/* * Copyright (c) 2014-2015 ARM Limited * All rights reserved * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * Authors: Andreas Sandberg */ #include <libnomali/nomali.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include "nomali_test_helpers.h" #include "../lib/mali_midg_regmap.h" static void on_int(nomali_handle_t h, void *usr, nomali_int_t intno, int set) { test_diag("on_int: intno: %i, set: %i", intno, set); *(int*)usr = !!set; } static void test_gpu_int(nomali_handle_t h) { int int_triggered = 0; nomali_callback_t int_callback = { .type = NOMALI_CALLBACK_INT, .usr = &int_triggered, .func.interrupt = on_int, }; nomali_callback_t int_null_callback = { .type = NOMALI_CALLBACK_INT, .usr = NULL, .func.interrupt = NULL, }; /* * Raise an interrupt without callbacks */ E_NOMALI_BAIL(nomali_reg_write(h, GPU_CONTROL_REG(GPU_IRQ_CLEAR), GPU_IRQ_REG_ALL)); E_NOMALI_BAIL(nomali_reg_write(h, GPU_CONTROL_REG(GPU_IRQ_MASK), GPU_FAULT)); E_NOMALI_BAIL(nomali_reg_write(h, GPU_CONTROL_REG(GPU_IRQ_RAWSTAT), GPU_FAULT)); E_NOMALI_BAIL(nomali_reg_write(h, GPU_CONTROL_REG(GPU_IRQ_CLEAR), GPU_IRQ_REG_ALL)); /* * Register callbacks and raise interrupt again. */ E_NOMALI_BAIL(nomali_set_callback(h, &int_callback)); if (int_triggered != 0) { test_diag("Got spurious interrupt\n"); test_fail("gpu_int"); } E_NOMALI_BAIL(nomali_reg_write(h, GPU_CONTROL_REG(GPU_IRQ_RAWSTAT), GPU_FAULT)); if (int_triggered == 1) { test_ok("gpu_int"); } else { test_fail("gpu_int"); } int_triggered = 0; /* * Register mask interrupts and raise interrupt again. */ E_NOMALI_BAIL(nomali_reg_write(h, GPU_CONTROL_REG(GPU_IRQ_CLEAR), GPU_IRQ_REG_ALL)); E_NOMALI_BAIL(nomali_reg_write(h, GPU_CONTROL_REG(GPU_IRQ_MASK), 0)); E_NOMALI_BAIL(nomali_reg_write(h, GPU_CONTROL_REG(GPU_IRQ_RAWSTAT), GPU_FAULT)); if (int_triggered == 0) { test_ok("gpu_int_masked"); } else { test_fail("gpu_int_maked"); } E_NOMALI_BAIL(nomali_reg_write(h, GPU_CONTROL_REG(GPU_IRQ_CLEAR), GPU_IRQ_REG_ALL)); E_NOMALI_BAIL(nomali_set_callback(h, &int_null_callback)); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { const nomali_config_t cfg = { .type = NOMALI_GPU_T60X, .ver_maj = 0, .ver_min = 1, .ver_status = 0, }; nomali_handle_t h; E_NOMALI_BAIL(nomali_create(&h, &cfg)); test_gpu_int(h); E_NOMALI_BAIL(nomali_destroy(h)); return 0; }