/*************************************************************************** * fqterm, a terminal emulator for both BBS and *nix. * * Copyright (C) 2008 fqterm development group. * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "fqterm.h" #include "common.h" #include "fqterm_trace.h" #include "fqterm_session.h" #include "fqterm_buffer.h" #include "fqterm_text_line.h" #include "fqterm_telnet.h" #include "fqterm_decode.h" #include "fqterm_zmodem.h" #ifdef HAVE_PYTHON #include #endif //HAVE_PYTHON #ifndef WIN32 #include #else #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace FQTerm { const QString FQTermSession::endOfUrl[] = { "ac","ad","ae","af","ag","ai","al","am","an","ao","aq","ar","as","at", "au","aw","az","ba","bb","bd","be","bf","bg","bh","bi","bj","bm","bn","bo","br", "bs","bt","bv","bw","by","bz","ca","cc","cd","cf","cg","ch","ci","ck","cl","cm", "cn","co","uk","com","cr","cs","cu","cv","cx","cy","cz","de","dj","dk","dm", "do","dz","ec","edu","ee","eg","eh","er","es","et","fi","fj","fk","fm","fo", "fr","ga","gd","ge","gf","gg","gh","gi","gl","gm","gn","gov","gp","gq","aero", "asia","biz","coop","eu","info","museum","name","pro","travel","gr","gs","gt", "gu","gw","gy","hk","hm","hn","hr","ht","hu","id","ie","il","im","in","int", "io","iq","ir","is","it","je","jm","jo","jp","ke","kg","kh","ki","km","kn","kp", "kr","kw","ky","kz","la","lb","lc","li","lk","lr","ls","lt","lu","lv","ly","ma", "mc","md","mg","mh","mil","mk","ml","mm","mn","mo","mp","mq","mr","ms","mt", "mu","mv","mw","mx","my","mz","na","nc","ne","net","nf","ng","ni","nl","no", "np","nr","nt","nu","nz","om","org","pa","pe","pf","pg","ph","pk","pl","pm", "pn","pr","ps","pt","pw","py","qa","re","ro","ru","rw","sa","sb","sc","sd","se", "sg","sh","si","sj","sk","sl","sm","sn","so","sr","sv","st","sy","sz","tc","td", "tf","tg","th","tj","tk","tm","tn","to","tp","tr","tt","tv","tw","tz","ua","ug", "uk","um","us","uy","uz","va","vc","ve","vg","vi","vn","vu","wf","ws","ye","yt", "yu","za","zm","zw" }; FQTermSession::FQTermSession(FQTermConfig *config, FQTermParam param) { reconnectRetry_ = 0; scriptListener_ = NULL; param_ = param; termBuffer_ = new FQTermBuffer(param_.numColumns_, param_.numRows_, param_.numScrollLines_, param_.hostType_ == 0); if (param.protocolType_ == 0) { telnet_ = new FQTermTelnet(param_.virtualTermType_.toLatin1(), param_.numRows_, param_.numColumns_, param.protocolType_, param.hostType_ ); } else if (param.protocolType_ == 3) { telnet_ = new FQTermTelnet(param_.virtualTermType_.toLatin1(), param_.numRows_, param_.numColumns_, param.protocolType_, param.hostType_ ); } else { #if defined(_NO_SSH_COMPILED) QMessageBox::warning(this, "sorry", "SSH support is not compiled, " "FQTerm can only use Telnet!"); telnet_ = new FQTermTelnet(param_.virtualTermType_.toUtf8(), param_.numRows_, param_.numColumns_, param.protocolType_, param.hostType_ ); #else telnet_ = new FQTermTelnet(param_.virtualTermType_.toUtf8(), param_.numRows_, param_.numColumns_, param.protocolType_ , param.hostType_ , param_.sshUserName_.toUtf8(), param_.sshPassword_.toUtf8()); #endif } zmodem_ = new FQTermZmodem(config, telnet_, param.protocolType_, param.serverEncodingID_); decoder_ = new FQTermDecode(termBuffer_, param.serverEncodingID_); FQ_VERIFY(connect(decoder_, SIGNAL(enqReceived()), this, SLOT(onEnqReceived()))); FQ_VERIFY(connect(decoder_, SIGNAL(onTitleSet(const QString&)), this, SIGNAL(onTitleSet(const QString&)))); isConnected_ = false; #ifndef _NO_SSH_COMPILED if (param.protocolType_ != 0) { isSSHLogining_ = true; } else { isSSHLogining_ = false; } #else isSSHLogining_ = false; #endif isTelnetLogining_ = false; isIdling_ = false; isSendingMessage_ = false; isMouseX11_ = false; idleTimer_ = new QTimer; autoReplyTimer_ = new QTimer; acThread_ = new ArticleCopyThread(*this, waitCondition_, bufferWriteLock_); FQ_VERIFY(connect(decoder_, SIGNAL(mouseMode(bool)), this, SLOT(setMouseMode(bool)))); FQ_VERIFY(connect(telnet_, SIGNAL(readyRead(int, int)), this, SLOT(readReady(int, int)))); FQ_VERIFY(connect(telnet_, SIGNAL(TelnetState(int)), this, SLOT(changeTelnetState(int)))); FQ_VERIFY(connect(telnet_, SIGNAL(errorMessage(QString)), this, SIGNAL(errorMessage(QString)))); FQ_VERIFY(connect(telnet_, SIGNAL(requestUserPwd(QString*, QString*, bool*)), this, SIGNAL(requestUserPwd(QString*, QString*, bool*)))); FQ_VERIFY(connect(telnet_, SIGNAL(onSSHAuthOK()), this, SLOT(onSSHAuthOK()))); FQ_VERIFY(connect(termBuffer_, SIGNAL(onSetTermSize(int, int)), telnet_, SLOT(windowSizeChanged(int, int)))); FQ_VERIFY(connect(zmodem_, SIGNAL(ZmodemState(int, int, const char *)), this, SIGNAL(zmodemStateChanged(int, int, const char *)))); FQ_VERIFY(connect(idleTimer_, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onIdle()))); FQ_VERIFY(connect(autoReplyTimer_, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onAutoReply()))); FQ_VERIFY(connect(acThread_, SIGNAL(articleCopied(int, const