/* * Copyright (c) 2003 The Regents of The University of Michigan * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* @file * Disk Image Definitions */ #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/uio.h> #include <errno.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include "base/callback.hh" #include "base/misc.hh" #include "base/trace.hh" #include "dev/disk_image.hh" #include "sim/builder.hh" #include "sim/sim_exit.hh" using namespace std; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Raw Disk image // RawDiskImage::RawDiskImage(const string &name, const string &filename, bool rd_only) : DiskImage(name), disk_size(0) { open(filename, rd_only); } RawDiskImage::~RawDiskImage() { close(); } void RawDiskImage::open(const string &filename, bool rd_only) { if (!filename.empty()) { initialized = true; readonly = rd_only; file = filename; ios::openmode mode = ios::in | ios::binary; if (!readonly) mode |= ios::out; stream.open(file.c_str(), mode); if (!stream.is_open()) panic("Error opening %s", filename); } } void RawDiskImage::close() { stream.close(); } off_t RawDiskImage::size() const { if (disk_size == 0) { if (!stream.is_open()) panic("file not open!\n"); stream.seekg(0, ios::end); disk_size = stream.tellg(); } return disk_size / SectorSize; } off_t RawDiskImage::read(uint8_t *data, off_t offset) const { if (!initialized) panic("RawDiskImage not initialized"); if (!stream.is_open()) panic("file not open!\n"); if (stream.seekg(offset * SectorSize, ios::beg) < 0) panic("Could not seek to location in file"); streampos pos = stream.tellg(); stream.read((char *)data, SectorSize); DPRINTF(DiskImageRead, "read: offset=%d\n", (uint64_t)offset); DDUMP(DiskImageRead, data, SectorSize); return stream.tellg() - pos; } off_t RawDiskImage::write(const uint8_t *data, off_t offset) { if (!initialized) panic("RawDiskImage not initialized"); if (readonly) panic("Cannot write to a read only disk image"); if (!stream.is_open()) panic("file not open!\n"); if (stream.seekp(offset * SectorSize, ios::beg) < 0) panic("Could not seek to location in file"); DPRINTF(DiskImageWrite, "write: offset=%d\n", (uint64_t)offset); DDUMP(DiskImageWrite, data, SectorSize); streampos pos = stream.tellp(); stream.write((const char *)data, SectorSize); return stream.tellp() - pos; } DEFINE_SIM_OBJECT_CLASS_NAME("DiskImage", DiskImage) BEGIN_DECLARE_SIM_OBJECT_PARAMS(RawDiskImage) Param<string> image_file; Param<bool> read_only; END_DECLARE_SIM_OBJECT_PARAMS(RawDiskImage) BEGIN_INIT_SIM_OBJECT_PARAMS(RawDiskImage) INIT_PARAM(image_file, "disk image file"), INIT_PARAM_DFLT(read_only, "read only image", false) END_INIT_SIM_OBJECT_PARAMS(RawDiskImage) CREATE_SIM_OBJECT(RawDiskImage) { return new RawDiskImage(getInstanceName(), image_file, read_only); } REGISTER_SIM_OBJECT("RawDiskImage", RawDiskImage) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copy on Write Disk image // const int CowDiskImage::VersionMajor = 1; const int CowDiskImage::VersionMinor = 0; CowDiskImage::CowDiskImage(const string &name, DiskImage *kid, int hash_size) : DiskImage(name), child(kid), table(NULL) { init(hash_size); } class CowDiskCallback : public Callback { private: CowDiskImage *image; public: CowDiskCallback(CowDiskImage *i) : image(i) {} void process() { image->save(); delete this; } }; CowDiskImage::CowDiskImage(const string &name, DiskImage *kid, int hash_size, const string &file, bool read_only) : DiskImage(name), filename(file), child(kid), table(NULL) { if (!open(filename)) { assert(!read_only && "why have a non-existent read only file?"); init(hash_size); } if (!read_only) registerExitCallback(new CowDiskCallback(this)); } CowDiskImage::~CowDiskImage() { SectorTable::iterator i = table->begin(); SectorTable::iterator end = table->end(); while (i != end) { delete (*i).second; ++i; } } void SafeRead(ifstream &stream, void *data, int count) { stream.read((char *)data, count); if (!stream.is_open()) panic("file not open"); if (stream.eof()) panic("premature end-of-file"); if (stream.bad() || stream.fail()) panic("error reading cowdisk image"); } template<class T> void SafeRead(ifstream &stream, T &data) { SafeRead(stream, &data, sizeof(data)); } bool CowDiskImage::open(const string &file) { ifstream stream(file.c_str()); if (!stream.is_open()) return false; if (stream.fail() || stream.bad()) panic("Error opening %s", file); uint64_t magic; SafeRead(stream, magic); if (memcmp(&magic, "COWDISK!", sizeof(magic)) != 0) panic("Could not open %s: Invalid magic", file); uint32_t major, minor; SafeRead(stream, major); SafeRead(stream, minor); if (major != VersionMajor && minor != VersionMinor) panic("Could not open %s: invalid version %d.