--- Generator: 'texi2html 1.82' description: 'This is the third edition of Richard Stallman''s collection of essays.' distribution: global keywords: 'Free Software, Free Society, 3rd ed.' resource-type: document title: 'Free Software, Free Society, 3rd ed.' ... Free Software, Free Society, 3rd ed. ====== This is the third edition of Richard Stallman’s collection of essays. @raggedright This is the third edition of Free Software, Free Society: Selected Essays of Richard M. Stallman.\ @end raggedright Free Software Foundation\ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor\ Boston, MA 02110-1335\ Copyright © 2002, 2010, 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. > Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire book are permitted > worldwide, without royalty, in any medium, provided this notice is > preserved. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations > of this book from the original English into another language provided > the translation has been approved by the Free Software Foundation and > the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all > copies. ISBN 978-0-9831592-5-4\ \ Cover design and photograph by Kyle Winfree.\ [Foreword to the Third Edition](#Foreword-v3)    [Foreword to the First Edition](#Foreword-v1)    [Preface](#Preface)    • Part One    [1. What Is Free Software?](#Definition)    [2. The GNU Project](#GNU-Project)    [3. The Initial Announcement of the GNU Operating System](#Initial-Announcement)    [4. Free Software Is Even More Important Now](#More-Important-Now)    [5. Why Schools Should Exclusively Use Free Software](#Schools)    [6. Measures Governments Can Use to Promote Free Software](#Government)    [7. Why Free Software Needs Free Documentation](#Free-Doc)    [8. Selling Free Software](#Selling)    [10. Applying the Free Software Criteria](#Applying-FS-Criteria)    • Part Two    [11. What’s in a Name?](#Whats-Name)    [12. Linux and the GNU System](#Linux-and-GNU)    [13. Categories of Free and Nonfree Software](#Categories)    [14. Why Open Source Misses the Point of Free Software](#OS-Misses-Point)    [15. Did You Say “Intellectual Property”?@entrybreak{}It’s a Seductive Mirage](#Not-IPR)    [16. Why Call It the Swindle?](#Swindle)    [17. Words to Avoid (or Use with Care)\ Because They Are Loaded or Confusing](#Words-to-Avoid)    • Part Three    [18. The Right to Read](#Right-to-Read)    [19. Misinterpreting Copyright—A Series of Errors](#Mis-Cop)    [20. Science Must Push Copyright Aside](#Push-Cop-Aside)    [21. Copyright vs. Community\ @entrybreak{}in the Age of Computer Networks](#Copyright-vs_002e-Community)    • Part Four    [22. Software Patents and Literary Patents](#SPLP)    [23. The Danger of Software Patents](#DSP)    [24. Giving the Software Field Protection from Patents](#Limit-Patent-Effect)    • Part Five    • Licenses Intro    [27. The X Window System Trap](#X)    [28. Programs Must Not Limit the Freedom to Run Them](#No-Limit-on-Freedom-0)    [29. What Is Copyleft?](#Copyleft)    [30. Why Copyleft?](#Why-Copyleft)    [31. Copyleft: Pragmatic Idealism](#Pragmatic)    [32. The GNU General Public License](#GPL)    [33. Why Upgrade to GPLv3](#Why-V3)    [34. The GNU Lesser General Public License](#LGPL)    [35. GNU Free Documentation License](#FDL)    [36. On Selling Exceptions to the GNU GPL](#Exceptions)    • Part Six    [37. Can You Trust Your Computer?](#Can-You-Trust)    [39. Releasing Free Software If You Work at a University](#University)    • Games    [41. The Danger of E-Books](#E_002dBooks-Danger)    • E-Books and Freedom    [43. Who Does That Server Really Serve?](#Server)    • Part Seven    [44. Avoiding Ruinous Compromises](#Compromise)    [45. Overcoming Social Inertia](#Social-Inertia)    [46. Freedom or Power?](#Freedom-or-Power)    [47. Imperfection Is Not the Same as Oppression](#Imperfection)    [48. How Much Surveillance Can Democracy Withstand?](#Surveillance-vs_002e-Democracy)    [**A:** A Note on Software](#Appendix-A)    [**B:** Translations of “Free Software” and “Gratis Software”](#Appendix-B)    [**C:** The Free Software Song](#Appendix-C)    ``` {.menu-comment} ```