/*************************************************************************** * fqterm, a terminal emulator for both BBS and *nix. * * Copyright (C) 2008 fqterm development group. * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "addrdialog.h" #include "articledialog.h" #include "msgdialog.h" #include "osdmessage.h" #include "popwidget.h" #include "progressBar.h" #include "common.h" #include "fqterm_buffer.h" #include "fqterm_canvas.h" #include "fqterm_config.h" #include "fqterm_convert.h" #include "fqterm_filedialog.h" #include "fqterm_frame.h" #include "fqterm_http.h" #include "fqterm_ip_location.h" #include "fqterm_param.h" #include "fqterm_path.h" #include "fqterm_screen.h" #include "fqterm_session.h" #include "fqterm_sound.h" #include "fqterm_window.h" #include "fqterm_wndmgr.h" #include "imageviewer.h" #include "sshlogindialog.h" #include "statusBar.h" #include "zmodemdialog.h" #ifdef HAVE_PYTHON #include #include "fqterm_python.h" #endif //HAVE_PYTHON #include "fqterm_scriptengine.h" namespace FQTerm { char FQTermWindow::directions_[][5] = { // 4 "\x1b[1~", // 0 HOME "\x1b[4~", // 1 END "\x1b[5~", // 2 PAGE UP "\x1b[6~", // 3 PAGE DOWN // 3 "\x1b[A", // 4 UP "\x1b[B", // 5 DOWN "\x1b[D", // 6 LEFT "\x1b[C" // 7 RIGHT }; /* class FAQ: public QObject { Q_OBJECT; public slots: FAQ() {a = 100;} int get() {return a;} private: int a; }; */ //constructor FQTermWindow::FQTermWindow(FQTermConfig *config, FQTermFrame *frame, FQTermParam param, int addressIndex, QWidget *parent, const char *name, Qt::WindowFlags wflags) : QMainWindow(parent, wflags), frame_(frame), isSelecting_(false), addressIndex_(addressIndex), sound_(NULL), isMouseClicked_(false), blinkStatus_(true), isUrlUnderLined_(false), #ifdef HAVE_PYTHON // the system wide script pythonScriptLoaded_(false), // python thread module pModule(NULL), pDict(NULL), #endif script_engine_(NULL), externalEditor_(NULL) { // isMouseX11_ = false; session_ = new FQTermSession(config, param); screen_ = new FQTermScreen(this, session_); config_ = config; zmodemDialog_ = new zmodemDialog(this); externalEditor_ = new FQTermExternalEditor(this); pageViewMessage_ = new PageViewMessage(this); tabBlinkTimer_ = new QTimer; setWindowIcon(QIcon("noicon")); setWindowTitle(param.name_); setMouseTracking(true); setFocusProxy(screen_); setCentralWidget(screen_); addMenu(); setStatusBar(NULL); FQ_VERIFY(connect(pageViewMessage_, SIGNAL(hideAt(const QRect&)), screen_, SLOT(widgetHideAt(const QRect&)))); FQ_VERIFY(connect(frame_, SIGNAL(bossColor()), screen_, SLOT(bossColor()))); FQ_VERIFY(connect(frame_, SIGNAL(fontAntiAliasing(bool)), screen_, SLOT(setFontAntiAliasing(bool)))); FQ_VERIFY(connect(frame_, SIGNAL(changeLanguage()), this, SLOT(recreateMenu()))); FQ_VERIFY(connect(frame_, SIGNAL(bossColor()), screen_, SLOT(bossColor()))); FQ_VERIFY(connect(frame_, SIGNAL(updateScroll()), screen_, SLOT(updateScrollBar()))); FQ_VERIFY(connect(screen_, SIGNAL(inputEvent(const QString&)), session_, SLOT(handleInput(const QString&)))); FQ_VERIFY(connect(session_, SIGNAL(zmodemStateChanged(int, int, const char*)), this, SLOT(ZmodemState(int, int, const char *)))); FQ_VERIFY(connect(zmodemDialog_, SIGNAL(canceled()), session_, SLOT(cancelZmodem()))); FQ_VERIFY(connect(session_, SIGNAL(connectionClosed()), this, SLOT(connectionClosed()))); FQ_VERIFY(connect(session_, SIGNAL(startAlert()), this, SLOT(startBlink()))); FQ_VERIFY(connect(session_, SIGNAL(stopAlert()), this, SLOT(stopBlink()))); // FQ_VERIFY(connect(session_->decoder_, SIGNAL(mouseMode(bool)), // this, SLOT(setMouseMode(bool)))); FQ_VERIFY(connect(session_, SIGNAL(articleCopied(int, const QString)), this, SLOT(articleCopied(int, const QString)))); FQ_VERIFY(connect(session_, SIGNAL(requestUserPwd(QString*, QString*, bool*)), this, SLOT(requestUserPwd(QString *, QString *, bool *)))); //connect telnet signal to slots // QVERIFY(connect(session_->telnet_, SIGNAL(readyRead(int)), // this, SLOT(readReady(int)))); FQ_VERIFY(connect(session_, SIGNAL(sessionUpdated()), this, SLOT(sessionUpdated()))); FQ_VERIFY(connect(session_, SIGNAL(bellReceived()), this, SLOT(beep()))); FQ_VERIFY(connect(session_, SIGNAL(onTitleSet(const QString&)), this, SLOT(onTitleSet(const QString&)))); FQ_VERIFY(connect(session_, SIGNAL(messageAutoReplied()), this, SLOT(messageAutoReplied()))); FQ_VERIFY(connect(session_, SIGNAL(telnetStateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(TelnetState(int)))); FQ_VERIFY(connect(session_, SIGNAL(errorMessage(QString)), this, SLOT(showSessionErrorMessage(QString)))); FQ_VERIFY(connect(tabBlinkTimer_, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(blinkTab()))); FQ_VERIFY(connect(externalEditor_, SIGNAL(done(const QString&)), this, SLOT(externalEditorDone(const QString&)))); FQ_VERIFY(connect(this, SIGNAL(writeStringSignal(const QString&)), this, SLOT(writeString(const QString&)), Qt::QueuedConnection)); FQ_VERIFY(connect(this, SIGNAL(writeRawStringSignal(const QString&)), this, SLOT(writeRawString(const QString&)), Qt::QueuedConnection)); #if defined(WIN32) popWindow_ = new popWidget(this, frame_); #else popWindow_ = new popWidget(this); #endif const QString &resource_dir = getPath(RESOURCE); cursors_[FQTermSession::kHome] = QCursor( QPixmap(resource_dir + "cursor/home.xpm")); cursors_[FQTermSession::kEnd] = QCursor( QPixmap(resource_dir + "cursor/end.xpm")); cursors_[FQTermSession::kPageUp] = QCursor( QPixmap(resource_dir + "cursor/pageup.xpm")); cursors_[FQTermSession::kPageDown] = QCursor( QPixmap(resource_dir + "cursor/pagedown.xpm")); cursors_[FQTermSession::kUp] = QCursor( QPixmap(resource_dir + "cursor/prev.xpm")); cursors_[FQTermSession::kDown] = QCursor( QPixmap(resource_dir + "cursor/next.xpm")); cursors_[FQTermSession::kLeft] = QCursor( QPixmap(resource_dir + "cursor/exit.xpm"), 0, 10); cursors_[FQTermSession::kRight] = QCursor( QPixmap(resource_dir + "cursor/hand.xpm")); cursors_[FQTermSession::kNormal] = Qt::ArrowCursor; script_engine_ = new FQTermScriptEngine(this); if (session_->param().isAutoLoadScript_ && !session_->param().autoLoadedScriptFileName_.isEmpty()) { const QString &filename = session_->param().autoLoadedScriptFileName_; #ifdef HAVE_PYTHON if (filename.trimmed().endsWith(".py", Qt::CaseInsensitive)){ initPython(filename); } else { initPython(""); #endif runScript(filename); #ifdef HAVE_PYTHON } } else { initPython(""); #endif //HAVE_PYTHON } session_->setScriptListener(this); } FQTermWindow::~FQTermWindow() { #ifdef HAVE_PYTHON finalizePython(); #endif //HAVE_PYTHON script_engine_->finalizeScript(); // delete telnet_; delete session_; delete popWindow_; delete tabBlinkTimer_; delete menu_; delete urlMenu_; delete screen_; delete pageViewMessage_; //delete script_engine_; } void FQTermWindow::addMenu() { urlMenu_ = new QMenu(screen_); urlMenu_->addAction(tr("Preview image"), this, SLOT(previewLink())); urlMenu_->addAction(tr("Open link"), this, SLOT(openLink())); urlMenu_->addAction(tr("Save As..."), this, SLOT(saveLink())); urlMenu_->addAction(tr("Copy link address"), this, SLOT(copyLink())); urlMenu_->addSeparator(); urlMenu_->addAction(tr("Share Selected Text and URL!"), this, SLOT(shareIt())); const QString &resource_dir = getPath(RESOURCE); menu_ = new QMenu(screen_); #if defined(__APPLE__) // Please note that on MacOSX Qt::CTRL corresponds to Command key (apple key), // while Qt::Meta corresponds to Ctrl key. QKeySequence copy_shortcut(tr("Ctrl+C")); QKeySequence paste_shortcut(tr("Ctrl+V")); #else QKeySequence copy_shortcut(tr("Ctrl+Insert")); QKeySequence paste_shortcut(tr("Shift+Insert")); #endif menu_->addAction(QPixmap(resource_dir + "pic/copy.png"), tr("Copy"), this, SLOT(copy()), copy_shortcut); menu_->addAction(QPixmap(resource_dir + "pic/paste.png"), tr("Paste"), this, SLOT(paste()), paste_shortcut); menu_->addAction(QPixmap(resource_dir+"pic/get_article_fulltext.png"), tr("Copy Article"), this, SLOT(copyArticle())); menu_->addSeparator(); QMenu *fontMenu = new QMenu(menu_); fontMenu->setTitle(tr("Font")); fontMenu->setIcon(QPixmap(resource_dir + "pic/change_fonts.png")); for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { QAction *act = fontMenu->addAction( FQTermParam::getLanguageName(bool(i)) + tr(" Font"), this, SLOT(setFont())); act->setData(i); } menu_->addMenu(fontMenu); menu_->addAction(QPixmap(resource_dir + "pic/ansi_color.png"), tr("Color"), this, SLOT(setColor())); menu_->addSeparator(); menu_->addAction(QPixmap(resource_dir + "pic/preferences.png"), tr("Setting"), this, SLOT(setting())); menu_->addSeparator(); menu_->addAction(tr("Open Selected As Url"), this, SLOT(openAsUrl())); menu_->addAction(tr("Search Selected Text!"), this, SLOT(searchIt())); menu_->addAction(tr("Share Selected Text and URL!"), this, SLOT(shareIt())); } void FQTermWindow::recreateMenu() { delete urlMenu_; delete menu_; addMenu(); } //close event received void FQTermWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *clse) { bool toClose = true; if (isConnected() && FQTermPref::getInstance()->openWarnOnClose_) { QMessageBox mb(tr("FQTerm"), tr("Still connected, do you really want to exit?"), QMessageBox::Warning, QMessageBox::Yes|QMessageBox::Default, QMessageBox::No | QMessageBox::Escape, 0, this); if (mb.exec() != QMessageBox::Yes) { toClose = false; } } if (toClose) { session_->close(); } else { clse->ignore(); return; } //We no longer save setting on close from r1036. //saveSetting(); } void FQTermWindow::blinkTab() { emit blinkTheTab(this, blinkStatus_); blinkStatus_ = !blinkStatus_; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* */ /* Mouse & Key */ /* */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ void FQTermWindow::enterEvent(QEvent*){} void FQTermWindow::leaveEvent(QEvent*) { // TODO: code below doesn't work // QPoint temp(0, 0); // session_->setSelect(temp, temp, session_->isRectangleCopy_); // QApplication::postEvent(screen_, new QPaintEvent(QRect(0, 0, 0, 0)); // &paintEvent); } void FQTermWindow::changeEvent(QEvent *e) { if (e->type() == QEvent::WindowStateChange) { QWindowStateChangeEvent *event = (QWindowStateChangeEvent*)(e); Qt::WindowStates oldState = event->oldState(); if (!isMaximized()) { emit refreshOthers(this); } if ( (oldState & Qt::WindowMinimized && !isMinimized()) || (!(oldState & Qt::WindowActive) && isActiveWindow())) { forcedRepaintScreen(); } if (oldState & Qt::WindowMaximized || isMaximized()) { emit resizeSignal(this); } } } void FQTermWindow::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *qResizeEvent) { emit resizeSignal(this); } bool FQTermWindow::event(QEvent *qevent) { bool res = false; QKeyEvent *keyEvent; switch(qevent->type()) { #ifdef __linux__ case QEvent::ShortcutOverride: keyEvent = (QKeyEvent *)(qevent); if(keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_W && keyEvent->modifiers() == Qt::ControlModifier) { keyEvent->accept(); res = true; } break; #endif case QEvent::KeyPress: keyEvent = (QKeyEvent *)(qevent); if (keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Tab || keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Backtab) { // Key_Tab and Key_Backtab are special, if we don't process them here, // the default behavoir is to move focus. see QWidget::event. keyPressEvent(keyEvent); keyEvent->accept(); res = true; } break; default: break; } res = res || QMainWindow::event(qevent); if (qevent->type() == QEvent::HoverMove || qevent->type() == QEvent::MouseMove || qevent->type() == QEvent::Move) { if (res) { FQ_TRACE("wndEvent", 10) << "Accept event: " << qevent->type() << " " << getEventName(qevent->type()) << "."; } else { FQ_TRACE("wndEvent", 10) << "Ignore event: " << qevent->type() << " " << getEventName(qevent->type()) << "."; } } else { if (res) { FQ_TRACE("wndEvent", 9) << "Accept event: " << qevent->type() << " " << getEventName(qevent->type()) << "."; } else { FQ_TRACE("wndEvent", 9) << "Ignore event: " << qevent->type() << " " << getEventName(qevent->type()) << "."; } } return res; } void FQTermWindow::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *mouseevent) { if (scriptMouseEvent(mouseevent)) return; } void FQTermWindow::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *mouseevent) { if (scriptMouseEvent(mouseevent)) return; // stop the tab blinking stopBlink(); // Left Button for selecting if (mouseevent->button() & Qt::LeftButton && !(mouseevent->modifiers())) { startSelecting(mouseevent->pos()); } // Right Button if ((mouseevent->button() & Qt::RightButton)) { if (mouseevent->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) { // on Url if (!session_->getUrl().isEmpty()) { previewLink(); } return ; } #ifdef __APPLE__ bool additional_modifier = (mouseevent->modifiers() & !Qt::MetaModifier); #else bool additional_modifier = mouseevent->modifiers(); #endif if (!(additional_modifier)) { // on Url if (!session_->getUrl().isEmpty()) { urlMenu_->popup(mouseevent->globalPos()); } else { menu_->popup(mouseevent->globalPos()); } return ; } } // Middle Button for paste if (mouseevent->button() &Qt::MidButton && !(mouseevent->modifiers())) { if (isConnected()) // on Url if (!session_->getUrl().isEmpty()) { previewLink(); } else { pasteHelper(false); } return ; } // If it is a click, there should be a press event and a release event. isMouseClicked_ = true; // xterm mouse event //session_->sendMouseState(0, me->button(), me->state(), me->pos()); } void FQTermWindow::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *mouseevent) { bool mouseEventConsumed = scriptMouseEvent(mouseevent); QPoint position = mouseevent->pos(); if (!mouseEventConsumed) { // selecting by leftbutton if ((mouseevent->buttons() &Qt::LeftButton) && isSelecting_) { onSelecting(position); } } if (!(session_->param().isSupportMouse_ && isConnected())) { return; } setCursorPosition(position); setCursorType(position); if (!mouseEventConsumed) { if (!isUrlUnderLined_ && session_->urlStartPoint() != session_->urlEndPoint()) { isUrlUnderLined_ = true; urlStartPoint_ = session_->urlStartPoint(); urlEndPoint_ = session_->urlEndPoint(); clientRect_ = QRect(QPoint(0, urlStartPoint_.y()), QSize(session_->getBuffer()->getNumColumns(), urlEndPoint_.y() - urlStartPoint_.y() + 1)); repaintScreen(); } else if (isUrlUnderLined_ && (session_->urlStartPoint() != urlStartPoint_ || session_->urlEndPoint() != urlEndPoint_)) { clientRect_ = QRect(QPoint(0, urlStartPoint_.y()), QSize(session_->getBuffer()->getNumColumns(), urlEndPoint_.y() - urlStartPoint_.y() + 1)); urlStartPoint_ = QPoint(); urlEndPoint_ = QPoint(); repaintScreen(); isUrlUnderLined_ = false; } } } static bool isSupportedImage(const QString &name) { static QList image_formats = QImageReader::supportedImageFormats(); return image_formats.contains(name.section(".", -1).toLower().toUtf8()); } void FQTermWindow::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *mouseevent) { if (scriptMouseEvent(mouseevent)) return; if (!isMouseClicked_) { return ; } isMouseClicked_ = false; // other than Left Button ignored if (!(mouseevent->button() & Qt::LeftButton) || (mouseevent->modifiers() & Qt::KeyboardModifierMask)) { // no local mouse event //session_->sendMouseState(3, me->button(), me->state(), me->pos()); return ; } // Left Button for selecting QPoint currentMouseCell = screen_->mapToChar(mouseevent->pos()); if (currentMouseCell != lastMouseCell_ && isSelecting_) { finishSelecting(mouseevent->pos()); return ; } isSelecting_ = false; if (!session_->param().isSupportMouse_ || !isConnected()) { return ; } // url QString url = session_->getUrl(); if (!url.isEmpty()) { if (isSupportedImage(url)) { previewLink(); } else { openUrl(url); } return ; } processLClick(currentMouseCell); } void FQTermWindow::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *wheelevent) { if (scriptWheelEvent(wheelevent)) return; int j = wheelevent->delta() > 0 ? 4 : 5; if (!