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authornadebula <>2016-04-13 16:58:54 +0800
committernadebula <>2016-04-13 16:58:54 +0800
commit1b8427873ffe2288f09ed601c62bac8a1704e4bb (patch)
parentfb22709504ad021f78802f0f5ad4153f5bf25932 (diff)
initial change
Note: some footnotes need to be verified. Translate by Nadebula on Apr 13th
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@@ -23,12 +23,24 @@ not exceeded? It is the level beyond which surveillance starts to
interfere with the functioning of democracy, in that whistleblowers
(such as Snowden) are likely to be caught.
Faced with government secrecy, we the people depend on whistleblowers to
tell us what the state is doing.[(1)](#FOOT1) However, today’s
surveillance intimidates potential whistleblowers, which means it is too
much. To recover our democratic control over the state, we must reduce
surveillance to the point where whistleblowers know they are safe.
Using free/libre software, as I’ve advocated for 30 years, is the first
step in taking control of our digital lives, and that includes
preventing surveillance. We can’t trust nonfree software; the NSA
@@ -36,12 +48,18 @@ uses[(2)](#FOOT2) and even creates[(3)](#FOOT3) security weaknesses in
nonfree software to invade our own computers and routers. Free software
gives us control of our own computers, but that won’t protect our
privacy once we set foot on the internet.[(4)](#FOOT4)
-@firstcopyingnotice{{@footnoterule @smallskip Copyright © 2015 Richard
+如同我们所倡导了 30 多年的,使用自由软件是掌控我们自己的数字生活的第一步。
+@firstcopyingnotice{{@footnoterule @smallskip 著作权所有 (C) 2015 Richard
- {A version of this article was first published on the [Wired](Wired)
-web site under the same title (Wired, 14 October 2013,
-This version is part of @fsfsthreecite}
+ {本文的一个版本最初以相同的标题发表于 [Wired](Wired) (Wired, 14 October 2013,
+此版本是 @fsfsthreecite 的一部分。}
Bipartisan legislation to “curtail the domestic surveillance
powers”[(5)](#FOOT5) in the US is being drawn up, but it relies on
@@ -50,13 +68,23 @@ suffice to protect whistleblowers if “catching the whistleblower” is
grounds for access sufficient to identify him or her. We need to go
### The Upper Limit on Surveillance in a Democracy {#the-upper-limit-on-surveillance-in-a-democracy .subheading}
+### 民主社会中的监控程度上限 {#the-upper-limit-on-surveillance-in-a-democracy .subheading}
If whistleblowers don’t dare reveal crimes and lies, we lose the last
shred of effective control over our government and institutions. That’s
why surveillance that enables the state to find out who has talked with
a reporter is too much surveillance—too much for democracy to endure.
An unnamed US government official ominously told journalists in 2011
that the US would not subpoena reporters because “We know who you’re
talking to.”[(6)](#FOOT6) Sometimes journalists’ phone call records are
@@ -64,6 +92,13 @@ subpoenaed[(7)](#FOOT7) to find this out, but Snowden has shown us that
in effect they subpoena all the phone call records of everyone in the
US, all the time, from Verizon[(8)](#FOOT8) and from other companies
+在 2011 年,一位匿名的美国政府官员不怀好意地告诉新闻工作者:美国政府在传
+通过 Verizon [(8)](#FOOT8)或其他通讯公司[(9)](#FOOT9)。\
Opposition and dissident activities need to keep secrets from states
that are willing to play dirty tricks on them. The ACLU has demonstrated
the US government’s systematic practice of infiltrating peaceful
@@ -72,8 +107,14 @@ terrorists among them. The point at which surveillance is too much is
the point at which the state can find who spoke to a known journalist or
a known dissident.
