@REM @file @REM Windows batch file to build BIOS ROM @REM @REM Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> @REM This program and the accompanying materials @REM are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License @REM which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at @REM http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php @REM @REM THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, @REM WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. @REM @echo off setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion EnableExtensions echo. echo %date% %time% echo. ::********************************************************************** :: Initial Setup ::********************************************************************** set WORKSPACE=%CD% if %WORKSPACE:~-1%==\ set WORKSPACE=%WORKSPACE:~0,-1% set /a build_threads=1 set "Build_Flags= " set exitCode=0 set Arch=X64 set Source=0 :: Clean up previous build files. if exist %WORKSPACE%\edk2.log del %WORKSPACE%\edk2.log if exist %WORKSPACE%\unitool.log del %WORKSPACE%\unitool.log if exist %WORKSPACE%\Conf\target.txt del %WORKSPACE%\Conf\target.txt if exist %WORKSPACE%\Conf\tools_def.txt del %WORKSPACE%\Conf\tools_def.txt if exist %WORKSPACE%\Conf\build_rule.txt del %WORKSPACE%\Conf\build_rule.txt if exist %WORKSPACE%\Conf\FrameworkDatabase.db del %WORKSPACE%\Conf\FrameworkDatabase.db if exist conf\.cache rmdir /q/s conf\.cache :: Setup EDK environment. Edksetup puts new copies of target.txt, tools_def.txt, build_rule.txt in WorkSpace\Conf :: Also run edksetup as soon as possible to avoid it from changing environment variables we're overriding call edksetup.bat > nul @echo off :: Define platform specific environment variables. set PLATFORM_PACKAGE=Vlv2TbltDevicePkg set config_file=.\%PLATFORM_PACKAGE%\PlatformPkgConfig.dsc set auto_config_inc=.\%PLATFORM_PACKAGE%\AutoPlatformCFG.txt set EDK_SOURCE=%WORKSPACE%\EdkCompatibilityPkg ::create new AutoPlatformCFG.txt file copy /y nul %auto_config_inc% >nul ::********************************************************************** :: Parse command line arguments ::********************************************************************** :: Optional arguments :OptLoop if /i "%~1"=="/?" goto Usage if /i "%~1"=="/l" ( set Build_Flags=%Build_Flags% -j EDK2.log shift goto OptLoop ) if /i "%~1" == "/c" ( echo Removing previous build files ... if exist build ( del /f/s/q build > null rmdir /s/q build ) if exist conf\.cache ( del /f/s/q conf\.cache > null rmdir /s/q conf\.cache ) echo. shift goto OptLoop ) if /i "%~1"=="/x64" ( set Arch=X64 shift goto OptLoop ) if /i "%~1"=="/IA32" ( set Arch=IA32 shift goto OptLoop ) :: Required argument(s) if "%~1"=="" goto Usage ::Remove the values for Platform_Type and Build_Target from BiosIdX.env and stage in Conf\ if "%Arch%"=="IA32" ( findstr /b /v "BOARD_ID BUILD_TYPE" %PLATFORM_PACKAGE%\BiosIdR.env > Conf\BiosId.env echo DEFINE X64_CONFIG = FALSE >> %auto_config_inc% ) else if "%Arch%"=="X64" ( findstr /b /v "BOARD_ID BUILD_TYPE" %PLATFORM_PACKAGE%\BiosIdx64R.env > Conf\BiosId.env echo DEFINE X64_CONFIG = TRUE >> %auto_config_inc% ) :: -- Build flags settings for each Platform -- echo Setting %1 platform configuration and BIOS ID... if /i "%~1" == "MNW2" ( echo BOARD_ID = MNW2MAX >> %Conf\BiosId.env echo DEFINE ENBDT_PF_BUILD = TRUE >> %auto_config_inc% ) else ( echo Error - Unsupported PlatformType: %1 goto Usage ) set Platform_Type=%~1 if /i "%~2" == "RELEASE" ( set target=RELEASE echo BUILD_TYPE = R >> Conf\BiosId.env ) else ( set target=DEBUG echo BUILD_TYPE = D >> Conf\BiosId.env ) ::********************************************************************** :: Additional EDK Build Setup/Configuration ::********************************************************************** echo. echo Setting the Build environment for VS2008/VS2010/VS2012/VS2013... if defined VS90COMNTOOLS ( if not defined VSINSTALLDIR call "%VS90COMNTOOLS%\vsvars32.bat" if /I "%VS90COMNTOOLS%" == "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\Tools\" ( set TOOL_CHAIN_TAG=VS2008 ) else ( set TOOL_CHAIN_TAG=VS2008x86 ) ) else if defined VS100COMNTOOLS ( if not defined VSINSTALLDIR call "%VS100COMNTOOLS%\vsvars32.bat" if /I "%VS100COMNTOOLS%" == "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\Tools\" ( set TOOL_CHAIN_TAG=VS2010 ) else ( set TOOL_CHAIN_TAG=VS2010x86 ) ) else if defined VS110COMNTOOLS ( if not defined VSINSTALLDIR call "%VS110COMNTOOLS%\vsvars32.bat" if /I "%VS110COMNTOOLS%" == "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\Tools\" ( set TOOL_CHAIN_TAG=VS2012 ) else ( set TOOL_CHAIN_TAG=VS2012x86 ) ) else if defined VS120COMNTOOLS ( if not defined VSINSTALLDIR call "%VS120COMNTOOLS%\vsvars32.bat" if /I "%VS120COMNTOOLS%" == "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\Tools\" ( set TOOL_CHAIN_TAG=VS2013 ) else ( set TOOL_CHAIN_TAG=VS2013x86 ) ) else ( echo --ERROR: VS2008/VS2010/VS2012/VS2013 not installed correctly. VS90COMNTOOLS/VS100COMNTOOLS/VS110COMNTOOLS/VS120COMNTOOLS not defined ^^! echo. goto :BldFail ) echo Ensuring correct build directory is present for GenBiosId... set BUILD_PATH=Build\%PLATFORM_PACKAGE%\%TARGET%_%TOOL_CHAIN_TAG% echo Modifing Conf files for this build... :: Remove lines with these tags from target.txt findstr /V "TARGET TARGET_ARCH TOOL_CHAIN_TAG BUILD_RULE_CONF ACTIVE_PLATFORM MAX_CONCURRENT_THREAD_NUMBER" Conf\target.txt > Conf\target.txt.tmp echo TARGET = %TARGET% >> Conf\target.txt.tmp if "%Arch%"=="IA32" ( echo TARGET_ARCH = IA32 >> Conf\target.txt.tmp ) else if "%Arch%"=="X64" ( echo TARGET_ARCH = IA32 X64 >> Conf\target.txt.tmp ) echo TOOL_CHAIN_TAG = %TOOL_CHAIN_TAG% >> Conf\target.txt.tmp echo BUILD_RULE_CONF = Conf/build_rule.txt >> Conf\target.txt.tmp if %Source% == 0 ( echo ACTIVE_PLATFORM = %PLATFORM_PACKAGE%/PlatformPkg%Arch%.dsc >> Conf\target.txt.tmp ) else ( echo ACTIVE_PLATFORM = %PLATFORM_PACKAGE%/PlatformPkg%Arch%Source.dsc >> Conf\target.txt.tmp ) echo MAX_CONCURRENT_THREAD_NUMBER = %build_threads% >> Conf\target.txt.tmp move /Y Conf\target.txt.tmp Conf\target.txt >nul ::********************************************************************** :: Build BIOS ::********************************************************************** echo Creating BiosId... pushd %PLATFORM_PACKAGE% if not exist ..\%BUILD_PATH%\IA32 mkdir ..\%BUILD_PATH%\IA32 GenBiosId.exe -i ..\Conf\BiosId.env -o ..\%BUILD_PATH%\IA32\BiosId.bin -ob ..\Conf\BiosId.bat if "%Arch%"=="X64" ( if not exist ..\%BUILD_PATH%\X64 mkdir ..\%BUILD_PATH%\X64 GenBiosId.exe -i ..\Conf\BiosId.env -o ..\%BUILD_PATH%\X64\BiosId.bin -ob ..\Conf\BiosId.bat ) popd if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 goto BldFail echo. echo Invoking EDK2 build... build %Build_Flags% if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 goto BldFail ::********************************************************************** :: Post Build processing and cleanup ::********************************************************************** echo Running fce... pushd %PLATFORM_PACKAGE% :: Extract Hii data from build and store in HiiDefaultData.txt fce read -i ..\%BUILD_PATH%\FV\Vlv.fd > ..\%BUILD_PATH%\FV\HiiDefaultData.txt 1>>EDK2.log 2>&1 :: copy the Setup variable to the SetupDefault variable and save changes to VlvXXX.fd fce mirror -i ..\%BUILD_PATH%\FV\Vlv.fd -o ..\%BUILD_PATH%\FV\Vlv%Arch%.fd Setup SetupDefault 1>>EDK2.log 2>&1 popd if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 goto BldFail ::echo FD successfully updated with default Hii values. :: Set the Board_Id, Build_Type, Version_Major, and Version_Minor environment variables find /v "#" Conf\BiosId.env > ver_strings for /f "tokens=1,3" %%i in (ver_strings) do set %%i=%%j del /f/q ver_strings >nul set BIOS_Name=%BOARD_ID%_%Arch%_%BUILD_TYPE%_%VERSION_MAJOR%_%VERSION_MINOR%.ROM copy /y/b %BUILD_PATH%\FV\Vlv%Arch%.fd %WORKSPACE%\%BIOS_Name% >nul echo. echo Build location: %BUILD_PATH% echo BIOS ROM Created: %BIOS_Name% echo. echo -------------------- The EDKII BIOS build has successfully completed. -------------------- echo. goto Exit :Usage echo. echo *************************************************************************** echo Build BIOS rom for VLV platforms. echo. echo Usage: bld_vlv.bat [options] PlatformType [Build Target] echo. echo /c CleanAll before building echo /IA32 Set Arch to IA32 (default: X64) echo /X64 Set Arch to X64 (default: X64) echo. echo Platform Types: MNW2 echo Build Targets: Debug, Release (default: Debug) echo. echo Examples: echo bld_vlv.bat MNW2 : X64 Debug build for MinnowMax echo bld_vlv.bat /IA32 MNW2 release : IA32 Release build for MinnowMax echo. echo *************************************************************************** set exitCode=1 goto Exit :BldFail set exitCode=1 echo -- Error: EDKII BIOS Build has failed! echo See EDK2.log for more details :Exit echo %date% %time% exit /b %exitCode% EndLocal