#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Syntax: mkdoc.py [-I<path> ..] [.. a list of header files ..] # # Extract documentation from C++ header files to use it in Python bindings # import os import sys import platform import re import textwrap from clang import cindex from clang.cindex import CursorKind from collections import OrderedDict from threading import Thread, Semaphore from multiprocessing import cpu_count RECURSE_LIST = [ CursorKind.TRANSLATION_UNIT, CursorKind.NAMESPACE, CursorKind.CLASS_DECL, CursorKind.STRUCT_DECL, CursorKind.ENUM_DECL, CursorKind.CLASS_TEMPLATE ] PRINT_LIST = [ CursorKind.CLASS_DECL, CursorKind.STRUCT_DECL, CursorKind.ENUM_DECL, CursorKind.ENUM_CONSTANT_DECL, CursorKind.CLASS_TEMPLATE, CursorKind.FUNCTION_DECL, CursorKind.FUNCTION_TEMPLATE, CursorKind.CONVERSION_FUNCTION, CursorKind.CXX_METHOD, CursorKind.CONSTRUCTOR, CursorKind.FIELD_DECL ] CPP_OPERATORS = { '<=': 'le', '>=': 'ge', '==': 'eq', '!=': 'ne', '[]': 'array', '+=': 'iadd', '-=': 'isub', '*=': 'imul', '/=': 'idiv', '%=': 'imod', '&=': 'iand', '|=': 'ior', '^=': 'ixor', '<<=': 'ilshift', '>>=': 'irshift', '++': 'inc', '--': 'dec', '<<': 'lshift', '>>': 'rshift', '&&': 'land', '||': 'lor', '!': 'lnot', '~': 'bnot', '&': 'band', '|': 'bor', '+': 'add', '-': 'sub', '*': 'mul', '/': 'div', '%': 'mod', '<': 'lt', '>': 'gt', '=': 'assign', '()': 'call' } CPP_OPERATORS = OrderedDict( sorted(CPP_OPERATORS.items(), key=lambda t: -len(t[0]))) job_count = cpu_count() job_semaphore = Semaphore(job_count) registered_names = dict() def d(s): return s.decode('utf8') def sanitize_name(name): global registered_names name = re.sub(r'type-parameter-0-([0-9]+)', r'T\1', name) for k, v in CPP_OPERATORS.items(): name = name.replace('operator%s' % k, 'operator_%s' % v) name = re.sub('<.*>', '', name) name = ''.join([ch if ch.isalnum() else '_' for ch in name]) name = re.sub('_$', '', re.sub('_+', '_', name)) if name in registered_names: registered_names[name] += 1 name += '_' + str(registered_names[name]) else: registered_names[name] = 1 return '__doc_' + name def process_comment(comment): result = '' # Remove C++ comment syntax leading_spaces = float('inf') for s in comment.expandtabs(tabsize=4).splitlines(): s = s.strip() if s.startswith('/*'): s = s[2:].lstrip('*') elif s.endswith('*/'): s = s[:-2].rstrip('*') elif s.startswith('///'): s = s[3:] if s.startswith('*'): s = s[1:] if len(s) > 0: leading_spaces = min(leading_spaces, len(s) - len(s.lstrip())) result += s + '\n' if leading_spaces != float('inf'): result2 = "" for s in result.splitlines(): result2 += s[leading_spaces:] + '\n' result = result2 # Doxygen tags cpp_group = '([\w:]+)' param_group = '([\[\w:\]]+)' s = result s = re.sub(r'\\c\s+%s' % cpp_group, r'``\1``', s) s = re.sub(r'\\a\s+%s' % cpp_group, r'*\1*', s) s = re.sub(r'\\e\s+%s' % cpp_group, r'*\1*', s) s = re.sub(r'\\em\s+%s' % cpp_group, r'*\1*', s) s = re.sub(r'\\b\s+%s' % cpp_group, r'**\1**', s) s = re.sub(r'\\ingroup\s+%s' % cpp_group, r'', s) s = re.sub(r'\\param%s?\s+%s' % (param_group, cpp_group), r'\n\n$Parameter ``\2``:\n\n', s) s = re.sub(r'\\tparam%s?\s+%s' % (param_group, cpp_group), r'\n\n$Template parameter ``\2``:\n\n', s) for in_, out_ in { 'return': 'Returns', 'author': 'Author', 'authors': 'Authors', 'copyright': 'Copyright', 'date': 'Date', 'remark': 'Remark', 'sa': 'See also', 'see': 'See also', 'extends': 'Extends', 'throw': 'Throws', 'throws': 'Throws' }.items(): s = re.sub(r'\\%s\s*' % in_, r'\n\n$%s:\n\n' % out_, s) s = re.sub(r'\\details\s*', r'\n\n', s) s = re.sub(r'\\brief\s*', r'', s) s = re.sub(r'\\short\s*', r'', s) s = re.sub(r'\\ref\s*', r'', s) s = re.sub(r'\\code\s?(.*?)\s?\\endcode', r"```\n\1\n```\n", s, flags=re.DOTALL) # HTML/TeX tags s = re.sub(r'<tt>(.*?)</tt>', r'``\1``', s, flags=re.DOTALL) s = re.sub(r'<pre>(.*?)</pre>', r"```\n\1\n```\n", s, flags=re.DOTALL) s = re.sub(r'<em>(.*?)</em>', r'*\1*', s, flags=re.DOTALL) s = re.sub(r'<b>(.*?)</b>', r'**\1**', s, flags=re.DOTALL) s = re.sub(r'\\f\$(.*?)