### Information, Once Collected, Will Be Misused {#information-once-collected-will-be-misused .subheading}
+### 信息,一旦被采集,将会被滥用 {#information-once-collected-will-be-misused .subheading}
When people recognize that the level of general surveillance is too
high, the first response is to propose limits on access to the
accumulated data. That sounds nice, but it won’t fix the problem, not
@@ -84,6 +125,13 @@ grounds for access, so once a whistleblower is accused of “espionage,”
finding the “spy” will provide an excuse to access the accumulated
+后者声称它不能有效地证实 NSA 对其监控行为有说明的义务。[(11)](#FOOT11))
In addition, the state’s surveillance staff will misuse the data for
personal reasons. Some NSA agents used US surveillance systems to track
their lovers—past, present, or wished-for—in a practice called
@@ -93,26 +141,48 @@ these events shouldn’t surprise us, because police have long used their
access to driver’s license records to track down someone attractive, a
practice known as “running a plate for a date.”[(13)](#FOOT13)
+此外,国家监控系统的工作人员将会出于个人原因滥用数据。一些 NSA 间谍使用
+并称此行为为 LOVEINT [(12)](#FOOT12)。NSA 宣称它已经发现了几次这样的行为
Surveillance data will always be used for other purposes, even if this
is prohibited. Once the data has been accumulated and the state has the
possibility of access to it, it can misuse that data in dreadful ways,
as shown by examples from Europe[(14)](#FOOT14) and the
Personal data collected by the state is also likely to be obtained by
outside crackers that break the security of the servers, even by
crackers working for hostile states.[(16)](#FOOT16)
Governments can easily use massive surveillance capability to subvert
democracy directly.[(17)](#FOOT17)
Total surveillance accessible to the state enables the state to launch a
massive fishing expedition against any person. To make journalism and
democracy safe, we must limit the accumulation of data that is easily
accessible to the state.
### Robust Protection for Privacy Must Be Technical {#robust-protection-for-privacy-must-be-technical .subheading}
+### 对隐私的有效保护必须是技术层面的 {#robust-protection-for-privacy-must-be-technical .subheading}
The Electronic Frontier Foundation and other organizations propose a set
of legal principles designed to prevent the abuses of massive
surveillance.[(18)](#FOOT18) These principles include, crucially,
@@ -120,14 +190,25 @@ explicit legal protection for whistleblowers; as a consequence, they
would be adequate for protecting democratic freedoms—if adopted
completely and enforced without exception forever.
However, such legal protections are precarious: as recent history shows,
they can be repealed (as in the FISA Amendments Act), suspended, or
Meanwhile, demagogues will cite the usual excuses as grounds for total
surveillance; any terrorist attack, even one that kills just a handful
of people, can be hyped to provide an opportunity.
If limits on access to the data are set aside, it will be as if they had
never existed: years’ worth of dossiers would suddenly become available
for misuse by the state and its agents and, if collected by companies,
@@ -138,20 +219,39 @@ implement surveillance afresh, and it would only collect data starting
at that date. As for suspending or momentarily ignoring this law, the
idea would hardly make sense.
### First, Don’t Be Foolish {#first-dont-be-foolish .subheading}
+### 最重要的是,不要犯傻! {#first-dont-be-foolish .subheading}
To have privacy, you must not throw it away: the first one who has to
protect your privacy is you. Avoid identifying yourself to web sites,
contact them with Tor, and use browsers that block the schemes they use
to track visitors. Use the GNU Privacy Guard to encrypt the contents of
your email. Pay for things with cash.
+人就是您自己!您必须避免向网站暴露自己的身份,您可以使用 Tor 同它们联络,
+或者使用那些能够阻止网站用于跟踪访问者的阴谋诡计的浏览器。您可以使用 GNU
+隐私卫士(GNU PG)加密您的邮件内容。您可以使用现金支付任何费用。
Keep your own data; don’t store your data in a company’s “convenient”
server. It’s safe, however, to entrust a data backup to a commercial
service, provided you put the files in an archive and encrypt the whole
archive, including the names of the files, with free software on your
own computer before uploading it.
For privacy’s sake, you must avoid nonfree software since, as a
consequence of giving others control of your computing, it is likely to
spy on you.[(20)](#FOOT20) Avoid service as a software
@@ -159,6 +259,11 @@ substitute;[(21)](#FOOT21) as well as giving others control of your
computing, it requires you to hand over all the pertinent data to the
Protect your friends’ and acquaintances’ privacy, too. Don’t give out
their personal information[(22)](#FOOT22) except how to contact them,
and never give any web site your list of email or phone contacts. Don’t
@@ -168,6 +273,13 @@ Facebook at all. Reject communication systems that require users to give
their real names, even if you are going to give yours, since they
pressure other people to surrender their privacy.
+不要将您的朋友的任何信息告诉诸如 Facebook 这样的公司,因为您的朋友也许并
+不想在报纸上公布他们的名字。如果可能,根本不要被 Facebook 所利用。拒绝使
Self-protection is essential, but even the most rigorous self-protection
is insufficient to protect your privacy on or from systems that don’t
belong to you. When we communicate with others or move around the city,
@@ -176,13 +288,24 @@ the systems that surveil our communications and movements, but not all
of them. Clearly, the better solution is to make all these systems stop
surveilling people other than legitimate suspects.
