/* * Copyright (c) 2001-2004 The Regents of The University of Michigan * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef __RES_LIST_HH__ #define __RES_LIST_HH__ #include "base/cprintf.hh" #include <assert.h> #define DEBUG_REMOVE 0 #define DEBUG_MEMORY 0 //#define DEBUG_MEMORY DEBUG class res_list_base { #if DEBUG_MEMORY protected: static long long allocated_elements; static long long allocated_lists; public: long long get_elements(void) { return allocated_elements; } long long get_lists(void) { return allocated_lists; } #endif }; #if DEBUG_MEMORY extern void what_the(void); #endif template<class T> class res_list : public res_list_base { public: class iterator; class res_element { res_element *next; res_element *prev; T *data; bool allocate_data; public: // always adds to the END of the list res_element(res_element *_prev, bool allocate); ~res_element(); void dump(void); friend class res_list<T>; friend class res_list<T>::iterator; }; class iterator { private: res_element *p; friend class res_list<T>; public: // Constructors iterator(res_element *q) : p(q) {} iterator(void) { p=0; }; void dump(void); T* data_ptr(void); res_element *res_el_ptr(void) { return p;} void point_to(T &d) { p->data = &d; } iterator next(void) { return iterator(p->next); } iterator prev(void) { return iterator(p->prev); } bool operator== (iterator x) { return (x.p == this->p); } bool operator != (iterator x) { return (x.p != this->p); } T &operator * (void) { return *(p->data); } T* operator -> (void) { return p->data; } bool isnull(void) { return (p==0); } bool notnull(void) { return (p!=0); } }; private: iterator unused_elements; iterator head_ptr; iterator tail_ptr; unsigned base_elements; unsigned extra_elements; unsigned active_elements; bool allocate_storage; unsigned build_size; int remove_count; // // Allocate new elements, and assign them to the unused_elements // list. // unsigned allocate_elements(unsigned num, bool allocate_storage); public: // // List Constructor // res_list(unsigned size, bool alloc_storage = false, unsigned build_sz = 5); // // List Destructor // ~res_list(); iterator head(void) {return head_ptr;}; iterator tail(void) {return tail_ptr;}; unsigned num_free(void) { return size() - count(); } unsigned size(void) { return base_elements + extra_elements; } unsigned count(void) { return active_elements; } bool empty(void) { return count() == 0; } bool full(void); // // Insert with data copy // iterator insert_after(iterator prev, T *d); iterator insert_after(iterator prev, T &d); iterator insert_before(iterator prev, T *d); iterator insert_before(iterator prev, T &d); // // Insert new list element (no data copy) // iterator insert_after(iterator prev); iterator insert_before(iterator prev); iterator add_tail(T *d) { return insert_after(tail_ptr, d); } iterator add_tail(T &d) { return insert_after(tail_ptr, d); } iterator add_tail(void) { return insert_after(tail_ptr); } iterator add_head(T *d) { return insert_before(head_ptr, d); } iterator add_head(T &d) { return insert_before(head_ptr, d); } iterator add_head(void) { return insert_before(head_ptr); } iterator remove(iterator q); iterator remove_head(void) {return remove(head_ptr);} iterator remove_tail(void) {return remove(tail_ptr);} bool in_list(iterator j); void free_extras(void); void clear(void); void dump(void); void raw_dump(void); }; template <class T> inline res_list<T>::res_element::res_element(res_element *_prev, bool allocate) { allocate_data = allocate; prev = _prev; next = 0; if (prev) prev->next = this; if (allocate) data = new T; else data = 0; #if DEBUG_MEMORY ++allocated_elements; #endif } template <class T> inline res_list<T>::res_element::~res_element(void) { if (prev) prev->next = next; if (next) next->prev = prev; if (allocate_data) delete data; #if DEBUG_MEMORY --allocated_elements; #endif } template <class T> inline void res_list<T>::res_element::dump(void) { cprintf(" prev = %#x\n", prev); cprintf(" next = %#x\n", next); cprintf(" data = %#x\n", data); } template <class T> inline void res_list<T>::iterator::dump(void) { if (p && p->data) p->data->dump(); else { if (!p) cprintf(" Null Pointer\n"); else cprintf(" Null 'data' Pointer\n"); } } template <class