/* tests/test_python_types.cpp -- singleton design pattern, static functions and variables, passing and interacting with Python types Copyright (c) 2016 Wenzel Jakob All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "pybind11_tests.h" #include "constructor_stats.h" #include #ifdef _WIN32 # include # include #endif class ExamplePythonTypes { public: static ExamplePythonTypes *new_instance() { auto *ptr = new ExamplePythonTypes(); print_created(ptr, "via new_instance"); return ptr; } ~ExamplePythonTypes() { print_destroyed(this); } /* Create and return a Python dictionary */ py::dict get_dict() { py::dict dict; dict[py::str("key")] = py::str("value"); return dict; } /* Create and return a Python set */ py::set get_set() { py::set set; set.add(py::str("key1")); set.add("key2"); set.add(std::string("key3")); return set; } /* Create and return a C++ dictionary */ std::map get_dict_2() { std::map result; result["key"] = "value"; return result; } /* Create and return a C++ set */ std::set get_set_2() { std::set result; result.insert("key1"); result.insert("key2"); return result; } /* Create, manipulate, and return a Python list */ py::list get_list() { py::list list; list.append("value"); py::print("Entry at position 0:", list[0]); list[0] = py::str("overwritten"); return list; } /* C++ STL data types are automatically casted */ std::vector get_list_2() { std::vector list; list.push_back(L"value"); return list; } /* C++ STL data types are automatically casted */ std::array get_array() { return std::array {{ "array entry 1" , "array entry 2"}}; } std::valarray get_valarray() { return std::valarray({ 1, 4, 9 }); } /* Easily iterate over a dictionary using a C++11 range-based for loop */ void print_dict(py::dict dict) { for (auto item : dict) py::print("key: {}, value={}"_s.format(item.first, item.second)); } /* Easily iterate over a set using a C++11 range-based for loop */ void print_set(py::set set) { for (auto item : set) py::print("key:", item); } /* Easily iterate over a list using a C++11 range-based for loop */ void print_list(py::list list) { int index = 0; for (auto item : list) py::print("list item {}: {}"_s.format(index++, item)); } /* STL data types (such as maps) are automatically casted from Python */ void print_dict_2(const std::map &dict) { for (auto item : dict) py::print("key: {}, value={}"_s.format(item.first, item.second)); } /* STL data types (such as sets) are automatically casted from Python */ void print_set_2(const std::set &set) { for (auto item : set) py::print("key:", item); } /* STL data types (such as vectors) are automatically casted from Python */ void print_list_2(std::vector &list) { int index = 0; for (auto item : list) py::print("list item {}: {}"_s.format(index++, item)); } /* pybind automatically translates between C++11 and Python tuples */ std::pair pair_passthrough(std::pair input) { return std::make_pair(input.second, input.first); } /* pybind automatically translates between C++11 and Python tuples */ std::tuple tuple_passthrough(std::tuple input) { return std::make_tuple(std::get<2>(input), std::get<1>(input), std::get<0>(input)); } /* STL data types (such as arrays) are automatically casted from Python */ void print_array(std::array &array) { int index = 0; for (auto item : array) py::print("array item {}: {}"_s.format(index++, item)); } void print_valarray(std::valarray &varray) { int index = 0; for (auto item : varray) py::print("valarray item {}: {}"_s.format(index++, item)); } void throw_exception() { throw std::runtime_error("This exception was intentionally thrown."); } py::bytes get_bytes_from_string() { return (py::bytes) std::string("foo"); } py::bytes get_bytes_from_str() { return (py::bytes) py::str("bar", 3); } py::str get_str_from_string() { return (py::str) std::string("baz"); } py::str get_str_from_bytes() { return (py::str) py::bytes("boo", 3); } void test_print(const