I've contacted one of the authors of CTerm, and got his permisson to use these scripts with FQTerm. Other scripts were directly drawn from qterm0.4.1. Any file to be written to or read from should be in the format of UTF-8. Usage: //UI functions msgBox(msg) no return value yesnoBox(msg) return boolean value sessionID=long(sys.argv[0]) formatError(sessionID) get the traceback info return string getArticle(sessionID, interval) copy current article return (string, success) copyArticle(sessionID) copy current article (obsolete) return string getText(sessionID, line) get text at line return string getAttrText(sessionID, line) get attr text at line return string sendString(sessionID, str) send string to server return number of bytes written sendParsedString(sessionID, str) send string with escape return number of bytes written caretX(sessionID) caret x return int caretY(sessionID) caret y return int columns(sessionID) screen width return int rows(sessionID) screen height return int isConnected(sessionID) connected to server or not return int disconnect(sessionID) disconnect from server reconnect(sessionID) reconnect getBBSCodec(sessionID) get the bbs encoding, GBK or Big5 return string getAddress(sessionID) get the bbs address return string getPort(sessionID) get the bbs port number return int getProtocol(sessionID) get the bbs protocol, 0/1/2 TELNET/SSH1/SSH2 return int getReplyKey(sessionID) get the key to reply messages return string (wtf...?) getURL(sessionID) get the url string under mouse (not sure if works) return string previewImage(sessionID, url) preview the image link fromUTF8(str, codec) decode from utf8 to string in specified codec return string toUTF8(str, codec) decode from string in specified codec to utf8 return string artDialog(content) open a dialog with content denoted in the argument