### We Must Design Every System for Privacy {#we-must-design-every-system-for-privacy .subheading}
+### 我们必须为了隐私而去设计各种系统 {#we-must-design-every-system-for-privacy .subheading}
If we don’t want a total surveillance society, we must consider
surveillance a kind of social pollution, and limit the surveillance
impact of each new digital system just as we limit the environmental
impact of physical construction.
For example: “smart” meters for electricity are touted for sending the
power company moment-by-moment data about each customer’s electric
usage, including how usage compares with users in general. This is
@@ -194,10 +317,21 @@ customer’s meter could compare her usage, over any desired period of
time, with the average usage pattern for that period. The same benefit,
with no surveillance!
We need to design such privacy into all our digital systems.
### Remedy for Collecting Data: Leaving It Dispersed {#remedy-for-collecting-data-leaving-it-dispersed .subheading}
+### 针对数据采集的补救:让数据分散开来 {#remedy-for-collecting-data-leaving-it-dispersed .subheading}
One way to make monitoring safe for privacy is to keep the data
dispersed and inconvenient to access. Old-fashioned security cameras
were no threat to privacy.[(23)](#FOOT23) The recording was stored on
@@ -207,6 +341,13 @@ massively; they were accessed only in the places where someone reported
a crime. It would not be feasible to physically collect millions of
tapes every day and watch them or copy them.
Nowadays, security cameras have become surveillance cameras: they are
connected to the internet so recordings can be collected in a data
center and saved forever. This is already dangerous, but it is going to
@@ -214,6 +355,11 @@ get worse. Advances in face recognition may bring the day when suspected
journalists can be tracked on the street all the time to see who they
talk with.
Internet-connected cameras often have lousy digital security themselves,
so anyone could watch what the camera sees.[(24)](#FOOT24) To restore
privacy, we should ban the use of internet-connected cameras aimed where
@@ -221,8 +367,15 @@ and when the public is admitted, except when carried by people. Everyone
must be free to post photos and video recordings occasionally, but the
systematic accumulation of such data on the internet must be limited.
### Remedy for Internet Commerce Surveillance {#remedy-for-internet-commerce-surveillance .subheading}
+### 针对互联网商业监控的补救 {#remedy-for-internet-commerce-surveillance .subheading}
Most data collection comes from people’s own digital activities. Usually
the data is collected first by companies. But when it comes to the
threat to privacy and democracy, it makes no difference whether
@@ -230,12 +383,22 @@ surveillance is done directly by the state or farmed out to a business,
because the data that the companies collect is systematically available
to the state.
The NSA, through PRISM, has gotten into the databases of many large
internet corporations.[(25)](#FOOT25) AT&T has saved all its phone call
records since 1987 and makes them available to the DEA[(26)](#FOOT26) to
search on request. Strictly speaking, the US government does not possess
that data, but in practical terms it may as well possess it.
+NSA 通过棱镜计划(PRISM)进入了多家大型互联网公司的数据库[(25)](#FOOT25)。
+AT&T 自 1987 年起保存了所有通话记录并且允许美国缉毒局(DEA)对其所有数据
The goal of making journalism and democracy safe therefore requires that
we reduce the data collected about people by any organization, not just
by the state. We must redesign digital systems so that they do not
@@ -243,6 +406,11 @@ accumulate data about their users. If they need digital data about our
transactions, they should not be allowed to keep them more than a short
time beyond what is inherently necessary for their dealings with us.
One of the motives for the current level of surveillance of the internet
is that sites are financed through advertising based on tracking users’
activities and propensities. This converts a mere annoyance—advertising
@@ -251,6 +419,12 @@ whether we know it or not. Purchases over the internet also track their
users. And we are all aware that “privacy policies” are more excuses to
violate privacy than commitments to uphold it.
We could correct both problems by adopting a system of anonymous
payments—anonymous for the payer, that is. (We don’t want the payee to
dodge taxes.) Bitcoin is not anonymous,[(27)](#FOOT27) though there are
@@ -259,14 +433,26 @@ technology for digital cash was first developed in the
1980s;[(28)](#FOOT28)we need only suitable business arrangements, and
for the state not to obstruct them.
+20 世纪 80 年代[(28)](#FOOT28);我们只需要对商业规则进行适当调整,并且使
A further threat from sites’ collection of personal data is that
security breakers might get in, take it, and misuse it. This includes
customers’ credit card details. An anonymous payment system would end
this danger: a security hole in the site can’t hurt you if the site
knows nothing about you.
### Remedy for Travel Surveillance {#remedy-for-travel-surveillance .subheading}
+### 针对旅行监控的补救 {#remedy-for-travel-surveillance .subheading}
We must convert digital toll collection to anonymous payment (using
digital cash, for instance). License-plate recognition systems recognize
all license plates, and the data can be kept
@@ -277,9 +463,17 @@ but only for a few days, and not make the full data available over the
internet; access to the data should be limited to searching for a list
of court-ordered license numbers.
