#ifndef __STRING_H__ #define __STRING_H__ #include <string> #include <cstdarg> #include <vector> #include <sstream> #include <bitset> namespace LibUtil { using std::string; using std::vector; class String : public string { public: static String format(const String& format_, ...); static String format(const String& format_, va_list args_); template<class T> static String toString(const T& value_); static String toBitString(unsigned int value_, unsigned int num_bits_); template<class T> static T fromString(const String& str_); private: static const unsigned int msBufferSize; public: String(); String(const string& str_); String(const char* str_, size_t n); String(const char* str_); String(size_t n, char c); String(int value_); String(unsigned int value_); String(long value_); String(unsigned long value_); String(float value_); String(double value_); String(bool value_); ~String(); public: // Remove leading and trailing whitespace String& trim(); // Substitute str1 with str2 String& substitute(const String& str1_, const String& str2_); // Split the String into vector of Strings separated by delimiters_ vector<String> split(const char* delimiters_) const; vector<String> split(const String* delimiters_, unsigned int num_delimiters_ = 1) const; vector<String> splitByString(const String& delimiters_) const; // Check if contains str bool contain(const String& str_) const; public: // Convertions const char* toCString() const; int toInt() const; unsigned int toUInt() const; long toLong() const; unsigned long toULong() const; float toFloat() const; double toDouble() const; bool toBool() const; operator const char*() const; operator int() const; operator unsigned int() const; operator long() const; operator unsigned long() const; operator float() const; operator double() const; operator bool() const; String& operator=(char c_); }; template<class T> String String::toString(const T& value_) { std::ostringstream ost; ost << value_; return ost.str(); } template<> inline String String::toString<bool>(const bool& value_) { if(value_ == true) { return "TRUE"; } else { return "FALSE"; } } inline String String::toBitString(unsigned int value_, unsigned int num_bits_) { std::bitset<sizeof(unsigned int)*8> bitSet(value_); String ret = String(bitSet.to_string()); ret = ret.substr(ret.length()-num_bits_); return ret; } template<class T> T String::fromString(const String& str_) { T ret; std::istringstream ist(str_); ist >> ret; return ret; } template<> inline String String::fromString<String>(const String& str_) { return str_; } template<> inline bool String::fromString<bool>(const String& str_) { bool ret; if((str_ == String("TRUE")) || (str_ == String("true"))) { ret = true; } else if((str_ == string("FALSE")) || (str_ == String("false"))) { ret = false; } else { //std::cerr << "Invalid bool value: " << str_ << std::endl; throw ("Invalid bool value: " + str_); } return ret; } template<class T> String arrayToString( const T* array_, unsigned int start_index_, unsigned int end_index_, const String& delimiters_ ) { // Ensure end_index_ >= start_index_ + 1 if(end_index_ <= start_index_) { throw("Invalid index range: start_index = " + (String)start_index_ + ", end_index = " + (String)end_index_); } String ret = "["; for(unsigned int i = start_index_; i < (end_index_-1); ++i) { ret += (String)array_[i] + delimiters_; } ret += (String)array_[end_index_-1] + "]"; return ret; } template<class T> String arrayToString(const T* array_, unsigned int num_elements_) { return arrayToString(array_, 0, num_elements_, ", "); } template<class T> String arrayToString(const T* array_, unsigned int start_index_, unsigned int end_index_) { return arrayToString(array_, start_index_, end_index_); } template<class T> String vectorToString( const vector<T>& vector_, unsigned int start_index_, unsigned int end_index_, const String& delimiters_ ) { // Ensure end_index_ >= start_index_ + 1, or if the vector is empty if((end_index_ <= start_index_) || (end_index_ > vector_.size())) { // If the vector is empty, return empty array if (vector_.size() == 0) return "[]"; throw("Invalid index range: start_index = " + (String)start_index_ + ", end_index = " + (String)end_index_); } String ret = "["; for(unsigned int i = start_index_; i < (end_index_-1); ++i) { ret += (String)vector_[i] + delimiters_; } ret += (String)vector_[end_index_-1] + "]"; return ret; } template<class T> String vectorToString(const vector<T>& vector_) { return vectorToString(vector_, 0, vector_.size(), ", "); } template<class T> String vectorToString(const vector<T>& vector_, unsigned int num_elements_) { return vectorToString(vector_, 0, num_elements_, ", "); } template<class T> String vectorToString(const vector<T>& vector_, unsigned int start_index_, unsigned int end_index_) { return vectorToString(vector_, start_index_, end_index_); } template<class T> vector<T> castStringVector(const vector<String>& vector_) { vector<T> ret_vector; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < vector_.size(); ++i) { ret_vector.push_back((T)vector_[i]); } return ret_vector; } std::istream& safeGetline(std::istream& is_, String& str_); } // namespace LibUtil #endif // __STRING_H__