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@@ -1024,28 +1024,50 @@ can’t possibly fulfill, because usual patent licenses demand a payment
per copy. But when software gives users the freedom to distribute and
make more copies, we have no way to count the copies that exist.
If someone offered me a patent license for a payment of one-millionth of
a dollar per copy, the total amount of money I’d have to pay maybe is in
my pocket now. Maybe it’s \$50, but I don’t know if it’s \$50, or \$49,
or what, because there’s no way I can count the copies that people have
+元的费用,我需要支付的总金额可能现在就装在我的口袋中,也许是 50 美元,但
+我不能确定到底是 50 美元,还是 49 美元,还是其他金额,由于我不可能确定人
A patent holder doesn’t have to demand a payment per copy; a patent
holder could offer you a license for a single lump sum, but those lump
sums tend to be big, like US\$100,000.
+用授权许可的一次性总价,不过这样的总价通常是很高的,例如 10 万美元。
And the reason that we’ve been able to develop so much
freedom-respecting software is \[that\] we can develop software without
money, but we can’t pay a lot of money without money. If we’re forced to
pay for the privilege of writing software for the public, we won’t be
able to do it very much.
That’s the possibility of getting a license for the patent. The other
possibility is to invalidate the patent. If the country considers
software patents to be basically valid, and allowed, the only question
is whether that particular patent meets the criteria. It’s only useful
to go to court if you’ve got an argument to make that might prevail.
What would that argument be? You have to find evidence that, years ago,
before the patent was applied for, people knew about the same idea. And
you’d have to find things today that demonstrate that they knew about it
@@ -1054,24 +1076,42 @@ up favorably for you, and if you can prove that fact today, then you
have an argument to use to try to invalidate the patent. And it might
It might cost you a lot of money to go through this case, and as a
result, a probably invalid patent is a very frightening weapon to be
threatened with if you don’t have a lot of money. There are people who
can’t afford to defend their rights—lots of them. The ones who can
afford it are the exception.
These are the three things that you might be able to do about each
patent that prohibits something in your program. The thing is, whether
each one is possible depends on different details of the circumstances,
so some of the time, none of them is possible; and when that happens,
your project is dead.
But lawyers in most countries tell us, “Don’t try to find the patents in
advance,” and the reason is that the penalty for infringement is bigger
if you knew about the patent. So what they tell you is “Keep your eyes
shut. Don’t try to find out about the patents, just go blindly taking
your design decisions, and hope.”
And of course, with each single design decision, you probably don’t step
on a patent. Probably nothing happens to you. But there are so many
steps you have to take to get across the minefield, it’s very unlikely
@@ -1079,6 +1119,11 @@ you will get through safely. And of course, the patent holders don’t all
show up at the same time, so you don’t know how many there are going to
The patent holder of the natural order recalculation patent was
demanding 5 percent of the gross sales of every spreadsheet. You could
imagine paying for a few such licenses, but what happens when patent
@@ -1086,16 +1131,29 @@ holder number 20 comes along, and wants you to pay out the last
remaining 5 percent? And then what happens when patent holder number 21
comes along?
+的 5% 支付费用。您可以想象为少数几项类似的专利使用授权许可付费,但是,当
+第 20 位专利持有人前来拜访,要求您将最后剩下的 5% 的钱用于支付专利使用授
+权许可费用的时候又当如何呢?而第 21 位专利持有人前来拜访的时候又当如何呢?
People in business say that this scenario is amusing but absurd, because
your business would fail long before you got there. They told me that
two or three such licenses would make your business fail. So you’d never
get to 20. They show up one by one, so you never know how many more
there are going to be.
+以让您的企业破产,于是您不会等到第 20 位专利持有人。由于他们一个接一个地
Software patents are a mess. They’re a mess for software developers, but
in addition they’re a restriction on every computer user because
software patents restrict what you can do on your computer.
This is very different from patents, for instance, on automobile
engines. These only restrict companies that make cars; they don’t
restrict you and me. But software patents do restrict you and me, and
@@ -1103,6 +1161,11 @@ everybody who uses computers. So we can’t think of them in purely
economic terms; we can’t judge this issue purely in economic terms.