QString)), this, SIGNAL(articleCopied(int, const QString)))); setAntiIdle(param_.isAntiIdle_); } FQTermSession::~FQTermSession() { delete idleTimer_; delete autoReplyTimer_; delete acThread_; delete termBuffer_; delete telnet_; delete zmodem_; delete decoder_; } const QString FQTermSession::protocolPrefix[] = { "http://", "https://", "mms://", "rstp://", "ftp://", "mailto:", "telnet://" }; void FQTermSession::setScreenStart(int nStart) { screenStartLineNumber_ = nStart; } bool FQTermSession::setCursorPos(const QPoint &pt, QRect &rc) { QRect rectOld = getMenuRect(); cursorPoint_ = pt; detectMenuRect(); QRect rectNew = getMenuRect(); rc = rectOld | rectNew; return rectOld != rectNew; } QString FQTermSession::getMessage() { const FQTermTextLine *line; LineColorInfo colorInfo; QString message; getLineColorInfo(termBuffer_->getTextLineInTerm(0), &colorInfo); if (!colorInfo.uniBackgroundColor) { return message; } int i = 1; termBuffer_->getTextLineInTerm(0)->getAllPlainText(message); line = termBuffer_->getTextLineInTerm(i); getLineColorInfo(line, &colorInfo); while (colorInfo.uniBackgroundColor && colorInfo.hasBackgroundColor) { message += "\n"; line->getAllPlainText(message); i++; line = termBuffer_->getTextLineInTerm(i); getLineColorInfo(line, &colorInfo); } return message; } void FQTermSession::detectPageState() { //for smth type bbs. pageState_ = Undefined; if (param_.hostType_ != 0) { return; } const FQTermTextLine *line[4]; LineColorInfo colorInfo[4]; int lineIndex[4] = {0, 1, 2}; lineIndex[3] = termBuffer_->getNumRows() - 1; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { line[i] = termBuffer_->getTextLineInTerm(lineIndex[i]); getLineColorInfo(line[i], colorInfo + i); } //TODO: Detect PageState in a clearer way. if (!colorInfo[0].hasBackgroundColor) { if (colorInfo[3].foregroundColorIndex.count() != 0 && colorInfo[3].hasBackgroundColor){ if (colorInfo[3].uniBackgroundColor) { QString text; line[3]->getAllPlainText(text); if (text[0] != L'\x3010') { pageState_ = Read; } else { pageState_ = Edit; } } else if (colorInfo[3].backgroundColorIndex.count() == 2 && colorInfo[3].backgroundColorIndex.at(0) == 4 && colorInfo[3].backgroundColorIndex.at(1) == 0){ pageState_ = Read; } } return; } if (colorInfo[0].backgroundColorIndex.at(0) != 4 || !(colorInfo[3].hasBackgroundColor && colorInfo[3].backgroundColorIndex.at(0) == 4)) { if (!colorInfo[3].hasBackgroundColor && colorInfo[0].foregroundColorIndex.count() == 4 && colorInfo[0].foregroundColorIndex.at(1) == 4 && colorInfo[0].foregroundColorIndex.at(2) == 7 && colorInfo[0].foregroundColorIndex.at(3) == 4){ pageState_ = TOP10; } return; } if (colorInfo[1].hasBackgroundColor && colorInfo[1].uniBackgroundColor) { pageState_ = Message; return; } if (colorInfo[0].uniBackgroundColor) { if (!colorInfo[2].hasBackgroundColor || colorInfo[2].backgroundColorIndex.at(0) != 4 || colorInfo[2].backgroundColorIndex.count() > 3) { pageState_ = Menu; return; } } if (!colorInfo[0].uniBackgroundColor && colorInfo[0].backgroundColorIndex.at(0) == 4 && !colorInfo[3].uniBackgroundColor) { //announce, elite root pageState_ = EliteArticleList; return; } if (colorInfo[2].hasBackgroundColor && !colorInfo[2].uniBackgroundColor && colorInfo[2].backgroundColorIndex.at(0) == 4 && !colorInfo[3].uniBackgroundColor) { pageState_ = EliteArticleList; return; } if (colorInfo[0].foregroundColorIndex.indexOf(14) != -1) { pageState_ = ArticleList; return; } if (colorInfo[2].foregroundColorIndex.indexOf(7) != -1) { QString text; line[2]->getAllPlainText(text); if (text[0] == ' ') { pageState_ = BoardList; } else { pageState_ = MailMenu; } } } FQTermSession::CursorType FQTermSession::getCursorType(const QPoint &pt) { if (screenStartLineNumber_ != (termBuffer_->getNumLines() - termBuffer_->getNumRows())) { return kNormal; } QRect rc = getMenuRect(); CursorType nCursorType = kNormal; switch (pageState_) { case Undefined: // not recognized if (rc.contains(pt)) { //HAND nCursorType = kRight; } else { nCursorType = kNormal; } break; case Menu: case MailMenu: // menu if (pt.x() < 5) { // LEFT nCursorType = kLeft; } else if (rc.contains(pt)) { // HAND nCursorType = kRight; } else { nCursorType = kNormal; } break; case ArticleList: case BoardList: case EliteArticleList: case FriendMailList: // list if (pt.x() < 12) { // LEFT nCursorType = kLeft; } else if (pt.y() - screenStartLineNumber_ < 3) { // HOME nCursorType = kHome; } else if (pt.y() == termBuffer_->getNumLines() - 1) { // END nCursorType = kEnd; } else if (pt.x() > termBuffer_->getNumColumns() - 16 && pt.y() - screenStartLineNumber_ <= termBuffer_->getNumRows() / 2) { //PAGEUP nCursorType = kPageUp; } else if (pt.x() > termBuffer_->getNumColumns() - 