The US “no-fly” list must be abolished because it is punishment without
It is acceptable to have a list of people whose person and luggage will
be searched with extra care, and anonymous passengers on domestic
flights could be treated as if they were on this list. It is also
@@ -287,6 +481,10 @@ acceptable to bar non-citizens, if they are not permitted to enter the
country at all, from boarding flights to the country. This ought to be
enough for all legitimate purposes.
Many mass transit systems use some kind of smart cards or RFIDs for
payment. These systems accumulate personal data: if you once make the
mistake of paying with anything but cash, they associate the card
@@ -294,6 +492,11 @@ permanently with your name. Furthermore, they record all travel
associated with each card. Together they amount to massive surveillance.
This data collection must be reduced.
Navigation services do surveillance: the user’s computer tells the map
service the user’s location and where the user wants to go; then the
server determines the route and sends it back to the user’s computer,
@@ -305,6 +508,13 @@ pertinent regions (if not downloaded previously), compute the route, and
display it, without ever telling anyone where the user is or wants to
Systems for borrowing bicycles, etc., can be designed so that the
borrower’s identity is known only inside the station where the item was
borrowed. Borrowing would inform all stations that the item is “out,” so
@@ -319,8 +529,20 @@ If an item remains “out” for too long, the station where it was borrowed
can inform headquarters; in that case, it could send the borrower’s
identity immediately.
### Remedy for Communications Dossiers {#remedy-for-communications-dossiers .subheading}
+### 关于通讯档案的补救 {#remedy-for-communications-dossiers .subheading}
Internet service providers and telephone companies keep extensive data
on their users’ contacts (browsing, phone calls, etc.). With mobile
phones, they also record the user’s physical location.[(31)](#FOOT31)
@@ -328,11 +550,21 @@ They keep these dossiers for a long time: over 30 years, in the case of
AT&T. Soon they will even record the user’s body
activities.[(32)](#FOOT32) It appears that the NSA collects cell phone
location data in bulk.[(33)](#FOOT33)\
+例如 AT&T 已保存了超过 30 年。不久以后它们甚至还会记录用户的身体活动[(32)](#FOOT32)。
+并且 NSA 很可能正在大规模采集移动电话的物理位置数据[(33)](#FOOT33)。\
Unmonitored communication is impossible where systems create such
dossiers. So it should be illegal to create or keep them. ISPs and phone
companies must not be allowed to keep this information for very long, in
the absence of a court order to surveil a certain party.
+录这些通讯档案应该被判定为非法。ISP 和电信公司必须不被允许长期保存这些信
This solution is not entirely satisfactory, because it won’t physically
stop the government from collecting all the information immediately as
it is generated—which is what the US does with some or all phone
@@ -342,6 +574,13 @@ relevant law (the PAT RIOT Act) does not clearly prohibit the practice.
In addition, if the government did resume this sort of surveillance, it
would not get data about everyone’s phone calls made prior to that time.
+中的相关法律(美国爱国者法案,我称之为 PAT RIOT Act)并不明确禁止这种行
For privacy about who you exchange email with, a simple partial solution
is for you and others to use email services in a country that would
never cooperate with your own government, and which communicate with
@@ -353,8 +592,17 @@ email service, and my email service would know only that I received mail
from some user of your email service, but it would be hard to determine
that you had sent mail to me.
+然而,Ladar Levison(Lavabit 的拥有者,美国监控系统试图对其邮件服务实现
### But Some Surveillance Is Necessary {#but-some-surveillance-is-necessary .subheading}
+### 但是,适度的监控是必需的 {#but-some-surveillance-is-necessary .subheading}
For the state to find criminals, it needs to be able to investigate
specific crimes, or specific suspected planned crimes, under a court
order. With the internet, the power to tap phone conversations would
@@ -364,6 +612,12 @@ Fortunately, this won’t make it possible to find whistleblowers after
the fact, if (as I recommend) we prevent digital systems from
accumulating massive dossiers before the fact.
Individuals with special state-granted power, such as police, forfeit
their right to privacy and must be monitored. (In fact, police have
their own jargon term for perjury, “testilying,”[(35)](#FOOT35) since
@@ -372,6 +626,12 @@ photographers.[(36)](#FOOT36)) One city in California that required
police to wear video cameras all the time found their use of force fell
by 60 percent.[(37)](#FOOT37) The ACLU is in favor of this.
