**C:** The Free Software Song {#c-the-free-software-song .unnumbered} ============================= 自由软件之歌 ======= > Copyright © 2010 Richard Stallman。理查德·斯托曼于1991年写出此歌词。 The lyrics of “The Free Software Song” are sung to the melody of the Bulgarian folk song “Sadi moma bela loza.” To listen to a recording of the piece accompanied by Bulgarian instruments played in traditional style, please visit\ . @firstcopyingnotice{{This song is in a rhythm of 7/8; those unaccustomed to odd rhythms often take the unevenness to be a mistake. The meter can be analyzed into three subgroups as slow-quick-quick or 3-2-2. Such meters in Bulgarian music can often be stretched, and some musicians analyze this song as 3-2-3 instead; however, the last “3” is not as long as the first. Yves Moreau, who collected and taught the dance, endorses the rhythm of 7.\ @footnoterule @smallskip Copyright © 2010 Richard Stallman\ {Richard Stallman wrote the lyrics above in 1991. This version of the score is published in @fsfsthreecite}\ 《自由软件之歌》取材自保加利亚民歌《Sadi moma bela loza》的旋律。可以到这里聆听由保加利亚乐器演奏的传统民歌版自由软件之歌。 这首歌是在7/8拍;这种不寻常的不均匀古怪节奏常常被看成是一种错误。该部分可拆分为三个单拍子,以慢—快—快或3—2—2拍子划分。保加利亚音乐的这样节奏,经常可以拉长,有些音乐家分析这首歌曲可以替代为3—2—3拍子;然而,最后的3拍并不如第一个3拍那么长。搜集并教授这种舞蹈的伊夫·莫罗,倾向于7拍节奏。 ![song-book-jutta-scrunch-crop](song-book-jutta-scrunch-crop-zh.png)