16 && pt.y() - screenStartLineNumber_ > termBuffer_->getNumRows() / 2) { // PAGEDOWN nCursorType = kPageDown; } else if (rc.contains(pt)) { // HAND nCursorType = kRight; } else { nCursorType = kNormal; } break; case Read: // read if (pt.x() < 12) { // LEFT nCursorType = kLeft; } else if (pt.x() > (termBuffer_->getNumColumns() - 16) && (pt.y() - screenStartLineNumber_) <= termBuffer_->getNumRows() / 2) { // PAGEUP nCursorType = kPageUp; } else if (pt.x() > (termBuffer_->getNumColumns() - 16) && (pt.y() - screenStartLineNumber_) > termBuffer_->getNumRows() / 2) { // PAGEDOWN nCursorType = kPageDown; } else if (rc.contains(pt)) { //HAND nCursorType = kRight; } else { nCursorType = kNormal; } break; case Edit: // TODO: add action for kEdit state. if (rc.contains(pt)) { //HAND nCursorType = kRight; } else { nCursorType = kNormal; } break; case TOP10: if (pt.x() < 12) { nCursorType = kLeft; } else if (rc.contains(pt)){ nCursorType = kRight; } break; default: FQ_TRACE("error", 2) << "Error, wrong PageState."; break; } return nCursorType; } bool FQTermSession::isSelectedMenu(int line) { // TODO: possible performance issue QRect rect = getMenuRect(); // nothing selected if (rect.isNull()) { return false; } return line >= rect.bottom() && line <= rect.top(); } bool FQTermSession::isSelectedMenu(const QPoint &pt) { // TODO: possible performance issue QRect rect = getMenuRect(); // nothing selected if (rect.isNull()) { return false; } return rect.contains(pt); } FQTermSession::PageState FQTermSession::getPageState() { return pageState_; } char FQTermSession::getMenuChar() { return menuChar_; } void FQTermSession::setMenuRect(int row, int col, int len) { menuRect_ = QRect(col, row, len, 1); } QRect FQTermSession::detectMenuRect() { QRect rect(0, 0, 0, 0); menuRect_ = rect; if (scriptListener_) { bool res = scriptListener_->postScriptCallback(SFN_DETECT_MENU #ifdef HAVE_PYTHON ,Py_BuildValue("l", scriptListener_->windowID()) #endif //HAVE_PYTHON ); if (res) return menuRect_; } // current screen scrolled if (screenStartLineNumber_ != (termBuffer_->getNumLines() - termBuffer_->getNumRows())) { return rect; } const FQTermTextLine *line; int menuStartLine = 8; switch (pageState_) { case Undefined: break; case MailMenu: menuStartLine = 7; case Menu: if (cursorPoint_.y() - screenStartLineNumber_ >= menuStartLine && cursorPoint_.x() > 5) { line = termBuffer_->getTextLineInBuffer(cursorPoint_.y()); QString cstr; int cell_end = line->getCellEnd(qMin(cursorPoint_.x(), (int)line->getWidth())); line->getPlainText(0, cell_end, cstr); int base = cstr.lastIndexOf(" "); if (base == -1) { base = 0; } QRegExp reg("[a-zA-Z0-9][).\\]]"); char indexChar = cstr.indexOf(reg, base); if (indexChar != -1) { menuChar_ = cstr.at(indexChar).toLatin1(); QString strTmp = cstr.left(cstr.indexOf(reg, base)); int nMenuStart = get_str_width((const UTF16 *)strTmp.data(), strTmp.size()); if (cstr[indexChar - 1] == '(' || cstr[indexChar - 1] == '[') { nMenuStart--; } cstr.clear(); line->getAllPlainText(cstr); reg = QRegExp("[^ ]"); int nMenuBaseLength = 20; int cell_begin = line->getCellBegin( qMin(nMenuStart + nMenuBaseLength, (int)line->getWidth() - 1)); int char_begin = line->getCharBegin(cell_begin); //last [^ ] until char_begin strTmp = cstr.left(cstr.lastIndexOf(reg, char_begin) + 1); int nMenuLength = get_str_width((const UTF16 *)strTmp.data(), strTmp.size()) - nMenuStart; if (nMenuLength == nMenuBaseLength + 1) { strTmp = cstr.left(cstr.indexOf(" ", char_begin) + 1); nMenuLength = get_str_width((const UTF16 *)strTmp.data(), strTmp.size()) - nMenuStart; //base length is not enough } if (cursorPoint_.x() >= nMenuStart && cursorPoint_.x() <= nMenuStart + nMenuLength) { rect.setX(nMenuStart); rect.setY(cursorPoint_.y()); rect.setWidth(nMenuLength); rect.setHeight(1); } } } break; case ArticleList: case BoardList: case FriendMailList: case EliteArticleList: if ((cursorPoint_.y() - screenStartLineNumber_) >= 3 && (cursorPoint_.y() - screenStartLineNumber_) < termBuffer_->getNumRows() -1 && cursorPoint_.x() >= 12 && cursorPoint_.x() <= termBuffer_->getNumColumns() - 16) { line = termBuffer_->getTextLineInBuffer(cursorPoint_.y()); //QString str = line->getText(); QString str; line->getAllPlainText(str); if (str.count(" ") != (int)str.length()) { rect.setX(0); rect.setY(cursorPoint_.y()); rect.setWidth(line->getWidth()); rect.setHeight(1); } } break; case Read: break; case Edit: break; case TOP10: { int ln = cursorPoint_.y() - screenStartLineNumber_; if (ln >= 3 && (ln & 1) && ln <= 21 && cursorPoint_.x() >= 12 && cursorPoint_.x() <= termBuffer_->getNumColumns() - 8){ line = termBuffer_->getTextLineInBuffer(cursorPoint_.y()); QString str; line->getAllPlainText(str); if (str.count(" ") != (int)str.length()) { if (ln == 21){ menuChar_ = '0'; } else { menuChar_ = ((ln - 1) >> 