py::object& obj) { py::print(py::str(obj)); py::print(py::repr(obj)); } static int value; static const int value2; }; int ExamplePythonTypes::value = 0; const int ExamplePythonTypes::value2 = 5; struct MoveOutContainer { struct Value { int value; }; std::list move_list() const { return {{0}, {1}, {2}}; } }; test_initializer python_types([](py::module &m) { /* No constructor is explicitly defined below. An exception is raised when trying to construct it directly from Python */ py::class_(m, "ExamplePythonTypes", "Example 2 documentation") .def("get_dict", &ExamplePythonTypes::get_dict, "Return a Python dictionary") .def("get_dict_2", &ExamplePythonTypes::get_dict_2, "Return a C++ dictionary") .def("get_list", &ExamplePythonTypes::get_list, "Return a Python list") .def("get_list_2", &ExamplePythonTypes::get_list_2, "Return a C++ list") .def("get_set", &ExamplePythonTypes::get_set, "Return a Python set") .def("get_set2", &ExamplePythonTypes::get_set_2, "Return a C++ set") .def("get_array", &ExamplePythonTypes::get_array, "Return a C++ array") .def("get_valarray", &ExamplePythonTypes::get_valarray, "Return a C++ valarray") .def("print_dict", &ExamplePythonTypes::print_dict, "Print entries of a Python dictionary") .def("print_dict_2", &ExamplePythonTypes::print_dict_2, "Print entries of a C++ dictionary") .def("print_set", &ExamplePythonTypes::print_set, "Print entries of a Python set") .def("print_set_2", &ExamplePythonTypes::print_set_2, "Print entries of a C++ set") .def("print_list", &ExamplePythonTypes::print_list, "Print entries of a Python list") .def("print_list_2", &ExamplePythonTypes::print_list_2, "Print entries of a C++ list") .def("print_array", &ExamplePythonTypes::print_array, "Print entries of a C++ array") .def("print_valarray", &ExamplePythonTypes::print_valarray, "Print entries of a C++ valarray") .def("pair_passthrough", &ExamplePythonTypes::pair_passthrough, "Return a pair in reversed order") .def("tuple_passthrough", &ExamplePythonTypes::tuple_passthrough, "Return a triple in reversed order") .def("throw_exception", &ExamplePythonTypes::throw_exception, "Throw an exception") .def("get_bytes_from_string", &ExamplePythonTypes::get_bytes_from_string, "py::bytes from std::string") .def("get_bytes_from_str", &ExamplePythonTypes::get_bytes_from_str, "py::bytes from py::str") .def("get_str_from_string", &ExamplePythonTypes::get_str_from_string, "py::str from std::string") .def("get_str_from_bytes", &ExamplePythonTypes::get_str_from_bytes, "py::str from py::bytes") .def("test_print", &ExamplePythonTypes::test_print, "test the print function") .def_static("new_instance", &ExamplePythonTypes::new_instance, "Return an instance") .def_readwrite_static("value", &ExamplePythonTypes::value, "Static value member") .def_readonly_static("value2", &ExamplePythonTypes::value2, "Static value member (readonly)") ; m.def("test_print_function", []() { py::print("Hello, World!"); py::print(1, 2.0, "three", true, std::string("-- multiple args")); auto args = py::make_tuple("and", "a", "custom", "separator"); py::print("*args", *args, "sep"_a="-"); py::print("no new line here", "end"_a=" -- "); py::print("next print"); auto py_stderr = py::module::import("sys").attr("stderr"); py::print("this goes to stderr", "file"_a=py_stderr); py::print("flush", "flush"_a=true); py::print("{a} + {b} = {c}"_s.format("a"_a="py::print", "b"_a="str.format", "c"_a="this")); }); m.def("test_str_format", []() { auto s1 = "{} + {} = {}"_s.format(1, 2, 3); auto s2 = "{a} + {b} = {c}"_s.format("a"_a=1, "b"_a=2, "c"_a=3); return py::make_tuple(s1, s2); }); m.def("test_dict_keyword_constructor", []() { auto d1 = py::dict("x"_a=1, "y"_a=2); auto d2 = py::dict("z"_a=3, **d1); return d2; }); m.def("test_accessor_api", [](py::object o) { auto d = py::dict(); d["basic_attr"] = o.attr("basic_attr"); auto l = py::list(); for (const auto &item : o.attr("begin_end")) { l.append(item); } d["begin_end"] = l; d["operator[object]"] = o.attr("d")["operator[object]"_s]; d["operator[char *]"] = o.attr("d")["operator[char *]"]; d["attr(object)"] = o.attr("sub").attr("attr_obj"); d["attr(char *)"] = o.attr("sub").attr("attr_char"); try { o.attr("sub").attr("missing").ptr(); } catch (const py::error_already_set &) { d["missing_attr_ptr"] = "raised"_s; } try { o.attr("missing").attr("doesn't matter"); } catch (const py::error_already_set &) { d["missing_attr_chain"] = "raised"_s; } d["is_none"] = o.attr("basic_attr").is_none(); d["operator()"] = o.attr("func")(1); d["operator*"] = o.attr("func")(*o.attr("begin_end")); return d; }); m.def("test_tuple_accessor", [](py::tuple existing_t) { try { existing_t[0] = 1; } catch (const py::error_already_set &) { // --> Python system error // Only new tuples (refcount == 1) are mutable auto new_t = py::tuple(3); for (size_t i = 0; i < new_t.size(); ++i) { new_t[i] = i; } return new_t; } return py::tuple(); }); m.def("test_accessor_assignment", []() { auto l = py::list(1); l[0] = 0; auto d = py::dict(); d["get"] = l[0]; auto var = l[0]; d["deferred_get"] = var; l[0] = 1; d["set"] = l[0]; var = 99; // this assignment should not overwrite l[0] d["deferred_set"] = l[0]; d["var"] = var; return d; }); bool has_optional = false, has_exp_optional = false; #ifdef PYBIND11_HAS_OPTIONAL has_optional = true; using opt_int = std::optional; m.def("double_or_zero", [](const opt_int& x) -> int { return x.value_or(0) * 2; }); m.def("half_or_none", [](int x) -> opt_int { return x ? opt_int(x / 2) : opt_int(); }); m.def("test_nullopt", [](opt_int x) { return x.value_or(42); }, py::arg_v("x", std::nullopt, "None")); #endif #ifdef PYBIND11_HAS_EXP_OPTIONAL has_exp_optional = true; using opt_int = std::experimental::optional; m.def("double_or_zero_exp", [](const opt_int& x) -> int { return x.value_or(0) * 2; }); m.def("half_or_none_exp", [](int x) -> opt_int { return x ? opt_int(x / 2) : opt_int(); }); m.def("test_nullopt_exp", [](opt_int x) { return x.value_or(42); }, py::arg_v("x", std::experimental::nullopt, "None")); #endif m.attr("has_optional") = has_optional; m.attr("has_exp_optional") = has_exp_optional; m.def("test_default_constructors", []() { return py::dict( "str"_a=py::str(), "bool"_a=py::bool_(), "int"_a=py::int_(), "float"_a=py::float_(), "tuple"_a=py::tuple(), "list"_a=py::list(), "dict"_a=py::dict(), "set"_a=py::set() ); }); m.def("test_converting_constructors", [](py::dict d) { return py::dict( "str"_a=py::str(d["str"]), "bool"_a=py::bool_(d["bool"]), "int"_a=py::int_(d["int"]), "float"_a=py::float_(d["float"]), "tuple"_a=py::tuple(d["tuple"]), "list"_a=py::list(d["list"]), "dict"_a=py::dict(d["dict"]), "set"_a=py::set(d["set"]), "memoryview"_a=py::memoryview(d["memoryview"]) ); }); m.def("test_cast_functions", [](py::dict d) { // When converting between Python types, obj.cast() should be the same as T(obj) return py::dict( "str"_a=d["str"].cast(), "bool"_a=d["bool"].cast(), "int"_a=d["int"].cast(), "float"_a=d["float"].cast(), "tuple"_a=d["tuple"].cast(), "list"_a=d["list"].cast(), "dict"_a=d["dict"].cast(), "set"_a=d["set"].cast(), "memoryview"_a=d["memoryview"].cast() ); }); py::class_(m, "MoveOutContainerValue") .def_readonly("value", &MoveOutContainer::Value::value); py::class_(m, "MoveOutContainer") .def(py::init<>()) .def_property_readonly("move_list", &MoveOutContainer::move_list); m.def("get_implicit_casting", []() { py::dict d; d["char*_i1"] = "abc"; const char *c2 = "abc"; d["char*_i2"] = c2; d["char*_e"] = py::cast(c2); d["char*_p"] = py::str(c2); d["int_i1"] = 42; int i = 42; d["int_i2"] = i; i++; d["int_e"] = py::cast(i); i++; d["int_p"] = py::int_(i); d["str_i1"] = std::string("str"); std::string s2("str1"); d["str_i2"] = s2; s2[3] = '2'; d["str_e"] = py::cast(s2); s2[3] = '3'; d["str_p"] = py::str(s2); py::list l(2); l[0] = 3; l[1] = py::cast(6); l.append(9); l.append(py::cast(12)); l.append(py::int_(15)); return py::dict( "d"_a=d, "l"_a=l ); }); });