
  Licensed to Accellera Systems Initiative Inc. (Accellera) under one or
  more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed
  with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
  Accellera licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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  License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at


  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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  sc_process.h -- Process base class support.

  Original Author: Andy Goodrich, Forte Design Systems, 04 August 2005


#if !defined(sc_process_h_INCLUDED)
#define sc_process_h_INCLUDED

#include <cassert>
#include "sysc/utils/sc_iostream.h"
#include "sysc/kernel/sc_constants.h"
#include "sysc/kernel/sc_object.h"
#include "sysc/kernel/sc_kernel_ids.h"
#include "sysc/communication/sc_export.h"

namespace sc_core {

// Forward declarations:
class sc_process_handle;
class sc_thread_process;
class sc_reset;

const char* sc_gen_unique_name( const char*, bool preserve_first );
sc_process_handle sc_get_current_process_handle();
void sc_thread_cor_fn( void* arg );
bool timed_out( sc_simcontext* );

extern bool sc_allow_process_control_corners; // see sc_simcontext.cpp.

// Process handles as forward references:

typedef class sc_cthread_process* sc_cthread_handle;
typedef class sc_method_process*  sc_method_handle;
typedef class sc_thread_process*  sc_thread_handle;

// Standard process types:

enum sc_curr_proc_kind

// Descendant information for process hierarchy operations:

enum sc_descendant_inclusion_info {

// CLASS sc_process_host
// This is the base class for objects which may have processes defined for
// their methods (e.g., sc_module)

class sc_process_host 
    sc_process_host() {}
    virtual ~sc_process_host() { } // Needed for cast check for sc_module.
    void defunct() {}

// CLASS sc_process_monitor
// This class provides a way of monitoring a process' status (e.g., waiting 
// for a thread to complete its execution.) This class is intended to be a base
// class for classes which need to monitor a process or processes (e.g.,
// sc_join.) Its methods should be overloaded where notifications are desired.

class sc_process_monitor {
    enum {
        spm_exit = 0
    virtual ~sc_process_monitor() {}
    virtual void signal(sc_thread_handle thread_p, int type);
inline void sc_process_monitor::signal(sc_thread_handle , int ) {}  

//  Define SC_USE_MEMBER_FUNC_PTR if we want to use member function pointers 
//  to implement process dispatch. Otherwise, we'll use a hack that involves 
//  creating a templated invocation object which will invoke the member
//  function. This should not be necessary, but some compilers (e.g., VC++)
//  do not allow the conversion from `void (callback_tag::*)()' to 
//  `void (sc_process_host::*)()'. This is supposed to be OK as long as the 
//  dynamic type is correct.  C++ Standard 5.4 "Explicit type conversion", 
//  clause 7: a pointer to member of derived class type may be explicitly 
//  converted to a pointer to member of an unambiguous non-virtual base class 
//  type. 

#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#if ( _MSC_VER > 1200 )

// COMPILER DOES SUPPORT CAST TO void (sc_process_host::*)() from (T::*)():


    typedef void (sc_process_host::*SC_ENTRY_FUNC)();
#   define SC_DECL_HELPER_STRUCT(callback_tag, func) /*EMPTY*/
#   define SC_MAKE_FUNC_PTR(callback_tag, func) \

// COMPILER NOT DOES SUPPORT CAST TO void (sc_process_host::*)() from (T::*)():

#else // !defined(SC_USE_MEMBER_FUNC_PTR)
    class sc_process_call_base {
        inline sc_process_call_base()

        virtual ~sc_process_call_base()

        virtual void invoke(sc_process_host* host_p)
    extern sc_process_call_base sc_process_defunct;

    template<class T>
    class sc_process_call : public sc_process_call_base {
        sc_process_call( void (T::*method_p)() ) :
             m_method_p = method_p;

        virtual ~sc_process_call()

        virtual void invoke(sc_process_host* host_p)

        void (T::*m_method_p)();  // Method implementing the process.

    typedef sc_process_call_base* SC_ENTRY_FUNC;
#   define SC_DECL_HELPER_STRUCT(callback_tag, func) /*EMPTY*/
#   define SC_MAKE_FUNC_PTR(callback_tag, func) \
        (::sc_core::SC_ENTRY_FUNC) (new \