There’s something more important at stake.
But even in economic terms, the system is self-defeating, because its
purpose is supposed to be to promote progress. Supposedly by creating
this artificial incentive for people to publish ideas, it’s going to
@@ -1111,6 +1174,12 @@ the big job in software is not coming up with ideas, it’s implementing
thousands of ideas together in one program. And software patents
obstruct that, so they’re economically self-defeating.
And there’s even economic research showing that this is so—showing how
in a field with a lot of incremental innovation, a patent system can
actually reduce investment in R&D. And of course, it also obstructs
@@ -1118,34 +1187,63 @@ development in other ways. So even if we ignore the injustice of
software patents, even if we were to look at it in the narrow economic
terms that are usually proposed, it’s still harmful.
People sometimes respond by saying that “People in other fields have
been living with patents for decades, and they’ve gotten used to it, so
why should you be an exception?”
Now, that question has an absurd assumption. It’s like saying, “Other
people get cancer, why shouldn’t you?” I think every time someone
doesn’t get cancer, that’s good, regardless of what happened to the
others. That question is absurd because of its presupposition that
somehow we all have a duty to suffer the harm done by patents.
But there is a sensible question buried inside it, and that sensible
question is “What differences are there between various fields that
might affect what is good or bad patent policy in those fields?”
There is an important basic difference between fields in regard to how
many patents are likely to prohibit or cover parts of any one product.
Now we have a naive idea in our minds which I’m trying to get rid of,
because it’s not true. And it’s that on any one product there is one
patent, and that patent covers the overall design of that product. So if
you design a new product, it can’t be patented already, and you will
have an opportunity to get “the patent” on that product.
That’s not how things work. In the 1800s, maybe they did, but not now.
In fact, fields fall on a spectrum of how many patents \[there are\] per
product. The beginning of the spectrum is one, but no field is like that
today; fields are at various places on this spectrum.
+事情并不是这样的。也许早在 19 世纪确实是这样,但现在则不是。事实上,领域
+之间可以像光谱那样按照每个产品对应多少项专利来划分。这种光谱的起始点是 1,
The field that’s closest to that is pharmaceuticals. A few decades ago,
there really was one patent per pharmaceutical, at least at any time,
because the patent covered the entire chemical formula of that one
@@ -1153,10 +1251,18 @@ particular substance. Back then, if you developed a new drug, you could
be sure it wasn’t already patented by somebody else and you could get
the one patent on that drug.
But that’s not how it works now. Now there are broader patents, so now
you could develop a new drug, and you’re not allowed to make it because
somebody has a broader patent which covers it already.
And there might even be a few such patents covering your new drug
simultaneously, but there won’t be hundreds. The reason is, our ability
to do biochemical engineering is so limited that nobody knows how to
@@ -1165,6 +1271,12 @@ you can combine a couple of them you’re doing pretty well at our level
of knowledge. But other fields involve combining more ideas to make one
At the other end of the spectrum is software, where we can combine more
ideas into one usable design than anybody else, because our field is
basically easier than all other fields. I’m presuming that the
@@ -1173,6 +1285,12 @@ physical engineering. It’s not that we’re fundamentally better than they
are; it’s that our field is fundamentally easier, because we’re working
with mathematics.
A program is made out of mathematical components, which have a
definition, whereas physical objects don’t have a definition. The matter
does what it does, so through the perversity of matter, your design may
@@ -1182,40 +1300,78 @@ should get fixed. \[Whereas\] we \[programmers\] can make a castle that
rests on a mathematically thin line, and it stays up because nothing
weighs anything.
There’re so many complications you have to cope with in physical
engineering that we don’t have to worry about.
