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-**A:** A Note on Software {#a-a-note-on-software .unnumbered}
> Copyright © 2002 Richard E.Buckman and Joshua Gay. 此文最早发布于 2002 年。
由 Richard E. Buckman 和 Joshua Gay 撰写
-This section is intended for people who have little or no knowledge of
-the technical aspects of computer science. It is not necessary to read
-this section to understand the essays and speeches presented in this
-book; however, it may be helpful to those readers not familiar with some
-of the jargon that comes with programming and computer science.
-A computer *programmer* writes software, or computer programs. A program
-is more or less a recipe with *commands* to tell the computer what to do
-in order to carry out certain tasks. You are more than likely familiar
-with many different programs: your Web browser, your word processor,
-your email client, and the like.
-A program usually starts out as *source code*. This higher-level set of
-commands is written in a *programming language* such as C or Java. After
-that, a tool known as a *compiler* translates this to a lower-level
-language known as *assembly language*. Another tool known as an
-*assembler* breaks the assembly code down to the final stage of *machine
-language*—the lowest level—which the computer understands *natively*.
-而程序常常是从*源代码*开始。这是一系列高级指令写成的*编程语言*,比如 C 或者 Java。之后会使用一个称为*编译器*的工具将代码编译为底层的*汇编语言*。另一个工具叫做*汇编器*会将汇编代码转成最终阶段的*机器码*——计算机可以*原生*理解的最底层代码。
+程序最初的形态通常是*源代码*。这一系列高级指令由*编程语言*(比如 C 或者 Java)编写而成。之后会被一个名为*编译器*的工具编译为一种更底层的语言——*汇编语言*。另一种被称为*汇编器*的工具会将汇编代码分解为最终的*机器语言*——计算机可以*原生*理解的最底层代码。