Foreword to the First Edition {#foreword-to-the-first-edition .unnumbered} ============================= 第一版序言 =========== @firstcopyingnotice{{Copyright © 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.\ {This foreword was originally published, in 2002, as the introduction to the first edition. This, the original version, is part of @fsfsthreecite} Every generation has its philosopher—a writer or an artist who captures the imagination of a time. Sometimes these philosophers are recognized as such; often it takes generations before the connection is made real. But recognized or not, a time gets marked by the people who speak its ideals, whether in the whisper of a poem, or the blast of a political movement. 每一个时代都有引领时代发展的哲学家——也许是一个作家亦或一个艺术家。有时这些人家喻户晓,有些则是需要几代人的努力将其理念变为现实。无论是否为人熟知,一个时代正是因为有了这些抒发理想的人才能铭记史册,他们或是盈盈细语于诗歌,或是揭竿而起于政治运动。 Our generation has a philosopher. He is not an artist, or a professional writer. He is a programmer. Richard Stallman began his work in the labs of MIT, as a programmer and architect building operating system software. He has built his career on a stage of public life, as a programmer and an architect founding a movement for freedom in a world increasingly defined by “code.” 我们这个时代有一位哲学家。他不是艺术家,也不是专职作家。他是一位程序员。理查德·斯托曼(Richard Stallman)是 MIT 的程序员以及操作系统架构师。作为程序员和架构师,他创立了一项在这个日益由“代码”决定的世界里争取自由的运动,从此开始了他在大众生活舞台上的职业生涯。 “Code” is the technology that makes computers run. Whether inscribed in software or burned in hardware, it is the collection of instructions, first written in words, that directs the functionality of machines. These machines—computers—increasingly define and control our life. They determine how phones connect, and what runs on TV. They decide whether video can be streamed across a broadband link to a computer. They control what a computer reports back to its manufacturer. These machines run us. Code runs these machines. “代码”是使计算机运行的技术。无论是软件或者烧在硬件上,都是由一系列指挥机器运行的写成文字的指令组成。这些机器——计算机日益定义并控制了我们的生活。它们决定了电话如何接通,电视上播什么节目;它们决定了视频是否能够通过视频流传到计算机上;它们也控制了计算机汇报给其制造商哪些信息。这些机器为我们服务,而代码控制这些机器。 What control should we have over this code? What understanding? What freedom should there be to match the control it enables? What power? 我们应该如何控制这些代码?怎么理解它们?又有什么与之相适应的自由控制?有什么样的权力? These questions have been the challenge of Stallman’s life. Through his works and his words, he has pushed us to see the importance of keeping code “free.” Not free in the sense that code writers don’t get paid, but free in the sense that the control coders build be transparent to all, and that anyone have the right to take that control, and modify it as he or she sees fit. This is “free software”; “free software” is one answer to a world built in code. 这些问题也挑战着斯托曼的生活。通过他及他的作品,他让我们明白代码“自由”的重要性。这里的 free 并非表示写代码的人不能得到报偿,而是意味着程序员将代码透明给所有人,任何人都可以控制代码,并按照自己的需求修改。这就是“自由软件”;“自由软件”为这个由代码构成的世界做了回答。 “Free.” Stallman laments the ambiguity in his own term. There’s nothing to lament. Puzzles force people to think, and this term “free” does this puzzling work quite well. To modern American ears, “free software” sounds utopian, impossible. Nothing, not even lunch, is free. How could the most important words running the most critical machines running the world be “free.” How could a sane society aspire to such an ideal? "Free",斯托曼在解释这个词的时候颇有怨言。然而这并没有什么怨言,模糊的概念迫使人们去思考,"Free"这个词着实足够启发思考。对当代美国人而言,“自由软件”听起了像是乌托邦,完全无法实现的,空洞的,甚至连午餐,也是免费的。那些控制世界上最重要机器的代码怎么能是“免费的”。一个理性的社会怎么能主张这样的理想? Yet the odd clink of the word “free” is a function of us, not of the term. “Free” has different senses, only one of which refers to “price.” A much more fundamental sense of “free” is the “free,” Stallman says, in the term “free speech,” or perhaps better in the term “free labor.” Not free as in costless, but free as in limited in its control by others. Free software is control that is transparent, and open to change, just as free laws, or the laws of a “free society,” are free when they make their control knowable, and open to change. The aim of Stallman’s “free software movement” is to make as much code as it can transparent, and subject to change, by rendering it “free.” 但“free”一次的奇怪意思只是对我们而言,而不是这个词汇本身。Free 一词有很多意思,只有一个是表示免费。更多的则表示是自由。斯托曼说,这个词与“言论自由”或更好的表达“自由劳动”更恰当,并不是表示没有花费,而是没有被他人控制和限制。 