#endif // !defined(SC_USE_MEMBER_FUNC_PTR)

extern void sc_set_stack_size( sc_thread_handle, std::size_t );

class sc_event;
class sc_event_list;
class sc_name_gen;
class sc_spawn_options;
class sc_unwind_exception;

// This class serves as a way of throwing an execption for an aribtrary type
// without knowing what that type is. A true virtual method in the base
// class is used to actually throw the execption. A pointer to the base 
// class is used internally removing the necessity of knowing what the type
// of EXCEPT is for code internal to the library.
// Note the clone() true virtual method. This is used to allow instances
// of the sc_throw_it<EXCEPT> class to be easily garbage collected. Since
// an exception may be propogated to more than one process knowing when
// to garbage collect is non-trivial. So when a call is made to 
// sc_process_handle::throw_it() an instance of sc_throw_it<EXCEPT> is 
// allocated on the stack. For each process throwing the exception a copy is 
// made via clone(). That allows those objects to be deleted by the individual
// processes when they are no longer needed (in this implementation of SystemC 
// that deletion will occur each time a new exception is thrown ( see 
// sc_thread_process::suspend_me() ).
class sc_throw_it_helper {
    virtual sc_throw_it_helper* clone() const = 0;
    virtual void throw_it() = 0;
    sc_throw_it_helper() {}
    virtual ~sc_throw_it_helper() {}

template<typename EXCEPT>
class sc_throw_it : public sc_throw_it_helper
    typedef sc_throw_it<EXCEPT> this_type;
    sc_throw_it( const EXCEPT& value ) : m_value(value) { }
    virtual ~sc_throw_it() {}
    virtual inline this_type* clone() const { return new this_type(m_value); }
    virtual inline void throw_it() { throw m_value; }
    EXCEPT m_value;  // value to be thrown.

// This class implements the base class for a threaded process_base process 
// whose semantics are provided by the true virtual method semantics(). 
// Classes derived from this one will provide a version of semantics which 
// implements the desired semantics. See the sc_spawn_xxx classes below.
// Notes:
//   (1) Object instances of this class maintain a reference count of 
//       outstanding handles. When the handle count goes to zero the 
//       object will be deleted. 
//   (2) Descriptions of the methods and operators in this class appear with
//       their implementations.
//   (3) The m_sticky_reset field is used to handle synchronous resets that
//       are enabled via the sc_process_handle::sync_reset_on() method. These
//       resets are not generated by a signal, but rather are modal by 
//       method call: sync_reset_on - sync_reset_off.
class sc_process_b : public sc_object { 
    friend class sc_simcontext;      // Allow static processes to have base.
    friend class sc_cthread_process; // Child can access parent.
    friend class sc_method_process;  // Child can access parent.
    friend class sc_process_handle;  // Allow handles to modify ref. count.
    friend class sc_thread_process;  // Child can access parent.

    friend class sc_object;
    friend class sc_port_base;
    friend class sc_runnable;
    friend class sc_sensitive;
    friend class sc_sensitive_pos;
    friend class sc_sensitive_neg;
    friend class sc_module;
    friend class sc_report_handler;
    friend class sc_reset;
    friend class sc_reset_finder;
    friend class sc_unwind_exception;

    friend const char* sc_gen_unique_name( const char*, bool preserve_first );
    friend sc_process_handle sc_get_current_process_handle();
    friend void sc_thread_cor_fn( void* arg );
    friend bool timed_out( sc_simcontext* );

    enum process_throw_type {
        THROW_NONE = 0,

    enum process_state {
	ps_bit_disabled = 1,      // process is disabled.
	ps_bit_ready_to_run = 2,  // process is ready to run.
        ps_bit_suspended = 4,     // process is suspended.
	ps_bit_zombie = 8,        // process is a zombie.
        ps_normal = 0             // must be zero.

    enum reset_type {             // types for sc_process_b::reset_process()
        reset_asynchronous = 0,   // asynchronous reset.
        reset_synchronous_off,    // turn off synchronous reset sticky bit.
        reset_synchronous_on      // turn on synchronous reset sticky bit.

    enum trigger_t

    sc_process_b( const char* name_p, bool is_thread, bool free_host, 
        SC_ENTRY_FUNC method_p, sc_process_host* host_p, 
        const sc_spawn_options* opt_p );

