--- Generator: 'texi2html 1.82' description: Untitled Document distribution: global keywords: Untitled Document resource-type: document title: Untitled Document ... 1. Nonfree DRM’d Games on GNU/Linux: Good or Bad? {#nonfree-drmd-games-on-gnulinux-good-or-bad .chapter} ================================================= GNU/Linux 上的带有数字版权管理的私有游戏:是好是坏? ==================================================== A well known company, Valve, that distributes nonfree computer games with Digital Restrictions Management, recently announced it would distribute these games for GNU/Linux. What good and bad effects can this have? Valve,一家发布各种带有数字版权管理(DRM)的私有计算机游戏的知名公司,最 近宣称它将会为 GNU/Linux 平台发布这些游戏。这会带来哪些好的或者坏的影响? I suppose that availability of popular nonfree programs on GNU/Linux can boost adoption of the system. However, the aim of GNU goes beyond “success”; its purpose is to bring freedom to the users.[(1)](#FOOT1) Thus, the larger question is how this development affects users’ freedom. 我假设流行的私有软件在 GNU/Linux 上的可获得性将会推动 GNU/Linux 操作系统 的普及。然而,GNU 的终极目标并非仅限于获得“成功”;它的目的是赋予用户自由[(1)](#FOOT1)。 因此,更大的问题是,这种发展趋势将会怎样影响用户的自由。 The problem with these games is not that they are commercial.[(2)](#FOOT2) (We see nothing wrong with that.) It is not that the developers sell copies;[(3)](#FOOT3) that’s not wrong either. The problem is that the games contain software that is not free (free in the sense of freedom, of course).[(4)](#FOOT4) 这些游戏所存在的问题并不在于它们是商业的[(2)](#FOOT2)。(我们并不认为商 业化有什么问题。)也不在于其开发者贩卖其副本[(3)](#FOOT3);这也没有问题。 它们的真正问题在于这些游戏包含非自由软件(当然,指的是“freedom”中的自由)[(4)](#FOOT4)。 Nonfree game programs (like other nonfree programs) are unethical because they deny freedom to their users. (Game art is a different issue, because it isn’t software.) If you want freedom, one requisite for it is not having or running nonfree programs on your computer. That much is clear. (同其他私有软件一样)私有游戏软件是不符合伦理的,由于它们拒绝用户的自由。 (游戏艺术是另一个问题,由于它们不是软件。)如果您渴求自由,一个起码条件 是不要拥有或者在自己的计算机上运行私有软件。这一点是很清楚的。 However, if you’re going to use these games, you’re better off using them on GNU/Linux rather than on Microsoft Windows. At least you avoid the harm to your freedom that Windows would do.[(5)](#FOOT5) 然而,如果您一定要玩这些游戏,您最好还是在 GNU/Linux 上进行而非在微软 Windows 上进行。至少您可以藉此避开 Windows 对您的自由的践踏[(5)](#FOOT5)。 Thus, in direct practical terms, this development can do both harm and good. It might encourage GNU/Linux users to install these games, and it might encourage users of the games to replace Windows with GNU/Linux. My guess is that the direct good effect will be bigger than the direct harm. But there is also an indirect effect: what does the use of these games teach people in our community? 因此,从直接的实践角度看,这种发展趋势既有好的影响又有坏的影响。这可能会 鼓励 GNU/Linux 用户去安装这些游戏,也可能会鼓励这些游戏的玩家使用 GNU/Linux 来取代 Windows。我猜想直接的好处大于直接的坏处。但是,这里还有一种间接的 影响:这些游戏的玩家将会向我们社区里的人们传授什么? Any GNU/Linux distro that comes with software to offer these games will teach users that the point is not freedom. Nonfree software in GNU/Linux distros[(6)](#FOOT6) already works against the goal of freedom. Adding these games to a distro would augment that effect. 任何自带软件以提供这些游戏的 GNU/Linux 发行版将会暗示用户:自由并不是关键。 GNU/Linux 发行版中的私有软件已经在破坏自由这一终极目标。向发行版中添加这 类游戏将会加深这种危害。 @firstcopyingnotice{{@footnoterule @smallskip 著作权所有 (C) 2013 自由软件基金会。\ {此版本是 @fsfsthreecite 的一部分。} Free software is a matter of freedom, not price. A free game need not be gratis. It is feasible to develop free games commercially, while respecting your freedom to change the software you use. Since the art in the game is not software, it does not need to be free. There is in fact free game software developed by companies, as well as free games developed noncommercially by volunteers. Crowdfunding development will only get easier. 自由软件的实质是自由而非价格。一款自由的游戏不必须是免费的。商业化地开发 自由的游戏软件是可行的,同事尊重您修改您所使用的软件的自由。由于游戏中的 艺术不属于软件,它也不必须是免费的。事实上,确实有由商业公司开发的自由的 游戏软件,与那些由志愿者以非商业化方式开发的自由的游戏软件并存。众筹式的 开发只是会让开发变得更容易。 But if we suppose that it is *not feasible* in the current situation to develop a certain kind of free game—what would follow then? There’s no good in writing it as a nonfree game. To have freedom in your computing, requires rejecting nonfree software, pure and simple. You as a freedom-lover won’t use the nonfree game if it exists, so you won’t lose anything if it does not exist. 但是,如果我们假设在当前的情况下开发某类自由游戏软件是不可行的——将会发生 什么?将其作为一款私有游戏软件开发并无任何益处。想要在您的计算中拥有自由, 必须拒绝私有软件,就是这么简单直白。您,作为热爱自由者,不会由于一款私有 游戏的存在而去玩它,因此,您也不会由于它的不存在而失去任何东西。 If you want to promote the cause of freedom in computing, please take care not to talk about the availability of these games on GNU/Linux as support for our cause. Instead you could tell people about the LibreGameWiki[(7)](#FOOT7) that attempts to catalog free games, the FreeGameDev Forums,[(8)](#FOOT8) and the LibrePlanet Gaming Collective’s free gaming night.[(9)](#FOOT9) 如果您想要推进计算中的自由事业,请注意不要将这类游戏在 GNU/Linux 上的可获 得性说成是对我们的事业的支持。与之相反,您可以向人们介绍 LibreGameWiki [(7)](#FOOT7), 那里试图列出所有自由的游戏软件,以及 FreeGameDev 论坛[(8)](#FOOT8),还有 LibrePlanet Gaming Collective 的自由游戏之夜[(9)](#FOOT9)。
------------------------------------------------------------------------ ### Footnotes ### [(1)](#DOCF1) @raggedright 参见 “Free Software Is Even More Important Now” (@pageref{More Important Now}) 一文以获得更多信息。 @end raggedright ### [(2)](#DOCF2) @raggedright 参见 @pageref{Commercial} 以获得关于“商业化”一词所能带来的困惑的解释。 @end raggedright ### [(3)](#DOCF3) @raggedright 参见 “Selling Free Software” (@pageref{Selling}) 一文以获得更多信息。 @end raggedright ### [(4)](#DOCF4) @raggedright 参见 @pageref{Definition} 以获知自由软件的完整定义。 @end raggedright ### [(5)](#DOCF5) @raggedright 参见我们的运动位于 以获得更多信息。 @end raggedright ### [(6)](#DOCF6) @raggedright 参见 以获知为何我们不推荐某些(通常是流行的)发行版。 @end raggedright ### [(7)](#DOCF7) @raggedright 参见 . @end raggedright ### [(8)](#DOCF8) @raggedright 参见 . @end raggedright ### [(9)](#DOCF9) @raggedright 参见 . @end raggedright
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