path: root/docs
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authornadebula <>2016-07-05 11:29:24 +0800
committerGitHub <>2016-07-05 11:29:24 +0800
commit64b73fe91c31f5a754bce9b524ddfc789d9f2f1d (patch)
tree622ecb0b5ea95cdcb25c87a0da28c253314e658b /docs
parent297a0c894e452d722a60a74afde2cc4bcf1a63d2 (diff)
Incremental update
Paragraphs 1 - 77
Diffstat (limited to 'docs')
1 files changed, 105 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index 7224a75..9b6f797 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -710,6 +710,10 @@ them to censor this information. It was posted again, they deleted it;
eventually they gave up, and in two weeks this number was posted in over
700,000 web sites.
+最后他们放弃了,这组密钥在两周之内被发布到了 70 多万个网站上。
That’s a big outpouring of public disgust with DRM. But it didn’t win
the war, because the publishers changed the key. Not only that: with HD
DVD, this was adequate to break the DRM, but not with Blu-ray. Blu-ray
@@ -719,14 +723,28 @@ something incompatible with your own freedom. They are an enemy with
which no accommodation is possible, at least not with our present level
of knowledge.
+这是公众对于 DRM 的不满的一次大规模爆发。但这并未赢得这场战争,由于出版商
+更换了密钥。不仅如此,对于高清 DVD(HD DVD),这种方式足以破解其 DRM,但
+对于蓝光光盘(Blu-ray)则不行。蓝光光盘用有一个额外层级的 DRM,至今没有自
Never accept any product designed to attack your freedom. If you don’t
have the free software to play a DVD, you mustn’t buy or rent any DVDs,
or accept them even as gifts, except for the rare non-encrypted DVDs,
which there are a few of. I actually have a few \[of these\]—I don’t
have any encrypted DVDs, I won’t take them.
+永远不要接受任何被设计为用于攻击您的自由的产品。如果您没有可用于播放 DVD
+的自由软件,您必须不要购买或者租用任何 DVD,或者以礼物的形式接受它们,除
+非是稀有的未加密的 DVD,并且确实存在少数这样的东西。我确实用有几片——但我
+没有任何加密的 DVD,我不会设法获得它们。
So this is how things stand in video, but we’ve also seen DRM in music.
+以上这些就是视频方面的情况,但我们也已经遇到了音乐中的 DRM。
For instance, about ten years ago we started to see things that looked
like compact disks, but they weren’t written quite like compact disks.
They didn’t follow the standard. We called them “corrupt disks,” and the
@@ -734,6 +752,11 @@ idea of them was that they would play in an audio player, but it was
impossible to read them on a computer. These different methods had
various problems.
+例如,大约 10 年前,我们开始见到一种形似光盘(CD)的东西,但是它们的烧录
+方式和 CD 并不十分相似。它们并不遵守标准。我们称之为“损坏的光盘”,它们所
Eventually Sony came up with a clever idea. They put a program on the
disk, so that if you stuck the disk into a computer, the disk would
install the program. This program was designed like a virus to take
@@ -742,6 +765,11 @@ things in it to break the security of the system so that it can install
the software deep inside the system, and modify various parts of the
+的控制权。它称为 root kit,这意味着它拥有破解系统安全措施的能力,使得它可
For instance, it modified the command you could use to examine the
system to see if the software was present, so as to disguise itself. It
modified the command you could use to delete some of these files, so
@@ -750,6 +778,12 @@ but it’s not the only one Sony committed, because the software also
included free software code—code that had been released under the GNU
General Public License.
+罪行,由于该软件同时包含自由软件代码——这些代码是以 GNU 通用公共许可证
+(GNU GPL)发布的。
Now the GNU GPL is a copyleft license, and that means it says, “Yes,
you’re free to put this code into other things, but when you do, the
entire program that you put things into you must release as free
@@ -757,18 +791,33 @@ software under the same license. And you must make the source code
available to users, and to inform them of their rights you must give
them a copy of this license when they get the software.”
+现在,GNU GPL 是一种左版许可证,这如同说:“是的,您拥有将此代码整合到其他
Sony didn’t comply with all that. That’s commercial copyright
infringement, which is a felony. They’re both felonies, but Sony wasn’t
prosecuted because the government understands that the purpose of the
government and the law is to maintain the power of those companies over
us, not to help defend our freedom in any way.
People got angry and they sued Sony. However, they made a mistake. They
focused their condemnation not on the evil purpose of this scheme, but
only on the secondary evils of the various methods that Sony used. So
Sony settled the lawsuits and promised that in the future, when it
attacks our freedom, it will not do those other things.
