/* tests/test_docstring_options.cpp -- generation of docstrings and signatures Copyright (c) 2016 Wenzel Jakob All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "pybind11_tests.h" TEST_SUBMODULE(docstring_options, m) { // test_docstring_options { py::options options; options.disable_function_signatures(); m.def("test_function1", [](int, int) {}, py::arg("a"), py::arg("b")); m.def("test_function2", [](int, int) {}, py::arg("a"), py::arg("b"), "A custom docstring"); m.def("test_overloaded1", [](int) {}, py::arg("i"), "Overload docstring"); m.def("test_overloaded1", [](double) {}, py::arg("d")); m.def("test_overloaded2", [](int) {}, py::arg("i"), "overload docstring 1"); m.def("test_overloaded2", [](double) {}, py::arg("d"), "overload docstring 2"); m.def("test_overloaded3", [](int) {}, py::arg("i")); m.def("test_overloaded3", [](double) {}, py::arg("d"), "Overload docstr"); options.enable_function_signatures(); m.def("test_function3", [](int, int) {}, py::arg("a"), py::arg("b")); m.def("test_function4", [](int, int) {}, py::arg("a"), py::arg("b"), "A custom docstring"); options.disable_function_signatures().disable_user_defined_docstrings(); m.def("test_function5", [](int, int) {}, py::arg("a"), py::arg("b"), "A custom docstring"); { py::options nested_options; nested_options.enable_user_defined_docstrings(); m.def("test_function6", [](int, int) {}, py::arg("a"), py::arg("b"), "A custom docstring"); } } m.def("test_function7", [](int, int) {}, py::arg("a"), py::arg("b"), "A custom docstring"); { py::options options; options.disable_user_defined_docstrings(); struct DocstringTestFoo { int value; void setValue(int v) { value = v; } int getValue() const { return value; } }; py::class_(m, "DocstringTestFoo", "This is a class docstring") .def_property("value_prop", &DocstringTestFoo::getValue, &DocstringTestFoo::setValue, "This is a property docstring") ; } }