The mechanism of this rendering is an extraordinarily clever device called “copyleft” implemented through a license called GPL. Using the power of copyright law, “free software” not only assures that it remains open, and subject to change, but that other software that takes and uses “free software” (and that technically counts as a “derivative”) must also itself be free. If you use and adapt a free software program, and then release that adapted version to the public, the released version must be as free as the version it was adapted from. It must, or the law of copyright will be violated. 这种机制通过一种“copyleft”模式的 GPL 许可证得以体现。基于 copyleft 条款赋予的权力,“自由软件”不仅仅是开放的,更保证了修改自由,且其他使用自由软件(技术上称为“派生”)的也必须是自由的。如果你使用了一个自由软件程序,并公开发布了修改版,那么修改版也和原版一样是自由的。这是必须的,否则会违反版权法。 “Free software,” like free societies, has its enemies. Microsoft has waged a war against the GPL, warning whoever will listen that the GPL is a “dangerous” license. The dangers it names, however, are largely illusory. Others object to the “coercion” in GPL’s insistence that modified versions are also free. But a condition is not coercion. If it is not coercion for Microsoft to refuse to permit users to distribute modified versions of its product Office without paying it (presumably) millions, then it is not coercion when the GPL insists that modified versions of free software be free too. “自由软件”与自由社会一样,也有其敌人。微软发起了针对 GPL 的战争,警告所有人 GPL 是一种“危险的”许可证。事实上,它说的危险性很大程度上是欺骗性的。还有反对者认为 GPL “强迫”修改版也必须是自由的。光看这一条不能判断是否强迫。微软拒绝允许用户发布修改过的 Office 软件而不需要支付(假设)数百万的费用,如果这还不是强迫的话,那么 GPL 坚持的修改自自由软件的软件也必须是自由的,也不是强迫。 And then there are those who call Stallman’s message too extreme. But extreme it is not. Indeed, in an obvious sense, Stallman’s work is a simple translation of the freedoms that our tradition crafted in the world before code. “Free software” would assure that the world governed by code is as “free” as our tradition that built the world before code. 有些人认为斯托曼的言论太过极端,然者并不极端。事实上,显而易见的,斯托曼的作品只是将代码出现之前世界的自由简单翻译过来了。“自由软件”能确保代码世界的秩序与之前的传统是一样“自由的”。 For example: A “free society” is regulated by law. But there are limits that any free society places on this regulation through law: No society that kept its laws secret could ever be called free. No government that hid its regulations from the regulated could ever stand in our tradition. Law controls. But it does so justly only when visibly. And law is visible only when its terms are knowable and controllable by those it regulates, or by the agents of those it regulates (lawyers, legislatures). 比如:一个“自由的社会”是由法律来规范的。然而任何自由社会的法律对这些都有限制:没有自由社会可以用秘密法律。在传统上没有政府可以对其治理的对象隐藏规范。法律能够起效,只在其公平公开的情况下才可以。只有法律规范的对象对法律可知可控才能是可见,或者是规范对象的代理人(律师或立法者)。 This condition on law extends beyond the work of a legislature. Think about the practice of law in American courts. Lawyers are hired by their clients to advance their clients’ interests. Sometimes that interest is advanced through litigation. In the course of this litigation, lawyers write briefs. These briefs in turn affect opinions written by judges. These opinions decide who wins a particular case, or whether a certain law can stand consistently with a constitution. 法律的这种状况超出了立法者的工作。来想想美国法院的司法实践吧。当事人雇用律师来提升其利益,有时候这种利益通过诉讼得以提升。在诉讼过程中,律师写出诉讼状,这些诉讼状反过来影响法官写下的意见。这些意见决定谁能够在案件中获胜,或者某法律条文是否符合宪法的精神。 All the material in this process is free in the sense that Stallman means. Legal briefs are open and free for others to use. The arguments are transparent (which is different from saying they are good) and the reasoning can be taken without the permission of the original lawyers. The opinions they produce can be quoted in later briefs. They can be copied and integrated into another brief or opinion. The “source code” for American law is by design, and by principle, open and free for anyone to take. And take lawyers do—for it is a measure of a great brief that it achieves its creativity through the reuse of what happened before. The source is free; creativity and an economy is built upon it. 这个过程中的所有材料都符合斯托曼所说的自由。诉讼简报是公开的,别人可以自由使用。论据是透明的(不等于说就是好的),论证过程也无需原律师的允许就可以拿走。法官意见可以在之后的诉讼摘要里引用,并可以复制或综合到别的诉讼简报或意见中。美国法律的“源代码”在设计上和原则上,对任何使用它的人都是开放和自由的。拿律师来说,借由重复使用之前案件的材料,律师发挥了创造力,可以作出最佳的诉讼简报。原始资料是自由的,创新和经济在其上建立。 