1) + '0'; } rect.setX(12); rect.setY(cursorPoint_.y()); rect.setWidth(line->getWidth() - 20); rect.setHeight(1); } } } break; default: break; } menuRect_ = rect; return rect; } bool FQTermSession::isIllChar(char ch) { static char illChars[] = ";'\"[]<>^"; return ch > '~' || ch < '!' || strchr(illChars, ch) != NULL; } bool FQTermSession::isUrl(QRect &rcUrl, QRect &rcOld) { return checkUrl(rcUrl, rcOld, false); } bool FQTermSession::isIP(QRect &rcUrl, QRect &rcOld) { return checkUrl(rcUrl, rcOld, true); } QString FQTermSession::expandUrl(const QPoint& pt, QPair& range) { // int at = pt.x(); range.first = -1; range.second = -2; const FQTermTextLine *textLine = termBuffer_->getTextLineInBuffer(pt.y()); if (textLine == NULL || pt.x() > (int)textLine->getWidth()) { return ""; } QString text; textLine->getAllPlainText(text); int cell_begin = textLine->getCellBegin(pt.x()); int at = textLine->getCharBegin(cell_begin); if (at >= text.length()) { return ""; } int start; int end; for (start = at; start >= 0 && !isIllChar(text.at(start).toLatin1()); start--) { } start++; for (end = at; end < text.length() && !isIllChar(text.at(end).toLatin1()); end++) { } range.first = get_str_width((const UTF16 *)text.data(), start); range.second = get_str_width((const UTF16 *)text.data(), end); return text.mid(start, end - start); } bool FQTermSession::checkUrl(QRect &rcUrl, QRect &rcOld, bool checkIP) { QPoint pt = cursorPoint_; int at = pt.x(); rcOld = urlRect_; if (at > urlRect_.left() && at < urlRect_.right() && urlRect_.y() == pt.y()) { if ( (checkIP && !ip_.isEmpty()) || (!checkIP && !url_.isEmpty()) ) { rcUrl = urlRect_; return true; } } QPoint urlStartPoint; QPoint urlEndPoint; urlStartPoint_ = QPoint(); urlEndPoint_ = QPoint(); urlRect_ = QRect(0, 0, -1, -1); if (!checkIP) { url_.clear(); } else { ip_.clear(); } QString urlText; //phase 1: find all consecutive legal chars QPair range; urlText = expandUrl(pt, range); if (range.first < 0 || range.first >= range.second) { return false; } QRect urlRect = QRect(range.first, pt.y(), range.second - range.first, 1); urlStartPoint = QPoint(range.first, pt.y()); urlEndPoint = QPoint(range.second, pt.y()); if (range.second == termBuffer_->getNumColumns()) { for (int i = pt.y() + 1; i < termBuffer_->getNumLines(); ++i) { QString lineText = expandUrl(QPoint(0, i), range); if (range.first == 0) { urlText += lineText; urlEndPoint.setY(urlEndPoint.y() + 1); urlEndPoint.setX(range.second); if (range.second == termBuffer_->getNumColumns()) { continue; } } break; } } //phase 2: find protocol prefix for url //if none, prefix to add is set to "mailto:" if '@' is found //otherwise, the prefix is "http://" by default. QString prefixToAdd; int protocolIndex; for (protocolIndex = 0; protocolIndex < ProtocolSupported; ++protocolIndex) { int begin = urlText.indexOf(protocolPrefix[protocolIndex], Qt::CaseInsensitive); if (begin != -1 && begin <= at) { prefixToAdd = protocolPrefix[protocolIndex]; urlText = urlText.mid(begin + protocolPrefix[protocolIndex].length()); urlStartPoint.setX(urlStartPoint.x() + begin); break; } } if (protocolIndex == ProtocolSupported) { int begin = urlText.indexOf("://"); if (begin != -1) { return false; } if (urlText.indexOf('@') != -1) { prefixToAdd = protocolPrefix[Mailto]; } else { prefixToAdd = protocolPrefix[Http]; } } //no point or duplicated points if (urlText.indexOf("..") != -1 || urlText.indexOf('.') == -1) { return false; } //phase 3: (for check ip) if there is a ':' before ip, there must be a '@' int host_begin = qMax(urlText.lastIndexOf('@') + 1, 0); int host_end = urlText.indexOf(':', host_begin); if (host_end == -1) { host_end = urlText.indexOf('/', host_begin); } if (host_end == -1) { host_end = urlText.length(); } if (host_begin >= host_end) { return false; } if (checkIP && urlText[host_end - 1] == '*') { urlText[host_end - 1] = '1'; } for (int index = 0; index < urlText.length() && urlText.at(index) != '/'; index++) { QChar cur(urlText.at(index)); if (!cur.isLetterOrNumber() && !QString("-_~:@.").contains(cur)) { return false; } } QString newIP; newIP = urlText.mid(host_begin, host_end - host_begin); QStringList ipv4 = newIP.split(QLatin1String(".")); bool isIPv4 = true; if (ipv4.count() != 4){ isIPv4 = false; } foreach(QString domain, ipv4) { bool ok; int num = domain.toInt(&ok); //won't tolerant spaces. if (!ok || num < 0 || num > 255 || domain.length() > 3) { isIPv4 = false; break; } } if (!checkIP){ QString lastName = ipv4.back(); int lastCharIndex = lastName.lastIndexOf(QRegExp("[a-zA-Z]")); if (lastCharIndex == -1) { if (!isIPv4) { return false; } else if (urlText == newIP) { return false; } } else { const QString *begin = endOfUrl; const QString *end = endOfUrl + sizeof(endOfUrl) / sizeof(QString *); if (qFind(begin, end, lastName) == end) { return false; } } url_ = prefixToAdd + urlText; } else { if (!isIPv4) { return false; } ip_ = newIP; } urlRect_ = urlRect; rcUrl = urlRect; urlStartPoint_ = urlStartPoint; urlEndPoint_ = urlEndPoint; return true; } QString FQTermSession::getUrl() { return url_; } QString FQTermSession::getIP() { return ip_; } bool FQTermSession::isPageComplete() { return termBuffer_->getCaretRow() == (termBuffer_->getNumRows() - 1) && termBuffer_->getCaretColumn() == (termBuffer_->getNumColumns() - 1); } bool FQTermSession::isAntiIdle() { return param_.isAntiIdle_; } void FQTermSession::setAntiIdle(bool antiIdle) { param_.isAntiIdle_ = antiIdle; // disabled if (!param_.isAntiIdle_ && idleTimer_->isActive()) { idleTimer_->stop(); } // enabled if (param_.isAntiIdle_) { if (idleTimer_->isActive()) { idleTimer_->stop(); } idleTimer_->start(param_.maxIdleSeconds_ *1000); } } void FQTermSession::setAutoReconnect(bool autoReconnect) { param_.isAutoReconnect_ = autoReconnect; reconnectRetry_ = 0; if (autoReconnect && !isConnected_) { reconnectProcess(); } } void FQTermSession::autoReplyMessage() { if (autoReplyTimer_->isActive()) { autoReplyTimer_->stop(); } if (pageState_ != Message) { return; } if (scriptListener_) { bool res = scriptListener_->postScriptCallback(SFN_AUTO_REPLY #ifdef HAVE_PYTHON ,Py_BuildValue("l", scriptListener_->windowID()) #endif //HAVE_PYTHON ); if (res) return; } QByteArray cstrTmp = param_.replyKeyCombination_.toLocal8Bit(); QByteArray cstr = parseString(cstrTmp.isEmpty() ? QByteArray("^Z"): cstrTmp); //cstr += m_param.m_strAutoReply.toLocal8Bit(); cstr += unicode2bbs(param_.autoReplyMessage_); cstr += '\n'; telnet_->write(cstr, cstr.length()); emit messageAutoReplied(); } QByteArray FQTermSession::parseString(const QByteArray &cstr, int *len) { QByteArray parsed = ""; if (len != 0) { *len = 0; } for (uint i = 0; (long)i < cstr.length(); i++) { if (cstr.at(i) == '^') { i++; if ((long)i < cstr.length()) { parsed += FQTERM_CTRL(cstr.at(i)); if (len != 0) { *len = *len + 1; } } } else if (cstr.at(i) == '\\') { i++; if ((long)i < cstr.length()) { if (cstr.at(i) == 'n') { parsed += CHAR_CR; } else if (cstr.at(i) == 'r') { parsed += CHAR_LF; } else if (cstr.at(i) == 't') { parsed += CHAR_TAB; } if (len != 0) { *len = *len + 1; } } } else { parsed += cstr.at(i); if (len != 0) { *len = *len + 1; } } } return parsed; } void FQTermSession::reconnect() { if (!isConnected_) { telnet_->connectHost(param_.hostAddress_, param_.port_); reconnectRetry_++; } } void FQTermSession::reconnectProcess() { if (!isConnected_ && param_.isAutoReconnect_ && (reconnectRetry_ < param_.retryTimes_ || param_.retryTimes_ == -1)) { int interval = param_.reconnectInterval_ <= 0 ? 0 : param_.reconnectInterval_ * 1000; QTimer::singleShot(interval, this, SLOT(reconnect())); } } void FQTermSession::setMouseMode(bool on) { isMouseX11_ = on; } void FQTermSession::doAutoLogin() { if (!param_.preLoginCommand_.isEmpty()) { QByteArray temp = parseString(param_.preLoginCommand_.toLatin1()); telnet_->write((const char*)(temp), temp.length()); } if (!param_.userName_.isEmpty()) { QByteArray temp = param_.userName_.toLocal8Bit(); telnet_->write((const char*)(temp), temp.length()); char ch = CHAR_CR; telnet_->write(&ch, 1); } if (!param_.password_.isEmpty()) { QByteArray temp = param_.password_.toLocal8Bit(); telnet_->write((const char*)(temp), temp.length()); char ch = CHAR_CR; telnet_->write(&ch, 1); } // smth ignore continous input, so sleep 1 sec :) #if defined(_OS_WIN32_) || defined(Q_OS_WIN32) Sleep(1000); #else sleep(1); #endif if (!param_.postLoginCommand_.isEmpty()) { QByteArray temp = parseString(param_.postLoginCommand_.toLatin1()); telnet_->write((const char*)(temp), temp.length()); } isTelnetLogining_ = false; } //read slot void FQTermSession::readReady(int size, int raw_size) { FQ_ASSERT(size > 0 || raw_size > 0); // maybe raw_size is greater than 0. raw_data_.resize(raw_size); telnet_->read_raw(&raw_data_[0], raw_size); // read raw buffer int zmodem_consumed; if (param_.enableZmodem_) zmodem_->ZmodemRcv((uchar*)&raw_data_[0], raw_data_.size(), &(zmodem_->info), zmodem_consumed); if (zmodem_->transferstate == notransfer) { //decode if (size > 0) { int last_size = telnet_data_.size(); telnet_data_.resize(last_size + size); telnet_->read(&telnet_data_[0] + last_size, size); int processed = 0; { while (!bufferWriteLock_.tryLockForWrite()) {} //QWriteLocker locker(&bufferWriteLock_); processed = decoder_->decode(&telnet_data_[0], telnet_data_.size()); bufferWriteLock_.unlock(); } telnet_data_.erase(telnet_data_.begin(), telnet_data_.begin() + processed); } if (isTelnetLogining_) { int n = termBuffer_->getCaretRow(); for (int y = n - 5; y < n + 5; y++) { y = qMax(0, y); const FQTermTextLine *pTextLine = termBuffer_->getTextLineInTerm(y); if (pTextLine == NULL) { continue; } // QString