 * Taken from binutils- include/coff/sym.h

/* Declarations of internal format of MIPS ECOFF symbols.
   Originally contributed by MIPS Computer Systems and Third Eye Software.
   Changes contributed by Cygnus Support are in the public domain.

   This file is just aggregated with the files that make up the GNU
   release; it is not considered part of GAS, GDB, or other GNU
   programs.  */

 * |-----------------------------------------------------------|
 * | Copyright (c) 1992, 1991, 1990 MIPS Computer Systems, Inc.|
 * | MIPS Computer Systems, Inc. grants reproduction and use   |
 * | rights to all parties, PROVIDED that this comment is      |
 * | maintained in the copy.                                   |
 * |-----------------------------------------------------------|
#ifndef _SYM_H
#define _SYM_H

/* (C) Copyright 1984 by Third Eye Software, Inc.
 * Third Eye Software, Inc. grants reproduction and use rights to
 * all parties, PROVIDED that this comment is maintained in the copy.
 * Third Eye makes no claims about the applicability of this
 * symbol table to a particular use.

 * This file contains the definition of the Third Eye Symbol Table.
 * Symbols are assumed to be in 'encounter order' - i.e. the order that
 * the things they represent were encountered by the compiler/assembler/loader.
 * EXCEPT for globals!	These are assumed to be bunched together,
 * probably right after the last 'normal' symbol.  Globals ARE sorted
 * in ascending order.
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 * A brief word about Third Eye naming/use conventions:
 * All arrays and index's are 0 based.
 * All "ifooMax" values are the highest legal value PLUS ONE. This makes
 * them good for allocating arrays, etc. All checks are "ifoo < ifooMax".
 * "isym"	Index into the SYMbol table.
 * "ipd"	Index into the Procedure Descriptor array.
 * "ifd"	Index into the File Descriptor array.
 * "iss"	Index into String Space.
 * "cb"		Count of Bytes.
 * "rgPd"	array whose domain is "0..ipdMax-1" and RanGe is PDR.
 * "rgFd"	array whose domain is "0..ifdMax-1" and RanGe is FDR.

 * Symbolic Header (HDR) structure.
 * As long as all the pointers are set correctly,
 * we don't care WHAT order the various sections come out in!
 * A file produced solely for the use of CDB will probably NOT have
 * any instructions or data areas in it, as these are available
 * in the original.

typedef struct ecoff_symhdr {
    coff_short	magic;		/* to verify validity of the table */
    coff_short	vstamp;		/* version stamp */
    coff_int	ilineMax;	/* number of line number entries */
    coff_int	idnMax;		/* max index into dense number table */
    coff_int	ipdMax;		/* number of procedures */
    coff_int	isymMax;	/* number of local symbols */
    coff_int	ioptMax;	/* max index into optimization symbol entries */
    coff_int	iauxMax;	/* number of auxillary symbol entries */
    coff_int	issMax;		/* max index into local strings */
    coff_int	issExtMax;	/* max index into external strings */
    coff_int	ifdMax;		/* number of file descriptor entries */
    coff_int	crfd;		/* number of relative file descriptor entries */
    coff_int	iextMax;	/* max index into external symbols */
    coff_addr	cbLine;		/* number of bytes for line number entries */
    coff_addr	cbLineOffset;	/* offset to start of line number entries*/
    coff_addr	cbDnOffset;	/* offset to start dense number table */
    coff_addr	cbPdOffset;	/* offset to procedure descriptor table */
    coff_addr	cbSymOffset;	/* offset to start of local symbols*/
    coff_addr	cbOptOffset;	/* offset to optimization symbol entries */
    coff_addr	cbAuxOffset;	/* offset to start of auxillary symbol entries*/
    coff_addr	cbSsOffset;	/* offset to start of local strings */
    coff_addr	cbSsExtOffset;	/* offset to start of external strings */
    coff_addr	cbFdOffset;	/* offset to file descriptor table */
    coff_addr	cbRfdOffset;	/* offset to relative file descriptor table */
    coff_addr	cbExtOffset;	/* offset to start of external symbol entries*/
    /* If you add machine dependent fields, add them here */
#define cbHDRR sizeof(HDRR)
#define hdrNil ((pHDRR)0)

 * The FDR and PDR structures speed mapping of address <-> name.
 * They are sorted in ascending memory order and are kept in
 * memory by CDB at runtime.