(wheelevent->modifiers())) { if (FQTermPref::getInstance()->isWheelSupported_ && isConnected()) { session_->writeStr(directions_[j]); } return ; } //session_->sendMouseState(j, Qt::NoButton, we->state(), we->pos()); } //keyboard input event void FQTermWindow::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *keyevent) { if (keyevent->isAutoRepeat() && !session_->getBuffer()->isAutoRepeatMode()) { FQ_TRACE("sendkey", 5) << "The terminal is set to not allow repeated key events."; keyevent->accept(); return; } if (scriptKeyEvent(keyevent)) return; keyevent->accept(); if (!isConnected()) { if (keyevent->key() == Qt::Key_Return || keyevent->key() == Qt::Key_Enter) { session_->reconnect(); } return ; } // stop the tab blinking stopBlink(); if (!session_->readyForInput()) { return; } // message replying session_->leaveIdle(); Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifier = QApplication::keyboardModifiers(); int key = keyevent->key(); sendKey(key, modifier, keyevent->text()); } /* void FQTermWindow::focusInEvent (QFocusEvent *event) { QMainWindow::focusInEvent(event); screen_->setFocus(Qt::OtherFocusReason); } */ //connect slot void FQTermWindow::connectHost() { pageViewMessage_->display(tr("Not connected"), screen_->mapToPixel(QPoint(1, 1))); session_->setProxy(session_->param().proxyType_, session_->param().isAuthentation_, session_->param().proxyHostName_, session_->param().proxyPort_, session_->param().proxyUserName_, session_->param().proxyPassword_); session_->connectHost(session_->param().hostAddress_, session_->param().port_); config_->setItemValue("global", "lastaddrindex", QString("%1").arg(addressIndex_)); } bool FQTermWindow::isConnected() { return session_->isConnected(); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* */ /* Telnet State */ /* */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ void FQTermWindow::sessionUpdated() { refreshScreen(); //send a mouse move event to make mouse-related change QMouseEvent* me = new QMouseEvent( QEvent::MouseMove, mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos()), QCursor::pos(), Qt::NoButton, Qt::NoButton, Qt::NoModifier); QApplication::postEvent(this, me); } void FQTermWindow::requestUserPwd(QString *user, QString *pwd, bool *isOK) { SSHLoginDialog login(user, pwd, this); *isOK = (login.exec() == QDialog::Accepted); } void FQTermWindow::ZmodemState(int type, int value, const char *status) { QString strMsg; //to be completed switch (type) { case RcvByteCount: case SndByteCount: zmodemDialog_->setProgress(value); return; case RcvTimeout: /* receiver did not respond, aborting */ strMsg = QString(tr("Time out!")); break; case SndTimeout: /* value is # of consecutive send timeouts */ strMsg = QString(tr("Time out after trying %1 times")).arg(value); break; case RmtCancel: /* remote end has cancelled */ strMsg = QString(tr("Canceled by remote peer %1")).arg(status); break; case ProtocolErr: /* protocol error has occurred, val=hdr */ strMsg = QString( tr("Unhandled header %1 at state %2")).arg(value).arg(status); break; case RemoteMessage: /* message from remote end */ strMsg = QString(tr("Msg from remote peer: %1")).arg(status); break; case DataErr: /* data error, val=error count */ strMsg = QString(tr("Data errors %1")).arg(value); break; case FileErr: /* error writing file, val=errno */ strMsg = QString(tr("Falied to write file")); break; case FileBegin: /* file transfer begins, str=name */ FQ_TRACE("window", 1) << "Starting file " << status; zmodemDialog_->setFileInfo(session_->bbs2unicode(status), value); zmodemDialog_->setProgress(0); zmodemDialog_->clearErrorLog(); zmodemDialog_->show(); zmodemDialog_->setModal(true); return; case FileEnd: /* file transfer ends, str=name */ zmodemDialog_->hide(); return; case FileSkip: /* file being skipped, str=name */ strMsg = QString(tr("Skipping file %1")).arg(status); break; } zmodemDialog_->addErrorLog(strMsg); } // telnet state slot void FQTermWindow::TelnetState(int state) { switch (state) { case TSRESOLVING: pageViewMessage_->display(tr("Resolving host name"), screen_->mapToPixel(QPoint(1, 1))); break; case TSHOSTFOUND: pageViewMessage_->display(tr("Host found"), screen_->mapToPixel(QPoint(1, 1))); break; case TSHOSTNOTFOUND: pageViewMessage_->display(tr("Host not found"), screen_->mapToPixel(QPoint(1, 1))); break; case TSCONNECTING: pageViewMessage_->display(tr("Connecting..."), screen_->mapToPixel(QPoint(1, 1))); break; case TSHOSTCONNECTED: pageViewMessage_->display(tr("Connected"), screen_->mapToPixel(QPoint(1, 1))); frame_->updateMenuToolBar(); break; case TSPROXYCONNECTED: pageViewMessage_->display(tr("Connected to proxy"), screen_->mapToPixel(QPoint(1, 1))); break; case TSPROXYAUTH: pageViewMessage_->display(tr("Proxy authentation"), screen_->mapToPixel(QPoint(1, 1))); break; case TSPROXYFAIL: pageViewMessage_->display(tr("Proxy failed"), screen_->mapToPixel(QPoint(1, 1))); break; case TSREFUSED: pageViewMessage_->display(tr("Connection refused"), screen_->mapToPixel(QPoint(1, 1))); break; case TSREADERROR: pageViewMessage_->display(tr("Error when reading from server"), screen_->mapToPixel(QPoint(1, 1)), PageViewMessage::Error); break; case TSCLOSED: pageViewMessage_->display(tr("Connection closed"), screen_->mapToPixel(QPoint(1, 1))); break; case TSCLOSEFINISH: pageViewMessage_->display(tr("Connection close finished"), screen_->mapToPixel(QPoint(1, 1))); break; case TSCONNECTVIAPROXY: pageViewMessage_->display(tr("Connect to host via proxy"), screen_->mapToPixel(QPoint(1, 1))); break; case TSEGETHOSTBYNAME: pageViewMessage_->display( tr("Error in gethostbyname"), screen_->mapToPixel(QPoint(1, 1)), PageViewMessage::Error); break; case TSEINIWINSOCK: pageViewMessage_->display( tr("Error in startup winsock"), screen_->mapToPixel(QPoint(1, 1)), PageViewMessage::Error); break; case TSERROR: pageViewMessage_->display( tr("Error in connection"), screen_->mapToPixel(QPoint(1, 1)), PageViewMessage::Error); break; case TSPROXYERROR: pageViewMessage_->display(tr("Error in proxy"), screen_->mapToPixel(QPoint(1, 1)), PageViewMessage::Error); break; case TSWRITED: break; } } void FQTermWindow::showSessionErrorMessage(QString reason) { if (reason == tr("User Cancel")) { return; } QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Session error"), reason); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* */ /* UI Slots */ /* */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ void FQTermWindow::copy() { QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard(); QString selected_text = session_->getBuffer()->getTextSelected( session_->param().isRectSelect_, session_->param().isColorCopy_, parseString((const char*)session_->param().escapeString_.toLatin1())); QByteArray cstrText = session_->unicode2bbs(selected_text); // TODO_UTF16: avoid this replacement. if (!FQTermPref::getInstance()->escapeString_.isEmpty()) { cstrText.replace( parseString((const char*)session_->param().escapeString_.toLatin1()), parseString(FQTermPref::getInstance()->escapeString_.toLatin1())); } selected_text = session_->bbs2unicode(cstrText); // TODO_UTF16: there are three modes: Clipboard, Selection, FindBuffer. clipboard->setText(selected_text, QClipboard::Clipboard); clipboard->setText(selected_text, QClipboard::Selection); } void FQTermWindow::paste() { pasteHelper(true); } void FQTermWindow::writePasting(const QString& content) { QByteArray cstrText = session_->unicode2bbs(content); // TODO_UTF16: avoid this replacement. if (!FQTermPref::getInstance()->escapeString_.isEmpty()) { cstrText.replace( parseString(FQTermPref::getInstance()->escapeString_.toLatin1()), parseString((const char*)session_->param().escapeString_.toLatin1())); } if (session_->param().isAutoWrap_) { // convert to unicode for word wrap QString strText; strText = session_->bbs2unicode(cstrText); // insert '\n' as needed for (uint i = 0; (long)i < strText.length(); i++) { uint j = i; uint k = 0, l = 0; while ((long)j < strText.length() && strText.at(j) != QChar('\n')) { if (FQTermPref::getInstance()->widthToWrapWord_ - (l - k) >= 0 && FQTermPref::getInstance()->widthToWrapWord_ - (l - k) < 2) { strText.insert(j, QChar('\n')); k = l; j++; break; } // double byte or not if (strText.at(j).row() == '\0') { l++; } else { l += 2; } j++; } i = j; } cstrText = session_->unicode2bbs(strText); } session_->write(cstrText, cstrText.length()); } void FQTermWindow::pasteHelper(bool clip) { if (!isConnected()) { return ; } // TODO_UTF16: there are three modes: Clipboard, Selection, FindBuffer. QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard(); // TODO_UTF16: what's the termFrame_->clipboardEncodingID_? /* if (termFrame_->clipboardEncodingID_ == 0) { if (clip) { cstrText = U2G(clipboard->text(QClipboard::Clipboard)); } else { cstrText = U2G(clipboard->text(QClipboard::Selection)); } if (session_->param().serverEncodingID_ == 1) { char *str = encodingConverter_.G2B(cstrText, cstrText.length()); cstrText = str; delete [] str; } } else { if (clip) { cstrText = U2B(clipboard->text(QClipboard::Clipboard)); } else { cstrText = U2B(clipboard->text(QClipboard::Selection)); } if (session_->param().serverEncodingID_ == 0) { char *str = encodingConverter_.B2G(cstrText, cstrText.length()); cstrText = str; delete [] str; } } */ QString clipStr; if (clip) { clipStr = clipboard->text(QClipboard::Clipboard); } else { clipStr = clipboard->text(QClipboard::Selection); } writePasting(clipStr); } void FQTermWindow::openAsUrl() { QString selected_text = session_->getBuffer()->getTextSelected( session_->param().isRectSelect_, session_->param().isColorCopy_, parseString((const char*)session_->param().escapeString_.toLatin1())); openUrl(selected_text); } void FQTermWindow::searchIt() { script_engine_->runScript(getPath(RESOURCE) + "script/search.js"); QScriptValueList qvl; qvl << FQTermPref::getInstance()->searchEngine_; if (!script_engine_->scriptCallback("searchSelected", qvl)) { //fall back to google. QString selected_text = session_->getBuffer()->getTextSelected( session_->param().isRectSelect_, session_->param().isColorCopy_, parseString((const char*)session_->param().escapeString_.toLatin1())); QString searchUrl = "http://www.google.com/search?client=fqterm&rls=en&q=" + selected_text + "&sourceid=fqterm"; QByteArray url = QUrl(searchUrl).toEncoded(); openUrlImpl(url); } } void FQTermWindow::shareIt() { script_engine_->runScript(getPath(RESOURCE) + "script/weiboshare.js"); } void FQTermWindow::fastPost() { QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard(); QString clipStr = clipboard->text(QClipboard::Clipboard); QString lineEnd("\n"); QString postTitle = clipStr.left(clipStr.indexOf(lineEnd)); sendParsedString("^p"); writeRawString(postTitle); writeRawString(QString("\n\n")); writePasting(clipStr); sendParsedString("^W\n"); } void FQTermWindow::externalEditor() { externalEditor_->start(); } void FQTermWindow::externalEditorDone(const QString& str) { QByteArray rawStr = session_->unicode2bbs_smart(str); session_->write(rawStr, rawStr.length()); } void FQTermWindow::copyArticle() { if (!isConnected()) { return ; } session_->copyArticle(); } void FQTermWindow::setColor() { addrDialog set(this, session_->param()); set.setCurrentTabIndex(addrDialog::Display); int res = set.exec(); if (res != 0) { updateSetting(set.param()); if (res == 2) saveSetting(false); } } void FQTermWindow::disconnect() { session_->close(); connectionClosed(); } void FQTermWindow::showIP(bool show) { pageViewMessage_->hide(); if (!show) { return; } QString country, city; QString url = session_->getIP(); FQTermIPLocation *ipLocation = FQTermIPLocation::getInstance(); QRect screenRect = screen_->rect(); QPoint messagePos; QRect globalIPRectangle = QRect(screen_->mapToRect(ipRectangle_)); QFontMetrics fm(qApp->font()); int charHeight = fm.height(); int midLine = (screenRect.top() + screenRect.bottom()) / 2; int ipMidLine = (globalIPRectangle.top() + globalIPRectangle.bottom()) / 2; if (ipMidLine < midLine) { // "There is Plenty of Room at the Bottom." -- Feyman, 1959 messagePos.setY(globalIPRectangle.bottom() + 0.618 * charHeight); } else { messagePos.setY(globalIPRectangle.top() - 0.618 * charHeight - pageViewMessage_->size().height()); } QString displayText; if (ipLocation == NULL) { displayText = tr("IP database file does NOT exist"); } else if (!ipLocation->getLocation(url, country, city)) { displayText = tr("Invalid IP"); } else { displayText = country + " " + city; } QRect messageSize(pageViewMessage_->displayCheck(displayText, PageViewMessage::Info)); PageViewMessage::Alignment ali; if (messageSize.width() + globalIPRectangle.left() >= screenRect.right()) { //"But There is No Room at the Right" -- Curvelet, 2007 messagePos.setX(globalIPRectangle.right()); ali = PageViewMessage::TopRight; } else { messagePos.setX(globalIPRectangle.left()); ali = PageViewMessage::TopLeft; } pageViewMessage_->display( displayText, PageViewMessage::Info, 0, messagePos, ali); } void FQTermWindow::runScript() { // get the previous dir QStringList fileList; FQTermFileDialog fileDialog(config_); fileList = fileDialog.getOpenNames("Choose a Javascript file", "JavaScript File (*.js)"); if (!fileList.isEmpty() && fileList.count() == 1) { runScript(fileList.at(0)); } } void FQTermWindow::stopScript() { script_engine_->stopScript(); } void FQTermWindow::viewMessages() { msgDialog msg(this); QByteArray dlgSize = // frame_->config()->getItemValue("global", "msgdialog").toLatin1(); config_->getItemValue("global", "msgdialog").toLatin1(); const char *dsize = dlgSize.constData(); if (!dlgSize.isEmpty()) { int x, y, cx, cy; sscanf(dsize, "%d %d %d %d", &x, &y, &cx, &cy); msg.resize(QSize(cx, cy)); msg.move(QPoint(x, y)); } else { msg.resize(QSize(300, 500)); msg.move(QPoint(20,20)); } msg.setMessageText(allMessages_); msg.exec(); QString strSize = QString("%1 %2 %3 %4").arg(msg.x()).arg(msg.y()).arg (msg.width()).arg(msg.height()); // frame_->config()->setItemValue("global", "msgdialog", strSize); config_->setItemValue("global", "msgdialog", strSize); } void FQTermWindow::setting() { addrDialog set(this, session_->param()); int res = set.exec(); if (res != 0) { updateSetting(set.param()); if (res == 2) saveSetting(false); } } void FQTermWindow::toggleAntiIdle() { session_->setAntiIdle(!session_->isAntiIdle()); } void FQTermWindow::toggleAutoReply() { session_->setAutoReply(!session_->isAutoReply()); } void FQTermWindow::toggleAutoReconnect() { session_->setAutoReconnect(!session_->param().isAutoReconnect_); } void FQTermWindow::connectionClosed() { stopBlink(); pageViewMessage_->display(tr("Connection closed"), screen_->mapToPixel(QPoint(1, 1))); frame_->updateMenuToolBar(); setCursor(cursors_[FQTermSession::kNormal]); refreshScreen(); if (!getSession()->param().isAutoReconnect_ && getSession()->param().isAutoCloseWin_) { emit(connectionClosed(this)); } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* */ /* Events */ /* */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ void FQTermWindow::articleCopied(int e, const QString content) { if (e == DAE_FINISH) { // articleDialog article(frame_->config(), this); articleDialog article(config_, this); // Fix focus-losing bug. // dsize should be a pointer to a non-temprary object. QByteArray dlgSize = // frame_->config()->getItemValue("global", "articledialog").toLatin1(); config_->getItemValue("global", "articledialog").toLatin1(); const char *dsize = dlgSize.constData(); if (!dlgSize.isEmpty()) { int x, y, cx, cy; sscanf(dsize, "%d %d %d %d", &x, &y, &cx, &cy); article.resize(QSize(cx, cy)); article.move(QPoint(x, y)); } else { article.resize(QSize(300, 500)); article.move(20,20); } article.articleText_ = content; article.ui_.textBrowser->setPlainText(article.articleText_); article.exec(); QString strSize = QString("%1 %2 %3 %4").arg(article.x()).arg(article.y()) .arg(article.width()).arg(article.height()); // frame_->config()->setItemValue("global", "articledialog", strSize); config_->setItemValue("global", "articledialog", strSize); } else if (e == DAE_TIMEOUT) { QMessageBox::warning(this, "timeout", "download article timeout, aborted"); #ifdef HAVE_PYTHON } else if (e == PYE_ERROR) { QMessageBox::warning(this, "Python script error", pythonErrorMessage_); } else if (e == PYE_FINISH) { QMessageBox::information(this, "Python script finished", "Python script file executed successfully"); #endif //HAVE_PYTHON } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* */ /* Aux Func */ /* */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ QByteArray FQTermWindow::parseString(const QByteArray &cstr, int *len) { QByteArray parsed = ""; if (len != 0) { *len = 0; } for (uint i = 0; (long)i < cstr.length(); i++) { if (cstr.at(i) == '^') { i++; if ((long)i < cstr.length()) { parsed += FQTERM_CTRL(cstr.at(i)); if (len != 0) { *len = *len + 1; } } } else if (cstr.at(i) == '\\') { i++; if ((long)i < cstr.length()) { if (cstr.at(i) == 'n') { parsed += CHAR_CR; } else if (cstr.at(i) == 'r') { parsed += CHAR_LF; } else if (cstr.at(i) == 't') { parsed += CHAR_TAB; } if (len != 0) { *len = *len + 1; } } } else { parsed += cstr.at(i); if (len != 0) { *len = *len + 1; } } } return parsed; } void