Foreword to the Third Edition {#foreword-to-the-third-edition .unnumbered} ============================= 第三版序言 ================= @firstcopyingnotice{{Copyright © 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.\ {This is the foreword to @fsfsthreecite} A love letter to Richard Stallman, by Jacob Appelbaum\ @smallskip We live in information societies where machines intermediate our lives. 给理查德·斯托曼的情书,作者雅各·阿贝尔鲍姆(Jacob Appelbaum) 我们生活在由机器构成的信息社会里。 Software and hardware are as important to our information age as the internet itself. Free Software is the political theory born from the mind of a revolutionary who believes that, just as we should have control over our own lives, we should also be able to understand and control the machines that are extensions of ourselves. This theory, as supported by the Free Software Foundation, has become a practice and a tradition for millions of people over the last three decades. 软件和硬件对我们的信息时代和互联网一样重要。自由软件被称为是革命性的政治理论,就如同我们可以控制自己的生活,我们也应该能够控制那些延伸我们身体的机器。这个被自由软件基金会支持的理论,已经成为过去三十年来数万人的实践和传统。 Free Software as a political theory acknowledges the role of software and hardware systems in our societies. Critiquing past and present systems is necessary. We may find ourselves unable to understand or modify these systems. We become beholden to others in ways that produce injustices and are themselves an injustice. The outcomes of these systems are not always obvious, particularly when one is forced into using them, and especially when they are normalized and branded as the standard. Free Software as a practice is not merely a critique: it is an alternative that provides liberty, resting on free standards, freely available to all. 自由软件作为一种政治理论承认了软件和硬件系统在我们社会中扮演的角色。苛责之前和现在的制度是必要的。我们也许会发现自己无法修改既存制度。我们成为了别人制造的那些不公道制度的牺牲品,而他们本身就是不公道的。而这些制度的产出并非总是显而易见,特别是当我们被迫接受这些制度安排,尤其是当它们已变成标准化和品牌标准。自由软件并不仅仅只是批评:它可以成为提供自由的替代品,依赖于自由的标准,自由的为大众使用。 Free Software is a paradigm shift where we are at liberty to understand and learn from those who have come before us, where we are free to grow and share, to learn from mistakes, to benefit as we learn, and to share those benefits with everyone. When we use copyleft, we ensure that all future users of our work get the same liberty. Free Software ensures that future generations will also be able to decode entire histories of data. It ensures not only our liberties, but theirs as well. 自由软件提供了一种转变的范例,我们可以自由的从前人那里理解并学习,自由的成长和分享,从错误中学习,从学习中受益,并分享这些益处给每一个人。当我们用 Copyleft 的时候,我们能确保以后的用户都能从我们的作品中获得同样的自由。自由软件确保了我们的子孙后代也能解码数据的全部历史。这不仅确保了我们的自由权益,同样也包括他们的。 In times of mass surveillance, Free Software brings much needed transparency and with it verifiability. Free Software enables us to encrypt, to ensure integrity, to authorize, and to anonymize ourselves. In a world of ever increasing privatization, we find in Free Software a pillar of communal action towards free societies. The benefits of Free Software are impossible to fully enumerate as they vary as much as the benefits of liberty itself. Advancing the cause of Free Software is never ending, like all struggles for justice, and requires eternal vigilance. Advancing the cause of Free Software is difficult, and those advocating and implementing Free Software are often carrying essential ideas forward against all odds. 在当今这个大规模监控的时代,自由软件通过它的可验证性机制带来了必须的透明性。自由软件让我们可以通过加密,来确保数据完整性,身份认证以及匿名我们自己。在一个不断深入私有化的世界里,我们发现自由软件给出了通向自由社会的一个公共支柱。要列举自由软件的好处是不可能的,因为我们无法道尽自由本身的好处。推广自由软件的事业是不会终了的,就如同为正义的声索,并且需要时刻保持警惕。推广自由软件的事业是困难的,我们需要秉持排除万难的坚定意志来倡导和推动自由软件。 The efforts invested in Free Software are not merely about knowledge, they are about empowerment: empowerment to study, empowerment to modify, empowerment to share, and empowerment to enable sharing with others. Commitment to liberty in an information age requires a refusal to compromise on the core principles of Free Software, with a commitment and honesty that demands sacrifice. Many may refuse this burden, working only to enrich themselves in the present moment; others will work to increase the breadth and depth of human knowledge. Implemented as Free Software, we find a model of sustainability and long-term vision that increases not only knowledge but practical direct ability freely shared for all without exception. This is a worthy cause and its thoughtfulness has already enabled all of us; from the mundane to the most extraordinary, Free Software is involved. 投身于自由软件不仅会获得知识,同时也是能力的提升:提升学习能力,提升修改的能力,提升分享能力,以及提升与他人分享的能力。争取信息时代的自由需要拒绝在自由软件核心原则上妥协,并且要有牺牲精神。很多人可能拒绝这些负担,他们只想获得更多财富;而其他人却在努力增加人类知识的深度和广度。通过实现自由软件,我们能发现一种面向长期愿景的可持续性发展模式,不仅增加了知识,同时切实可行的的将这些知识自由的分享给所有人。这份崇高的事业以其无差别的关怀泽及我们每一个人;从现实到超现实,自由软件的实质是参与。 Richard Stallman is the revolutionary and theorist who has given the world Free Software. His essays cover topics that have been essential reading for decades, widely read and understood by people creating systems for our information age and beyond. He has dedicated his life to the liberation of humanity, and this book explains how we might each help with this cause of liberation. 理查德·斯托曼是一位革命家和理论家,他为这个世界推出了自由软件。而他撰写文章中涉及的论题,被信息时代和之后创立制度及系统的人们广泛阅读和诠释,已成为数十年来必读的经典。他一生致力于人性解放事业,同时这本书也介绍了如何为这项事业提供帮助。 雅各·阿贝尔鲍姆 JACOB APPELBAUM