 * File Descriptor
 * There is one of these for EVERY FILE, whether compiled with
 * full debugging symbols or not.  The name of a file should be
 * the path name given to the compiler.	 This allows the user
 * to simply specify the names of the directories where the COMPILES
 * were done, and we will be able to find their files.
 * A field whose comment starts with "R - " indicates that it will be
 * setup at runtime.
typedef struct ecoff_fdr {
    coff_addr	adr;		/* memory address of beginning of file */
    coff_addr	cbLineOffset;	/* byte offset from header for this file ln's */
    coff_addr	cbLine;		/* size of lines for this file */
    coff_addr	cbSs;		/* number of bytes in the ss */
    coff_int	rss;		/* file name (of source, if known) */
    coff_int	issBase;	/* file's string space */
    coff_int	isymBase;	/* beginning of symbols */
    coff_int	csym;		/* count file's of symbols */
    coff_int	ilineBase;	/* file's line symbols */
    coff_int	cline;		/* count of file's line symbols */
    coff_int	ioptBase;	/* file's optimization entries */
    coff_int	copt;		/* count of file's optimization entries */
    coff_int 	ipdFirst;	/* start of procedures for this file */
    coff_int	cpd;		/* count of procedures for this file */
    coff_int	iauxBase;	/* file's auxiliary entries */
    coff_int	caux;		/* count of file's auxiliary entries */
    coff_int	rfdBase;	/* index into the file indirect table */
    coff_int	crfd;		/* count file indirect entries */
    unsigned lang: 5;	/* language for this file */
    unsigned fMerge : 1;	/* whether this file can be merged */
    unsigned fReadin : 1;	/* true if it was read in (not just created) */
    unsigned fBigendian : 1;/* if set, was compiled on big endian machine */
    /*	aux's will be in compile host's sex */
    unsigned glevel : 2;	/* level this file was compiled with */
    unsigned reserved : 22;  /* reserved for future use */
    coff_uint	reserved2;
} FDR, *pFDR;
#define cbFDR sizeof(FDR)
#define fdNil ((pFDR)0)
#define ifdNil -1
#define ifdTemp 0
#define ilnNil -1

 * Procedure Descriptor
 * There is one of these for EVERY TEXT LABEL.
 * If a procedure is in a file with full symbols, then isym
 * will point to the PROC symbols, else it will point to the
 * global symbol for the label.

typedef struct pdr {
    coff_addr	adr;		/* memory address of start of procedure */
    coff_addr	cbLineOffset;	/* byte offset for this procedure from the fd base */
    coff_int	isym;		/* start of local symbol entries */
    coff_int	iline;		/* start of line number entries*/
    coff_uint	regmask;	/* save register mask */
    coff_int	regoffset;	/* save register offset */
    coff_int	iopt;		/* start of optimization symbol entries*/
    coff_uint	fregmask;	/* save floating point register mask */
    coff_int	fregoffset;	/* save floating point register offset */
    coff_int	frameoffset;	/* frame size */
    coff_int	lnLow;		/* lowest line in the procedure */
    coff_int	lnHigh;		/* highest line in the procedure */
    /* These fields are new for 64 bit ECOFF.  */
    unsigned gp_prologue : 8; /* byte size of GP prologue */
    unsigned gp_used : 1;	/* true if the procedure uses GP */
    unsigned reg_frame : 1;	/* true if register frame procedure */
    unsigned prof : 1;	/* true if compiled with -pg */
    unsigned reserved : 13;	/* reserved: must be zero */
    unsigned localoff : 8;	/* offset of local variables from vfp */
    coff_short	framereg;	/* frame pointer register */
    coff_short	pcreg;		/* offset or reg of return pc */
} PDR, *pPDR;
#define cbPDR sizeof(PDR)
#define pdNil ((pPDR) 0)
#define ipdNil	-1

 * The structure of the runtime procedure descriptor created by the loader
 * for use by the static exception system.
 * If 0'd out because exception_info chokes Visual C++ and because there
 * don't seem to be any references to this structure elsewhere in gdb.
#if 0
typedef struct runtime_pdr {
    coff_addr	adr;		/* memory address of start of procedure */
    coff_uint	regmask;	/* save register mask */
    coff_int	regoffset;	/* save register offset */
    coff_uint	fregmask;	/* save floating point register mask */
    coff_int	fregoffset;	/* save floating point register offset */
    coff_int	frameoffset;	/* frame size */
    coff_ushort	framereg;	/* frame pointer register */
    coff_ushort	pcreg;		/* offset or reg of return pc */
    coff_int	irpss;		/* index into the runtime string table */
    coff_uint	reserved;
    struct exception_info *exception_info;/* pointer to exception array */
#define cbRPDR sizeof(RPDR)
#define rpdNil ((pRPDR) 0)