FQTermWindow::messageAutoReplied() { pageViewMessage_->display("You have messages", PageViewMessage::Info, 0); } void FQTermWindow::saveSetting(bool ask /* = true*/) { if (addressIndex_ == -1) { return ; } //save these options silently FQTermConfig pConf(getPath(USER_CONFIG) + "address.cfg"); FQTermParam param; loadAddress(&pConf, addressIndex_, param); param.isAutoCopy_ = session_->param().isAutoCopy_; param.isAutoWrap_ = session_->param().isAutoWrap_; param.isRectSelect_ = session_->param().isRectSelect_; param.isColorCopy_ = session_->param().isColorCopy_; saveAddress(&pConf, addressIndex_, param); pConf.save(getPath(USER_CONFIG) + "address.cfg"); if (param == session_->param()) { return; } QMessageBox mb("FQTerm", "Setting changed do you want to save it?", QMessageBox::Warning, QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::Default, QMessageBox::No | QMessageBox::Escape, 0, this); if (!ask || mb.exec() == QMessageBox::Yes) { saveAddress(&pConf, addressIndex_, session_->param()); pConf.save(getPath(USER_CONFIG) + "address.cfg"); } } int FQTermWindow::externInput(const QByteArray &cstrText) { QByteArray cstrParsed = parseString(cstrText); return session_->write(cstrParsed, cstrParsed.length()); } int FQTermWindow::externInput(const QString &cstrText) { return externInput(session_->unicode2bbs_smart(cstrText)); } int FQTermWindow::writeRawString(const QString& str) { QByteArray rawStr = session_->unicode2bbs_smart(str); return session_->write(rawStr, rawStr.length()); } void FQTermWindow::sendParsedString(const char *str) { int length; QByteArray cstr = parseString(str, &length); session_->write(cstr, length); } bool FQTermWindow::postQtScriptCallback(const QString& func, const QScriptValueList & args) { return script_engine_->scriptCallback(func, args); } #ifdef HAVE_PYTHON bool FQTermWindow::postPythonCallback( const QString& func, PyObject* pArgs ) { return pythonCallback(func, pArgs); } #endif //HAVE_PYTHON // void FQTermWindow::setMouseMode(bool on) { // isMouseX11_ = on; // } // /* 0-left 1-middle 2-right 3-relsase 4/5-wheel // * // */ // //void FQTermWindow::sendMouseState( int num, // // Qt::ButtonState btnstate, Qt::ButtonState keystate, const QPoint& pt ) // void FQTermWindow::sendMouseState(int num, Qt::KeyboardModifier btnstate, // Qt::KeyboardModifier keystate, const QPoint &pt) { // /* // if(!m_bMouseX11) // return; // // QPoint ptc = screen_->mapToChar(pt); // // if(btnstate&Qt::LeftButton) // num = num==0?0:num; // else if(btnstate&Qt::MidButton) // num = num==0?1:num; // else if(btnstate&Qt::RightButton) // num = num==0?2:num; // // int state = 0; // if(keystate&Qt::ShiftModifier) // state |= 0x04; // if(keystate&Qt::MetaModifier) // state |= 0x08; // if(keystate&Qt::ControlModifier) // state |= 0x10; // // // normal buttons are passed as 0x20 + button, // // mouse wheel (buttons 4,5) as 0x5c + button // if(num>3) num += 0x3c; // // char mouse[10]; // sprintf(mouse, "\033[M%c%c%c", // num+state+0x20, // ptc.x()+1+0x20, // ptc.y()+1+0x20); // m_pTelnet->write( mouse, strlen(mouse) ); // */ // } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* */ /* Python Func */ /* */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ #ifdef HAVE_PYTHON void FQTermWindow::runPythonScript() { QStringList fileList; FQTermFileDialog fileDialog(config_); fileList = fileDialog.getOpenNames("Choose a Python file", "Python File (*.py)"); if (!fileList.isEmpty() && fileList.count() == 1) { runPythonScriptFile(fileList.at(0)); } } void FQTermWindow::runPythonScriptFile(const QString& file) { QString str(QString("%1").arg(long(this))); char* lp = fq_strdup(str.toUtf8().data()); char *argv[2]={lp,NULL}; // get the global python thread lock PyEval_AcquireLock(); PyInterpreterState * mainInterpreterState = frame_->getPythonHelper()->getPyThreadState()->interp; // create a thread state object for this thread PyThreadState * myThreadState = PyThreadState_New(mainInterpreterState); PyThreadState_Swap(myThreadState); PySys_SetArgv(1, argv); runPythonFile(file); //Clean up this thread's python interpreter reference PyThreadState_Swap(NULL); PyThreadState_Clear(myThreadState); PyThreadState_Delete(myThreadState); PyEval_ReleaseLock(); free((void*)lp); } bool FQTermWindow::pythonCallback(const QString & func, PyObject* pArgs) { if(!pythonScriptLoaded_) { Py_DECREF(pArgs); return false; }; bool done = false; // get the global lock PyEval_AcquireLock(); // get a reference to the PyInterpreterState //Python thread references PyInterpreterState * mainInterpreterState = frame_->getPythonHelper()->getPyThreadState()->interp; // create a thread state object for this thread PyThreadState * myThreadState = PyThreadState_New(mainInterpreterState); PyThreadState_Swap(myThreadState); PyObject *pF = PyString_FromString(func.toUtf8()); PyObject *pFunc = PyDict_GetItem(pDict, pF); Py_DECREF(pF); if (pFunc && PyCallable_Check(pFunc)) { PyObject *pValue = PyObject_CallObject(pFunc, pArgs); Py_DECREF(pArgs); if (pValue != NULL) { if (PyBool_Check(pValue) && pValue == Py_True) done = true; Py_DECREF(pValue); } else { //QMessageBox::warning(this,"Python script error", getException()); printf("%p: Python script error\n", this, getException().toUtf8().data()); } } else { PyErr_Print(); printf("Cannot find python %s callback function\n", func.toUtf8().data()); } // swap my thread state out of the interpreter PyThreadState_Swap(NULL); // clear out any cruft from thread state object PyThreadState_Clear(myThreadState); // delete my thread state object PyThreadState_Delete(myThreadState); // release the lock PyEval_ReleaseLock(); if (func == "autoReply") startBlink(); return done; } int FQTermWindow::runPythonFile( const QString& file ) { QString buffer("def work_thread():\n" "\ttry:\n\t\texecfile('"); buffer += QString(file).replace("\\", "\\\\"); /* Have to do it like this. PyRun_SimpleFile requires you to pass a * stdio file pointer, but Vim and the Python DLL are compiled with * different options under Windows, meaning that stdio pointers aren't * compatible between the two. Yuk. * * Put the string "execfile('file')" into buffer. But, we need to * escape any backslashes or single quotes in the file name, so that * Python won't mangle the file name. * ---- kafa */ /* Put in the terminating "')" and a null */ buffer += "',{})\n\0"; buffer += QString("\texcept:\n" "\t\texc, val, tb = sys.exc_info()\n" "\t\tlines = traceback.format_exception(exc, val, tb)\n" "\t\terr = string.join(lines)\n" "\t\tprint err\n" "\t\tf=open('%1','w')\n" "\t\tf.write(err)\n" "\t\tf.close()\n").arg(getErrOutputFile(this)); buffer += QString("\t\tfqterm.formatError(%1)\n").arg((long)this); buffer += "\t\texit\n"; /* Execute the file */ PyRun_SimpleString("import thread,string,sys,traceback,fqterm"); PyRun_SimpleString(buffer.toUtf8()); PyRun_SimpleString( "thread.start_new_thread(work_thread,())\n"); return 0; } void FQTermWindow::initPython(const QString& file) { // get the global python thread lock PyEval_AcquireLock(); // get a reference to the PyInterpreterState PyInterpreterState * mainInterpreterState = frame_->getPythonHelper()->getPyThreadState()->interp; // create a thread state object for this thread PyThreadState * myThreadState = PyThreadState_New(mainInterpreterState); PyThreadState_Swap(myThreadState); Py_InitModule4("fqterm", fqterm_methods, NULL,(PyObject*)NULL,PYTHON_API_VERSION); PyImport_AddModule("fqterm"); if(!file.isEmpty() ) { QFileInfo info(file); PyRun_SimpleString("import sys"); PyRun_SimpleString(QString("sys.path.append(\"%1/\")").arg(info.absolutePath()).toUtf8().data()); PyObject *pName = PyString_FromString(info.baseName().toUtf8().data()); pModule = PyImport_Import(pName); //PyErr_Print(); Py_DECREF(pName); if (pModule != NULL) pDict = PyModule_GetDict(pModule); else { //printf("Failed to PyImport_Import\n"); } if(pDict != NULL ) pythonScriptLoaded_ = true; else { //printf("Failed to PyModule_GetDict\n"); } } //Clean up this thread's python interpreter reference PyThreadState_Swap(NULL); PyThreadState_Clear(myThreadState); PyThreadState_Delete(myThreadState); PyEval_ReleaseLock(); } void FQTermWindow::finalizePython() { // get the global python thread lock PyEval_AcquireLock(); // get a reference to the PyInterpreterState PyInterpreterState * mainInterpreterState = frame_->getPythonHelper()->getPyThreadState()->interp; // create a thread state object for this thread PyThreadState * myThreadState = PyThreadState_New(mainInterpreterState); PyThreadState_Swap(myThreadState); //Displose of current python module so we can reload in constructor. if(pModule!