Actually, that particular corrupt disk scheme was not so bad, because if
you were not using Windows it would not affect you at all. Even if you
were using Windows, there’s a key on the keyboard—if you remembered
@@ -776,10 +825,19 @@ every time to hold it down, then the disk wouldn’t install the software.
But of course it’s hard to remember that every time; you’re going to
slip up some day. This shows the kind of thing we’ve had to deal with.
+事实上,这种“损坏的光盘”的阴谋并不是非常地坏,由于只要您不用 Windows,它
+不会对您产生任何影响。甚至即使您正在使用 Windows,在您的键盘上有这样一个
Fortunately music DRM is receding. Even the main record companies sell
downloads without DRM. But we see a renewed effort to impose DRM on
+幸运的是,音乐所受的 DRM 威胁正在减少。即使是大型唱片公司也会销售不带 DRM
+的下载版。但是,我们看到了又一波试图为电子书强行施加 DRM 的攻势。
You see, the publishers want to take away the traditional freedoms of
book readers—freedom to do things such as borrow a book from the public
library, or lend it to a friend; to sell a book to a used book store, or
@@ -787,9 +845,17 @@ buy it anonymously paying cash (which is the only way I buy books—we’ve
got to resist the temptations to let Big Brother know everything that
we’re doing.)
Even the freedom to keep the book as long as you wish, and read it as
many times as you wish, they plan to get rid of.
The way they do it is with DRM. They knew that so many people read books
and would get angry if these freedoms were taken away that they didn’t
believe they could buy a law specifically to abolish these
@@ -797,18 +863,32 @@ freedoms—there would be too much opposition. Democracy is sick, but once
in a while people manage to demand something. So they came up with a
two-stage plan.
+它们通过 DRM 的方式做到这一点。它们知道有那么多的人读书,如果直接剥夺他们
First, take away these freedoms from e-books, and second, convince
people to switch from paper books to e-books. They’ve succeeded with
stage 1.
In the US they did it with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, and in
New Zealand, that was part of the Copyright Act \[of 2008\]; censorship
on software that can break DRM was part of that law. That’s an unjust
provision; it’s got to be repealed.
+在美国,它们通过 DMCA 做到了这一点,而在新西兰,这是版权法案(2008 年)的
+一部分,即对于可用于破解 DRM 的软件实施审查。这是一种不公平的条款,它应当
The second stage is convince people to switch from printed books to
e-books; that didn’t go so well.
One publisher in 2001 had the idea they would make their line of e-books
really popular if they started it with my biography. So they found an
author and the author asked me if I’d cooperate, and I said, “Only if
@@ -819,6 +899,13 @@ willing to publish the book under a free license giving you the four
freedoms—so the book was then published, and sold a lot of copies on
+2001 年,一家出版商想出了一种方法,如果它能够以我的传记开头,它的系列电子
+“除非该电子书以未加密并且无 DRM 的形式发布。”出版商不愿意接受这一条,而我
But in any case, e-books failed at the beginning of this decade. People
just didn’t want to read them very much. And I said, “They will try
again.” We saw an amazing number of news articles about electronic ink
@@ -827,20 +914,38 @@ to me probably the reason there’s so many is the publishers want us to
think about this. They want us to be eager for the next generation of
e-book readers.
Now they’re upon us. Things like the Sony Shreader (its official name is
the Sony Reader, but if you put on ‘sh’ it explains what it’s designed
to do to your books), and the Amazon Swindle, designed to swindle you
out of your traditional freedoms without your noticing. Of course, they
call it the Kindle which is what it’s going to do to your books.
+现在,它们终于来了。诸如索尼碎纸机(Shreader,它的官方名字是 reader,但是
+如果您加上 sh 两个字母,这就能很好地解释它是被设计用于对您的书做什么的了)
+的传统阅读自由的。当然,亚马逊将其称为 Kindle 恰如其分地解释了它将会对您
The Kindle is an extremely malicious product, almost as malicious as
Microsoft Windows. They both have spy features, they both have Digital
Restrictions Management, and they both have back doors.
+亚马逊焚书机(Kindle)是一款极端恶意的设备,几乎和微软 Windows 操作系统一
+样坏。它们都拥有间谍功能,都拥有 DRM,都拥有后门。
In the case of the Kindle, the only way you can buy a book is to buy it
from Amazon, and Amazon requires you to identify yourself, so they know
everything that you’ve bought.
+对于 Kindle 焚书机,您唯一可能的购书方式就是从亚马逊购买,它要求您提供所
Then there is Digital Restrictions Management, so you can’t lend the
book or sell it to a used bookstore, and the library can’t lend it