Overview ======== This repository is a redistribution of the Accellera SystemC 2.3.1 library [[1]][sysc]. This distribution replaces Accellera's Autoconf build system with a SCons build system, which is very useful for integration of SystemC in other SCons based projects, e.g., gem5 [[2]][gem5]. The repository contains all the source files from the Accellera distribution, but strips down the boost dependencies. All references to the boost library are replaced by calls to the C++11 STL. This repository also contains the TLM 2.0 protocl checker from Doulos [[3]][doulos]. Build ===== To build libsystemc-2.3.1.so, simply type scons. Optionally you can specify the number of jobs. ``` scons -j N ``` To build and link to SystemC from another SCons project, simply call the SConscript located in `src/`. Be sure to add `-std=c++11` to the `CXXFLAGS` of your environment and to export the environment as `'env'`. In case you build on OS X, you will need to add `-undefined dynamic lookup` to your `LINKFLAGS`. This is how a minimal SConstruct for your SystemC project could look: ```python env = Environment() env.Append(CXXFLAGS=['-std=c++11']) if env['PLATFORM'] == 'darwin': env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['-undefined', 'dynamic_lookup']) systemc = env.SConscript('<path_to_systemc>/src/SConscript', exports=['env']) env.Program('example', ['example.cc', systemc]) ``` [sysc]: http://accellera.org/downloads/standards/systemc [gem5]: http://www.gem5.org/Main_Page [doulos]: https://www.doulos.com/knowhow/systemc/tlm2/base_protocol_checker/