/***************************************************************************** Licensed to Accellera Systems Initiative Inc. (Accellera) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. Accellera licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. *****************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************** sc_event.h -- Original Author: Martin Janssen, Synopsys, Inc., 2001-05-21 CHANGE LOG AT THE END OF THE FILE *****************************************************************************/ #ifndef SC_EVENT_H #define SC_EVENT_H #include "sysc/kernel/sc_cmnhdr.h" #include "sysc/kernel/sc_kernel_ids.h" #include "sysc/kernel/sc_simcontext.h" #include "sysc/communication/sc_writer_policy.h" namespace sc_core { // forward declarations class sc_event; class sc_event_timed; class sc_event_list; class sc_event_or_list; class sc_event_and_list; class sc_object; // friend function declarations int sc_notify_time_compare( const void*, const void* ); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CLASS : sc_event_expr // // The event expression class. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< typename T > class sc_event_expr { friend class sc_event; friend class sc_event_and_list; friend class sc_event_or_list; typedef T type; inline sc_event_expr() : m_expr( new T(true) ) {} public: inline sc_event_expr( sc_event_expr const & e) // move semantics : m_expr(e.m_expr) { e.m_expr = 0; } T const & release() const { sc_assert( m_expr ); T* expr = m_expr; m_expr=0; return *expr; } void push_back( sc_event const & e) const { sc_assert( m_expr ); m_expr->push_back(e); } void push_back( type const & el) const { sc_assert( m_expr ); m_expr->push_back(el); } operator T const &() const { return release(); } ~sc_event_expr() { delete m_expr; } private: mutable type * m_expr; // disabled void operator=( sc_event_expr const & ); }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CLASS : sc_event_list // // Base class for lists of events. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class sc_event_list { friend class sc_process_b; friend class sc_method_process; friend class sc_thread_process; friend void sc_thread_cor_fn( void* arg ); public: sc_event_list( const sc_event_list& ); sc_event_list& operator = ( const sc_event_list& ); int size() const; protected: void push_back( const sc_event& ); void push_back( const sc_event_list& ); explicit sc_event_list( bool and_list_, bool auto_delete_ = false ); sc_event_list( const sc_event&, bool and_list_, bool auto_delete_ = false ); ~sc_event_list(); void swap( sc_event_list& ); void move_from( const sc_event_list& ); bool and_list() const; void add_dynamic( sc_method_handle ) const; void add_dynamic( sc_thread_handle ) const; void remove_dynamic( sc_method_handle, const sc_event* ) const; void remove_dynamic( sc_thread_handle, const sc_event* ) const; bool busy() const; bool temporary() const; void auto_delete() const; void report_premature_destruction() const; void report_invalid_modification() const; private: std::vector<const sc_event*> m_events; bool m_and_list; bool m_auto_delete; mutable unsigned m_busy; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CLASS : sc_event_and_list // // AND list of events. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class sc_event_and_list : public sc_event_list { friend class sc_event; friend class sc_event_expr<sc_event_and_list>; friend class sc_process_b; friend class sc_method_process; friend class sc_thread_process; protected: explicit sc_event_and_list( bool auto_delete_ ); public: sc_event_and_list(); sc_event_and_list( const sc_event& ); void swap( sc_event_and_list& ); sc_event_and_list& operator &= ( const sc_event& ); sc_event_and_list& operator &= ( const sc_event_and_list & ); sc_event_expr<sc_event_and_list> operator & ( const sc_event& ); sc_event_expr<sc_event_and_list> operator & ( const sc_event_and_list& ); }; typedef sc_event_expr<sc_event_and_list> sc_event_and_expr; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CLASS : sc_event_or_list // // OR list of events. