/*************************************************************************** * fqterm, a terminal emulator for both BBS and *nix. * * Copyright (C) 2008 fqterm development group. * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "fqterm.h" #include "fqterm_path.h" #include "fqterm_http.h" #include "fqterm_config.h" #include "fqterm_filedialog.h" namespace FQTerm { QMap FQTermHttp::downloadMap_; QMutex FQTermHttp::mutex_; FQTermHttp::FQTermHttp(FQTermConfig *config, QWidget *p, const QString &poolDir, int serverEncodingID) : nam_(new QNetworkAccessManager), poolDir_(poolDir) { // m_pDialog = NULL; config_ = config; serverEncodingID_ = serverEncodingID; } FQTermHttp::~FQTermHttp() { } void FQTermHttp::cancel() { if(netreply_){ netreply_->abort(); } if (QFile::exists(cacheFileName_)) { QFile::remove(cacheFileName_); } emit done(this); } void FQTermHttp::getLink(const QString &url, bool preview) { QUrl u(url); getLink(u,preview); } void FQTermHttp::getLink(const QUrl& url, bool preview) { QUrl u=url; isExisting_ = false; isPreview_ = preview; previewEmitted = false; lastPercent_ = 0; if (u.isRelative() || u.scheme() == "file") { emit previewImage(cacheFileName_, false, true); emit done(this); return ; } if (QFile::exists(getPath(USER_CONFIG) + "hosts.cfg")) { config_ = new FQTermConfig(getPath(USER_CONFIG) + "hosts.cfg"); QString strTmp = config_->getItemValue("hosts", u.host().toLocal8Bit()); if (!strTmp.isEmpty()) { QString strUrl = u.toString(); strUrl.replace(QRegExp(u.host(), Qt::CaseInsensitive), strTmp); u = strUrl; } } if (!(netreply_ && netreply_->hasRawHeader("Location"))) { cacheFileName_ = QFileInfo(u.path()).fileName(); } if(netreply_){ netreply_->blockSignals(true); netreply_.take()->deleteLater(); } netreply_.reset(nam_->get(QNetworkRequest(u))); FQ_VERIFY(connect(netreply_.data(), SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(httpDone()))); FQ_VERIFY(connect(netreply_.data(), SIGNAL(downloadProgress(qint64, qint64)),this, SLOT(httpRead(qint64, qint64)))); FQ_VERIFY(connect(netreply_.data(), SIGNAL(error( QNetworkReply::NetworkError)), this, SLOT(httpError(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)))); FQ_VERIFY(connect(netreply_.data(), SIGNAL(metaDataChanged()), this, SLOT(httpResponse()))); } void FQTermHttp::httpResponse() { if (netreply_->hasRawHeader("Location")) { //FIXME: according to RC, this code still could not work //if the server send the relative location. QString realLocation = netreply_->header(QNetworkRequest::LocationHeader).toString(); QUrl u = realLocation; if (u.isRelative() ) { u=netreply_->url().resolved(u); } cacheFileName_ = QFileInfo(u.path()).fileName(); // update filename getLink(u,isPreview_); return; } QString ValueString; QString filename; ValueString = netreply_->header(QNetworkRequest::ContentLengthHeader).toString(); int FileLength = ValueString.toInt(); ValueString = netreply_->rawHeader("Content-Disposition"); // ValueString = ValueString.mid(ValueString.find(';') + 1).stripWhiteSpace(); // if(ValueString.lower().find("filename") == 0) // m_strHttpFile = ValueString.mid(ValueString.find('=') + 1).stripWhiteSpace(); if (ValueString.right(1) != ";") { ValueString += ";"; } QRegExp re("filename=.*;", Qt::CaseInsensitive); re.setMinimal(true); //Dont FIXME:this will also split filenames with ';' inside, does anyone really do this? int pos = re.indexIn(ValueString); if (pos != -1) { cacheFileName_ = ValueString.mid(pos + 9, re.matchedLength() - 10); } //cacheFileName_ = encoding2unicode(cacheFileName_.toLatin1(), serverEncodingID_); filename = cacheFileName_; if (isPreview_) { cacheFileName_ = poolDir_ + cacheFileName_; QFileInfo fi(cacheFileName_); int i = 1; QFileInfo fi2 = fi; mutex_.lock(); if (downloadMap_.find(cacheFileName_) == downloadMap_.end() && !fi2.exists()) { downloadMap_[cacheFileName_] = FileLength; } while (fi2.exists()) { QMap::iterator ii; if ((ii = downloadMap_.find(cacheFileName_)) != downloadMap_.end()) { if (ii.value() == FileLength) { mutex_.unlock(); netreply_->abort(); isExisting_ = true; emit headerReceived(this, filename); emit done(this); return; } } if (fi2.size() == FileLength) { mutex_.unlock(); isExisting_ = true; emit headerReceived(this, filename); netreply_->abort(); return; } else { cacheFileName_ = QString("%1/%2(%3).%4").arg(fi.path()) .arg(fi.completeBaseName()).arg(i).arg(fi.suffix()); fi2.setFile(cacheFileName_); if (!fi2.exists()) { downloadMap_[cacheFileName_] = FileLength; break; } i++; } } mutex_.unlock(); fi.setFile(cacheFileName_); QString strExt = fi.suffix().toLower(); if (strExt == "jpg" || strExt == "jpeg" || strExt == "gif" || strExt == "mng" || strExt == "png" || strExt == "bmp") { isPreview_ = true; } else { isPreview_ = false; } } else { //getSaveFileName(cacheFileName_, NULL, strSave); mutex_.lock(); FQTermFileDialog fileDialog(config_); QString strSave = fileDialog.getSaveName(cacheFileName_, "*"); mutex_.unlock(); // no filename specified which means the user canceled this download if (strSave.isEmpty()) { netreply_->abort(); emit done(this); return ; } cacheFileName_ = strSave; } emit headerReceived(this, filename); } void FQTermHttp::httpRead(qint64 done, qint64 total) { QByteArray ba = netreply_->readAll(); QFile file(cacheFileName_); if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite | QIODevice::Append)) { QDataStream ds(&file); ds.writeRawData(ba, ba.size()); file.close(); } if (total != 0) { //m_pDialog->setProgress(done,total); int p = done *100 / total; if (p - lastPercent_ >= 10 && isPreview_ && QFileInfo(cacheFileName_).suffix().toLower() == "jpg") { if (!previewEmitted) { emit previewImage(cacheFileName_,true, false); previewEmitted = true; } else { emit previewImage(cacheFileName_,false, false); } lastPercent_ = p; } emit percent(p); } } void FQTermHttp::httpDone() { mutex_.lock(); downloadMap_.remove(cacheFileName_); mutex_.unlock(); if (isPreview_) { emit previewImage(cacheFileName_, true, true); } else { emit message("Download one file successfully"); } emit done(this); } void FQTermHttp::httpError(QNetworkReply::NetworkError code) { switch(code) { case QNetworkReply::OperationCanceledError: break; default: QMessageBox::critical(NULL, tr("Download Error"), tr("Failed to download file\n code=%1").arg(code)); //deleteLater(); /*Not needed. http done will be called and this will cause a double free. //return; break; } } void FQTermHttp::setProxy(const QNetworkProxy & proxy) { nam_->setProxy(proxy); } } // namespace FQTerm #include "fqterm_http.moc"