For instance, when I put an `if`-statement inside of a `while`-loop,
+例如,当我将一个 if 语句置于一个 while 循环中时:
- I don’t have to worry that if this `while`-loop repeats at the wrong
rate, the `if`-statement might start to vibrate and it might
resonate and crack;
+- 我无需担心如果 while 循环以错误的频率重复,其中的 if 语句可能将会开始
+ 振动,它也许将会由于发生共振而断裂;
- I don’t have to worry that if it resonates much faster—you know,
millions of times per second—that it might generate radio frequency
signals that might induce wrong values in other parts of the
+- 我无需担心如果它们的共振频率过快——您知道,大约每秒数百万次——以至于它
+ 将会生成无线电频率信号并由此导致程序中的其他部分产生错误的值;
- I don’t have to worry that corrosive fluids from the environment
might seep in between the `if`-statement and the `while`-statement
and start eating away at them until the signals don’t pass anymore;
+- 我无需担心环境中的腐蚀性液体可能会渗入 if 语句和 while 语句之间的缝隙
+ 并且开始侵蚀它们以致于信号再也不能被传递;
- I don’t have to worry about how the heat generated by my
`if`-statement is going to get out through the `while`-statement so
that it doesn’t make the `if`-statement burn out; and
+- 我无需担心 if 语句产生的热如何才能传导至 while 语句以外,以保证这不会
+ 使得 if 语句过热烧毁;
- I don’t have to worry about how I would take out the broken
`if`-statement if it does crack, burn, or corrode, and replace it
with another `if`-statement to make the program run again.
+- 我无需担心我应当以何种方式移除受损的 if 语句,不论它到底是断裂、烧毁
+ 还是被腐蚀,并且将其更换为另一个完好的 if 语句以使得程序再次能够运行。
For that matter, I don’t have to worry about how I’m going to insert the
`if`-statement inside the `while`-statement every time I produce a copy
of the program. I don’t have to design a factory to make copies of my
program, because there are various general commands that will make
copies of anything.
+基于此原因,我无需担心在我每次为程序复制一份副本的时候应当以何种方式将 if
+语句插入到 while 语句中。我无需设计一座工厂来复制我的程序,由于几个通用的
If I want to make copies on CD, I just have to write a master; and
there’s one program I can \[use to\] make a master out of anything,
write any data I want. I can make a master CD and write it and send it
off to a factory, and they’ll duplicate whatever I send them. I don’t
have to design a different factory for each thing I want to duplicate.
Very often with physical engineering you have to do that; you have to
design products for manufacturability. Designing the factory may even be
a bigger job than designing the product, and then you may have to spend
@@ -1223,6 +1379,11 @@ millions of dollars to build the factory. So with all of this trouble,
you’re not going to be able to put together so many different ideas in
one product and have it work.
A physical design with a million nonrepeating different design elements
is a gigantic project. A program with a million different design
elements, that’s nothing. It’s a few hundred thousand lines of code, and
@@ -1231,6 +1392,11 @@ the result is that the patent system weighs proportionately heavier on
us than it does on people in any other field who are being held back by
the perversity of matter.
A lawyer did a study of one particular large program, namely the kernel
Linux, which is used together with the GNU operating system that I
launched. This was five years ago now; he found 283 different US
@@ -1242,12 +1408,24 @@ the whole system as being around 100,000. This is a very rough estimate
only, and no more accurate information is available, since trying to
figure it out would be a gigantic task.
+一位律师曾经研究过一个特定的大型程序,也就是 Linux 内核。它与我所发起的
+GNU 操作系统配合使用。这是在 5 年之前的事情;他发现共有 283 项不同的美国
+专利,其中每一项看起来都会禁止在 Linux 代码中的某处进行某种计算。与此同时,
+我看到的一篇文章称 Linux 约占整个 GNU 操作系统的 0.25%。因此,将 300 乘以
+400,我们便可预计出可能禁止了整个系统中的某些东西的专利数量约为 10 万。
Now this lawyer did not publish the list of patents, because that would
have endangered the developers of Linux the kernel, putting them in a
position where the penalties if they were sued would be greater. He
didn’t want to hurt them; he wanted to demonstrate how bad this problem
is, of patent gridlock.
