/*************************************************************************** * fqterm, a terminal emulator for both BBS and *nix. * * Copyright (C) 2008 fqterm development group. * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "fqterm_ssh_channel.h" #include "fqterm_ssh_const.h" #include "fqterm_ssh_packet.h" #include "fqterm_trace.h" #include namespace FQTerm { //============================================================================== //FQTermSSH1Channel //============================================================================== FQTermSSH1Channel::FQTermSSH1Channel() : FQTermSSHChannel() { service_state_ = FQTermSSH1Channel::BEGIN_SERVICE; } void FQTermSSH1Channel::initChannel(FQTermSSHPacketReceiver *packet, FQTermSSHPacketSender *output, int col, int row, const QString& termtype) { packet_receiver_ = packet; packet_sender_ = output; packet_receiver_->disconnect(this); FQ_VERIFY(connect(packet_receiver_, SIGNAL(packetAvaliable(int)), this, SLOT(handlePacket(int)))); packet_sender_->startPacket(SSH1_CMSG_REQUEST_PTY); // pty request is of no use in BBS, but we do this packet_sender_->putString(termtype.toLatin1()); packet_sender_->putInt(row); // FIXME: hardcoded term size. packet_sender_->putInt(col); packet_sender_->putInt(0); packet_sender_->putInt(0); packet_sender_->putByte(0); packet_sender_->write(); service_state_ = FQTermSSH1Channel::REQPTY_SENT; is_closed_ = false; } void FQTermSSH1Channel::changeTermSize(int col, int row) { packet_sender_->startPacket(SSH1_CMSG_WINDOW_SIZE); packet_sender_->putInt(row); packet_sender_->putInt(col); packet_sender_->putInt(0); packet_sender_->putInt(0); packet_sender_->write(); } void FQTermSSH1Channel::sendData(const char *data, int len) { packet_sender_->startPacket(SSH1_CMSG_STDIN_DATA); packet_sender_->putInt(len); packet_sender_->putRawData(data, len); packet_sender_->write(); } void FQTermSSH1Channel::closeConnection(const char *reason) { packet_sender_->startPacket(SSH1_MSG_DISCONNECT); packet_sender_->putString(reason); packet_sender_->write(); is_closed_ = true; } void FQTermSSH1Channel::handlePacket(int type) { switch (service_state_) { case BEGIN_SERVICE: FQ_TRACE("sshchannel", 0) << "Channel: We should not be here"; break; case REQPTY_SENT: if (type != SSH1_SMSG_SUCCESS) { emit channelError(tr("Server refused pty allocation!")); } packet_sender_->startPacket(SSH1_CMSG_EXEC_SHELL); packet_sender_->write(); emit channelOK(); service_state_ = FQTermSSH1Channel::SERVICE_OK; //emit msg to tell window we could process input. break; case SERVICE_OK: switch (type) { case SSH1_SMSG_STDOUT_DATA: case SSH1_SMSG_STDERR_DATA: { const char *data = (const char *)packet_receiver_->buffer_->data() + 4; int len = packet_receiver_->packetDataLen() - 4; emit channelReadyRead(data, len); } break; case SSH1_SMSG_X11_OPEN: case SSH1_SMSG_AGENT_OPEN: case SSH1_MSG_PORT_OPEN: { int i = packet_receiver_->getInt(); packet_sender_->startPacket(SSH1_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE); packet_sender_->putInt(i); packet_sender_->write(); } break; case SSH1_SMSG_EXIT_STATUS: packet_sender_->startPacket(SSH1_CMSG_EXIT_CONFIRMATION); packet_sender_->write(); closeConnection("end"); is_closed_ = true; break; case SSH1_SMSG_SUCCESS: case SSH1_SMSG_FAILURE: break; default: FQ_TRACE("sshchannel", 0) << "Unimplemented message: " << service_state_; } } } //============================================================================== //FQTermSSH2Channel //============================================================================== u_int32_t FQTermSSH2Channel::generateChannelID() { static u_int32_t id = 0; return id++; } FQTermSSH2Channel::FQTermSSH2Channel() : FQTermSSHChannel(), col_(80), row_(24), termtype_("vt100") { channel_id_ = generateChannelID(); server_channel_id_ = 0xCCCCCCCC; local_window_size_ = 0; channel_state_ = FQTermSSH2Channel::BEGIN_CHANNEL; } void FQTermSSH2Channel::initChannel(FQTermSSHPacketReceiver *packet, FQTermSSHPacketSender *output, int col, int row, const QString& termtype) { FQ_FUNC_TRACE("ssh2channel", 5); col_ = col; row_ = row; termtype_ = termtype; packet_receiver_ = packet; packet_sender_ = output; packet_receiver_->disconnect(this); FQ_VERIFY(connect(packet_receiver_, SIGNAL(packetAvaliable(int)), this, SLOT(handlePacket(int)))); // byte SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN // string channel type in US-ASCII only // uint32 sender channel // uint32 initial window size // uint32 maximum packet size // .... channel type specific data follows