/***************************************************************************** * McPAT * SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT * Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. * Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. * All Rights Reserved * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * ***************************************************************************/ #include <algorithm> #include <cassert> #include <cmath> #include <iostream> #include <string> #include "basic_circuit.h" #include "common.h" #include "const.h" #include "io.h" #include "noc.h" #include "parameter.h" OnChipNetwork::OnChipNetwork(XMLNode* _xml_data, int ithNoC_, InputParameter* interface_ip_) : McPATComponent(_xml_data), router(NULL), link_bus(NULL), ithNoC(ithNoC_), interface_ip(*interface_ip_), link_bus_exist(false), router_exist(false) { name = "On-Chip Network"; set_param_stats(); local_result = init_interface(&interface_ip, name); scktRatio = g_tp.sckt_co_eff; // TODO: Routers and links should be children of the NOC component if (noc_params.type) { init_router(); } else { init_link_bus(); } } void OnChipNetwork::init_router() { router = new Router(noc_params.flit_size, noc_params.virtual_channel_per_port * noc_params.input_buffer_entries_per_vc, noc_params.virtual_channel_per_port, &(g_tp.peri_global), noc_params.input_ports, noc_params.output_ports, noc_params.M_traffic_pattern); // TODO: Make a router class within McPAT that descends from McPATComponent // children.push_back(router); area.set_area(area.get_area() + router->area.get_area() * noc_params.total_nodes); double long_channel_device_reduction = longer_channel_device_reduction(Uncore_device); router->power.readOp.longer_channel_leakage = router->power.readOp.leakage * long_channel_device_reduction; router->buffer.power.readOp.longer_channel_leakage = router->buffer.power.readOp.leakage * long_channel_device_reduction; router->crossbar.power.readOp.longer_channel_leakage = router->crossbar.power.readOp.leakage * long_channel_device_reduction; router->arbiter.power.readOp.longer_channel_leakage = router->arbiter.power.readOp.leakage * long_channel_device_reduction; router_exist = true; } void OnChipNetwork::init_link_bus() { if (noc_params.type) { link_name = "Links"; } else { link_name = "Bus"; } interface_ip.throughput = noc_params.link_throughput / noc_params.clockRate; interface_ip.latency = noc_params.link_latency / noc_params.clockRate; link_len /= (noc_params.horizontal_nodes + noc_params.vertical_nodes) / 2; if (noc_params.total_nodes > 1) { //All links are shared by neighbors link_len /= 2; } link_bus = new Interconnect(xml_data, "Link", Uncore_device, noc_params.link_base_width, noc_params.link_base_height, noc_params.flit_size, link_len, &interface_ip, noc_params.link_start_wiring_level, noc_params.clockRate, true/*pipelinable*/, noc_params.route_over_perc); children.push_back(link_bus); link_bus_exist = true; } // TODO: This should use the McPATComponent::computeEnergy function to // recursively calculate energy of routers and links and then add void OnChipNetwork::computeEnergy() { double pppm_t[4] = {1, 1, 1, 1}; // Initialize stats for TDP tdp_stats.reset(); tdp_stats.readAc.access = noc_stats.duty_cycle; if (router_exist) { // TODO: Define a regression to exercise routers // TODO: Clean this up: it is too invasive and breaks abstraction set_pppm(pppm_t, 1 * tdp_stats.readAc.access, 1, 1, 1); router->power = router->power * pppm_t; set_pppm(pppm_t, noc_params.total_nodes, noc_params.total_nodes, noc_params.total_nodes, noc_params.total_nodes); } if (link_bus_exist) { if (noc_params.type) { link_bus->int_params.active_ports = noc_params.min_ports - 1; } else { link_bus->int_params.active_ports = noc_params.min_ports; } link_bus->int_stats.duty_cycle = noc_params.M_traffic_pattern * noc_stats.duty_cycle; // TODO: Decide how to roll multiple routers into a single top-level // NOC module. I would prefer not to, but it might be a nice feature