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treea4a0173847468cec7d0d790b8d3702b7d75235a8 /docs
parentcbc7bb20d0d77b9a8cbfa6ce031c4efcc311e092 (diff)
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@@ -22,15 +22,9 @@ title: Untitled Document
> more about how the principles can be applied to areas other than
> software.
-> 很多观点都指向这一结论:软件自由必须是普遍性的,这一结论通常同样适用于
-> 其他形式的表达性的工作,尽管是以多种不同的方式。本文专注于讨论将这些软
-> 件自由领域相关的原理应用于文献领域的情况。通常地,这些议题与软件自由相
-> 正交,但我们仍然决定将与本文类似的几篇文章添加进来,由于诸多对自由软件
-> 感兴趣的人们也想获知关于如何才能将这些原理应用于除了软件之外的其他领域
-> 的细节。
+> 很多观点都指向这一结论:软件自由必须是普遍性的,这一结论通常同样适用于其他形式的表达性的工作,尽管是以多种不同的方式。本文专注于讨论将这些软件自由领域相关的原理应用于文献领域的情况。通常地,这些议题与软件自由相正交,但我们仍然决定将与本文类似的几篇文章添加进来,由于诸多对自由软件感兴趣的人们也想获知关于如何才能将这些原理应用于除了软件之外的其他领域的细节。
-@firstcopyingnotice{{ 著作权所有 (C) 2001, 2012 Richard Stallman\
- {本文最初于 2001 年六月 8 日发表于 Nature 杂志的 Web Debates 论坛。此版本是 @fsfsthreecite 的一部分。}
+@firstcopyingnotice{{ 著作权所有 (C) 2001, 2012 Richard Stallman {本文最初于 2001 年六月 8 日发表于 Nature 杂志的 Web Debates 论坛。此版本是 @fsfsthreecite 的一部分。}
It should be a
truism that the scientific literature exists to disseminate scientific
@@ -38,9 +32,7 @@ knowledge, and that scientific journals exist to facilitate the process.
It therefore follows that rules for use of the scientific literature
should be designed to help achieve that goal.
The rules we have now, known as copyright, were established in the age
of the printing press, an inherently centralized method of
@@ -51,11 +43,7 @@ journals to operate and disseminate knowledge, without interfering with
the useful work of scientists or students, either as writers or readers
of articles. These rules fit that system well.
The modern technology for scientific publishing, however, is the World
Wide Web. What rules would best ensure the maximum dissemination of
@@ -64,19 +52,14 @@ distributed in nonproprietary formats, with open access for all. And
everyone should have the right to “mirror” articles—that is, to
republish them verbatim with proper attribution.
These rules should apply to past as well as future articles, when they
are distributed in electronic form. But there is no crucial need to
change the present copyright system as it applies to paper publication
of journals because the problem is not in that domain.
Unfortunately, it seems that not everyone agrees with the truisms that
began this article. Many journal publishers appear to believe that the
@@ -84,25 +67,20 @@ purpose of scientific literature is to enable them to publish journals
so as to collect subscriptions from scientists and students. Such
thinking is known as “confusion of the means with the ends.”
Their approach has been to restrict access even to read the scientific
literature to those who can and will pay for it. They use copyright law,
which is still in force despite its inappropriateness for computer
networks, as an excuse to stop scientists from choosing new rules.
For the sake of scientific cooperation and humanity’s future, we must
reject that approach at its root—not merely the obstructive systems that
have been instituted, but the mistaken priorities that inspired them.
Journal publishers sometimes claim that online access requires expensive
high-powered server machines, and that they must charge access fees to
@@ -113,11 +91,7 @@ decentralized solution will reduce network bandwidth needs and provide
faster access, all the while protecting the scholarly record against
accidental loss.
Publishers also argue that paying the editors requires charging for
access. Let us accept the assumption that editors must be paid; this
@@ -126,10 +100,7 @@ between 1 percent and 3 percent of the cost of funding the research to
produce it. Such a small percentage of the cost can hardly justify
obstructing the use of the results.