    // may not be deleted manually (called from destroy_process())
    virtual ~sc_process_b();

    inline int current_state() { return m_state; }
    bool dont_initialize() const { return m_dont_init; }
    virtual void dont_initialize( bool dont );
    std::string dump_state() const;
    const ::std::vector<sc_object*>& get_child_objects() const;
    inline sc_curr_proc_kind proc_kind() const;
    sc_event& reset_event();
    sc_event& terminated_event();

    static inline sc_process_handle last_created_process_handle();
    virtual void add_child_object( sc_object* );
    void add_static_event( const sc_event& );
    bool dynamic() const { return m_dynamic_proc; }
    const char* gen_unique_name( const char* basename_, bool preserve_first );
    inline sc_report* get_last_report() { return m_last_report_p; }
    inline bool is_disabled() const;
    inline bool is_runnable() const;
    static inline sc_process_b* last_created_process_base();
    virtual bool remove_child_object( sc_object* );
    void remove_dynamic_events( bool skip_timeout = false );
    void remove_static_events();
    inline void set_last_report( sc_report* last_p )
            delete m_last_report_p;
            m_last_report_p = last_p;
    inline bool timed_out() const;
    void report_error( const char* msgid, const char* msg = "" ) const;
    void report_immediate_self_notification() const;

  protected: // process control methods:
    virtual void disable_process(
        sc_descendant_inclusion_info descendants = SC_NO_DESCENDANTS ) = 0;
    void disconnect_process();
    virtual void enable_process(
        sc_descendant_inclusion_info descendants = SC_NO_DESCENDANTS ) = 0;
    inline void initially_in_reset( bool async );
    inline bool is_unwinding() const;
    inline bool start_unwinding();
    inline bool clear_unwinding();
    virtual void kill_process(
        sc_descendant_inclusion_info descendants = SC_NO_DESCENDANTS ) = 0;
    void reset_changed( bool async, bool asserted );
    void reset_process( reset_type rt,
        sc_descendant_inclusion_info descendants = SC_NO_DESCENDANTS );
    virtual void resume_process(
        sc_descendant_inclusion_info descendants = SC_NO_DESCENDANTS ) = 0;
    virtual void suspend_process(
        sc_descendant_inclusion_info descendants = SC_NO_DESCENDANTS ) = 0;
    virtual void throw_user( const sc_throw_it_helper& helper,
        sc_descendant_inclusion_info descendants = SC_NO_DESCENDANTS ) = 0;
    virtual void throw_reset( bool async ) = 0;
    virtual bool terminated() const;
    void trigger_reset_event();

    void        delete_process();
    inline void reference_decrement();
    inline void reference_increment();

    inline void semantics();

    // debugging stuff:

    const char*                 file;
    int                         lineno;
    int                         proc_id;

    int                          m_active_areset_n; // number of aresets active.
    int                          m_active_reset_n;  // number of resets active.
    bool                         m_dont_init;       // true: no initialize call.
    bool                         m_dynamic_proc;    // true: after elaboration.
    const sc_event*              m_event_p;         // Dynamic event waiting on.
    int                          m_event_count;     // number of events.
    const sc_event_list*         m_event_list_p;    // event list waiting on.
    sc_process_b*                m_exist_p;         // process existence link.
    bool                         m_free_host;       // free sc_semantic_host_p.
    bool                         m_has_reset_signal;  // has reset_signal_is.
    bool                         m_has_stack;       // true is stack present.
    bool                         m_is_thread;       // true if this is thread.
    sc_report*                   m_last_report_p;   // last report this process.
    sc_name_gen*                 m_name_gen_p;      // subprocess name generator
    sc_curr_proc_kind            m_process_kind;    // type of process.
    int                          m_references_n;    // outstanding handles.
    std::vector<sc_reset*>       m_resets;          // resets for process.
    sc_event*                    m_reset_event_p;   // reset event.
    sc_event*                    m_resume_event_p;  // resume event.
    sc_process_b*                m_runnable_p;      // sc_runnable link
    sc_process_host*             m_semantics_host_p;   // host for semantics.
    SC_ENTRY_FUNC                m_semantics_method_p; // method for semantics.
    int                          m_state;           // process state.
    std::vector<const sc_event*> m_static_events;   // static events waiting on.
    bool                         m_sticky_reset;    // see note 3 above.
    sc_event*                    m_term_event_p;    // terminated event.
    sc_throw_it_helper*          m_throw_helper_p;  // what to throw.
    process_throw_type           m_throw_status;    // exception throwing status
    bool                         m_timed_out;       // true if we timed out.
    sc_event*                    m_timeout_event_p; // timeout event.
    trigger_t                    m_trigger_type;    // type of trigger using.
    bool                         m_unwinding;       // true if unwinding stack.

    static sc_process_b* m_last_created_process_p; // Last process created.

typedef sc_process_b sc_process_b;  // For compatibility.