str = pTextLine->getText(); QString str; pTextLine->getAllPlainText(str); if (str.indexOf("guest") != -1 /*&& str.indexOf("new") != -1*/) { doAutoLogin(); break; } } } // page complete when caret at the right corner // this works for most but not for all const FQTermTextLine *pTextLine = termBuffer_->getTextLineInTerm(termBuffer_->getNumRows() - 1); //QString strText = stripWhitespace(pTextLine->getText()); // TODO_UTF16: fixme! performance issue! QString strText; pTextLine->getAllPlainText(strText); // TODO_UTF16: shall we disable trim? strText = strText.trimmed(); if (termBuffer_->getCaretRow() == termBuffer_->getNumRows() - 1 && termBuffer_->getCaretColumn() >= (strText.length() - 1) / 2) { waitCondition_.wakeAll(); } //QToolTip::remove(this, screen_->mapToRect(m_rcUrl)); // message received // 03/19/2003. the caret posion removed as a message judgement // because smth.org changed if (decoder_->bellReceive()) { emit startAlert(); emit bellReceived(); bool bellConsumed = false; if (scriptListener_) { bellConsumed = scriptListener_->postScriptCallback(SFN_ON_BELL #ifdef HAVE_PYTHON ,Py_BuildValue("l", scriptListener_->windowID()) #endif //HAVE_PYTHON ); } if (isAutoReply() && !bellConsumed) { // TODO: save messages if (isIdling_) { autoReplyMessage(); } else { autoReplyTimer_->start(param_.maxIdleSeconds_ *1000 / 2); } } } // set page state detectPageState(); if (scriptListener_) { scriptListener_->postScriptCallback(SFN_DATA_EVENT #ifdef HAVE_PYTHON ,Py_BuildValue("l", scriptListener_->windowID()) #endif //HAVE_PYTHON ); } emit sessionUpdated(); } if (zmodem_->transferstate == transferstop) { zmodem_->transferstate = notransfer; } } /* 0-left 1-middle 2-right 3-relsase 4/5-wheel * */ //void FQTermWindow::sendMouseState( int num, // Qt::ButtonState btnstate, Qt::ButtonState keystate, const QPoint& pt ) void FQTermSession::sendMouseState(int num, Qt::KeyboardModifier btnstate, Qt::KeyboardModifier keystate, const QPoint &pt) { /* if(!m_bMouseX11) return; QPoint ptc = screen_->mapToChar(pt); if(btnstate&Qt::LeftButton) num = num==0?0:num; else if(btnstate&Qt::MidButton) num = num==0?1:num; else if(btnstate&Qt::RightButton) num = num==0?2:num; int state = 0; if(keystate&Qt::ShiftModifier) state |= 0x04; if(keystate&Qt::MetaModifier) state |= 0x08; if(keystate&Qt::ControlModifier) state |= 0x10; // normal buttons are passed as 0x20 + button, // mouse wheel (buttons 4,5) as 0x5c + button if(num>3) num += 0x3c; char mouse[10]; sprintf(mouse, "\033[M%c%c%c", num+state+0x20, ptc.x()+1+0x20, ptc.y()+1+0x20); telnet_->write( mouse, strlen(mouse) ); */ } void FQTermSession::cancelZmodem() { zmodem_->zmodemCancel(); } void FQTermSession::disconnect() { telnet_->close(); finalizeConnection(); } void FQTermSession::finalizeConnection() { if (isConnected_) { QString strMsg = ""; strMsg += "\n\n\n\r\n\r"; strMsg += "\x1b[17C\x1b[0m===========================================\n\r"; strMsg += "\x1b[17C Connection Closed, Press \x1b[1m\x1b[31;40mEnter\x1b[m\x1b[0m To Connect\n\r"; strMsg += "\x1b[17C===========================================\n"; decoder_->decode(strMsg.toLatin1(), strMsg.length()); } isConnected_ = false; if (autoReplyTimer_->isActive()) { autoReplyTimer_->stop(); } if (idleTimer_->isActive()) { idleTimer_->stop(); } emit connectionClosed(); } // telnet state slot void FQTermSession::changeTelnetState(int state) { switch (state) { case TSRESOLVING: break; case TSHOSTFOUND: break; case TSHOSTNOTFOUND: finalizeConnection(); break; case TSCONNECTING: break; case TSHOSTCONNECTED: isConnected_ = true; reconnectRetry_ = 0; if (param_.isAutoLogin_ && param_.protocolType_==0) { isTelnetLogining_ = true; } break; case TSPROXYCONNECTED: break; case TSPROXYAUTH: break; case TSPROXYFAIL: disconnect(); break; case TSREFUSED: finalizeConnection(); break; case TSREADERROR: disconnect(); break; case TSCLOSED: finalizeConnection(); if (param_.isAutoReconnect_) { reconnectProcess(); } break; case TSCLOSEFINISH: finalizeConnection(); break; case TSCONNECTVIAPROXY: break; case TSEGETHOSTBYNAME: finalizeConnection(); break; case TSEINIWINSOCK: finalizeConnection(); break; case TSERROR: disconnect(); break; case TSPROXYERROR: disconnect(); break; case TSWRITED: // restart the idle timer if (idleTimer_->isActive()) { idleTimer_->stop(); } if (param_.isAntiIdle_) { idleTimer_->start(param_.maxIdleSeconds_ *1000); } isIdling_ = false; break; default: break; } emit telnetStateChanged(state); } void FQTermSession::handleInput(const QString &text) { if (text.length() > 0) { QByteArray cstrTmp = unicode2bbs_smart(text); telnet_->write(cstrTmp, cstrTmp.length()); } } QString FQTermSession::bbs2unicode(const QByteArray &text) { return encoding2unicode(text, param_.serverEncodingID_); } QByteArray FQTermSession::unicode2bbs(const QString &text) { return