/* * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Regents of The University of Michigan * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <map> #include "cpu/beta_cpu/mem_dep_unit.hh" template <class MemDepPred, class Impl> MemDepUnit<MemDepPred, Impl>::MemDepUnit(Params ¶ms) : depPred(params.SSITSize, params.LFSTSize) { DPRINTF(MemDepUnit, "MemDepUnit: Creating MemDepUnit object.\n"); } template <class MemDepPred, class Impl> void MemDepUnit<MemDepPred, Impl>::regStats() { insertedLoads .name(name() + ".memDep.insertedLoads") .desc("Number of loads inserted to the mem dependence unit."); insertedStores .name(name() + ".memDep.insertedStores") .desc("Number of stores inserted to the mem dependence unit."); conflictingLoads .name(name() + ".memDep.conflictingLoads") .desc("Number of conflicting loads."); conflictingStores .name(name() + ".memDep.conflictingStores") .desc("Number of conflicting stores."); } template <class MemDepPred, class Impl> void MemDepUnit<MemDepPred, Impl>::insert(DynInstPtr &inst) { InstSeqNum inst_seq_num = inst->seqNum; Dependency unresolved_dependencies(inst_seq_num); InstSeqNum producing_store = depPred.checkInst(inst->readPC()); if (producing_store == 0 || storeDependents.find(producing_store) == storeDependents.end()) { DPRINTF(MemDepUnit, "MemDepUnit: No dependency for inst PC " "%#x.\n", inst->readPC()); unresolved_dependencies.storeDep = storeDependents.end(); if (inst->readyToIssue()) { readyInsts.insert(inst_seq_num); } else { unresolved_dependencies.memDepReady = true; waitingInsts.insert(unresolved_dependencies); } } else { DPRINTF(MemDepUnit, "MemDepUnit: Adding to dependency list; " "inst PC %#x is dependent on seq num %i.\n", inst->readPC(), producing_store); if (inst->readyToIssue()) { unresolved_dependencies.regsReady = true; } // Find the store that this instruction is dependent on. sd_it_t store_loc = storeDependents.find(producing_store); assert(store_loc != storeDependents.end()); // Record the location of the store that this instruction is // dependent on. unresolved_dependencies.storeDep = store_loc; // If it's not already ready, then add it to the renamed // list and the dependencies. dep_it_t inst_loc = (waitingInsts.insert(unresolved_dependencies)).first; // Add this instruction to the list of dependents. (*store_loc).second.push_back(inst_loc); assert(!(*store_loc).second.empty()); if (inst->isLoad()) { ++conflictingLoads; } else { ++conflictingStores; } } if (inst->isStore()) { DPRINTF(MemDepUnit, "MemDepUnit: Inserting store PC %#x.\n", inst->readPC()); depPred.insertStore(inst->readPC(), inst_seq_num); // Make sure this store isn't already in this list. assert(storeDependents.find(inst_seq_num) == storeDependents.end()); // Put a dependency entry in at the store's sequence number. // Uh, not sure how this works...I want to create an entry but // I don't have anything to put into the value yet. storeDependents[inst_seq_num]; assert(storeDependents.size() != 0); ++insertedStores; } else if (inst->isLoad()) { ++insertedLoads; } else { panic("MemDepUnit: Unknown type! (most likely a barrier)."); } memInsts[inst_seq_num] = inst; } template <class MemDepPred, class Impl> void MemDepUnit<MemDepPred, Impl>::insertNonSpec(DynInstPtr &inst) { InstSeqNum inst_seq_num = inst->seqNum; Dependency non_spec_inst(inst_seq_num); non_spec_inst.storeDep = storeDependents.end(); waitingInsts.insert(non_spec_inst); // Might want to turn this part into an inline function or something. // It's shared between both insert functions. if (inst->isStore()) { DPRINTF(MemDepUnit, "MemDepUnit: Inserting store PC %#x.\n", inst->readPC()); depPred.insertStore(inst->readPC(), inst_seq_num); // Make sure this store isn't already in this list. assert(storeDependents.find(inst_seq_num) == storeDependents.end()); // Put a dependency entry in at the store's sequence number. // Uh, not sure how this works...I want to create an entry but // I don't have anything to put into the value yet. storeDependents[inst_seq_num]; assert(storeDependents.size() != 0); ++insertedStores; } else if (inst->isLoad()) { ++insertedLoads; } else { panic("MemDepUnit: Unknown type! (most likely a barrier)."); } memInsts[inst_seq_num] = inst; } template <class MemDepPred, class Impl> typename Impl::DynInstPtr & MemDepUnit<MemDepPred, Impl>::top() { topInst = memInsts.find( (*readyInsts.begin()) ); DPRINTF(MemDepUnit, "MemDepUnit: Top instruction is PC %#x.\n", (*topInst).second->readPC()); return (*topInst).second; } template <class MemDepPred, class Impl> void MemDepUnit<MemDepPred, Impl>::pop() { DPRINTF(MemDepUnit, "MemDepUnit: Removing instruction PC %#x.\n", (*topInst).second->readPC()); wakeDependents((*topInst).second); issue((*topInst).second); memInsts.erase(topInst); topInst = memInsts.end(); } template <class MemDepPred, class Impl> void MemDepUnit<MemDepPred, Impl>::regsReady(DynInstPtr &inst) { DPRINTF(MemDepUnit, "MemDepUnit: Marking registers as ready for " "instruction PC %#x.