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class sc_event_or_list : public sc_event_list { friend class sc_event; friend class sc_event_expr<sc_event_or_list>; friend class sc_process_b; friend class sc_method_process; friend class sc_thread_process; protected: explicit sc_event_or_list( bool auto_delete_ ); public: sc_event_or_list(); sc_event_or_list( const sc_event& ); void swap( sc_event_or_list& ); sc_event_or_list& operator |= ( const sc_event& ); sc_event_or_list& operator |= ( const sc_event_or_list & ); sc_event_expr<sc_event_or_list> operator | ( const sc_event& ) const; sc_event_expr<sc_event_or_list> operator | ( const sc_event_or_list& ) const; }; typedef sc_event_expr<sc_event_or_list> sc_event_or_expr; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CLASS : sc_event // // The event class. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class sc_event { friend class sc_clock; friend class sc_event_list; friend class sc_event_timed; friend class sc_simcontext; friend class sc_object; friend class sc_process_b; friend class sc_method_process; friend class sc_thread_process; template<typename IF, sc_writer_policy POL> friend class sc_signal; friend void sc_thread_cor_fn( void* arg ); public: sc_event(); sc_event( const char* name ); ~sc_event(); void cancel(); const char* name() const { return m_name.c_str(); } const char* basename() const; sc_object* get_parent_object() const { return m_parent_p; } bool in_hierarchy() const { return m_name.length() != 0; } void notify(); void notify( const sc_time& ); void notify( double, sc_time_unit ); void notify_delayed(); void notify_delayed( const sc_time& ); void notify_delayed( double, sc_time_unit ); sc_event_or_expr operator | ( const sc_event& ) const; sc_event_or_expr operator | ( const sc_event_or_list& ) const; sc_event_and_expr operator & ( const sc_event& ) const; sc_event_and_expr operator & ( const sc_event_and_list& ) const; private: void add_static( sc_method_handle ) const; void add_static( sc_thread_handle ) const; void add_dynamic( sc_method_handle ) const; void add_dynamic( sc_thread_handle ) const; void notify_internal( const sc_time& ); void notify_next_delta(); bool remove_static( sc_method_handle ) const; bool remove_static( sc_thread_handle ) const; bool remove_dynamic( sc_method_handle ) const; bool remove_dynamic( sc_thread_handle ) const; void register_event( const char* name ); void reset(); void trigger(); private: enum notify_t { NONE, DELTA, TIMED }; std::string m_name; // name of object. sc_object* m_parent_p; // parent sc_object for this event. sc_simcontext* m_simc; notify_t m_notify_type; int m_delta_event_index; sc_event_timed* m_timed; mutable std::vector<sc_method_handle> m_methods_static; mutable std::vector<sc_method_handle> m_methods_dynamic; mutable std::vector<sc_thread_handle> m_threads_static; mutable std::vector<sc_thread_handle> m_threads_dynamic; private: // disabled sc_event( const sc_event& ); sc_event& operator = ( const sc_event& ); }; #define SC_KERNEL_EVENT_PREFIX "$$$$kernel_event$$$$_" extern sc_event sc_non_event; // Event that never happens. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CLASS : sc_event_timed // // Class for storing the time to notify a timed event. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class sc_event_timed { friend class sc_event; friend class sc_simcontext; friend int sc_notify_time_compare( const void*, const void* ); private: sc_event_timed( sc_event* e, const sc_time& t ) : m_event( e ), m_notify_time( t ) {} ~sc_event_timed() { if( m_event != 0 ) { m_event->m_timed = 0; } } sc_event* event() const { return m_event; } const sc_time& notify_time() const { return m_notify_time; } static void* operator new( std::size_t ) { return allocate(); } static void operator delete( void* p, std::size_t ) { deallocate( p ); } private: // dedicated memory management static void* allocate(); static void deallocate( void* ); private: sc_event* m_event; sc_time m_notify_time; private: // disabled sc_event_timed(); sc_event_timed( const sc_event_timed& ); sc_event_timed& operator = ( const sc_event_timed& ); }; // IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII inline void sc_event::notify( double v, sc_time_unit tu ) { notify( sc_time( v, tu, m_simc ) ); } inline void sc_event::notify_internal( const sc_time& t ) { if( t == SC_ZERO_TIME ) { // add this event to the delta events set m_delta_event_index = m_simc->add_delta_event( this ); m_notify_type = DELTA; } else { sc_event_timed* et = new sc_event_timed( this, m_simc->time_stamp() + t ); m_simc->add_timed_event( et ); m_timed = et; m_notify_type = TIMED; } } inline