From aa651c7f8321bf96fc88f9a17285225000a753ec Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matthias Jung <>
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2017 18:39:56 +0100
Subject: ext: Include SystemC 2.3.1 into gem5

In the past it happened several times that some changes in gem5 broke the
SystemC coupling. Recently Accelera has changed the licence for SystemC
from their own licence to Apache2.0, which is compatible with gem5.
However, SystemC usually relies on the Boost library, but I was able to
exchange the boost calls by c++11 alternatives. The recent SystemC version
is placed into /ext and is integrated into gem5's build system. The goal is
to integrate some SystemC tests for the CI in some following patches.

Change-Id: I4b66ec806b5e3cffc1d7c85d3735ff4fa5b31fd0
Reviewed-by: Andreas Sandberg <>
Maintainer: Andreas Sandberg <>
 ext/systemc/src/sysc/tracing/sc_trace.h | 397 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 397 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 ext/systemc/src/sysc/tracing/sc_trace.h

(limited to 'ext/systemc/src/sysc/tracing/sc_trace.h')

diff --git a/ext/systemc/src/sysc/tracing/sc_trace.h b/ext/systemc/src/sysc/tracing/sc_trace.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..256e430a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/systemc/src/sysc/tracing/sc_trace.h
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+  Licensed to Accellera Systems Initiative Inc. (Accellera) under one or
+  more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed
+  with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+  Accellera licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
+  License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+  implied.  See the License for the specific language governing
+  permissions and limitations under the License.
+ *****************************************************************************/
+  sc_trace.h - Functions for tracing signals and variables.
+  Author: Abhijit Ghosh, Synopsys, Inc.
+ *****************************************************************************/
+  MODIFICATION LOG - modifiers, enter your name, affiliation, date and
+  changes you are making here.
+      Name, Affiliation, Date:
+  Description of Modification:
+ *****************************************************************************/
+   Acknowledgement: The tracing mechanism is based on the tracing
+   mechanism developed at Infineon (formerly Siemens HL). Though this
+   code is somewhat different, the basics are identical to what was
+   originally contributed by Infineon.  The contribution of Infineon
+   in the development of this tracing technology is hereby
+   acknowledged.
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#ifndef SC_TRACE_H
+#define SC_TRACE_H
+#include <cstdio>
+#include "sysc/datatypes/int/sc_nbdefs.h"
+#include "sysc/kernel/sc_time.h"
+// Some forward declarations
+namespace sc_dt
+    class sc_bit;
+    class sc_logic;
+    class sc_bv_base;
+    class sc_lv_base;
+    class sc_signed;
+    class sc_unsigned;
+    class sc_int_base;
+    class sc_uint_base;
+    class sc_fxval;
+    class sc_fxval_fast;
+    class sc_fxnum;
+    class sc_fxnum_fast;
+namespace sc_core {
+class sc_time;
+template <class T> class sc_signal_in_if;
+// Base class for all kinds of trace files. 
