Preface {#preface .unnumbered} ======= 前言 ======= The third edition of Free Software, Free Society holds updated versions of most of the essays from the second edition, as well as many new essays. A third of the essays are new. 此第三版《自由软件,自由社群》(Free Software, Free Society)将第二版的很多文章都更新到了,也加入了很多新文章,其中三分之一都是新的。 As it was in previous editions, the initial section of the book is devoted to the principles and philosophy of free software. It includes a more powerful presentation of why software ought to be free, an explanation of how our principles determine our practical decisions, and addresses the question of freedom and hardware designs. 与前几版一样,此书首先介绍了自由软件的原则和哲学。讲述了软件为何必须自由,并解释了我们的原则是如何指导实践活动的,以及解决了有关硬件自由设计的问题。 The way we name and frame an issue affects how we think about it. Companies choose terminology to promote their framing; to accept that is to support them. Thus, this edition has new material about how we at the FSF name things and why. 如何称呼以及对自由软件的框定会影响我们的思考。企业通过术语来推广他们的理念,接受了相应术语也就支持了他们。因此,在这一版中,我们加入了新的文章来讲解 FSF(自由软件基金会,Free Software Foundation)是如何以及为什么这么称呼这些术语。 The copyright section now presents a transcript of a speech that discusses the overall issue of copyright law and how it should be changed. 版权一章节录了讨论版权相关法律问题的演讲,并说明如何将之修改。 The patents section proposes a solution for the problem caused by patents in the computing field. I’ve kept essays about patents separate from those about copyright, since the two issues should not be lumped together. 专利一章设想了一个解决计算机领域专利问题的方案。我将专利和版权分开讨论,是因为这两点是不能混淆在一起的。 The licensing section is largely unchanged, still presenting the GNU licenses, with an introduction written with Brett Smith giving their history and the motives for each of them, and an essay explaining why software projects should upgrade to version 3 of the GNU General Public License. 许可证一章大体并没有改变,依旧讲述了 GNU 的各个许可证,还有 Brett Smith 讲述的各个许可证的历史变迁,并用一篇文章解释了为什么软件项目必须升级到 GNU 通用公共许可证第三版。 This edition continues to address dangers and traps that the free software community faces, including now the issues of nonfree games, e-books, and the growing threat of digital surveillance. 这一版继续讲述自由软件社群面对和解决的各种危险和陷阱,包括了当下的非自由游戏、电子书和持续威胁的电子监控。 I hope this book can show you how you might lose your freedom, teach you how to protect it, and inspire you to value it. 我希望此书可以展示出很容易就会失去自由,教会你如何保护,并启发你珍视自由。 Thank you to Jeanne Rasata for managing the project, editing the book, formatting the text, and creating the index. Thanks also to Karl Berry for technical assistance with Texinfo, and Kyle Winfree for designing and formatting the cover. 要感谢 Jeanne Rasata 管理此项目,编辑书木,排版文字,并建立目录。还要感谢 Karl Berry 协助解决 Texinfo 技术问题,以及 Kyle Winfree 设计和排版此书的封面。 RICHARD STALLMAN 理查德·斯托曼