This economy of free code (and here I mean free legal code) doesn’t starve lawyers. Law firms have enough incentive to produce great briefs even though the stuff they build can be taken and copied by anyone else. The lawyer is a craftsman; his or her product is public. Yet the crafting is not charity. Lawyers get paid; the public doesn’t demand such work without price. Instead this economy flourishes, with later work added to the earlier. 自由代码(这里指法律代码)的经济并没有扼杀律师。尽管任何人都可以使用和复制他们做成的东西,律师事务所仍然有足够动机来作出好的诉讼简报。律师也是手艺人,他或她的产品是公开的。但是这种工艺不是慈善行为。律师能得到收入,公众没有不给他们工作报酬。相反,这种经济能够蓬勃发展恰是因为之后的工作可以弥补前面的。 We could imagine a legal practice that was different—briefs and arguments that were kept secret; rulings that announced a result but not the reasoning. Laws that were kept by the police but published to no one else. Regulation that operated without explaining its rule. 我们来设想一种不同的法律实践——案情和证据都是保密的,判决只有结果而没有论证,法律只有警方把持而其他人看不到,法规条令也不经解释。 We could imagine this society, but we could not imagine calling it “free.” Whether or not the incentives in such a society would be better or more efficiently allocated, such a society could not be known as free. The ideals of freedom, of life within a free society, demand more than efficient application. Instead, openness and transparency are the constraints within which a legal system gets built, not options to be added if convenient to the leaders. Life governed by software code should be no less. 我们尽可以设想这样的社会,但却不能称其为“自由”。无论是否有更好的动机,或更有效率的分配,这样的社会都无法认为是自由的。自由社会中的自由生活理想并不仅仅只是高效的分配。而是在开放和透明的前提下建立法律的限制,不能因为对领导人有利就加入相应的选项。由软件代码治理的生活也不能比这个更差。 Code writing is not litigation. It is better, richer, more productive. But the law is an obvious instance of how creativity and incentives do not depend upon perfect control over the products created. Like jazz, or novels, or architecture, the law gets built upon the work that went before. This adding and changing is what creativity always is. And a free society is one that assures that its most important resources remain free in just this sense. 编写代码不是诉讼。它更好,更丰富也更有建设性。创造性和动机并不依赖于创作产品的完全控制,法律就是一个明显的例子。类似爵士乐、小说或者建筑,法律条文是基于既有的基础而建立的。这种增补和改变一直是创新的体现。一个自由的社会必须保证其最重要的资源一直是自由的,这才像话。 This book collects the writing and lectures of Richard Stallman in a manner that will make their subtlety and power clear. The essays span a wide range, from copyright to the history of the free software movement. They include many arguments not well known, and among these, an especially insightful account of the changed circumstances that render copyright in the digital world suspect. They will serve as a resource for those who seek to understand the thought of this most powerful man—powerful in his ideas, his passion, and his integrity, even if powerless in every other way. They will inspire others who would take these ideas, and build upon them. 这本书首次以微妙而明确权力的方式,收录了理查德·斯托曼的著作和演讲。这些文章跨度很大,从版权到自由软件运动的历史,包含可许多不为人知的论据,这其中他还很有见地的解释了情况的变化,会使人们成为数字世界版权的嫌疑犯。这些都将成为理解他思想的源泉,理解他的激情和他的正直,即使其他方面都不及此。这些文章将会启发那些接受他的理念并发扬光大的人们。 I don’t know Stallman well. I know him well enough to know he is a hard man to like. He is driven, often impatient. His anger can flare at friend as easily as foe. He is uncompromising and persistent; patient in both. 我并不十分了解斯托曼,但我很清楚他是一个严厉的人。他求胜心切,常常不耐烦。他对朋友可以像对敌人一样火冒三丈。他也很强硬不屈不挠,但却也很有耐心。 Yet when our world finally comes to understand the power and danger of code—when it finally sees that code, like laws, or like government, must be transparent to be free—then we will look back at this uncompromising and persistent programmer and recognize the vision he has fought to make real: the vision of a world where freedom and knowledge survives the compiler. And we will come to see that no man, through his deeds or words, has done as much to make possible the freedom that this next society could have. 当我们的世界最终理解了代码的威力和危险,终于认识到代码和法律、政府一样,必须透明才能获得自由时,不妨回首看着这位强硬不屈不挠的程序员,会发现到他终身奋斗的景象终于实现:自由和知识可以在编译器下幸存。我们会认识到没有人能像斯托曼这样,可以为社会获得自由而奋斗和发声。 We have not earned that freedom yet. We may well fail in securing it. But whether we succeed or fail, in these essays is a picture of what that freedom could be. And in the life that produced these words and works, there is inspiration for anyone who would, like Stallman, fight to create this freedom. 然而我们尚没有获得自由。我们在捍卫自由的时候也许会失败。然而无论胜败,这些作品都展现了自由的景象。创作这些作品的生活中,会启发那些就像斯托曼一样,为自由而战的人们。 劳伦斯·莱斯格 LAWRENCE LESSIG