+class sc_trace_file
+    friend class sc_simcontext;
+    // Constructor
+    sc_trace_file();
+    // All functions are pure virtual because they need to be defined by the
+    // particular tracing mechanism
+#define DECL_TRACE_METHOD_A(tp)                                               \
+    virtual void trace( const tp& object,                                     \
+			const std::string& name ) = 0;
+#define DECL_TRACE_METHOD_B(tp)                                               \
+    virtual void trace( const tp& object,                                     \
+			const std::string& name,                                     \
+			int width ) = 0;
+    DECL_TRACE_METHOD_A( bool )
+    DECL_TRACE_METHOD_A( sc_dt::sc_bit )
+    DECL_TRACE_METHOD_A( sc_dt::sc_logic )
+    DECL_TRACE_METHOD_B( unsigned char )
+    DECL_TRACE_METHOD_B( unsigned short )
+    DECL_TRACE_METHOD_B( unsigned int )
+    DECL_TRACE_METHOD_B( unsigned long )
+    DECL_TRACE_METHOD_B( char )
+    DECL_TRACE_METHOD_B( short )
+    DECL_TRACE_METHOD_B( long )
+    DECL_TRACE_METHOD_B( sc_dt::int64 )
+    DECL_TRACE_METHOD_B( sc_dt::uint64 )
+    DECL_TRACE_METHOD_A( float )
+    DECL_TRACE_METHOD_A( double )
+    DECL_TRACE_METHOD_A( sc_dt::sc_int_base )
+    DECL_TRACE_METHOD_A( sc_dt::sc_uint_base )
+    DECL_TRACE_METHOD_A( sc_dt::sc_signed )
+    DECL_TRACE_METHOD_A( sc_dt::sc_unsigned )
+    DECL_TRACE_METHOD_A( sc_dt::sc_fxval )
+    DECL_TRACE_METHOD_A( sc_dt::sc_fxval_fast )
+    DECL_TRACE_METHOD_A( sc_dt::sc_fxnum )
+    DECL_TRACE_METHOD_A( sc_dt::sc_fxnum_fast )
+    DECL_TRACE_METHOD_A( sc_dt::sc_bv_base )
+    DECL_TRACE_METHOD_A( sc_dt::sc_lv_base )
+    // Trace an enumerated object - where possible output the enumeration
+    // literals in the trace file. Enum literals is a null terminated array
+    // of null terminated char* literal strings.
+    virtual void trace( const unsigned int& object,
+			const std::string& name,
+			const char** enum_literals ) = 0;
+    // Output a comment to the trace file
+    virtual void write_comment( const std::string& comment ) = 0;
+    // Set the amount of space before next column
+    // (For most formats this does nothing)
+    virtual void space( int n );
+    // Also trace transitions between delta cycles if flag is true.
+    virtual void delta_cycles( bool flag );
+    // Set time unit.
+    virtual void set_time_unit( double v, sc_time_unit tu )=0;
+    // Write trace info for cycle
+    virtual void cycle( bool delta_cycle ) = 0;
+    // Flush results and close file
+    virtual ~sc_trace_file()
+	{ /* Intentionally blank */ }
+// Now comes all the SystemC defined tracing functions.
+// We define two sc_trace() versions for scalar types; one where the object to
+// be traced is passed as a reference and the other where a pointer to the
+// tracing object is passed.
+#define DECL_TRACE_FUNC_REF_A(tp)     \
+void                                  \
+sc_trace( sc_trace_file* tf,          \
+	  const tp& object,               \
+	  const std::string& name );
+#define DECL_TRACE_FUNC_PTR_A(tp)     \
+void                                  \
+sc_trace( sc_trace_file* tf,          \
+	  const tp* object,               \
+	  const std::string& name );        \
+#define DECL_TRACE_FUNC_A(tp)         \
+DECL_TRACE_FUNC_REF_A(tp)             \
+DECL_TRACE_FUNC_A( sc_dt::sc_bit )
+DECL_TRACE_FUNC_A( sc_dt::sc_logic )
+DECL_TRACE_FUNC_A( sc_dt::sc_int_base )
+DECL_TRACE_FUNC_A( sc_dt::sc_uint_base )
+DECL_TRACE_FUNC_A( sc_dt::sc_signed )
+DECL_TRACE_FUNC_A( sc_dt::sc_unsigned )
+DECL_TRACE_FUNC_REF_A( sc_dt::sc_bv_base )
+DECL_TRACE_FUNC_REF_A( sc_dt::sc_lv_base )
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#define DEFN_TRACE_FUNC_REF_A(tp)                                             \
+inline                                                                        \
+void                                                                          \
+sc_trace( sc_trace_file* tf, const tp& object, const std::string& name ) \
+{                                                                             \
+    if( tf ) {                                                                \
+	tf->trace( object, name );                                            \
+    }                                                                         \
+#define DEFN_TRACE_FUNC_PTR_A(tp)                                             \
+inline                                                                        \
+void                                                                          \
+sc_trace( sc_trace_file* tf, const tp* object, const std::string& name ) \
+{                                                                             \