void sc_event::notify_next_delta() { if( m_notify_type != NONE ) { SC_REPORT_ERROR( SC_ID_NOTIFY_DELAYED_, 0 ); } // add this event to the delta events set m_delta_event_index = m_simc->add_delta_event( this ); m_notify_type = DELTA; } inline void sc_event::notify_delayed( double v, sc_time_unit tu ) { notify_delayed( sc_time( v, tu, m_simc ) ); } inline void sc_event::add_static( sc_method_handle method_h ) const { m_methods_static.push_back( method_h ); } inline void sc_event::add_static( sc_thread_handle thread_h ) const { m_threads_static.push_back( thread_h ); } inline void sc_event::add_dynamic( sc_method_handle method_h ) const { m_methods_dynamic.push_back( method_h ); } inline void sc_event::add_dynamic( sc_thread_handle thread_h ) const { m_threads_dynamic.push_back( thread_h ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Deprecated functional notation for notifying events. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern void notify( sc_event& e ); extern void notify( const sc_time& t, sc_event& e ); extern void notify( double v, sc_time_unit tu, sc_event& e ); // IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII inline sc_event_list::sc_event_list( bool and_list_, bool auto_delete_ ) : m_events() , m_and_list( and_list_ ) , m_auto_delete( auto_delete_ ) , m_busy( 0 ) { } inline sc_event_list::sc_event_list( const sc_event& e, bool and_list_, bool auto_delete_ ) : m_events() , m_and_list( and_list_ ) , m_auto_delete( auto_delete_ ) , m_busy(0) { m_events.push_back( &e ); } inline sc_event_list::sc_event_list( sc_event_list const & that ) : m_events() , m_and_list( that.m_and_list ) , m_auto_delete( false ) , m_busy( 0 ) { move_from( that ); that.auto_delete(); // free automatic lists } inline sc_event_list& sc_event_list::operator=( sc_event_list const & that ) { if( m_busy ) report_invalid_modification(); move_from( that ); that.auto_delete(); // free automatic lists return *this; } inline sc_event_list::~sc_event_list() { if( m_busy ) report_premature_destruction(); } inline void sc_event_list::swap( sc_event_list& that ) { if( busy() || that.busy() ) report_invalid_modification(); m_events.swap( that.m_events ); } inline void sc_event_list::move_from( sc_event_list const& that ) { if( that.temporary() ) { swap( const_cast<sc_event_list&>(that) ); // move from source } else { m_events = that.m_events; // copy from source } } inline int sc_event_list::size() const { return m_events.size(); } inline bool sc_event_list::and_list() const { return m_and_list; } inline bool sc_event_list::busy() const { return m_busy != 0; } inline bool sc_event_list::temporary() const { return m_auto_delete && ! m_busy; } inline void sc_event_list::auto_delete() const { if( m_busy ) { --m_busy; } if( ! m_busy && m_auto_delete ) { delete this; } } // IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII inline sc_event_or_list::sc_event_or_list() : sc_event_list( false ) {} inline sc_event_or_list::sc_event_or_list( const sc_event& e ) : sc_event_list( false ) { push_back( e ); } inline sc_event_or_list::sc_event_or_list( bool auto_delete_ ) : sc_event_list( false, auto_delete_ ) {} inline sc_event_or_list& sc_event_or_list::operator |= ( const sc_event& e ) { if( busy() ) report_invalid_modification(); push_back( e ); return *this; } inline sc_event_or_list& sc_event_or_list::operator |= ( const sc_event_or_list& el ) { if( busy() ) report_invalid_modification(); push_back( el ); return *this; } inline sc_event_or_expr sc_event_or_list::operator | ( const sc_event& e2 ) const { sc_event_or_expr expr; expr.push_back( *this ); expr.push_back( e2 ); return expr; } inline sc_event_or_expr sc_event_or_list::operator | ( const sc_event_or_list& e2 ) const { sc_event_or_expr expr; expr.push_back( *this ); expr.push_back( e2 ); return expr; } // sc_event inline sc_event_or_expr sc_event::operator | ( const sc_event& e2 ) const { sc_event_or_expr expr; expr.push_back( *this ); expr.push_back( e2 ); return expr; } inline sc_event_or_expr sc_event::operator | ( const sc_event_or_list& e2 ) const { sc_event_or_expr expr; expr.push_back( *this ); expr.push_back( e2 ); return expr; } // sc_event_expr inline sc_event_or_expr operator | ( sc_event_or_expr expr, sc_event const & e ) { expr.push_back( e ); return expr; } inline sc_event_or_expr operator | ( sc_event_or_expr expr, sc_event_or_list