packet_sender_->startPacket(SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN); packet_sender_->putString("session"); packet_sender_->putInt(channel_id_); packet_sender_->putInt(MAX_LOCAL_WINDOW_SIZE); // TODO: what's the best window size? packet_sender_->putInt(MAX_LOCAL_PACKET_SIZE); // TODO: what's the best maximum packet size? packet_sender_->write(); server_window_size_ = 0; server_max_packet_size_ = 0; local_window_size_ = MAX_LOCAL_WINDOW_SIZE; is_closed_ = false; } void FQTermSSH2Channel::changeTermSize(int col, int row) { // byte SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST // uint32 recipient channel // string "window-change" // boolean FALSE // uint32 terminal width, columns // uint32 terminal height, rows // uint32 terminal width, pixels // uint32 terminal height, pixels packet_sender_->startPacket(SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST); packet_sender_->putInt(server_channel_id_); packet_sender_->putString("window-change"); packet_sender_->putByte(false); packet_sender_->putInt(col); packet_sender_->putInt(row); packet_sender_->putInt(640); // FIXME: hard-coded screen pixels. packet_sender_->putInt(480); packet_sender_->write(); } void FQTermSSH2Channel::sendData(const char *data, int len) { if (len > (int)server_window_size_ || len > (int)server_max_packet_size_) { FQ_TRACE("ssh2channel", 3) << "Data length is greater than server's capacity: " << "data length: " << len << ", " << "server window: " << server_window_size_ << ", " << "server packet max size: " << server_max_packet_size_; return; } // byte SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA // uint32 recipient channel // string data packet_sender_->startPacket(SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA); packet_sender_->putInt(server_channel_id_); packet_sender_->putString(data, len); packet_sender_->write(); server_window_size_ -= len;; FQ_TRACE("ssh2channel", 5) << len << " bytes data sent, server window size left: " << server_window_size_;; } void FQTermSSH2Channel::closeConnection(const char *reason) { packet_sender_->startPacket(SSH1_MSG_DISCONNECT); packet_sender_->putString(reason); packet_sender_->write(); is_closed_ = true; } void FQTermSSH2Channel::requestPty() { if (packet_receiver_->packetType() == SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE) { // TODO: Here the error reason in the packet is ignored. emit channelError(tr("Server refuces to open a channel.")); return; } if (packet_receiver_->packetType() != SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION) { emit channelError(tr("Server error when opening a channel.")); return; } FQ_TRACE("ssh2channel", 5) << "Channel open. Try to request a pty."; // byte SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION // uint32 recipient channel // uint32 sender channel // uint32 initial window size // uint32 maximum packet size // .... channel type specific data follows packet_receiver_->consume(4); server_channel_id_ = packet_receiver_->getInt(); server_window_size_ = packet_receiver_->getInt(); server_max_packet_size_ = packet_receiver_->getInt(); // byte SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST // uint32 recipient channel // string "pty-req" // boolean want_reply // string TERM environment variable value (e.g., vt100) // uint32 terminal width, characters (e.g., 80) // uint32 terminal height, rows (e.g., 24) // uint32 terminal width, pixels (e.g., 640) // uint32 terminal height, pixels (e.g., 480) // string encoded terminal modes packet_sender_->startPacket(SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST); packet_sender_->putInt(server_channel_id_); packet_sender_->putString("pty-req"); packet_sender_->putByte(true); packet_sender_->putString(termtype_.toLatin1()); // TODO: hardcoded term type. packet_sender_->putInt(col_); // FIXME: hardcoded screen parameters. packet_sender_->putInt(row_); packet_sender_->putInt(640); packet_sender_->putInt(480); packet_sender_->putString(""); // TODO: no modes sent. packet_sender_->write(); } void FQTermSSH2Channel::requestShell() { if (packet_receiver_->packetType() != SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_SUCCESS) { emit channelError(tr("Server refused pty allocation!")); } FQ_TRACE("ssh2channel", 5) << "Pty allocated. Now try to request a shell."; // byte SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST // uint32 recipient channel // string "shell" // boolean want reply packet_sender_->startPacket(SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST); packet_sender_->putInt(server_channel_id_); packet_sender_->putString("shell"); packet_sender_->putByte(true); packet_sender_->write(); } void