/* * Copyright (c) 2014-2015 ARM Limited * All rights reserved * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * Authors: Andreas Sandberg */ #ifndef _LIBNOMALIMODEL_JOBSLOT_HH #define _LIBNOMALIMODEL_JOBSLOT_HH #include <vector> #include "gpublock.hh" #include "types.hh" namespace NoMali { class GPU; class JobControl; /** * Midgard job slot implementation. * * A job slot is a part of a JobControl block that controls the state * of one out of 16 active jobs. Each slot can contain one running job * and a pending job. */ class JobSlot : public GPUBlock { public: JobSlot(GPU &_gpu, JobControl &_jc, uint8_t slot_id); JobSlot(JobSlot &&rhs); virtual ~JobSlot(); void writeReg(RegAddr idx, uint32_t value) override; /** Is there an active job in this job slot? */ bool active() const; /** Is there a pending next job in this job slot? */ bool activeNext() const; protected: /** * @{ * @name Job Control */ /** * Try to start the next job in the slot. * * Start the next job if the following conditions are true: * <ul> * <li>There is no currently running job. * <li>The pending command in the JSn_COMMAND_NEXT register is * JSn_COMMAND_START. * </ul> * * When the job is started, the registers describing the next job * chain are moved (resetting them to zero) into the register * block describing the currently running job. The job is then run * by a call to runJob(). */ void tryStart(); /** * Execute the job in described by the current job registers. */ void runJob(); /** * Report the exit status of an exiting job. * * @note The exit status must be of the class * Status::CLASS_NOFAULT or Status::CLASS_JOB. * * @note The fault address isn't always a fault address, it is * sometimes used to represent a TSC value. See the Midgard * architecture specification for details. * * @param status Job exit status. * @param fault_address Fault address to write into descriptor. */ void exitJob(Status status, uint64_t fault_address); /** @} */ /** * @{ * @name Job slot commands */ /** * Control command dispatcher. * * This method is called whenever there is a write to the * JSn_COMMAND register. The method uses a lookup table to call * the right command handling method. * * @param cmd Command number (see the Midgard architecture * specification) */ void jobCommand(uint32_t cmd); /** * Command handler for No-ops. * * @param cmd Command number (see the Midgard architecture * specification) */ void cmdNop(uint32_t cmd); /** * Command handler for job start commands. * * @note This should <i>NEVER</i> be called as the start command * should never be written to the JSn_COMMAND register. Jobs are * normally started by tryStart() whenever the state of the * currently running job changes or JSn_COMMAND_START is written * to the JSn_COMMAND_NEXT register. * * @param cmd Command number (see the Midgard architecture * specification) */ void cmdStart(uint32_t cmd); /** * Gently stop the currently running job chain. * * @param cmd Command number (see the Midgard architecture * specification) */ void cmdSoftStop(uint32_t cmd); /** * Force a stop of the currently running job chain. * * @param cmd Command number (see the Midgard architecture * specification) */ void cmdHardStop(uint32_t cmd); /** * Soft stop the current job chain if the JOB_CHAIN_FLAG <i>IS * NOT</i> set. * * @param cmd Command number (see the Midgard architecture * specification) */ void cmdSoftStop0(uint32_t cmd); /** * Hard stop the current job chain if the JOB_CHAIN_FLAG <i>IS * NOT</i> set. * * @param cmd Command number (see the Midgard architecture * specification) */ void cmdHardStop0(uint32_t cmd); /** * Soft stop the current job chain if the JOB_CHAIN_FLAG <i>IS</i> * set. * * @param cmd Command number (see the Midgard architecture * specification) */ void cmdSoftStop1(uint32_t cmd); /** * Hard stop the current job chain if the JOB_CHAIN_FLAG <i>IS</i> * set. * * @param cmd Command number (see the Midgard architecture * specification) */ void cmdHardStop1(uint32_t cmd); /** @} */ /** Job slot ID */ const uint8_t id; /** Parent JobControl block */ JobControl &jc; private: typedef void (JobSlot::*cmd_t)(uint32_t); /** * Mapping between command IDs and command handling methods. * * @note The order of this vector <i>MUST</i> correspond to the * job control command IDs in the Midgard architecture * specification. */ static const std::vector<cmd_t> cmds; }; } #endif // _LIBNOMALIMODEL_JOBSLOT_HH