T> inline T * res_list<T>::iterator::data_ptr(void) { if (p) return p->data; else return 0; } // // Allocate new elements, and assign them to the unused_elements // list. // template <class T> inline unsigned res_list<T>::allocate_elements(unsigned num, bool allocate_storage) { res_element *pnew, *plast = 0, *pfirst=0; for (int i=0; i<num; ++i) { pnew = new res_element(plast, allocate_storage); if (i==0) pfirst = pnew; plast = pnew; } if (unused_elements.notnull()) { // Add these new elements to the front of the list plast->next = unused_elements.res_el_ptr(); unused_elements.res_el_ptr()->prev = plast; } unused_elements = iterator(pfirst); return num; } template <class T> inline res_list<T>::res_list(unsigned size, bool alloc_storage, unsigned build_sz) { #if DEBUG_MEMORY ++allocated_lists; #endif extra_elements = 0; active_elements = 0; build_size = build_sz; allocate_storage = alloc_storage; remove_count = 0; // Create the new elements base_elements = allocate_elements(size, alloc_storage); // The list of active elements head_ptr = iterator(0); tail_ptr = iterator(0); } // // List Destructor // template <class T> inline res_list<T>::~res_list(void) { iterator n; #if DEBUG_MEMORY --allocated_lists; #endif // put everything into the unused list clear(); // rudely delete all the res_elements for (iterator p = unused_elements; p.notnull(); p = n) { n = p.next(); // delete the res_element // (it will take care of deleting the data) delete p.res_el_ptr(); } } template <class T> inline bool res_list<T>::full(void) { if (build_size) return false; else return unused_elements.isnull(); } // // Insert with data copy // template <class T> inline typename res_list<T>::iterator res_list<T>::insert_after(iterator prev, T *d) { iterator p; if (!allocate_storage) this->panic("Can't copy data... not allocating storage"); p = insert_after(prev); if (p.notnull()) *p = *d; return p; } template <class T> inline typename res_list<T>::iterator res_list<T>::insert_after(iterator prev, T &d) { iterator p; p = insert_after(prev); if (p.notnull()) { if (allocate_storage) { // if we allocate storage, then copy the contents of the // specified object to our object *p = d; } else { // if we don't allocate storage, then we just want to // point to the specified object p.point_to(d); } } return p; } template <class T> inline typename res_list<T>::iterator res_list<T>::insert_after(iterator prev) { #if DEBUG_MEMORY if (active_elements > 2*base_elements) { what_the(); } #endif // If we have no unused elements, make some more if (unused_elements.isnull()) { if (build_size == 0) { return 0; // No space left, and can't allocate more.... } extra_elements += allocate_elements(build_size, allocate_storage); } // grab the first unused element res_element *p = unused_elements.res_el_ptr(); unused_elements = unused_elements.next(); ++active_elements; // Insert the new element if (head_ptr.isnull()) { // // Special case #1: Empty List // head_ptr = p; tail_ptr = p; p->prev = 0; p->next = 0; } else if (prev.isnull()) { // // Special case #2: Insert at head // // our next ptr points to old head element p->next = head_ptr.res_el_ptr(); // our element becomes the new head element head_ptr = p; // no previous element for the head p->prev = 0; // old head element points back to this element p->next->prev = p; } else if (prev.next().isnull()) { // // Special case #3 Insert at tail // // our prev pointer points to old tail element p->prev = tail_ptr.res_el_ptr(); // our element becomes the new tail tail_ptr = p; // no next element for the tail p->next = 0; // old tail element point to this element p->prev->next = p; } else { // // Normal insertion (after prev) // p->prev = prev.res_el_ptr(); p->next = prev.next().res_el_ptr(); prev.res_el_ptr()->next = p; p->next->prev = p; } return iterator(p); } template <class T> inline typename res_list<T>::iterator res_list<T>::insert_before(iterator next, T &d) { iterator p; p = insert_before(next); if (p.notnull()) { if (allocate_storage) { // if we allocate storage, then copy the contents of the // specified object to our object *p = d; } else { // if we don't allocate storage, then we just want to // point to the specified object