const & el ) { expr.push_back( el ); return expr; } inline void sc_event_or_list::swap( sc_event_or_list & that ) { sc_event_list::swap( that ); } // IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII inline sc_event_and_list::sc_event_and_list() : sc_event_list( true ) {} inline sc_event_and_list::sc_event_and_list( const sc_event& e ) : sc_event_list( true ) { push_back( e ); } inline sc_event_and_list::sc_event_and_list( bool auto_delete_ ) : sc_event_list( true, auto_delete_ ) {} inline void sc_event_and_list::swap( sc_event_and_list & that ) { sc_event_list::swap( that ); } inline sc_event_and_list& sc_event_and_list::operator &= ( const sc_event& e ) { if( busy() ) report_invalid_modification(); push_back( e ); return *this; } inline sc_event_and_list& sc_event_and_list::operator &= ( const sc_event_and_list& el ) { if( busy() ) report_invalid_modification(); push_back( el ); return *this; } inline sc_event_and_expr sc_event_and_list::operator & ( const sc_event& e ) { sc_event_and_expr expr; expr.push_back( *this ); expr.push_back( e ); return expr; } inline sc_event_and_expr sc_event_and_list::operator & ( const sc_event_and_list& el ) { sc_event_and_expr expr; expr.push_back( *this ); expr.push_back( el ); return expr; } // sc_event inline sc_event_and_expr sc_event::operator & ( const sc_event& e2 ) const { sc_event_and_expr expr; expr.push_back( *this ); expr.push_back( e2 ); return expr; } inline sc_event_and_expr sc_event::operator & ( const sc_event_and_list& e2 ) const { sc_event_and_expr expr; expr.push_back( *this ); expr.push_back( e2 ); return expr; } // sc_event_expr inline sc_event_and_expr operator & ( sc_event_and_expr expr, sc_event const & e ) { expr.push_back( e ); return expr; } inline sc_event_and_expr operator & ( sc_event_and_expr expr, sc_event_and_list const & el ) { expr.push_back( el ); return expr; } } // namespace sc_core // $Log: sc_event.h,v $ // Revision 1.14 2011/08/29 18:04:32 acg // Philipp A. Hartmann: miscellaneous clean ups. // // Revision 1.13 2011/08/26 20:46:09 acg // Andy Goodrich: moved the modification log to the end of the file to // eliminate source line number skew when check-ins are done. // // Revision 1.12 2011/08/24 22:05:50 acg // Torsten Maehne: initialization changes to remove warnings. // // Revision 1.11 2011/03/12 21:07:51 acg // Andy Goodrich: changes to kernel generated event support. // // Revision 1.10 2011/03/06 15:55:11 acg // Andy Goodrich: Changes for named events. // // Revision 1.9 2011/03/05 01:39:21 acg // Andy Goodrich: changes for named events. // // Revision 1.8 2011/02/18 20:27:14 acg // Andy Goodrich: Updated Copyrights. // // Revision 1.7 2011/02/13 21:47:37 acg // Andy Goodrich: update copyright notice. // // Revision 1.6 2011/02/01 21:03:23 acg // Andy Goodrich: new return codes for trigger_dynamic calls. // // Revision 1.5 2011/01/18 20:10:44 acg // Andy Goodrich: changes for IEEE1666_2011 semantics. // // Revision 1.4 2010/12/07 20:09:11 acg // Andy Goodrich: writer policy fix. // // Revision 1.3 2009/05/22 16:06:29 acg // Andy Goodrich: process control updates. // // Revision 1.2 2008/05/22 17:06:25 acg // Andy Goodrich: updated copyright notice to include 2008. // // Revision 2006/12/15 20:20:05 acg // SystemC 2.3 // // Revision 1.8 2006/05/26 20:33:16 acg // Andy Goodrich: changes required by additional platform compilers (i.e., // Microsoft VC++, Sun Forte, HP aCC). // // Revision 1.7 2006/05/08 17:57:51 acg // Andy Goodrich: added David Long's forward declarations for friend // functions, methods, and operators to keep the Microsoft compiler happy. // // Revision 1.6 2006/04/11 23:13:20 acg // Andy Goodrich: Changes for reduced reset support that only includes // sc_cthread, but has preliminary hooks for expanding to method and thread // processes also. // // Revision 1.5 2006/01/24 20:56:00 acg // Andy Goodrich: fixed up CVS comment. // // Revision 1.4 2006/01/24 20:48:14 acg // Andy Goodrich: added deprecation warnings for notify_delayed(). Added two // new implementation-dependent methods, notify_next_delta() & notify_internal() // to replace calls to notify_delayed() from within the simulator. These two // new methods are simpler than notify_delayed() and should speed up simulations // // Revision 1.3 2006/01/13 18:44:29 acg // Added $Log to record CVS changes into the source. // #endif // Taf!