For convenience, we will call the root directory of fqterm source code as $FQTERM in this document. -------------------------------------------------------- [ How to build FQTerm under Linux using GCC] First make sure that the latest version of Qt4 library and OpenSSL library are installed. Next please install CMake, which is a very powerful cross-platform build system. Then follow the instructions below to setup the development environment. 1. Create "build" directory. Create directory $FQTERM/build. 2. Generate the project file and build FQTerm. In the console run commands below: $ cd $FQTERM/build # change current postion to the build direcotry $ cmake ../ # generate necessary Makefiles $ make # build the program $ make love # invoke this command if you are eager to run # fqterm before installing it. $ make install # install fqterm. $ fqterm # run fqterm just installed. 3. Enable IP location detection feature. If you want to enable the IP location detection feature, please download the IP location database file "QQWry.dat" and put a copy of it under "$HOME/.fqterm" or "$PREFIX/share/FQTerm". You can get "QQWry.dat" from this project's home page or from other websites. -------------------------------------------------------- [ How to build FQTerm under MacOS X using GCC or Xcode ] First make sure that the latest version of Qt4 are installed properly. Next please install CMake, which is a very powerful cross-platform build system. Then follow the instructions below to setup the development environment. 1. Create "build" directory. Create directory $FQTERM/build. 2. Generate the project file and build FQTerm. In the console run commands below: $ cd $FQTERM/build # change current postion to the build direcotry $ cmake ../ # generate necessary Makefiles $ make # build the program $ make love # invoke this command if you are eager to run # fqterm before installing it. $ make diskimage # create fqterm.dmg for distribution. $ make install # get a complete MacOS X application bundle # in $FQTERM/build/ $ open ./ # run fqterm just installed. Or if you want to use Xcode to build FQTerm other than GNU make, please run command below instead: $ cmake -G "Xcode" ../ and then use Xcode to open the generated project file. 3. Enable IP location detection feature. If you want to enable the IP location detection feature, please download the IP location database file "QQWry.dat" and put a copy of it under "$HOME/.fqterm" or "$PREFIX/share/FQTerm". You can get "QQWry.dat" from this project's home page or from other websites. 4. Known issues. You may get an error when running "$ make diskimage" as below: $ make diskimage ... hdiutil: create failed - error 49168 ... [zz] It seemed one of the reasons listed below could contribute to this problem: 1) Some of the files you're trying to archive are being used exclusively by another process. A couple of people figured that their Anti-Virus software (e.g. Norton AV) was to blame. 2) Disk space is low, and the hdiutil tool cannot perform its internal caching. 3) A file system error which is not detected by Disk Utility prevents proper accessing some crucial files. Repairing the disk using "Disk Warrior" did help. 4) Files which were put into the trash can but were not deleted yet cause problems when tried to being put into the disk image. ---------------------------------------------------------- [ How to build FQTerm under Win32 using MS Visual Studio ] MS Visual Studio Express 2005 is recommended, but other version of Visual Studio can also be used. First make sure that the latest version of OpenSSL with default configurations and Qt4 are also installed properly. Next please install CMake, which is a very powerful cross-platform build system. Then follow the instructions below to setup the development environment. 1. Set environment variables. Make sure the environment variable QTDIR is set to the directory where Qt4 is installed. 2. Specify OpenSSL path. And prepare python lib. First open the file $FQTERM/CMakeLists.txt.win32 with a text editor, and then change the two macros, OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR and OPENSSL_LIBRARIES, based on where OpenSSL is installed. You MUST have debug version of python lib(pythonxx_d.lib) when build debug version. 3. Create "build" directory. Create directory %FQTERM%\build. 4. Generate project files. In the console run the command below to generate Visual Studio project files. $ cd %FQTERM%\build $ cmake -G "Visual Studio 9 2008" ..\ This command will generate ".sln" and ".vcproject" files for Visual Studio 8. Then you can use Visual Studio to open the .sln file. For other versions of Visual Studio, please see the help message of CMake by running "cmake --help". 5. Start coding/buiding/debuging as usual using Visual Studio. 6. Enable IP location detection feature. If you want to enable the IP location detection feature, please download the IP location database file "QQWry.dat" and put a copy of it under "$FQTERM/build/debug" and "$FQTERM/build/release". You can get "QQWry.dat" from this project's home page or from other websites. 7. Generate FQTerm Installer (Windows) If you wish to install FQTerm to your system, please install NSIS and compile FQTermNSIS.nsi. This will require some files in the right position. Please check FQTermNSIS.nsi and see the section Section "-CopyFiles".