=NULL) Py_DECREF(pModule); //Clean up this thread's python interpreter reference PyThreadState_Swap(NULL); PyThreadState_Clear(myThreadState); PyThreadState_Delete(myThreadState); PyEval_ReleaseLock(); } #endif //HAVE_PYTHON /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* */ /* HTTP Func */ /* */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ void FQTermWindow::openLink() { QString url = session_->getUrl(); if (!url.isEmpty()) { openUrlImpl(url); } } void FQTermWindow::saveLink() { QString url = session_->getUrl(); if (!url.isEmpty()) getHttpHelper(url, false); } void FQTermWindow::openUrl(QString url) { QString caption = tr("URL Dialog"); QString strUrl = url; QTextEdit *textEdit = new QTextEdit(); textEdit->setPlainText(strUrl); //textEdit->setFocus(); textEdit->setTabChangesFocus(true); textEdit->moveCursor(QTextCursor::End); QPushButton *okButton = new QPushButton(tr("&Open URL")); QPushButton *cancelButton = new QPushButton(tr("&Cancel")); // okButton->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed)); // cancelButton->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed)); QGridLayout *layout = new QGridLayout; layout->addWidget(textEdit, 0, 0, 1, -1); layout->addWidget(okButton, 1, 3); layout->addWidget(cancelButton, 1, 4); QDialog dlg(this); QFontMetrics fm(qApp->font()); connect(okButton, SIGNAL(pressed()), &dlg, SLOT(accept())); connect(cancelButton, SIGNAL(pressed()), &dlg, SLOT(reject())); dlg.setWindowTitle(caption); dlg.setLayout(layout); dlg.resize(fm.width(QString(30, 'W')), fm.height() * (fm.width(strUrl) / fm.width(QString(30, 'W')) + 5)); textEdit->clearFocus(); okButton->setFocus(Qt::TabFocusReason); if (dlg.exec()) { openUrlImpl(textEdit->toPlainText()); } } void FQTermWindow::openUrlImpl(QString url) { const QString &httpBrowser = FQTermPref::getInstance()->httpBrowser_; if (httpBrowser.isNull() || httpBrowser.isEmpty()) { #if QT_VERSION >= 0x040400 QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl::fromEncoded(url.toLocal8Bit())); #else QDesktopServices::openUrl(url); #endif } else { runProgram(httpBrowser, url); } } void FQTermWindow::previewLink() { getHttpHelper(session_->getUrl(), true); } void FQTermWindow::copyLink() { QString strUrl; strUrl = session_->bbs2unicode(session_->getUrl().toLatin1()); QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard(); clipboard->setText(strUrl, QClipboard::Selection); clipboard->setText(strUrl, QClipboard::Clipboard); } void FQTermWindow::getHttpHelper(const QString &url, bool preview) { const QString &strPool = FQTermPref::getInstance()->poolDir_; FQTermHttp *http = new FQTermHttp(config_, this, strPool, session_->param().serverEncodingID_); if (getSession()->param().proxyType_ != 0) { QString host = getSession()->param().proxyHostName_; int port = getSession()->param().proxyPort_; bool auth = getSession()->param().isAuthentation_; QString user = auth ? getSession()->param().proxyUserName_ : QString(); QString pass = auth ? getSession()->param().proxyPassword_ : QString(); switch (getSession()->param().proxyType_) { case 1: case 2: //no support in qt. FQ_TRACE("network", 0) << "proxy type not supported by qt, download will not use proxy."; break; case 3: http->setProxy(QNetworkProxy(QNetworkProxy::Socks5Proxy, host, port, user, pass)); break; case 4: http->setProxy(QNetworkProxy(QNetworkProxy::HttpProxy, host, port, user, pass)); break; } } FQTerm::StatusBar::instance()->newProgressOperation(http).setDescription(tr("Waiting header...")).setAbortSlot(http, SLOT(cancel())).setMaximum(100); FQTerm::StatusBar::instance()->resetMainText(); FQTerm::StatusBar::instance()->setProgress(http, 0); FQ_VERIFY(connect(http, SIGNAL(headerReceived(FQTermHttp *, const QString &)), this, SLOT(startHttpDownload(FQTermHttp*,const QString&)))); FQ_VERIFY(connect(http,SIGNAL(done(QObject*)),this,SLOT(httpDone(QObject*)))); FQ_VERIFY(connect(http, SIGNAL(message(const QString &)), pageViewMessage_, SLOT(showText(const QString &)))); FQ_VERIFY(connect(http, SIGNAL(done(QObject*)), FQTerm::StatusBar::instance(), SLOT(endProgressOperation(QObject*)))); FQ_VERIFY(connect(http, SIGNAL(percent(int)), FQTerm::StatusBar::instance(), SLOT(setProgress(int)))); FQ_VERIFY(connect(http, SIGNAL(previewImage(const QString &, bool, bool)), this, SLOT(httpPreviewImage(const QString &, bool, bool)))); http->getLink(url, preview); } void FQTermWindow::startHttpDownload( FQTermHttp *pHttp, const QString &filedesp) { FQTerm::StatusBar::instance()->newProgressOperation(pHttp).setDescription (filedesp).setAbortSlot(pHttp, SLOT(cancel())).setMaximum(100); FQTerm::StatusBar::instance()->resetMainText(); } void FQTermWindow::httpDone(QObject *pHttp) { pHttp->deleteLater(); } void FQTermWindow::httpPreviewImage(const QString &filename, bool raiseViewer, bool done) { if (config_->getItemValue("preference", "image").isEmpty() || done) { previewImage(filename, raiseViewer); } } void FQTermWindow::previewImage(const QString &filename, bool raiseViewer) { // QString strViewer = frame_->config()->getItemValue("preference", "image"); QString strViewer = config_->getItemValue("preference", "image"); if (strViewer.isEmpty()) { frame_->viewImages(filename, raiseViewer); } else if(raiseViewer) { runProgram(strViewer, filename); } } void FQTermWindow::beep() { if (session_->param().isBeep_) { if (session_->param().isBuzz_) { frame_->buzz(this); } if (FQTermPref::getInstance()->beepSoundFileName_.isEmpty() || FQTermPref::getInstance()->openBeep_ == 3) { qApp->beep(); } else { sound_ = NULL; switch (FQTermPref::getInstance()->beepMethodID_) { case 0: sound_ = new FQTermSystemSound(FQTermPref::getInstance()->beepSoundFileName_); break; case 1: sound_ = new FQTermExternalSound(FQTermPref::getInstance()->beepPlayerName_, FQTermPref::getInstance()->beepSoundFileName_); break; } if (sound_) { sound_->start(); } } } QString strMsg = session_->getMessage(); if (!strMsg.isEmpty()) { allMessages_ += strMsg + "\n\n"; } session_->setSendingMessage(); } void FQTermWindow::onTitleSet(const QString& title) { setWindowTitle(title); } void FQTermWindow::startBlink() { if (FQTermPref::getInstance()->openTabBlinking_) { if (!tabBlinkTimer_->isActive()) { tabBlinkTimer_->start(500); } } } void FQTermWindow::stopBlink() { if (tabBlinkTimer_->isActive()) { tabBlinkTimer_->stop(); emit blinkTheTab(this, true); } } void FQTermWindow::setCursorType(const QPoint& mousePosition) { QRect rcOld; bool isUrl = false; if (FQTermPref::getInstance()->openUrlCheck_) { showIP(session_->isIP(ipRectangle_, rcOld)); if (session_->isUrl(urlRectangle_, rcOld)) { setCursor(Qt::PointingHandCursor); isUrl = true; } } if (!isUrl) { FQTermSession::CursorType cursorType = session_->getCursorType(screen_->mapToChar(mousePosition)); setCursor(cursors_[cursorType]); } } void FQTermWindow::setCursorPosition(const QPoint& mousePosition) { // set cursor pos, repaint if state changed QRect rc; if (session_->setCursorPos(screen_->mapToChar(mousePosition), rc)) { screen_->repaint(screen_->mapToRect(rc)); //re-check whether the cursor is still on the selected rectangle -- dp QPoint localPos = mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos()); //local. if (!session_->getMenuRect().contains(screen_->mapToChar(localPos))) { QRect dummyRect; rc = session_->getMenuRect(); session_->setCursorPos(screen_->mapToChar(localPos), dummyRect); screen_->repaint(screen_->mapToRect(rc)); //restore the state. session_->setCursorPos(screen_->mapToChar(mousePosition), dummyRect); } } } void FQTermWindow::refreshScreen() { screen_->setPaintState(FQTermScreen::NewData); screen_->update(); } void FQTermWindow::repaintScreen() { screen_->setPaintState(FQTermScreen::Repaint); if (clientRect_ != QRect()) { screen_->repaint(screen_->mapToRect(clientRect_)); } else { screen_->repaint(); } clientRect_ = QRect(); // screen_->update(clientRect_); } void