\n", inst->readPC()); InstSeqNum inst_seq_num = inst->seqNum; Dependency inst_to_find(inst_seq_num); dep_it_t waiting_inst = waitingInsts.find(inst_to_find); assert(waiting_inst != waitingInsts.end()); if ((*waiting_inst).memDepReady) { DPRINTF(MemDepUnit, "MemDepUnit: Instruction has its memory " "dependencies resolved, adding it to the ready list.\n"); moveToReady(waiting_inst); } else { DPRINTF(MemDepUnit, "MemDepUnit: Instruction still waiting on " "memory dependency.\n"); (*waiting_inst).regsReady = true; } } template <class MemDepPred, class Impl> void MemDepUnit<MemDepPred, Impl>::nonSpecInstReady(DynInstPtr &inst) { DPRINTF(MemDepUnit, "MemDepUnit: Marking non speculative " "instruction PC %#x as ready.\n", inst->readPC()); InstSeqNum inst_seq_num = inst->seqNum; Dependency inst_to_find(inst_seq_num); dep_it_t waiting_inst = waitingInsts.find(inst_to_find); assert(waiting_inst != waitingInsts.end()); moveToReady(waiting_inst); } template <class MemDepPred, class Impl> void MemDepUnit<MemDepPred, Impl>::issue(DynInstPtr &inst) { assert(readyInsts.find(inst->seqNum) != readyInsts.end()); DPRINTF(MemDepUnit, "MemDepUnit: Issuing instruction PC %#x.\n", inst->readPC()); // Remove the instruction from the ready list. readyInsts.erase(inst->seqNum); depPred.issued(inst->readPC(), inst->seqNum, inst->isStore()); } template <class MemDepPred, class Impl> void MemDepUnit<MemDepPred, Impl>::wakeDependents(DynInstPtr &inst) { // Only stores have dependents. if (!inst->isStore()) { return; } // Wake any dependencies. sd_it_t sd_it = storeDependents.find(inst->seqNum); // If there's no entry, then return. Really there should only be // no entry if the instruction is a load. if (sd_it == storeDependents.end()) { DPRINTF(MemDepUnit, "MemDepUnit: Instruction PC %#x, sequence " "number %i has no dependents.\n", inst->readPC(), inst->seqNum); return; } for (int i = 0; i < (*sd_it).second.size(); ++i ) { dep_it_t woken_inst = (*sd_it).second[i]; DPRINTF(MemDepUnit, "MemDepUnit: Waking up a dependent inst, " "sequence number %i.\n", (*woken_inst).seqNum); #if 0 // Should we have reached instructions that are actually squashed, // there will be no more useful instructions in this dependency // list. Break out early. if (waitingInsts.find(woken_inst) == waitingInsts.end()) { DPRINTF(MemDepUnit, "MemDepUnit: Dependents on inst PC %#x " "are squashed, starting at SN %i. Breaking early.\n", inst->readPC(), woken_inst); break; } #endif if ((*woken_inst).regsReady) { moveToReady(woken_inst); } else { (*woken_inst).memDepReady = true; } } storeDependents.erase(sd_it); } template <class MemDepPred, class Impl> void MemDepUnit<MemDepPred, Impl>::squash(const InstSeqNum &squashed_num) { if (!waitingInsts.empty()) { dep_it_t waiting_it = waitingInsts.end(); --waiting_it; // Remove entries from the renamed list as long as we haven't reached // the end and the entries continue to be younger than the squashed. while (!waitingInsts.empty() && (*waiting_it).seqNum > squashed_num) { if (!(*waiting_it).memDepReady && (*waiting_it).storeDep != storeDependents.end()) { sd_it_t sd_it = (*waiting_it).storeDep; // Make sure the iterator that the store has pointing // back is actually to this instruction. assert((*sd_it).second.back() == waiting_it); // Now remove this from the store's list of dependent // instructions. (*sd_it).second.pop_back(); } waitingInsts.erase(waiting_it--); } } if (!readyInsts.empty()) { sn_it_t ready_it = readyInsts.end(); --ready_it; // Same for the ready list. while (!readyInsts.empty() && (*ready_it) > squashed_num) { readyInsts.erase(ready_it--); } } if (!storeDependents.empty()) { sd_it_t dep_it = storeDependents.end(); --dep_it; // Same for the dependencies list. while (!storeDependents.empty() && (*dep_it).first > squashed_num) { // This store's list of dependent instructions should be empty. assert((*dep_it).second.empty()); storeDependents.erase(dep_it--); } } // Tell the dependency predictor to squash as well. depPred.squash(squashed_num); } template <class MemDepPred, class Impl> void MemDepUnit<MemDepPred, Impl>::violation(DynInstPtr &store_inst, DynInstPtr &violating_load) { DPRINTF(MemDepUnit, "MemDepUnit: Passing violating PCs to store sets," " load: %#x, store: %#x\n", violating_load->readPC(), store_inst->readPC()); // Tell the memory dependence unit of the violation. depPred.violation(violating_load->readPC(), store_inst->readPC()); } template <class MemDepPred, class Impl> inline void MemDepUnit<MemDepPred, Impl>::moveToReady(dep_it_t &woken_inst) { DPRINTF(MemDepUnit, "MemDepUnit: Adding instruction sequence number %i " "to the ready list.\n", (*woken_inst).seqNum); // Add it to the ready list. readyInsts.insert((*woken_inst).seqNum); // Remove it from the waiting instructions. waitingInsts.erase(woken_inst); }