. // #define ALS_ENABLE BIT0 #define BLC_ENABLE BIT1 #define BACKLIGHT_BRIGHTNESS 0xFF #define FIELD_VALID_BIT BIT31 #define WORD_FIELD_VALID_BIT BIT15 #define PFIT_ENABLE BIT2 #define PFIT_OPRN_AUTO 0x00000000 #define PFIT_OPRN_SCALING 0x00000007 #define PFIT_OPRN_OFF 0x00000000 #define PFIT_SETUP_AUTO 0 #define PFIT_SETUP_SCALING 1 #define PFIT_SETUP_OFF 2 #define INIT_BRIGHT_LEVEL 0x64 #define PFIT_STRETCH 6 #define PFIT_CENTER 1 // // GMCH PCI register access #defines. // #define IgdMmPci32(Register) MmPci32 (0, IGD_BUS, IGD_DEV, IGD_FUN_0, Register) #define IgdMmPci16Or(Register, OrData) MmPci16Or (0, IGD_BUS, IGD_DEV, IGD_FUN_0, Register, OrData) #define IgdMmPci16AndThenOr(Register,AndData,OrData) MmPci16AndThenOr (0, IGD_BUS, IGD_DEV, IGD_FUN_0, Register, AndData, OrData) // // Video BIOS / VBT #defines // #define IGD_DID_VLV 0x0F31 #define OPTION_ROM_SIGNATURE 0xAA55 #define VBIOS_LOCATION_PRIMARY 0xC0000 #define VBT_SIGNATURE SIGNATURE_32 ('$', 'V', 'B', 'T') // // Typedef stuctures // #pragma pack (1) typedef struct { UINT16 Signature; // 0xAA55 UINT8 Size512; UINT8 Reserved[21]; UINT16 PcirOffset; UINT16 VbtOffset; } INTEL_VBIOS_OPTION_ROM_HEADER; #pragma pack () #pragma pack (1) typedef struct { UINT32 Signature; // "PCIR" UINT16 VendorId; // 0x8086 UINT16 DeviceId; UINT16 Reserved0; UINT16 Length; UINT8 Revision; UINT8 ClassCode[3]; UINT16 ImageLength; UINT16 CodeRevision; UINT8 CodeType; UINT8 Indicator; UINT16 Reserved1; } INTEL_VBIOS_PCIR_STRUCTURE; #pragma pack () #pragma pack (1) typedef struct { UINT8 HeaderSignature[20]; UINT16 HeaderVersion; UINT16 HeaderSize; UINT16 HeaderVbtSize; UINT8 HeaderVbtCheckSum; UINT8 HeaderReserved; UINT32 HeaderOffsetVbtDataBlock; UINT32 HeaderOffsetAim1; UINT32 HeaderOffsetAim2; UINT32 HeaderOffsetAim3; UINT32 HeaderOffsetAim4; UINT8 DataHeaderSignature[16]; UINT16 DataHeaderVersion; UINT16 DataHeaderSize; UINT16 DataHeaderDataBlockSize; UINT8 CoreBlockId; UINT16 CoreBlockSize; UINT16 CoreBlockBiosSize; UINT8 CoreBlockBiosType; UINT8 CoreBlockReleaseStatus; UINT8 CoreBlockHWSupported; UINT8 CoreBlockIntegratedHW; UINT8 CoreBlockBiosBuild[4]; UINT8 CoreBlockBiosSignOn[155]; } VBIOS_VBT_STRUCTURE; #pragma pack () // // Driver Private Function definitions // EFI_STATUS GetSVER ( OUT UINT8 *SVER ); /** Acquire the string associated with the ProducerGuid and return it. @param ProducerGuid The Guid to search the HII database for @param Token The token value of the string to extract @param String The string that is extracted @retval EFI_SUCCESS The function completed successfully @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The requested string was not found **/ EFI_STATUS GetStringFromToken ( IN EFI_GUID *ProducerGuid, IN STRING_REF Token, OUT CHAR16 **String ); /** Graphics OpRegion / Software SCI driver installation function. @param Void @retval EFI_SUCCESS The driver installed without error. @retval EFI_ABORTED The driver encountered an error and could not complete installation of the ACPI tables. **/ EFI_STATUS IgdOpRegionInit ( void ); /** Extract information pertaining to the HiiHandle @param HiiHandle Hii handle @param ImageLength For input, length of DefaultImage; For output, length of actually required @param DefaultImage Image buffer prepared by caller @param Guid Guid information about the form @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES No enough buffer to allocate @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL DefualtImage has no enough ImageLength @retval EFI_SUCCESS Successfully extract data from Hii database. **/ EFI_STATUS ExtractDataFromHiiHandle ( IN EFI_HII_HANDLE HiiHandle, IN OUT UINT16 *ImageLength, OUT UINT8 *DefaultImage, OUT EFI_GUID *Guid ); #endif