# Copyright (c) 2015 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. # All rights reserved # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; # redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; # neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # Authors: David Hashe from __future__ import print_function import m5 from m5.objects import * from m5.util.convert import * import operator, os, platform, getpass from os import mkdir, makedirs, getpid, listdir, stat, access from pwd import getpwuid from os.path import join as joinpath from os.path import isdir from shutil import rmtree, copyfile def hex_mask(terms): dec_mask = reduce(operator.or_, [2**i for i in terms], 0) return "%08x" % dec_mask def file_append(path, contents): with open(joinpath(*path), 'a') as f: f.write(str(contents)) def replace_tree(path): if isdir(path): rmtree(path) mkdir(path) def config_filesystem(system, options = None): """ This function parses the system object to create the pseudo file system @param system: The system to create the config for @param options: An optional argument which contains an Options.py options object. This is useful if when use se.py and will set the L2 cache size and the clock in /proc/cpuinfo if provided. First, this function walks the system object to find all CPUs. Then, this function creates the following files with the CPU information - /proc/cpuinfo which contains the clock and the L2 size (assumes all L2s private and the same size) - /proc/stat simply lists all CPUs - /sys/devices/system/cpu/online and /sys/devices/system/cpu/possible These files list all of the CPUs in this system. - /tmp These files are created in the `fs` directory in the outdir path. """ fsdir = joinpath(m5.options.outdir, 'fs') replace_tree(fsdir) # Set up /proc procdir = joinpath(fsdir, 'proc') mkdir(procdir) try: cpus = \ [obj for obj in system.descendants() if isinstance(obj, BaseCPU)] except NameError: # BaseCPU is not defined for the NULL ISA cpus = [] cpu_clock = 0 if hasattr(options, 'cpu_clock'): cpu_clock = toFrequency(options.cpu_clock) / mega l2_size = 0 if hasattr(options, 'l2_size'): l2_size = toMemorySize(options.l2_size) / kibi for i,cpu in enumerate(cpus): one_cpu = 'processor : {proc}\n' + \ 'vendor_id : Generic\n' + \ 'cpu family : 0\n' + \ 'model : 0\n' + \ 'model name : Generic\n' + \ 'stepping : 0\n' + \ 'cpu MHz : {clock:0.3f}\n' + \ 'cache size: : {l2_size}K\n' + \ 'physical id : 0\n' + \ 'siblings : {num_cpus}\n' + \ 'core id : {proc}\n' + \ 'cpu cores : {num_cpus}\n' + \ 'fpu : yes\n' + \ 'fpu exception : yes\n' + \ 'cpuid level : 1\n' + \ 'wp : yes\n' + \ 'flags : fpu\n' + \ 'cache alignment : {cacheline_size}\n' + \ '\n' one_cpu = one_cpu.format(proc = i, num_cpus = len(cpus), # Note: it would be nice to use cpu.clock, but it hasn't # been finalized yet since m5.instantiate() isn't done. clock = cpu_clock, # Note: this assumes the L2 is private to each core l2_size = l2_size, cacheline_size=system.cache_line_size.getValue()) file_append((procdir, 'cpuinfo'), one_cpu) file_append((procdir, 'stat'), 'cpu 0 0 0 0 0 0 0\n') for i in xrange(len(cpus)): file_append((procdir, 'stat'), 'cpu%d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0\n' % i) # Set up /sys sysdir = joinpath(fsdir, 'sys') mkdir(sysdir) # Set up /sys/devices/system/cpu cpudir = joinpath(sysdir, 'devices', 'system', 'cpu') makedirs(cpudir) file_append((cpudir, 'online'), '0-%d' % (len(cpus) - 1)) file_append((cpudir, 'possible'), '0-%d' % (len(cpus) - 1)) # Set up /tmp tmpdir = joinpath(fsdir, 'tmp') replace_tree(tmpdir) if options and hasattr(options, 'chroot'): chroot = os.path.expanduser(options.chroot) else: chroot = '/' system.redirect_paths = _redirect_paths(chroot) def register_node(cpu_list, mem, node_number): nodebasedir = joinpath(m5.options.outdir, 'fs', 'sys', 'devices', 'system', 'node') nodedir = joinpath(nodebasedir,'node%d' % node_number) makedirs(nodedir) file_append((nodedir, 'cpumap'), hex_mask(cpu_list)) file_append((nodedir, 'meminfo'), 'Node %d MemTotal: %dkB' % (node_number, toMemorySize(str(mem))/kibi)) def register_cpu(physical_package_id, core_siblings, core_id, thread_siblings): cpudir = joinpath(m5.options.outdir, 'fs', 'sys', 'devices', 'system', 'cpu', 'cpu%d' % core_id) if not isdir(joinpath(cpudir, 'topology')): makedirs(joinpath(cpudir, 'topology')) if not isdir(joinpath(cpudir, 'cache')): makedirs(joinpath(cpudir, 'cache')) file_append((cpudir, 'online'), '1') file_append((cpudir, 'topology', 'physical_package_id'), physical_package_id) file_append((cpudir, 'topology', 'core_siblings'), hex_mask(core_siblings)) file_append((cpudir, 'topology', 'core_id'), core_id) file_append((cpudir, 'topology', 'thread_siblings'), hex_mask(thread_siblings)) def register_cache(level, idu_type, size, line_size, assoc, cpus): fsdir = joinpath(m5.options.outdir, 'fs') for i in cpus: cachedir = joinpath(fsdir, 'sys', 'devices', 'system', 'cpu', 'cpu%d' % i, 'cache') j = 0 while isdir(joinpath(cachedir, 'index%d' % j)): j += 1 indexdir = joinpath(cachedir, 'index%d' % j) makedirs(indexdir) file_append((indexdir, 'level'), level) file_append((indexdir, 'type'), idu_type) file_append((indexdir, 'size'), "%dK" % (toMemorySize(size)/kibi)) file_append((indexdir, 'coherency_line_size'), line_size) # Since cache size = number of indices * associativity * block size num_sets = toMemorySize(size) / int(assoc) * int(line_size) file_append((indexdir, 'number_of_sets'), num_sets) file_append((indexdir, 'physical_line_partition'), '1') file_append((indexdir, 'shared_cpu_map'), hex_mask(cpus)) def _redirect_paths(chroot): # Redirect filesystem syscalls from src to the first matching dests redirect_paths = [RedirectPath(app_path = "/proc", host_paths = ["%s/fs/proc" % m5.options.outdir]), RedirectPath(app_path = "/sys", host_paths = ["%s/fs/sys" % m5.options.outdir]), RedirectPath(app_path = "/tmp", host_paths = ["%s/fs/tmp" % m5.options.outdir]), RedirectPath(app_path = "/", host_paths = ["%s" % chroot])] return redirect_paths