%d != %d.%d", file, major, minor, VersionMajor, VersionMinor); uint64_t sector_count; SafeRead(stream, sector_count); table = new SectorTable(sector_count); for (uint64_t i = 0; i < sector_count; i++) { uint64_t offset; SafeRead(stream, offset); Sector *sector = new Sector; SafeRead(stream, sector, sizeof(Sector)); assert(table->find(offset) == table->end()); (*table)[offset] = sector; } stream.close(); initialized = true; return true; } void CowDiskImage::init(int hash_size) { table = new SectorTable(hash_size); initialized = true; } void SafeWrite(ofstream &stream, const void *data, int count) { stream.write((const char *)data, count); if (!stream.is_open()) panic("file not open"); if (stream.eof()) panic("premature end-of-file"); if (stream.bad() || stream.fail()) panic("error reading cowdisk image"); } template<class T> void SafeWrite(ofstream &stream, const T &data) { SafeWrite(stream, &data, sizeof(data)); } void CowDiskImage::save() { save(filename); } void CowDiskImage::save(const string &file) { if (!initialized) panic("RawDiskImage not initialized"); ofstream stream(file.c_str()); if (!stream.is_open() || stream.fail() || stream.bad()) panic("Error opening %s", file); uint64_t magic; memcpy(&magic, "COWDISK!", sizeof(magic)); SafeWrite(stream, magic); SafeWrite(stream, (uint32_t)VersionMajor); SafeWrite(stream, (uint32_t)VersionMinor); SafeWrite(stream, (uint64_t)table->size()); uint64_t size = table->size(); SectorTable::iterator iter = table->begin(); SectorTable::iterator end = table->end(); for (uint64_t i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (iter == end) panic("Incorrect Table Size during save of COW disk image"); SafeWrite(stream, (uint64_t)(*iter).first); SafeWrite(stream, (*iter).second->data, sizeof(Sector)); ++iter; } stream.close(); } void CowDiskImage::writeback() { SectorTable::iterator i = table->begin(); SectorTable::iterator end = table->end(); while (i != end) { child->write((*i).second->data, (*i).first); ++i; } } off_t CowDiskImage::size() const { return child->size(); } off_t CowDiskImage::read(uint8_t *data, off_t offset) const { if (!initialized) panic("CowDiskImage not initialized"); if (offset > size()) panic("access out of bounds"); SectorTable::const_iterator i = table->find(offset); if (i == table->end()) return child->read(data, offset); else { memcpy(data, (*i).second->data, SectorSize); DPRINTF(DiskImageRead, "read: offset=%d\n", (uint64_t)offset); DDUMP(DiskImageRead, data, SectorSize); return SectorSize; } } off_t CowDiskImage::write(const uint8_t *data, off_t offset) { if (!initialized) panic("RawDiskImage not initialized"); if (offset > size()) panic("access out of bounds"); SectorTable::iterator i = table->find(offset); if (i == table->end()) { Sector *sector = new Sector; memcpy(sector, data, SectorSize); table->insert(make_pair(offset, sector)); } else { memcpy((*i).second->data, data, SectorSize); } DPRINTF(DiskImageWrite, "write: offset=%d\n", (uint64_t)offset); DDUMP(DiskImageWrite, data, SectorSize); return SectorSize; } void CowDiskImage::serialize(ostream &os) { string cowFilename = Checkpoint::dir() + name() + ".cow"; SERIALIZE_SCALAR(cowFilename); save(cowFilename); } void CowDiskImage::unserialize(Checkpoint *cp, const string §ion) { string cowFilename; UNSERIALIZE_SCALAR(cowFilename); open(cowFilename); } BEGIN_DECLARE_SIM_OBJECT_PARAMS(CowDiskImage) SimObjectParam<DiskImage *> child; Param<string> image_file; Param<int> table_size; Param<bool> read_only; END_DECLARE_SIM_OBJECT_PARAMS(CowDiskImage) BEGIN_INIT_SIM_OBJECT_PARAMS(CowDiskImage) INIT_PARAM(child, "child image"), INIT_PARAM_DFLT(image_file, "disk image file", ""), INIT_PARAM_DFLT(table_size, "initial table size", 65536), INIT_PARAM_DFLT(read_only, "don't write back to the copy-on-write file", true) END_INIT_SIM_OBJECT_PARAMS(CowDiskImage) CREATE_SIM_OBJECT(CowDiskImage) { if (((string)image_file).empty()) return new CowDiskImage(getInstanceName(), child, table_size); else return new CowDiskImage(getInstanceName(), child, table_size, image_file, read_only); } REGISTER_SIM_OBJECT("CowDiskImage", CowDiskImage)