+    if( tf ) {                                                                \
+	tf->trace( *object, name );                                           \
+    }                                                                         \
+#define DEFN_TRACE_FUNC_A(tp)                                                 \
+DEFN_TRACE_FUNC_REF_A(tp)                                                     \
+#define DEFN_TRACE_FUNC_REF_B(tp)                                             \
+inline                                                                        \
+void                                                                          \
+sc_trace( sc_trace_file* tf, const tp& object, const std::string& name,  \
+          int width = 8 * sizeof( tp ) )                                      \
+{                                                                             \
+    if( tf ) {                                                                \
+	tf->trace( object, name, width );                                     \
+    }                                                                         \
+#define DEFN_TRACE_FUNC_PTR_B(tp)                                             \
+inline                                                                        \
+void                                                                          \
+sc_trace( sc_trace_file* tf, const tp* object, const std::string& name,  \
+          int width = 8 * sizeof( tp ) )                                      \
+{                                                                             \
+    if( tf ) {                                                                \
+	tf->trace( *object, name, width );                                    \
+    }                                                                         \
+#define DEFN_TRACE_FUNC_B(tp)                                                 \
+DEFN_TRACE_FUNC_REF_B(tp)                                                     \
+DEFN_TRACE_FUNC_A( double )
+DEFN_TRACE_FUNC_B( unsigned char )
+DEFN_TRACE_FUNC_B( unsigned short )
+DEFN_TRACE_FUNC_B( unsigned int )
+DEFN_TRACE_FUNC_B( unsigned long )
+DEFN_TRACE_FUNC_B( sc_dt::int64 )
+DEFN_TRACE_FUNC_B( sc_dt::uint64 )
+template <class T> 
+sc_trace( sc_trace_file* tf,
+	  const sc_signal_in_if<T>& object,
+	  const std::string& name )
+    sc_trace( tf,, name );
+template< class T >
+sc_trace( sc_trace_file* tf,
+	  const sc_signal_in_if<T>& object,
+	  const char* name )
+    sc_trace( tf,, name );
+// specializations for signals of type char, short, int, long
+void sc_trace( sc_trace_file* tf,
+	       const sc_signal_in_if<char>& object,
+	       const std::string& name,
+	       int width );
+void sc_trace( sc_trace_file* tf,
+	       const sc_signal_in_if<short>& object,
+	       const std::string& name,
+	       int width );
+void sc_trace( sc_trace_file* tf,
+	       const sc_signal_in_if<int>& object,
+	       const std::string& name,
+	       int width );
+void sc_trace( sc_trace_file* tf,
+	       const sc_signal_in_if<long>& object,
+	       const std::string& name,
+	       int width );
+// 1. non-template function is better than template
+// 2. more-specialized template is better than less-specialized
+// 3. no partial specialization for template functions
+// Trace an enumerated object - where possible output the enumeration literals
+// in the trace file. Enum literals is a null terminated array of null
+// terminated char* literal strings.
+sc_trace( sc_trace_file* tf,
+	  const unsigned int& object,
+	  const std::string& name,
+	  const char** enum_literals );
+// Dummy function for arbitrary types of value, does nothing
+extern void sc_trace( sc_trace_file* tf,
+		      const void* object,
+		      const std::string& name );
+// Turn on/off delta cycle tracing on trace file `tf'.
+// Default is to turn on delta cycle tracing.
+sc_trace_delta_cycles( sc_trace_file* tf, bool on = true )
+    if( tf ) tf->delta_cycles( on );
+// Output a comment to the trace file
+sc_write_comment( sc_trace_file* tf, const std::string& comment )
+    if( tf ) tf->write_comment( comment );
+// Equivalent of std::fprintf for trace files!
+void tprintf( sc_trace_file* tf,  const char* format, ... );
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Create VCD file
+extern sc_trace_file *sc_create_vcd_trace_file(const char* name);
+extern void sc_close_vcd_trace_file( sc_trace_file* tf );
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Create WIF file
+extern sc_trace_file *sc_create_wif_trace_file(const char *name);
+extern void sc_close_wif_trace_file( sc_trace_file* tf );
+} // namespace sc_core
+#endif // SC_TRACE_H
+// Taf
cgit v1.2.3