# This format supports comments using the '#' symbol as the leading # character of the line # # The file format contains [STATE]+ [INIT] [TRANSITION]+ in any order, # where the states are the nodes in the graph, init describes what # state to start in, and transition describes the edges of the graph. # # STATE # # State IDLE idles # # States LINEAR and RANDOM have additional: # STATE = [LINEAR, RANDOM] # # # # # # # # # # # # State TRACE plays back a pre-recorded trace once # # Addresses are expressed as decimal numbers, both in the # configuration and the trace file. The period in the linear and # random state is from a uniform random distribution over the # interval. If a specific value is desired, then the min and max can # be set to the same value. STATE 0 100 IDLE STATE 1 10000000 LINEAR 100 2147483648 2181038080 64 30000 30000 0 INIT 0 TRANSITION 0 1 1 TRANSITION 1 0 1