\\f\$', r'$\1$', s, flags=re.DOTALL) s = re.sub(r'<li>', r'\n\n* ', s) s = re.sub(r'</?ul>', r'', s) s = re.sub(r'</li>', r'\n\n', s) s = s.replace('``true``', '``True``') s = s.replace('``false``', '``False``') # Re-flow text wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper() wrapper.expand_tabs = True wrapper.replace_whitespace = True wrapper.drop_whitespace = True wrapper.width = 70 wrapper.initial_indent = wrapper.subsequent_indent = '' result = '' in_code_segment = False for x in re.split(r'(```)', s): if x == '```': if not in_code_segment: result += '```\n' else: result += '\n```\n\n' in_code_segment = not in_code_segment elif in_code_segment: result += x.strip() else: for y in re.split(r'(?: *\n *){2,}', x): wrapped = wrapper.fill(re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', y).strip()) if len(wrapped) > 0 and wrapped[0] == '$': result += wrapped[1:] + '\n' wrapper.initial_indent = \ wrapper.subsequent_indent = ' ' * 4 else: if len(wrapped) > 0: result += wrapped + '\n\n' wrapper.initial_indent = wrapper.subsequent_indent = '' return result.rstrip().lstrip('\n') def extract(filename, node, prefix, output): num_extracted = 0 if not (node.location.file is None or os.path.samefile(d(node.location.file.name), filename)): return 0 if node.kind in RECURSE_LIST: sub_prefix = prefix if node.kind != CursorKind.TRANSLATION_UNIT: if len(sub_prefix) > 0: sub_prefix += '_' sub_prefix += d(node.spelling) for i in node.get_children(): num_extracted += extract(filename, i, sub_prefix, output) if num_extracted == 0: return 0 if node.kind in PRINT_LIST: comment = d(node.raw_comment) if node.raw_comment is not None else '' comment = process_comment(comment) sub_prefix = prefix if len(sub_prefix) > 0: sub_prefix += '_' if len(node.spelling) > 0: name = sanitize_name(sub_prefix + d(node.spelling)) output.append('\nstatic const char *%s =%sR"doc(%s)doc";' % (name, '\n' if '\n' in comment else ' ', comment)) num_extracted += 1 return num_extracted class ExtractionThread(Thread): def __init__(self, filename, parameters, output): Thread.__init__(self) self.filename = filename self.parameters = parameters self.output = output job_semaphore.acquire() def run(self): print('Processing "%s" ..' % self.filename, file=sys.stderr) try: index = cindex.Index( cindex.conf.lib.clang_createIndex(False, True)) tu = index.parse(self.filename, self.parameters) extract(self.filename, tu.cursor, '', self.output) finally: job_semaphore.release() if __name__ == '__main__': parameters = ['-x', 'c++', '-std=c++11'] filenames = [] if platform.system() == 'Darwin': dev_path = '/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/' lib_dir = dev_path + 'Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/lib/' sdk_dir = dev_path + 'Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs' libclang = lib_dir + 'libclang.dylib' if os.path.exists(libclang): cindex.Config.set_library_path(os.path.dirname(libclang)) if os.path.exists(sdk_dir): sysroot_dir = os.path.join(sdk_dir, next(os.walk(sdk_dir))[1][0]) parameters.append('-isysroot') parameters.append(sysroot_dir) for item in sys.argv[1:]: if item.startswith('-'): parameters.append(item) else: filenames.append(item) if len(filenames) == 0: print('Syntax: %s [.. a list of header files ..]' % sys.argv[0]) exit(-1) print('''/* This file contains docstrings for the Python bindings. Do not edit! These were automatically extracted by mkdoc.py */ #define __EXPAND(x) x #define __COUNT(_1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, COUNT, ...) COUNT #define __VA_SIZE(...) __EXPAND(__COUNT(__VA_ARGS__, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1)) #define __CAT1(a, b) a ## b #define __CAT2(a, b) __CAT1(a, b) #define __DOC1(n1) __doc_##n1 #define __DOC2(n1, n2) __doc_##n1##_##n2 #define __DOC3(n1, n2, n3) __doc_##n1##_##n2##_##n3 #define __DOC4(n1, n2, n3, n4) __doc_##n1##_##n2##_##n3##_##n4 #define __DOC5(n1, n2, n3, n4, n5) __doc_##n1##_##n2##_##n3##_##n4##_##n5 #define __DOC6(n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6) __doc_##n1##_##n2##_##n3##_##n4##_##n5##_##n6 #define __DOC7(n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7) __doc_##n1##_##n2##_##n3##_##n4##_##n5##_##n6##_##n7 #define DOC(...) __EXPAND(__EXPAND(__CAT2(__DOC, __VA_SIZE(__VA_ARGS__)))(__VA_ARGS__)) #if defined(__GNUG__) #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable" #endif ''') output = [] for filename in filenames: thr = ExtractionThread(filename, parameters, output) thr.start() print('Waiting for jobs to finish ..', file=sys.stderr) for i in range(job_count): job_semaphore.acquire() output.sort() for l in output: print(l) print(''' #if defined(__GNUG__) #pragma GCC diagnostic pop #endif ''')