+现在,这位律师并未公布相关专利的清单,由于这将威胁 Linux 内核开发者,将其
Programmers can understand this immediately, but politicians usually
don’t know much about programming; they usually imagine that patents are
basically much like copyrights, only somehow stronger. They imagine that
@@ -1258,9 +1436,19 @@ copyright, \[therefore likewise\] if you write a program you have the
patents also. This is false—so how do we give them a clue what patents
would really do? What they really do in countries like the US?
I find it’s useful to make an analogy between software and symphonies.
Here’s why it’s a good analogy.
A program or symphony combines many ideas. A symphony combines many
musical ideas. But you can’t just pick a bunch of ideas and say “Here’s
my combination of ideas, do you like it?” Because in order to make them
@@ -1269,6 +1457,12 @@ and list them and say, “Hey, how do you like this combination?” You
can’t hear that \[list\]. You have to write notes which implement all
these ideas together.
The hard task, the thing most of us wouldn’t be any good at, is writing
all these notes to make the whole thing sound good. Sure, lots of us
could pick musical ideas out of a list, but we wouldn’t know how to
@@ -1277,11 +1471,20 @@ have that talent. That’s the thing that limits you. I could probably
invent a few musical ideas, but I wouldn’t know how to use them to any
So imagine that it’s the 1700s, and the governments of Europe decide
that they want to promote the progress of symphonic music by
establishing a system of musical idea patents, so that any musical idea
described in words could be patented.
+假设现在是 18 世纪,欧洲各国政府决定它们想要通过创立一种音乐灵感专利体系
For instance, using a particular sequence of notes as a motif could be
patented, or a chord progression could be patented, or a rhythmic
pattern could be patented, or using certain instruments by themselves
@@ -1289,6 +1492,11 @@ could be patented, or a format of repetitions in a movement could be
patented. Any sort of musical idea that could be described in words
would have been patentable.
Now imagine that it’s 1800 and you’re Beethoven, and you want to write a
symphony. You’re going to find it’s much harder to write a symphony you
don’t get sued for than to write one that sounds good, because you have
@@ -1297,6 +1505,12 @@ about this, the patent holders would say, “Oh, Beethoven, you’re just
jealous because we had these ideas first. Why don’t you go and think of
some ideas of your own?”
+假设现在是在 19 世纪,您是贝多芬,并且您想要创作一首交响乐。您将会发现想
Now Beethoven had ideas of his own. The reason he’s considered a great
composer is because of all of the new ideas that he had, and he actually
used. And he knew how to use them in such a way that they would work,
@@ -1305,6 +1519,12 @@ few new ideas into a composition together with a lot of old and
uncontroversial ideas. And the result was a piece that was
controversial, but not so much so that people couldn’t get used to it.
To us, Beethoven’s music doesn’t sound controversial; I’m told it was,
when it was new. But because he combined his new ideas with a lot of
known ideas, he was able to give people a chance to stretch a certain
@@ -1315,6 +1535,13 @@ make something that people would want to listen to. And nobody is such a
genius he could reinvent computing from zero, not using any of the
well-known ideas, and make something that people want to use.
When the technological context changes so frequently, you end up with a
situation where what was done 20 years ago is totally inadequate. Twenty
years ago there was no World Wide Web. So, sure, people did a lot of
@@ -1325,6 +1552,13 @@ technological context will continue to change, creating fresh
opportunities for somebody to get patents that give the shaft to the
whole field.
+在这个技术环境变化如此频繁的时代,您终将达到这样一种境地,20 年之前所实现
+的东西现在完全不足以胜任需求。20 年前根本没有万维网。当然,人们在那之前也
+的事情。并且您不可能只用 20 年前为人们所知的想法去做这些事情。并且我假设
Big companies can even do this themselves. For instance, a few years ago
Microsoft decided to make a phony open standard for documents and to get
it approved as a standard by corrupting the International Standards
@@ -1339,12 +1573,29 @@ basically means that they get a stranglehold over the whole world. So we
need to show the politicians what’s really going on here. We need to
show them why this is bad.
Now I’ve heard it said that the reason New Zealand is considering
software patents is that one large company wants to be given some
monopolies. To restrict everyone in the country so that one company will
make more money is the absolute opposite of statesmanship.
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