FQTermWindow::enterMenuItem() { char cr = CHAR_CR; QRect rc = session_->getMenuRect(); FQTermSession::PageState ps = session_->getPageState(); switch (ps) { case FQTermSession::Menu: case FQTermSession::MailMenu: case FQTermSession::TOP10: if (!rc.isEmpty()) { char cMenu = session_->getMenuChar(); session_->write(&cMenu, 1); session_->write(&cr, 1); } break; case FQTermSession::ArticleList: case FQTermSession::BoardList: case FQTermSession::FriendMailList: case FQTermSession::EliteArticleList: if (!rc.isEmpty()) { int n = rc.y() - session_->getBuffer()->getCaretLine(); // scroll lines int cursorType = n>0?FQTermSession::kDown:FQTermSession::kUp; n = qAbs(n); while (n) { session_->write(directions_[cursorType], 4); n--; } } session_->write(&cr, 1); break; default: // TODO: process other PageState. break; } } void FQTermWindow::processLClick(const QPoint& cellClicked) { int cursorType = session_->getCursorType(cellClicked); switch(cursorType) { case FQTermSession::kHome: case FQTermSession::kEnd: case FQTermSession::kPageUp: case FQTermSession::kPageDown: session_->writeStr(directions_[cursorType]); break; case FQTermSession::kUp: case FQTermSession::kDown: case FQTermSession::kLeft: session_->writeStr(directions_[cursorType]); break; case FQTermSession::kRight: //Hand enterMenuItem(); break; case FQTermSession::kNormal: char cr = CHAR_CR; session_->write(&cr, 1); break; } } void FQTermWindow::startSelecting(const QPoint& mousePosition) { // clear the selected before session_->clearSelect(); sessionUpdated(); // set the selecting flag isSelecting_ = true; lastMouseCell_ = screen_->mapToChar(mousePosition); } void FQTermWindow::onSelecting(const QPoint& mousePosition) { if (mousePosition.y() < childrenRect().top()) { screen_->scrollLine(-1); } if (mousePosition.y() > childrenRect().bottom()) { screen_->scrollLine(1); } QPoint curMouseCell = screen_->mapToChar(mousePosition); session_->setSelect(lastMouseCell_, curMouseCell); sessionUpdated(); } void FQTermWindow::finishSelecting(const QPoint& mousePosition) { QPoint currentMouseCell = screen_->mapToChar(mousePosition); session_->setSelect(currentMouseCell, lastMouseCell_); refreshScreen(); if (session_->param().isAutoCopy_) { copy(); } isSelecting_ = false; } void FQTermWindow::sendKey(const int keyCode, const Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifier, const QString &t) { if (keyCode == Qt::Key_Shift || keyCode == Qt::Key_Control || keyCode == Qt::Key_Meta || keyCode == Qt::Key_Alt) { return; } int key = keyCode; QString text = t; #ifdef __APPLE__ // On Mac, pressing Command Key (Apple Key) will set the ControlModifier flag. bool alt_on = ((modifier & Qt::ControlModifier) || (modifier & Qt::AltModifier)); bool ctrl_on = (modifier & Qt::MetaModifier); #else bool alt_on = ((modifier & Qt::MetaModifier) || (modifier & Qt::AltModifier)); bool ctrl_on = (modifier & Qt::ControlModifier); #endif bool shift_on = (modifier & Qt::ShiftModifier); #ifdef __APPLE__ // Bullshit! Qt4.4.0 on Mac generates weird key evnets. // fix them here. if (ctrl_on) { static const char char_map[][2] = { {'@', '\x00'}, {'A', '\x01'}, {'B', '\x02'}, {'C', '\x03'}, {'D', '\x04'}, {'E', '\x05'}, {'F', '\x06'}, {'G', '\x07'}, {'H', '\x08'}, {'J', '\x0a'}, {'K', '\x0b'}, {'L', '\x0c'}, {'N', '\x0e'}, {'O', '\x0f'}, {'P', '\x10'}, {'Q', '\x11'}, {'R', '\x12'}, {'S', '\x13'}, {'T', '\x14'}, {'U', '\x15'}, {'V', '\x16'}, {'W', '\x17'}, {'X', '\x18'}, {'Y', '\x19'}, {'Z', '\x1a'}, {'\\', '\x1c'}, {']', '\x1d'}, {'^', '\x1e'}, {'_', '\x1f'} }; const int num = sizeof(char_map)/2; int expected_key = key; for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) { const char *c = char_map[i]; if (c[0] == key) { expected_key = c[1]; break; } } if (expected_key != key) { FQ_TRACE("sendkey", 5) << "translate the key code from " << (int)key << "(" << (char)key << ")" << " to " << (int)expected_key << "(" << (char)expected_key << ")" << ", and change the text appropriately." ; key = expected_key; text.clear(); text.append((char) expected_key); } } if (!ctrl_on && alt_on && !shift_on) { if (text.size() == 0 && 0 <= key && key <= 128) { FQ_TRACE("sendkey", 5) << "add appropriate text according to the key code."; text.append((char)key); } } if (!ctrl_on && alt_on && shift_on) { // fix the key code when both shift key and meta/alt key are pressed. static const char char_map[][2] = { {'`', '~'}, {'1', '!'}, {'2', '@'}, {'3', '#'}, {'4', '$'}, {'5', '%'}, {'6', '^'}, {'7', '&'}, {'8', '*'}, {'9', '('}, {'0', ')'}, {'-', '_'}, {'=', '+'}, {'[', '{'}, {']', '}'}, {'\\', '|'}, {';', ':'}, {'\'', '"'}, {',', '<'},{'.', '>'}, {'/', '?'} }; const int num = sizeof(char_map)/2; int expected_key = key; for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) { const char *c = char_map[i]; if (c[0] == key) { expected_key = c[1]; break; } } if (expected_key != key) { FQ_TRACE("sendkey", 5) << "translate the key code from " << (int)key << "(" << (char)key << ")" << " to " << (int)expected_key << "(" << (char)expected_key << ")"; key = expected_key; } if (text.size() == 0) { text.append(key); } else { text[0] = key; } FQ_TRACE("sendkey", 5) << "set the text for this key event as the keycode."; } #endif FQ_TRACE("sendkey", 5) << "(alt " << (alt_on? " on": "off") << ", ctrl " << (ctrl_on? " on": "off") << ", shift " << (shift_on? " on": "off") << ")" << " key: " << key << " text: " << (text.size() == 0 ? "NULL" : text) << " (in hex: " << dumpHexString << text.toStdString() << dumpNormalString << ")"; if (session_->getBuffer()->isAnsiMode()) { if (session_->getBuffer()->isCursorMode()) { switch(key) { case Qt::Key_Up: session_->writeStr("\x1bOA"); return; case Qt::Key_Down: session_->writeStr("\x1bOB"); return; case Qt::Key_Left: session_->writeStr("\x1bOD"); return; case Qt::Key_Right: session_->writeStr("\x1bOC"); return; } } else { switch(key) { case Qt::Key_Up: session_->writeStr("\x1b[A"); return; case Qt::Key_Down: session_->writeStr("\x1b[B"); return; case Qt::Key_Left: session_->writeStr("\x1b[D"); return; case Qt::Key_Right: session_->writeStr("\x1b[C"); return; } } } else { // VT52 mode switch(key) { case Qt::Key_Up: // Do NOT change the parameter to "\x1bA". session_->writeStr("\x1b" "A"); return; case Qt::Key_Down: // Do NOT change the parameter to "\x1bB". session_->writeStr("\x1b" "B"); return; case Qt::Key_Left: // Do NOT change the parameter to "\x1bD". session_->writeStr("\x1b" "D"); return; case Qt::Key_Right: // Do NOT change the parameter to "\x1bC". session_->writeStr("\x1b" "C"); return; } } if (!session_->getBuffer()->isNumericMode() && (modifier & Qt::KeypadModifier)) { switch(key) { case Qt::Key_0: case Qt::Key_1: case Qt::Key_2: case Qt::Key_3: case Qt::Key_4: case Qt::Key_5: case Qt::Key_6: case Qt::Key_7: case Qt::Key_8: case Qt::Key_9: { char tmp[] = "\x1bOp"; tmp[2] = 'p' + key - Qt::Key_0; session_->writeStr(tmp); } return; case Qt::Key_Plus: session_->writeStr("\x1bOl"); return; case Qt::Key_Minus: session_->writeStr("\x1bOm"); return; case Qt::Key_Period: session_->writeStr("\x1bOn"); return; case Qt::Key_Asterisk: session_->writeStr("\x1bOM"); return; } } switch (key) { case Qt::Key_Home: session_->writeStr(directions_[0]); return; case Qt::Key_End: session_->writeStr(directions_[1]); return; case Qt::Key_PageUp: session_->writeStr(directions_[2]); return; case Qt::Key_PageDown: session_->writeStr(directions_[3]); return; case Qt::Key_Up: session_->writeStr(directions_[4]); return; case Qt::Key_Down: session_->writeStr(directions_[5]); return; case Qt::Key_Left: session_->writeStr(directions_[6]); return; case Qt::Key_Right: session_->writeStr(directions_[7]); return; case Qt::Key_F1: session_->writeStr("\x1b[11~"); return; case Qt::Key_F2: session_->writeStr("\x1b[12~"); return; case Qt::Key_F3: session_->writeStr("\x1b[13~"); return; case Qt::Key_F4: session_->writeStr("\x1b[14~"); return; case Qt::Key_F5: session_->writeStr("\x1b[15~"); return; case Qt::Key_F6: session_->writeStr("\x1b[17~"); return; case Qt::Key_F7: session_->writeStr("\x1b[18~"); return; case Qt::Key_F8: session_->writeStr("\x1b[19~"); return; case Qt::Key_F9: session_->writeStr("\x1b[20~"); return; case Qt::Key_F10: session_->writeStr("\x1b[21~"); return; case Qt::Key_F11: session_->writeStr("\x1b[23~"); return; case