/* Copyright (c) 2012 Massachusetts Institute of Technology * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "Calculator.h" #include <cctype> #include <iostream> namespace LibUtil { using std::cout; using std::endl; using std::scientific; Calculator::Calculator() { m_reserved_chars_ = "+-*/;=()\\"; } Calculator::~Calculator() {} void Calculator::reset() { m_var_.clear(); return; } void Calculator::evaluateString(const String& str_, const map<String, String> &config, DSENT::Model *ms_model, map<string, double> &outputs) { istringstream ist(str_); while(ist) { getToken(ist); if(m_curr_token_ == END) break; if(m_curr_token_ == SEP) continue; if((m_curr_token_ == NAME) && (m_value_string_ == "print")) { getToken(ist); if(m_curr_token_ == STRING) { String print_str = m_value_string_; getToken(ist); if(m_curr_token_ == SEP) { outputs[print_str] = 0; cout << print_str << endl; } else { double v = expr(ist, false, config, ms_model); outputs[print_str] = v; cout << print_str << v << endl; } } else { double v = expr(ist, false, config, ms_model); outputs["Missing Expression"] = v; cout << v << endl; } } else { expr(ist, false, config, ms_model); } } } Calculator::Token Calculator::getToken(istringstream& ist_) { char ch; do { ist_.get(ch); if(!ist_) { m_curr_token_ = END; return m_curr_token_; } } while(ch != '\n' && isspace(ch)); switch(ch) { case '\n': m_curr_token_ = END; return m_curr_token_; case ';': m_curr_token_ = SEP; return m_curr_token_; case '*': case '/': case '+': case '-': case '(': case ')': case '=': m_curr_token_ = Token(ch); return m_curr_token_; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': case '.': ist_.putback(ch); ist_ >> m_value_number_; m_curr_token_ = NUMBER; return m_curr_token_; case '"': ist_.get(ch); m_value_string_ = ""; while(ist_ && ('"' != ch)) { m_value_string_ += String(1, ch); ist_.get(ch); } m_curr_token_ = STRING; return m_curr_token_; case '$': ist_.get(ch); ASSERT((ch == '('), "[Error] Bad token: '(' expected"); ist_.get(ch); m_value_string_ = ""; while(ist_ && (!isspace(ch)) && (')' != ch)) { m_value_string_ += String(1, ch); ist_.get(ch); } m_curr_token_ = NAME2; return m_curr_token_; default: if(isalpha(ch)) { m_value_string_ = ch; ist_.get(ch); while(ist_ && (isalnum(ch) || ('_' == ch))) { m_value_string_ += String(1, ch); ist_.get(ch); } ist_.putback(ch); m_curr_token_ = NAME; return m_curr_token_; } else { String error_msg = "[Error] Bad token: '" + String(ch) + "'"; throw Exception(error_msg); } } } double Calculator::prim(istringstream& ist_, bool is_get_, const map<String, String> &config, DSENT::Model *ms_model) { if(is_get_) { getToken(ist_); } double v; switch(m_curr_token_) { case NUMBER: v = m_value_number_; getToken(ist_); return v; case NAME: if(getToken(ist_) == ASSIGN) { String var_name = m_value_string_; v = expr(ist_, true, config, ms_model); m_var_.set(var_name, v); } else { v = m_var_.get(m_value_string_); } return v; case NAME2: v = getEnvVar(m_value_string_, config, ms_model); getToken(ist_); return v; case MINUS: return -prim(ist_, true, config, ms_model); case LP: v = expr(ist_, true, config, ms_model); ASSERT((m_curr_token_ == RP), "[Error] ')' expected"); getToken(ist_); return v; default: ASSERT(0, "[Error] primary expected, get: '" + String(int(m_curr_token_)) + "'"); } } double Calculator::term(istringstream& ist_, bool is_get_, const map<String, String> &config, DSENT::Model *ms_model) { double left = prim(ist_, is_get_, config, ms_model); while(1) { double d; switch(m_curr_token_) { case MUL: left *= prim(ist_, true, config, ms_model); break; case DIV: d = prim(ist_, true, config, ms_model); ASSERT(d, "[Error] divided by 0"); left /= d; break; default: return left; } } } double Calculator::expr(istringstream& ist_, bool is_get_, const map<String, String> &config, DSENT::Model *ms_model) { double left = term(ist_, is_get_, config, ms_model); while(1) { switch(m_curr_token_) { case PLUS: left += term(ist_, true, config, ms_model); break; case MINUS: left -= term(ist_, true, config, ms_model); break; default: return left; } } } double Calculator::getEnvVar(const String& var_name_, const map<String, String> &config, DSENT::Model *ms_model) const { return m_var_.get(var_name_); } } // namespace LibUtil