-是产出它们的科研项目经费支出的 1% 到 3%。这样小的支出比例很难使得以此为
+出版商还会争论它们需要收取订阅访问费用以支付编辑的薪酬。我们姑且接受这一假设,即编辑必须得到薪酬;然而这是本末倒置的。编辑一篇普通论文的成本大约是产出它们的科研项目经费支出的 1% 到 3%。这样小的支出比例很难使得以此为理由阻碍对其结果的使用的行为合理化。
Instead, the cost of editing could be recovered, for example, through
page charges to the authors, who can pass these on to the research
@@ -142,12 +113,7 @@ who is not affiliated with an institution or company, and who has no
research sponsor, could be exempted from page charges, with costs levied
on institution-based authors.
Another justification for access fees to online publications is to fund
conversion of the print archives of a journal into online form. That
@@ -156,17 +122,13 @@ that do not involve obstructing access to the result. The work itself
will not be any more difficult, or cost any more. It is self-defeating
to digitize the archives and waste the results by restricting access.
The US Constitution says that copyright exists “to promote the Progress
of Science.” When copyright impedes the progress of science, science
must push copyright out of the way.
### Later Developments {#later-developments .subheading}
@@ -177,9 +139,7 @@ thwart the journal publishers’ power. Stronger policies are needed,
however, as ones like MIT’s permit individual authors to “opt out”
(i.e., cave in).
-出版者的权力。然而,更加强有力的政策是必需的,就像 MIT 允许个人作者“退出”
+某些大学——例如麻省理工学院(MIT)[(1)](#FOOT1)——已经采纳了某些政策以限制出版者的权力。然而,更加强有力的政策是必需的,就像 MIT 允许个人作者“退出”(屈服)。
The US government has imposed a requirement known as “public access” on
some funded research. This requires publication within a certain period
@@ -187,18 +147,14 @@ in a site that allows anyone to view the article. This requirement is a
positive step, but inadequate because it does not include freedom to
redistribute the article.
Curiously, the concept of “open access” in the 2002 Budapest Open Access
Initiative did include freedom to redistribute. I signed that
declaration, despite my distaste for the word “open,” because the
substance of the position was right.
-有趣的是,2002 年布达佩斯开放存取倡议(BOAI)所提出的“开放访问”确实包含了
+有趣的是,2002 年布达佩斯开放存取倡议(BOAI)所提出的“开放访问”确实包含了再分发的自由。我还是签署了该声明,尽管我对“开放”一词极其厌恶,但其立场是正确的。
However, the word “open” had the last laugh: influential campaigners for
“open access” subsequently dropped freedom to redistribute from their
@@ -206,9 +162,7 @@ goals. I stand by the position of the BOAI,[(2)](#FOOT2) but now that
“open access” means something else, I refer to it as “redistributable
publication” or “free-to-mirror publication.”
-在其目标中放弃了再分发的自由。我站在 BOAI [(2)](#FOOT2)的立场上,但现在
+然而,关于“开放”一词还有一个笑话。具有影响力的“开放访问”运动的支持者后来在其目标中放弃了再分发的自由。我站在 BOAI [(2)](#FOOT2)的立场上,但现在“开放访问”已经是其他意思了。我将其称为“可再分发出版物”或“自由镜像出版物”。
<div class="footnote">
@@ -218,10 +172,7 @@ publication” or “free-to-mirror publication.”
### [(1)](#DOCF1)
-@raggedright “MIT Faculty Open Access Policy,” 于 2009 年三月 18 日经教学科研人员无记名投票通过。
-@end raggedright
+@raggedright “MIT Faculty Open Access Policy,” 于 2009 年三月 18 日经教学科研人员无记名投票通过。[]( @end raggedright
### [(2)](#DOCF2)
@@ -233,5 +184,3 @@ open-access-at-mit/mit-open-access-policy/](
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