FQTermSSH2Channel::checkLocalWindowSize() { if (local_window_size_ < MAX_LOCAL_WINDOW_SIZE/2) { // byte SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST // uint32 recipient channel // uint32 bytes to add int inc = MAX_LOCAL_WINDOW_SIZE/2; local_window_size_ += inc; packet_sender_->startPacket(SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST); packet_sender_->putInt(server_channel_id_); packet_sender_->putInt(inc); packet_sender_->write(); } } void FQTermSSH2Channel::processChannelPacket() { switch (packet_receiver_->packetType()) { case SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST: { // byte SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST // uint32 recipient channel // uint32 bytes to add packet_receiver_->consume(4); // channel id is already checked. int inc = packet_receiver_->getInt(); server_window_size_ += inc; FQ_TRACE("ssh2channel", 5) << "Server window size increased from " << server_window_size_ - inc << " to " << server_window_size_; } break; case SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA: { // byte SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA // uint32 recipient channel // string data packet_receiver_->consume(4); int len = packet_receiver_->getInt(); const char *data = (const char *)packet_receiver_->buffer_->data(); local_window_size_ -= len; checkLocalWindowSize(); emit channelReadyRead(data, len); } break; case SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA: { // byte SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA // uint32 recipient channel // string data packet_receiver_->consume(4); int len = packet_receiver_->getInt(); const char *data = (const char *)packet_receiver_->buffer_->data(); local_window_size_ -= len; checkLocalWindowSize(); emit channelReadyRead(data, len); } break; case SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_EOF: case SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE: // byte SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EOF // uint32 recipient channel // FIXME: this error would cause the connection closed, while only the channel need be closed in ssh2. packet_sender_->startPacket(SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE); packet_sender_->putInt(server_channel_id_); packet_sender_->write(); emit channelClosed(); break; case SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST: // byte SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST // uint32 recipient channel // string "xon-xoff" // boolean FALSE // boolean client can do // TODO: just ignore this message currently. break; } } void FQTermSSH2Channel::handlePacket(int type) { // first check the channel id. u_int32_t channel_id = ntohu32(packet_receiver_->buffer_->data()); if (channel_id != channel_id_) { return; } switch (channel_state_) { case FQTermSSH2Channel::BEGIN_CHANNEL: requestPty(); channel_state_ = FQTermSSH2Channel::REQUEST_PTY_SENT; break; case FQTermSSH2Channel::REQUEST_PTY_SENT: requestShell(); channel_state_ = FQTermSSH2Channel::REQUEST_SHELL_SENT; break; case FQTermSSH2Channel::REQUEST_SHELL_SENT: switch (type) { case SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST: { FQ_TRACE("ssh2channel", 8) << "SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST isn't supported, just send back a packet with SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_SUCCESS if reply is needed."; packet_receiver_->consume(4); u_int32_t len = ntohu32(packet_receiver_->buffer_->data()); packet_receiver_->consume(4 + len); bool replyNeeded = packet_receiver_->getByte(); if (replyNeeded) { packet_sender_->startPacket(SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_SUCCESS); packet_sender_->putInt(server_channel_id_); packet_sender_->write(); } } break; case SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST: { packet_receiver_->consume(4); u_int32_t inc = packet_receiver_->getInt(); server_window_size_ += inc; } break; case SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_SUCCESS: emit channelOK(); channel_state_ = FQTermSSH2Channel::CHANNEL_OK; //emit a msg to tell window we could process input. break; case SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_FAILURE: emit channelError(tr("Can't open a shell.")); break; default: emit channelError(tr("Unsupported packet.")); break; } break; case FQTermSSH2Channel::CHANNEL_OK: processChannelPacket(); break; } } } // namespace FQTerm #include "fqterm_ssh_channel.moc"