自由软件,自由社会(第三版) ====== 此为 Richard Stallman 文集《自由软件,自由社会》第三版。 封面设计 Kyle Winfree 目 录 ----- - [Foreword to the Third Edition](foreword-v3.md) - [Foreword to the First Edition](foreword-v1.md) - [Preface](preface-v3.md) - Part One - [What Is Free Software?](free-sw.md) - [The GNU Project](thegnuproject.md) - [The Initial Announcement of the GNU Operating System](initial-announcement.md) - [Free Software Is Even More Important Now](free-software-even-more-important.md) - [Why Schools Should Exclusively Use Free Software](edu-schools.md) - [Measures Governments Can Use to Promote Free Software](government-free-software.md) - [Why Free Software Needs Free Documentation](free-doc.md) - [Selling Free Software](selling.md) - [Applying the Free Software Criteria](applying-free-sw-criteria.md) - Part Two - [What’s in a Name?](why-gnu-linux.md) - [Linux and the GNU System](linux-and-gnu.md) - [Categories of Free and Nonfree Software](categories.md) - [Why Open Source Misses the Point of Free Software](open-source-misses-the-point.md) - [Did You Say “Intellectual Property”? It’s a Seductive Mirage](not-ipr.md) - [Why Call It the Swindle?](why-call-it-the-swindle.md) - [Words to Avoid (or Use with Care) Because They Are Loaded or Confusing](words-to-avoid.md) - Part Three - [The Right to Read](right-to-read.md) - [Misinterpreting Copyright—A Series of Errors](misinterpreting-copyright.md) - [Science Must Push Copyright Aside](push-copyright-aside.md) - [Copyright vs. Community in the Age of Computer Networks](copyright-vs-community.md) - Part Four - [Software Patents and Literary Patents](software-literary-patents.md) - [The Danger of Software Patents](danger-of-software-patents.md) - [Giving the Software Field Protection from Patents](limit-patent-effect.md) - Part Five - [Introduction to the Licenses](licenses-introduction.md) - [How to Choose a License for Your Own Work](license-recommendations.md) - [The X Window System Trap](x.md) - [Programs Must Not Limit the Freedom to Run Them](programs-must-not-limit-freedom-to-run.md) - [What Is Copyleft?](copyleft.md) - [Why Copyleft?](why-copyleft.md) - [Copyleft: Pragmatic Idealism](pragmatic.md) - [The GNU General Public License](gpl.md) - [Why Upgrade to GPLv3](rms-why-gplv3.md) - [The GNU Lesser General Public License](lgpl.md) - [GNU Free Documentation License](fdl.md) - [On Selling Exceptions to the GNU GPL](selling-exceptions.md) - Part Six - [Can You Trust Your Computer?](can-you-trust.md) - [The JavaScript Trap](javascript-trap.md) - [Releasing Free Software If You Work at a University](university.md) - [Nonfree DRM’d Games on GNU/Linux: Good or Bad?](nonfree-games.md) - [The Danger of E-Books](the-danger-of-ebooks.md) - [E-books Must Increase Our Freedom, Not Decrease It](ebooks-must-increase-freedom.md) - [Who Does That Server Really Serve?](who-does-that-server-really-serve.md) - Part Seven - [Avoiding Ruinous Compromises](compromise.md) - [Overcoming Social Inertia](social-inertia.md) - [Freedom or Power?](freedom-or-power.md) - [Imperfection Is Not the Same as Oppression](imperfection-isnt-oppression.md) - [How Much Surveillance Can Democracy Withstand?](surveillance-vs-democracy.md) - [**A:** Note on Software](appendix-a) - [**B:** Translations of “Free Software” and “Gratis Software”](appendix-b) - [**C:** The Free Software Song](appendix-c.md) > Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire book are permitted > worldwide, without royalty, in any medium, provided this notice is > preserved. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations > of this book from the original English into another language provided > the translation has been approved by the Free Software Foundation and > the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all > copies. * * * ```` Free Software Foundation 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor Boston, MA 02110-1335 Copyright © 2002, 2010, 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ```` ISBN 978-0-9831592-5-4