set_pppm(pppm_t, noc_params.total_nodes, noc_params.total_nodes, noc_params.total_nodes, noc_params.total_nodes); } // Initialize stats for runtime energy and power rtp_stats.reset(); rtp_stats.readAc.access = noc_stats.total_access; set_pppm(pppm_t, 1, 0 , 0, 0); if (router_exist) { // TODO: Move this to a McPATComponent parent class of Router router->buffer.rt_power.readOp.dynamic = (router->buffer.power.readOp.dynamic + router->buffer.power.writeOp.dynamic) * rtp_stats.readAc.access; router->crossbar.rt_power.readOp.dynamic = router->crossbar.power.readOp.dynamic * rtp_stats.readAc.access; router->arbiter.rt_power.readOp.dynamic = router->arbiter.power.readOp.dynamic * rtp_stats.readAc.access; router->rt_power = router->rt_power + (router->buffer.rt_power + router->crossbar.rt_power + router->arbiter.rt_power) * pppm_t + router->power * pppm_lkg;//TDP power must be calculated first! } if (link_bus_exist) { link_bus->int_stats.accesses = noc_stats.total_access; } // Recursively compute energy McPATComponent::computeEnergy(); } void OnChipNetwork::set_param_stats() { // TODO: Remove this or move initialization elsewhere memset(&noc_params, 0, sizeof(OnChipNetworkParameters)); int num_children = xml_data->nChildNode("param"); int i; int mat_type; for (i = 0; i < num_children; i++) { XMLNode* paramNode = xml_data->getChildNodePtr("param", &i); XMLCSTR node_name = paramNode->getAttribute("name"); XMLCSTR value = paramNode->getAttribute("value"); if (!node_name) warnMissingParamName(paramNode->getAttribute("id")); ASSIGN_INT_IF("type", noc_params.type); ASSIGN_FP_IF("clockrate", noc_params.clockRate); ASSIGN_INT_IF("flit_bits", noc_params.flit_size); ASSIGN_FP_IF("link_len", link_len); ASSIGN_FP_IF("link_throughput", noc_params.link_throughput); ASSIGN_FP_IF("link_latency", noc_params.link_latency); ASSIGN_INT_IF("input_ports", noc_params.input_ports); ASSIGN_INT_IF("output_ports", noc_params.output_ports); ASSIGN_INT_IF("global_linked_ports", noc_params.global_linked_ports); ASSIGN_INT_IF("horizontal_nodes", noc_params.horizontal_nodes); ASSIGN_INT_IF("vertical_nodes", noc_params.vertical_nodes); ASSIGN_FP_IF("chip_coverage", noc_params.chip_coverage); ASSIGN_FP_IF("link_routing_over_percentage", noc_params.route_over_perc); ASSIGN_INT_IF("has_global_link", noc_params.has_global_link); ASSIGN_INT_IF("virtual_channel_per_port", noc_params.virtual_channel_per_port); ASSIGN_INT_IF("input_buffer_entries_per_vc", noc_params.input_buffer_entries_per_vc); ASSIGN_FP_IF("M_traffic_pattern", noc_params.M_traffic_pattern); ASSIGN_FP_IF("link_base_width", noc_params.link_base_width); ASSIGN_FP_IF("link_base_height", noc_params.link_base_height); ASSIGN_INT_IF("link_start_wiring_level", noc_params.link_start_wiring_level); ASSIGN_INT_IF("wire_mat_type", mat_type); ASSIGN_ENUM_IF("wire_type", interface_ip.wt, Wire_type); else { warnUnrecognizedParam(node_name); } } // Change from MHz to Hz noc_params.clockRate *= 1e6; interface_ip.wire_is_mat_type = mat_type; interface_ip.wire_os_mat_type = mat_type; num_children = xml_data->nChildNode("stat"); for (i = 0; i < num_children; i++) { XMLNode* statNode = xml_data->getChildNodePtr("stat", &i); XMLCSTR node_name = statNode->getAttribute("name"); XMLCSTR value = statNode->getAttribute("value"); if (!node_name) warnMissingStatName(statNode->getAttribute("id")); ASSIGN_FP_IF("duty_cycle", noc_stats.duty_cycle); ASSIGN_FP_IF("total_accesses", noc_stats.total_access); else { warnUnrecognizedStat(node_name); } } clockRate = noc_params.clockRate; noc_params.min_ports = min(noc_params.input_ports, noc_params.output_ports); if (noc_params.type) { noc_params.global_linked_ports = (noc_params.input_ports - 1) + (noc_params.output_ports - 1); } noc_params.total_nodes = noc_params.horizontal_nodes * noc_params.vertical_nodes; assert(noc_params.chip_coverage <= 1); assert(noc_params.route_over_perc <= 1); assert(link_len > 0); } OnChipNetwork ::~OnChipNetwork() { if (router) { delete router; router = 0; } if (link_bus) { delete link_bus; link_bus = 0; } }