unicode2encoding(text, param_.serverEncodingID_); } QByteArray FQTermSession::unicode2bbs_smart(const QString &text) { QByteArray strTmp; switch(param_.serverEncodingID_) { case FQTERM_ENCODING_GBK: if (FQTermPref::getInstance()->imeEncodingID_ == FQTERM_ENCODING_BIG5) { strTmp = U2B(text); char* tmp = encodingConverter_.B2G(strTmp, strTmp.length()); strTmp = tmp; delete []tmp; } else { strTmp = U2G(text); } break; case FQTERM_ENCODING_BIG5: if (FQTermPref::getInstance()->imeEncodingID_ == FQTERM_ENCODING_GBK) { strTmp = U2G(text); char* tmp = encodingConverter_.G2B(strTmp, strTmp.length()); strTmp = tmp; delete []tmp; } else { strTmp = U2B(text); } break; case FQTERM_ENCODING_HKSCS: if (FQTermPref::getInstance()->imeEncodingID_ == FQTERM_ENCODING_GBK) { strTmp = U2G(text); char* tmp = encodingConverter_.G2B(strTmp, strTmp.length()); strTmp = tmp; delete []tmp; } else { strTmp = U2H(text); } break; case FQTERM_ENCODING_UTF8: strTmp = U2U8(text); break; case FQTERM_ENCODING_UAO: if (FQTermPref::getInstance()->imeEncodingID_ == FQTERM_ENCODING_GBK) { strTmp = U2G(text); char* tmp = encodingConverter_.G2B(strTmp, strTmp.length()); strTmp = tmp; delete []tmp; } else { strTmp = U2A(text); } break; } return strTmp; } void FQTermSession::onIdle() { // do as autoreply when it is enabled if (autoReplyTimer_->isActive() && param_.isAutoReply_) { autoReplyMessage(); stopAlert(); return ; } isIdling_ = true; // system script can handle that if (scriptListener_) { bool res = scriptListener_->postScriptCallback(SFN_ANTI_IDLE #ifdef HAVE_PYTHON ,Py_BuildValue("l", scriptListener_->windowID()) #endif //HAVE_PYTHON ); if (res) return; } // the default function int length; QByteArray cstr = parseString(param_.antiIdleMessage_.toLocal8Bit(), &length); telnet_->write(cstr, length); } void FQTermSession::onAutoReply() { // if AutoReply still enabled, then autoreply if (param_.isAutoReply_) { autoReplyMessage(); } else { // else just stop the timer autoReplyTimer_->stop(); } stopAlert(); } bool FQTermSession::isAutoReply() { return param_.isAutoReply_; } void FQTermSession::setAutoReply(bool on) { param_.isAutoReply_ = on; if (!param_.isAutoReply_ && autoReplyTimer_->isActive()) { autoReplyTimer_->stop(); } } int FQTermSession::write(const char *data, int len) { return telnet_->write(data, len); } int FQTermSession::writeStr(const char *str) { return write(str, strlen(str)); } void FQTermSession::setProxy(int type, bool needAuth, const QString &hostName, quint16 portNumber, const QString &userName, const QString &password) { telnet_->setProxy(type, needAuth, hostName, portNumber, userName, password); } void FQTermSession::connectHost(const QString &hostName, quint16 portNumber) { telnet_->connectHost(hostName, portNumber); } void FQTermSession::close() { telnet_->close(); finalizeConnection(); } void FQTermSession::clearLineChanged(int index) { termBuffer_->clearLineChanged(index); } void FQTermSession::setLineAllChanged(int index) { termBuffer_->setLineAllChanged(index); } void FQTermSession::setTermSize(int col, int row) { termBuffer_->setTermSize(col, row); param_.numColumns_ = col; param_.numRows_ = row; } FQTermBuffer *FQTermSession::getBuffer() const { return termBuffer_; } void FQTermSession::setSelect(const QPoint &pt1, const QPoint &pt2) { termBuffer_->setSelect(pt1, pt2); } void FQTermSession::clearSelect() { termBuffer_->clearSelect(); } void FQTermSession::leaveIdle() { if (autoReplyTimer_->isActive()) { autoReplyTimer_->stop(); } if (idleTimer_->isActive()) { idleTimer_->stop(); } if (param_.isAntiIdle_) { idleTimer_->start(param_.maxIdleSeconds_ * 1000); } } void FQTermSession::copyArticle() { if (!acThread_->isRunning()) { acThread_->start(); } } void FQTermSession::getLineColorInfo(const FQTermTextLine * line, LineColorInfo * colorInfo) { colorInfo->backgroundColorIndex.clear(); colorInfo->foregroundColorIndex.clear(); colorInfo->hasBackgroundColor = false; colorInfo->uniBackgroundColor = true; colorInfo->uniForegroundColor = true; colorInfo->hasForegroundColor = false; if (!line || line->getWidth() == 0) { return; } const unsigned char *color = line->getColors(); unsigned char background = GETBG(color[0]); unsigned char foreground = GETFG(color[0]); colorInfo->backgroundColorIndex.append(background); colorInfo->foregroundColorIndex.append(foreground); //for (int i = 0; i < color.length() / 2; i++) { // TODO_UTF16: why use color.length()/2 formerly? for (int i = 0; i < (int)line->getWidth(); i++) { if (GETBG(color[i]) != background) { colorInfo->uniBackgroundColor = false; background = GETBG(color[i]); colorInfo->backgroundColorIndex.append(background); } if (GETBG(color[i]) != GETBG(NO_COLOR)) { colorInfo->hasBackgroundColor = true; } if (GETFG(color[i]) != foreground) { colorInfo->uniForegroundColor = false; foreground = GETFG(color[i]); colorInfo->foregroundColorIndex.append(foreground); } if (GETFG(color[i]) != GETFG(NO_COLOR)) { colorInfo->hasForegroundColor = true; } } } bool FQTermSession::readyForInput() { return telnet_->readyForInput(); } void FQTermSession::onEnqReceived() { if (FQTermPref::getInstance()->replyENQ_) telnet_->write(ANSWERBACK_MESSAGE, sizeof(ANSWERBACK_MESSAGE)); } void FQTermSession::onSSHAuthOK() { isSSHLogining_ = false; //setTermSize(80, 24); //setTermSize(param_.numColumns_, param_.numRows_); telnet_->windowSizeChanged(param_.numColumns_, param_.numRows_); } void FQTermSession::updateSetting( const FQTermParam& p ) { bool toggleAutoReconnect = (p.isAutoReconnect_ != param_.isAutoReconnect_); param_ = p; setTermSize(p.numColumns_, p.numRows_); setAntiIdle(isAntiIdle()); if (toggleAutoReconnect) setAutoReconnect(param_.isAutoReconnect_); } ArticleCopyThread::ArticleCopyThread( FQTermSession &bbs, QWaitCondition &waitCondition, QReadWriteLock &bufferLock) : session_(bbs), waitCondition_(waitCondition), lock_(bufferLock) { FQ_VERIFY(connect(this, SIGNAL(writeSession(const QString&)), &session_, SLOT(handleInput(const QString&)), Qt::QueuedConnection)); } ArticleCopyThread::~ArticleCopyThread() { } static void removeTrailSpace(QString &line) { for (int last_non_space = line.size() - 1; last_non_space >= 0; --last_non_space) { QChar a = line.at(last_non_space); if (!a.isSpace()) { line.resize(last_non_space + 1); break; } if (last_non_space == 0) { line.resize(0); } } } /////////////////////////////////////// //analyze last line when copy article static std::pair ParseLastLine(QString str) { int startLine = -1; int endLine = -1; int infoStart = str.indexOf('(', str.indexOf('(') + 1); int infoEnd = str.indexOf(')', infoStart); int infoSplit = str.indexOf('-', infoStart); if (infoStart == -1 || infoEnd == -1 || infoSplit == -1) { return std::make_pair(-1, -1); } bool ok = true; startLine = str.mid(infoStart + 1, infoSplit - infoStart - 1).toInt(&ok); if (!ok) { return std::make_pair(-1, -1); } endLine = str.mid(infoSplit + 1, infoEnd - infoSplit - 1).toInt(&ok); if (!ok) { return std::make_pair(-1, -1); } return std::make_pair(startLine, endLine); } /////////////////////////////////////// void ArticleCopyThread::run() { QReadLocker locker(&lock_); typedef std::vector Page; const FQTermBuffer *buffer = session_.getBuffer();; Page page; QString firstPageLastLine; buffer->getTextLineInTerm(buffer->getNumRows() - 1)->getAllPlainText(firstPageLastLine); bool MultiPage = (firstPageLastLine.indexOf("%") != -1); if (!MultiPage) { emit writeSession("q"); emit writeSession("\n"); if (!waitCondition_.wait(&lock_, 10000)) { emit articleCopied(DAE_TIMEOUT, ""); return; } buffer->getTextLineInTerm(buffer->getNumRows() - 1)->getAllPlainText(firstPageLastLine); MultiPage = (firstPageLastLine.indexOf("%") != -1); } if (MultiPage) { //session_.write("e", 1); emit writeSession("e"); if (!waitCondition_.wait(&lock_, 10000)) { emit articleCopied(DAE_TIMEOUT, ""); return; } QString LastPageLastLine; buffer->getTextLineInTerm(buffer->getNumRows() - 1)->getAllPlainText(LastPageLastLine); std::pair range = ParseLastLine(LastPageLastLine); if (range.first == -1 || range.second == -1) { return; } page.resize(range.second); for (int i = range.first; i <= range.second; ++i) { QString strTemp; buffer->getTextLineInTerm(i - range.first)->getAllPlainText(strTemp); page[i - 1] = strTemp; } //session_.write("s", 1); emit writeSession("s"); if (!waitCondition_.wait(&lock_, 10000)) { emit articleCopied(DAE_TIMEOUT, ""); return; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < buffer->getNumRows() - 1; ++i) { QString strTemp; buffer->getTextLineInTerm(i)->getAllPlainText(strTemp); page.push_back(strTemp); } } while (MultiPage) { // the end of article int lineIndex = buffer->getNumRows() - 1; //QByteArray lastLine = buffer->getLineInScreen(lineIndex)->getText(); QString lastLine; buffer->getTextLineInTerm(lineIndex)->getAllPlainText(lastLine); std::pair range = ParseLastLine(lastLine); if (range.first == -1 || range.second == -1) { page.push_back(lastLine); break; } // copy a page of lines exclude the last line. for (int i = range.first; i <= range.second; ++i) { QString strTemp; buffer->getTextLineInTerm(i - range.first)->getAllPlainText(strTemp); page[i - 1] = strTemp; } // wait for next page. //session_.write(" ", 1); emit writeSession(" "); if (!waitCondition_.wait(&lock_, 10000)) { emit articleCopied(DAE_TIMEOUT, ""); break; } } QString articleText; for (Page::iterator line = page.begin(); line != page.end(); ++line) { removeTrailSpace(*line); articleText += (*line); articleText += (OS_NEW_LINE); } //qApp->postEvent(pWin, new QCustomEvent(DAE_FINISH)); emit articleCopied(DAE_FINISH, articleText); } } // namespace FQTerm #include "fqterm_session.moc"