+(事实上,警察拥有属于他们自己的伪证罪的别名 testilying[(35)](#FOOT35)。
+加州的某个城市要求警察随时随身携带摄像机之后,他们的武力使用下降了 60% [(37)](#FOOT37)。
+ACLU 对此表示欢迎。
Corporations are not people, and not entitled to human
rights.[(38)](#FOOT38) It is legitimate to require businesses to publish
the details of processes that might cause chemical, biological, nuclear,
@@ -381,26 +641,50 @@ well-being. The danger of these operations (consider the BP oil spill,
the Fukushima meltdowns, and the 2008 fiscal crisis) dwarfs that of
+核、财政、计算机相关(例如数字版权管理 DRM [(39)](#FOOT39))或者政治(
+故、2008 年财政危机等)更甚于恐怖主义。
However, journalism must be protected from surveillance even when it is
carried out as part of a business.
Digital technology has brought about a tremendous increase in the level
of surveillance of our movements, actions, and communications. It is far
more than we experienced in the 1990s, and far more than people behind
the Iron Curtain experienced in the 1980s,[(40)](#FOOT40) and proposed
legal limits on state use of the accumulated data would not alter that.
+水平远远超过了 20 世纪 90 年代我们所经历过的,也远远超过了 20 世纪 80 年
Companies are designing even more intrusive surveillance. Some project
that pervasive surveillance, hooked to companies such as Facebook, could
have deep effects on how people think.[(41)](#FOOT41)Such possibilities
are imponderable; but the threat to democracy is not speculation. It
exists and is visible today.
+Facebook 之类的公司,它们可能对人们的思考方式产生深远的影响[(41)](#FOOT41)。
Unless we believe that our free countries previously suffered from a
grave surveillance deficit, and ought to be surveilled more than the
Soviet Union and East Germany were, we must reverse this increase. That
requires stopping the accumulation of big data about people.
<div class="footnote">
@@ -459,12 +743,10 @@ sep/24/yemen-leak-sachtleben-guilty-associated-press](
### [(8)](#DOCF8)
-@raggedright See “Verizon forced to hand over telephone data—full court
-ruling” (6 June 2013), at
+@raggedright 参见 “Verizon forced to hand over telephone data—full court
+ruling” (6 June 2013) 位于
-for the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court under which the US
-government “is collecting the phone records of millions of US customers
-of Verizon.” @end raggedright
+以获得关于美国外国情报监控法庭(FISA)之下美国政府采集 Verizon 旗下数以百万计的美国客户的通话记录的信息。 @end raggedright
### [(9)](#DOCF9)
@@ -508,8 +790,7 @@ Used against the Citizens,” 17 March 2012,
### [(15)](#DOCF15)
-@raggedright Consider, for instance, the US internment of Japanese
-Americans during WWII. @end raggedright
+@raggedright 考虑二战期间被收容的日裔美国人。 @end raggedright
### [(16)](#DOCF16)
@@ -539,20 +820,17 @@ Wiretaps Exceeded Law,” 15 April 2009,
### [(20)](#DOCF20)
-@raggedright For decades, the free software movement has been denouncing
-the abusive surveillance machine of proprietary software companies such
-as Microsoft and Apple. For a growing list of the ways in which
-surveillance has spread across industries, not only in the software
-business, but also in the hardware and—away from the keyboard—in the
-mobile computing industry, in the office, at home, in transportation
-systems, and in the classroom, see
+@raggedright 几十年来,自由软件运动一直致力于揭露私有软件公司诸如微软
@end raggedright
### [(21)](#DOCF21)
-@raggedright See “Who Does That Server Really Serve?” (@pageref{Server})
-for more information on this issue. @end raggedright
+@raggedright 参见 “Who Does That Server Really Serve?” (@pageref{Server})
+一文以获取更多信息。 @end raggedright
### [(22)](#DOCF22)
@@ -564,9 +842,8 @@ in-cybersecurity-sometimes-the-weakest-link-is-a-family-member/](http://bits.blo
### [(23)](#DOCF23)
-@raggedright I assume here that the security camera points at the inside
-of a store, or at the street. Any camera pointed at someone’s private
-space by someone else violates privacy, but that is another issue. @end
+@raggedright 我在此假定安全摄像机用于诸如商店内部或大街上。任何由其他
+人架设的对准某人私人空间的摄像机侵犯了隐私,但这是另一个问题。 @end
### [(24)](#DOCF24)
@@ -710,3 +987,5 @@ Things Result in Predictable People?” 10 August 2015,
This document was generated by *tonghuix* on *March 25, 2016* using
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