p.point_to(d); } } return p; } template <class T> inline typename res_list<T>::iterator res_list<T>::insert_before(iterator next) { #if DEBUG_MEMORY if (active_elements > 2*base_elements) { what_the(); } #endif // If we have no unused elements, make some more if (unused_elements.isnull()) { if (build_size == 0) { return 0; // No space left, and can't allocate more.... } extra_elements += allocate_elements(build_size, allocate_storage); } // grab the first unused element res_element *p = unused_elements.res_el_ptr(); unused_elements = unused_elements.next(); ++active_elements; // Insert the new element if (head_ptr.isnull()) { // // Special case #1: Empty List // head_ptr = p; tail_ptr = p; p->prev = 0; p->next = 0; } else if (next.isnull()) { // // Special case #2 Insert at tail // // our prev pointer points to old tail element p->prev = tail_ptr.res_el_ptr(); // our element becomes the new tail tail_ptr = p; // no next element for the tail p->next = 0; // old tail element point to this element p->prev->next = p; } else if (next.prev().isnull()) { // // Special case #3: Insert at head // // our next ptr points to old head element p->next = head_ptr.res_el_ptr(); // our element becomes the new head element head_ptr = p; // no previous element for the head p->prev = 0; // old head element points back to this element p->next->prev = p; } else { // // Normal insertion (before next) // p->next = next.res_el_ptr(); p->prev = next.prev().res_el_ptr(); next.res_el_ptr()->prev = p; p->prev->next = p; } return iterator(p); } template <class T> inline typename res_list<T>::iterator res_list<T>::remove(iterator q) { res_element *p = q.res_el_ptr(); iterator n = 0; // Handle the special cases if (active_elements == 1) { // This is the only element head_ptr = 0; tail_ptr = 0; } else if (q == head_ptr) { // This is the head element head_ptr = q.next(); head_ptr.res_el_ptr()->prev = 0; n = head_ptr; } else if (q == tail_ptr) { // This is the tail element tail_ptr = q.prev(); tail_ptr.res_el_ptr()->next = 0; } else { // This is between two elements p->prev->next = p->next; p->next->prev = p->prev; // Get the "next" element for return n = p->next; } --active_elements; // Put this element back onto the unused list p->next = unused_elements.res_el_ptr(); p->prev = 0; if (p->next) { // NULL if unused list is empty p->next->prev = p; } if (!allocate_storage) { p->data = 0; } unused_elements = q; // A little "garbage collection" if (++remove_count > 10) { // free_extras(); remove_count = 0; } #if DEBUG_REMOVE unsigned unused_count = 0; for (iterator i=unused_elements; i.notnull(); i = i.next()) { ++unused_count; } assert((active_elements+unused_count) == (base_elements+extra_elements)); #endif return iterator(n); } template <class T> inline bool res_list<T>::in_list(iterator j) { iterator i; for (i=head(); i.notnull(); i=i.next()) { if (j.res_el_ptr() == i.res_el_ptr()) { return true; } } return false; } template <class T> inline void res_list<T>::free_extras(void) { unsigned num_unused = base_elements + extra_elements - active_elements; unsigned to_free = extra_elements; res_element *p; if (extra_elements != 0) { // // Free min(extra_elements, # unused elements) // if (extra_elements > num_unused) { to_free = num_unused; } p = unused_elements.res_el_ptr(); for (int i=0; i<to_free; ++i) { res_element *q = p->next; delete p; p = q; } // update the unused element pointer to point to the first // element that wasn't deleted. unused_elements = iterator(p); // Update the number of extra elements extra_elements -= to_free; } return; } template <class T> inline void res_list<T>::clear(void) { iterator i,n; for (i=head_ptr; i.notnull(); i=n) { n = i.next(); remove(i); } free_extras(); } template <class T> inline void res_list<T>::dump(void) { for (iterator i=head(); !i.isnull(); i=i.next()) i->dump(); } template <class T> inline void res_list<T>::raw_dump(void) { int j = 0; res_element *p; for (iterator i=head(); !i.isnull(); i=i.next()) { cprintf("Element %d:\n", j); if (i.notnull()) { p = i.res_el_ptr(); cprintf(" points to res_element @ %#x\n", p); p->dump(); cprintf(" Data Element:\n"); i->dump(); } else { cprintf(" NULL iterator!\n"); } ++j; } } #endif // __RES_LIST_HH__