Qt::Key_F12: session_->writeStr("\x1b[24~"); return; } if (text.length() > 0) { if (alt_on) { // Use ESC to emulate Alt-XX key. session_->writeStr("\x1b"); } if (ctrl_on) { switch(key) { case Qt::Key_At: // Ctrl-@ case Qt::Key_Space: // Ctrl-SPACE // send NULL session_->write("\x0", 1); return; case Qt::Key_AsciiCircum: // Ctrl-^ case Qt::Key_AsciiTilde: // Ctrl-~ case Qt::Key_QuoteLeft: // Ctrl-` // send RS session_->write("\x1e", 1); return; case Qt::Key_Underscore: // Ctrl-_ case Qt::Key_Question: // Ctrl-? // send US session_->write("\x1f", 1); return; } } if (key == Qt::Key_Backspace) { if (shift_on) { session_->writeStr("\x1b[3~"); } else { if (session_->param().backspaceType_ == 0) session_->writeStr("\x08"); else session_->writeStr("\x7f"); } return; } if (key == Qt::Key_Delete) { if (shift_on) { if (session_->param().backspaceType_ == 0) session_->writeStr("\x08"); else session_->writeStr("\x7f"); } else { session_->writeStr("\x1b[3~"); } return; } if (key == Qt::Key_Return) { if (session_->getBuffer()->isNewLineMode()) { session_->write("\r\n", 2); } else { session_->write("\r", 1); } return; } QByteArray cstrTmp = session_->unicode2bbs_smart(text); session_->write(cstrTmp, cstrTmp.length()); } return; } void FQTermWindow::forcedRepaintScreen() { QResizeEvent *re = new QResizeEvent(screen_->size(), screen_->size()); QApplication::postEvent(screen_, re); } void FQTermWindow::updateSetting(const FQTermParam& param) { session_->updateSetting(param); screen_->setTermFont(true, QFont(param.englishFontName_, param.englishFontSize_)); screen_->setTermFont(false, QFont(param.otherFontName_, param.otherFontSize_)); screen_->setSchema(); setWindowTitle(param.name_); forcedRepaintScreen(); } void FQTermWindow::setFont() { bool isEnglish = ((QAction*)(sender()))->data().toBool(); setFont(isEnglish); } void FQTermWindow::setFont(bool isEnglish) { bool ok; QString& fontName = isEnglish?session_->param().englishFontName_:session_->param().otherFontName_; int& fontSize = isEnglish?session_->param().englishFontSize_:session_->param().otherFontSize_; QFont font(fontName, fontSize); font = QFontDialog::getFont(&ok, font, this, tr("Font Selector") #ifdef __APPLE__ , QFontDialog::DontUseNativeDialog #endif ); if (ok == true) { if (FQTermPref::getInstance()->openAntiAlias_) { font.setStyleStrategy(QFont::PreferAntialias); } screen_->setTermFont(isEnglish, font); fontName = font.family(); fontSize = font.pointSize(); forcedRepaintScreen(); } } void FQTermWindow::runScript(const QString &filename) { script_engine_->runScript(filename); } //----------- static int translateQtModifiers(Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers) { int state = 0; if (modifiers &Qt::AltModifier) { state |= SBS_ALT; } if (modifiers &Qt::ControlModifier) { state |= SBS_CTRL; } if (modifiers &Qt::ShiftModifier) { state |= SBS_SHIFT; } return state; } static int translateQtButton(Qt::MouseButtons btnstate) { int state = 0; if(btnstate&Qt::LeftButton) state |= SBS_LEFT_BUTTON; if(btnstate&Qt::RightButton) state |= SBS_RIGHT_BUTTON; if(btnstate&Qt::MidButton) state |= SBS_MID_BUTTON; return state; } bool FQTermWindow::scriptKeyEvent( QKeyEvent *keyevent ){ bool res = false; int state = 0; state |= translateQtModifiers(keyevent->modifiers()); res = postScriptCallback(SFN_KEY_EVENT #ifdef HAVE_PYTHON ,Py_BuildValue("liii", this, SKET_KEY_PRESS, state, keyevent->key()) #endif //HAVE_PYTHON ,QScriptValueList() << SKET_KEY_PRESS << state << keyevent->key()); return res; } bool FQTermWindow::scriptMouseEvent(QMouseEvent *mouseevent){ int type = SMET_UNKOWN; switch (mouseevent->type()) { case QEvent::MouseButtonPress: type = SMET_MOUSE_PRESS; break; case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease: type = SMET_MOUSE_RELEASE; break; case QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick: type = SMET_MOUSE_DBCLICK; break; case QEvent::MouseMove: type = SMET_MOUSE_MOVE; break; } int delta = 0; int state=0; state |= translateQtButton(mouseevent->button()); state |= translateQtModifiers(mouseevent->modifiers()); QPoint ptc = screen_->mapToChar(mouseevent->pos()); ptc.setY(ptc.y() - screen_->getBufferStart()); int res = postScriptCallback(SFN_MOUSE_EVENT #ifdef HAVE_PYTHON ,Py_BuildValue("liiiii", this, type, state, ptc.x(), ptc.y(),delta) #endif //HAVE_PYTHON ,QScriptValueList() << type << state << ptc.x() << ptc.y() << delta); return res; } bool FQTermWindow::scriptWheelEvent( QWheelEvent *wheelevent ) { int type = SMET_WHEEL; int delta = 0; int state=0; state |= translateQtModifiers(wheelevent->modifiers()); QPoint ptc = screen_->mapToChar(wheelevent->pos()); ptc.setY(ptc.y() - screen_->getBufferStart()); int res = postScriptCallback(SFN_MOUSE_EVENT #ifdef HAVE_PYTHON ,Py_BuildValue("liiiii", this, type, state, ptc.x(), ptc.y(),wheelevent->delta()) #endif //HAVE_PYTHON ,QScriptValueList() << type << state << ptc.x() << ptc.y() << wheelevent->delta()); return res; } const QString FQTermExternalEditor::textEditName_ = "external editor input"; FQTermExternalEditor::FQTermExternalEditor(QWidget* parent) : QObject(parent), editorProcess_(NULL), started_(false) { editorProcess_ = new QProcess(this); FQ_VERIFY(connect(editorProcess_, SIGNAL(stateChanged(QProcess::ProcessState)), this, SLOT(stateChanged(QProcess::ProcessState)))); clearTempFileContent(); } FQTermExternalEditor::~FQTermExternalEditor() { editorProcess_->kill(); QFile::remove(getTempFilename()); delete editorProcess_; } void FQTermExternalEditor::execDialog() { QDialog *dialog = new QDialog((QWidget *)parent()); QGridLayout *layout = new QGridLayout(dialog); QTextEdit *text = new QTextEdit(dialog); text->setObjectName(textEditName_); layout->addWidget(text); QBoxLayout *rowLayout = new QBoxLayout(QBoxLayout::LeftToRight, dialog); layout->addLayout(rowLayout, 1, 0, Qt::AlignHCenter); QPushButton *ok = new QPushButton(tr("OK"), dialog); QPushButton *cancel = new QPushButton(tr("Cancel"), dialog); rowLayout->addWidget(ok); rowLayout->addWidget(cancel); FQ_VERIFY(connect(ok, SIGNAL(clicked()), dialog, SLOT(accept()))); FQ_VERIFY(connect(cancel, SIGNAL(clicked()), dialog, SLOT(reject()))); FQ_VERIFY(connect(dialog, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(readDialogData()))); FQ_VERIFY(connect(dialog, SIGNAL(rejected()), this, SLOT(closeDialog()))); dialog->setModal(true); dialog->exec(); } void FQTermExternalEditor::readDialogData() { QDialog *dialog = (QDialog*)sender(); QTextEdit* edit = (QTextEdit*)dialog->findChild(textEditName_); if (edit) { emit done(edit->toPlainText()); } closeDialog(); } void FQTermExternalEditor::closeDialog() { sender()->deleteLater(); } void FQTermExternalEditor::start() { if (FQTermPref::getInstance()->externalEditor_.isEmpty()) { execDialog(); return; } if (started_) return; started_ = true; if (FQTermPref::getInstance()->externalEditorArg_.isEmpty()) { editorProcess_->start(FQTermPref::getInstance()->externalEditor_, QStringList() << getTempFilename()); } else { FQ_TRACE("editor", 5) << FQTermPref::getInstance()->externalEditorArg_.arg(getTempFilename()); editorProcess_->start(FQTermPref::getInstance()->externalEditor_ + " " + FQTermPref::getInstance()->externalEditorArg_.arg(getTempFilename())); } } QString FQTermExternalEditor::getTempFilename() { #ifndef WIN32 return "/tmp/.fqterm_tmp.txt"; #else return getPath(USER_CONFIG) + "tmp_do_not_use.txt"; #endif } void FQTermExternalEditor::clearTempFileContent() { QFile file(getTempFilename()); file.open(QIODevice::Truncate | QIODevice::WriteOnly); file.write("\xEF\xBB\xBF"); file.flush(); file.close(); } void FQTermExternalEditor::stateChanged( QProcess::ProcessState state ) { //FQ_TRACE("editor", 0) << "stateChanged: " << state << editorProcess_->readAllStandardOutput() << editorProcess_->readAllStandardError(); if (!started_ || state != QProcess::NotRunning) return; QFile file(getTempFilename()); file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); QString result = U82U(file.readAll()); file.close(); #if !defined(WIN32) && !defined(__APPLE__) if (result.endsWith(OS_NEW_LINE)) { result.resize(result.size() - 1); } #endif emit done(result); clearTempFileContent(); started_ = false; } } // namespace FQTerm #include "fqterm_window.moc"