 * Line Numbers
 * Line Numbers are segregated from the normal symbols because they
 * are [1] smaller , [2] are of no interest to your
 * average loader, and [3] are never needed in the middle of normal
 * scanning and therefore slow things down.
 * By definition, the first LINER for any given procedure will have
 * the first line of a procedure and represent the first address.

typedef	coff_int LINER, *pLINER;
#define lineNil ((pLINER)0)
#define cbLINER sizeof(LINER)
#define ilineNil	-1

 * The Symbol Structure		(GFW, to those who Know!)

typedef struct ecoff_sym {
    coff_long	value;		/* value of symbol */
    coff_int	iss;		/* index into String Space of name */
    unsigned st : 6;	/* symbol type */
    unsigned sc  : 5;	/* storage class - text, data, etc */
    unsigned reserved : 1;	/* reserved */
    unsigned index : 20;	/* index into sym/aux table */
#define symNil ((pSYMR)0)
#define cbSYMR sizeof(SYMR)
#define isymNil -1
#define indexNil 0xfffff
#define issNil -1
#define issNull 0

/* The following converts a memory resident string to an iss.
 * This hack is recognized in SbFIss, in sym.c of the debugger.
#define IssFSb(sb) (0x80000000 | ((coff_ulong)(sb)))

/* E X T E R N A L   S Y M B O L  R E C O R D
 *	Same as the SYMR except it contains file context to determine where
 *	the index is.
typedef struct ecoff_extsym {
    SYMR	asym;		/* symbol for the external */
    unsigned jmptbl:1;	/* symbol is a jump table entry for shlibs */
    unsigned cobol_main:1;	/* symbol is a cobol main procedure */
    unsigned weakext:1;	/* symbol is weak external */
    unsigned reserved:29;	/* reserved for future use */
    coff_int ifd;		/* where the iss and index fields point into */
#define extNil ((pEXTR)0)
#define cbEXTR sizeof(EXTR)

/* A U X I L L A R Y   T Y P E	 I N F O R M A T I O N */

 * Type Information Record
typedef struct {
    unsigned fBitfield : 1; /* set if bit width is specified */
    unsigned continued : 1; /* indicates additional TQ info in next AUX */
    unsigned bt  : 6;	/* basic type */
    unsigned tq4 : 4;
    unsigned tq5 : 4;
    /* ---- 16 bit boundary ---- */
    unsigned tq0 : 4;
    unsigned tq1 : 4;	/* 6 type qualifiers - tqPtr, etc. */
    unsigned tq2 : 4;
    unsigned tq3 : 4;
} TIR, *pTIR;
#define cbTIR sizeof(TIR)
#define tiNil ((pTIR)0)
#define itqMax 6

 * Relative symbol record
 * If the rfd field is 4095, the index field indexes into the global symbol
 *	table.

typedef struct {
    unsigned	rfd : 12;    /* index into the file indirect table */
    unsigned	index : 20; /* index int sym/aux/iss tables */
#define cbRNDXR sizeof(RNDXR)
#define rndxNil ((pRNDXR)0)

/* dense numbers or sometimes called block numbers are stored in this type,
 *	a rfd of 0xffffffff is an index into the global table.
typedef struct {
    coff_uint	rfd;    /* index into the file table */
    coff_uint	index; 	/* index int sym/aux/iss tables */
} DNR, *pDNR;
#define cbDNR sizeof(DNR)
#define dnNil ((pDNR)0)

 * Auxillary information occurs only if needed.
 * It ALWAYS occurs in this order when present.

            isymMac		used by stProc only
            TIR			type info
            TIR			additional TQ info (if first TIR was not enough)
            rndx		if (bt == btStruct,btUnion,btEnum,btSet,btRange,
                                    rsym.index == iaux for btSet or btRange
                                    else rsym.index == isym
            dimLow		btRange, btSet
            dimMac		btRange, btSet
            rndx0		As many as there are tq arrays
            width in bits	if (bit field), width in bits.
#define cAuxMax (6 + (idimMax*3))

