/* tests/test_copy_move_policies.cpp -- 'copy' and 'move' return value policies Copyright (c) 2016 Ben North All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "pybind11_tests.h" template struct empty { static const derived& get_one() { return instance_; } static derived instance_; }; struct lacking_copy_ctor : public empty { lacking_copy_ctor() {} lacking_copy_ctor(const lacking_copy_ctor& other) = delete; }; template <> lacking_copy_ctor empty::instance_ = {}; struct lacking_move_ctor : public empty { lacking_move_ctor() {} lacking_move_ctor(const lacking_move_ctor& other) = delete; lacking_move_ctor(lacking_move_ctor&& other) = delete; }; template <> lacking_move_ctor empty::instance_ = {}; test_initializer copy_move_policies([](py::module &m) { py::class_(m, "lacking_copy_ctor") .def_static("get_one", &lacking_copy_ctor::get_one, py::return_value_policy::copy); py::class_(m, "lacking_move_ctor") .def_static("get_one", &lacking_move_ctor::get_one, py::return_value_policy::move); });