/* a union of all possible info in the AUX universe */
typedef union {
    TIR	ti;		/* type information record */
    RNDXR	rndx;		/* relative index into symbol table */
    coff_int	dnLow;		/* low dimension */
    coff_int	dnHigh;		/* high dimension */
    coff_int	isym;		/* symbol table index (end of proc) */
    coff_int	iss;		/* index into string space (not used) */
    coff_int	width;		/* width for non-default sized struc fields */
    coff_int	count;		/* count of ranges for variant arm */
#define cbAUXU sizeof(AUXU)
#define auxNil ((pAUXU)0)
#define iauxNil -1

 * Optimization symbols
 * Optimization symbols contain some overlap information with the normal
 * symbol table. In particular, the proc information
 * is somewhat redundant but necessary to easily find the other information
 * present.
 * All of the offsets are relative to the beginning of the last otProc

typedef struct {
    unsigned ot: 8;		/* optimization type */
    unsigned value: 24;	/* address where we are moving it to */
    RNDXR	rndx;		/* points to a symbol or opt entry */
    coff_ulong	offset;	/* relative offset this occured */
#define optNil	((pOPTR) 0)
#define cbOPTR sizeof(OPTR)
#define ioptNil -1

 * File Indirect
 * When a symbol is referenced across files the following procedure is used:
 *	1) use the file index to get the File indirect entry.
 *	2) use the file indirect entry to get the File descriptor.
 *	3) add the sym index to the base of that file's sym table

typedef coff_long RFDT, *pRFDT;
#define cbRFDT sizeof(RFDT)
#define rfdNil	-1

 * The file indirect table in the mips loader is known as an array of FITs.
 * This is done to keep the code in the loader readable in the area where
 * these tables are merged.  Note this is only a name change.
typedef coff_int FIT, *pFIT;
#define cbFIT	sizeof(FIT)
#define ifiNil	-1
#define fiNil	((pFIT) 0)

#define ifdNil -1
#define ilnNil -1
#define ipdNil -1
#define ilineNil -1
#define isymNil -1
#define indexNil 16#fffff
#define issNil -1
#define issNull 0
#define itqMax 6
#define iauxNil -1
#define ioptNil -1
#define rfdNil -1
#define ifiNil -1
#endif	/* _LANGUAGE_PASCAL */

/* Dense numbers
 * Rather than use file index, symbol index pairs to represent symbols
 *	and globals, we use dense number so that they can be easily embeded
 *	in intermediate code and the programs that process them can
 *	use direct access tabls instead of hash table (which would be
 *	necesary otherwise because of the sparse name space caused by
 *	file index, symbol index pairs. Dense number are represented
 *	by RNDXRs.

 * The following table defines the meaning of each SYM field as
 * a function of the "st". (scD/B == scData OR scBss)
 * Note: the value "isymMac" is used by symbols that have the concept
 * of enclosing a block of related information.	 This value is the
 * isym of the first symbol AFTER the end associated with the primary
 * symbol. For example if a procedure was at isym==90 and had an
 * isymMac==155, the associated end would be at isym==154, and the
 * symbol at 155 would probably (although not necessarily) be the
 * symbol for the next procedure.  This allows rapid skipping over
 * internal information of various sorts. "stEnd"s ALWAYS have the
 * isym of the primary symbol that started the block.

--------	------	--------	------
stFile		scText	address		isymMac
stLabel		scText	address		---
stGlobal	scD/B	address		iaux
stStatic	scD/B	address		iaux
stParam		scAbs	offset		iaux
stLocal		scAbs	offset		iaux
stProc		scText	address		iaux	(isymMac is first AUX)
stStaticProc	scText	address		iaux	(isymMac is first AUX)

stMember	scNil	ordinal		---	(if member of enum)
        (mipsread thinks the case below has a bit, not byte, offset.)
stMember	scNil	byte offset	iaux	(if member of struct/union)
stMember	scBits	bit offset	iaux	(bit field spec)

stBlock		scText	address		isymMac (text block)
        (the code seems to think that rather than scNil, we see scInfo for
         the two cases below.)
stBlock		scNil	cb		isymMac (struct/union member define)
stBlock		scNil	cMembers	isymMac (enum member define)

        (New types added by SGI to simplify things:)
stStruct	scInfo	cb		isymMac (struct type define)
stUnion		scInfo	cb		isymMac (union  type define)
stEnum		scInfo	cMembers	isymMac (enum   type define)

stEnd		scText	address		isymStart
stEnd		scNil	-------		isymStart (struct/union/enum)

stTypedef	scNil	-------		iaux
stRegReloc	sc???	value		old register number
stForward	sc???	new address	isym to original symbol

stConstant	scInfo	value		--- (scalar)
stConstant	scInfo	iss		--- (complex, e.g. string)