// These methods provide child object support.
inline void
sc_process_b::add_child_object( sc_object* object_p )
    sc_object::add_child_object( object_p );

inline bool
sc_process_b::remove_child_object( sc_object* object_p )
    if ( sc_object::remove_child_object( object_p ) ) {
            return true;
        return false;

inline const ::std::vector<sc_object*>&
sc_process_b::get_child_objects() const
    return m_child_objects;

// This inline method is a callback to indicate that a reset is active at
// start up. This is because the signal will have been initialized before
// a reset linkage for it is set up, so we won't get a reset_changed()
// callback.
//     async = true if this an asynchronous reset.
inline void sc_process_b::initially_in_reset( bool async )
    if ( async ) 

// This method returns true if this process is disabled. 
inline bool sc_process_b::is_disabled() const
    return (m_state & ps_bit_disabled) ? true : false;

// This method returns true if this process is runnable. That is indicated
// by a non-zero m_runnable_p field.
inline bool sc_process_b::is_runnable() const
    return m_runnable_p != 0;

// This method returns true if this process is unwinding from a kill or reset.
inline bool sc_process_b::is_unwinding() const
    return m_unwinding;

// This method flags that this object instance should start unwinding if the
// current throw status requires an unwind. 
// Result is true if the flag is set, false if the flag is already set.
inline bool sc_process_b::start_unwinding()
    if ( !m_unwinding )
	switch( m_throw_status )
	  case THROW_KILL:
	    m_unwinding = true;
	     return true;
	  case THROW_USER:
    return false;

// This method clears this object instance's throw status and always returns
// true.
inline bool sc_process_b::clear_unwinding()
    m_unwinding = false;
    return true;

// This virtual method returns the sc_process_b pointer for the last
// created process. It is only used internally by the simulator.
inline sc_process_b* sc_process_b::last_created_process_base()
    return m_last_created_process_p;

// This method returns the kind of this process.
inline sc_curr_proc_kind sc_process_b::proc_kind() const
    return m_process_kind;

// This inline method decrements the number of outstanding references to this 
// object instance. If the number of references goes to zero, this object
// can be deleted in "sc_process_b::delete_process()".
inline void sc_process_b::reference_decrement()
    if ( m_references_n == 0 ) delete_process();

// This inline method increments the number of outstanding references to this 
// object instance.
inline void sc_process_b::reference_increment()
    assert(m_references_n != 0);

// This inline method invokes the semantics for this object instance. 
// We check to see if we are initially in reset and then invoke the
// process semantics.
// Notes:
//   (1) For a description of the process reset mechanism see the top of 
//       the file sc_reset.cpp.
struct scoped_flag
    scoped_flag( bool& b ) : ref(b){ ref = true;  }
    ~scoped_flag()                 { ref = false; }
    bool& ref;
inline void sc_process_b::semantics()

    // within this function, the process has a stack associated

    scoped_flag scoped_stack_flag( m_has_stack );

    assert( m_process_kind != SC_NO_PROC_ );

    // Determine the reset status of this object instance and potentially
    // trigger its notify event:

    // See if we need to trigger the notify event:

    if ( m_reset_event_p && 
         ( (m_throw_status == THROW_SYNC_RESET) || 
	   (m_throw_status == THROW_ASYNC_RESET) )
    ) {

    // Set the new reset status of this object based on the reset counts:

    m_throw_status = m_active_areset_n ? THROW_ASYNC_RESET : 
        ( m_active_reset_n  ?  THROW_SYNC_RESET : THROW_NONE);

    // Dispatch the actual semantics for the process:

        m_semantics_method_p->invoke( m_semantics_host_p );
#   else
#   endif

// This inline method returns true if this object has terminated.
inline bool sc_process_b::terminated() const
    return (m_state & ps_bit_zombie) != 0;

// This inline method returns true if this object instance timed out.
inline bool sc_process_b::timed_out() const
    return m_timed_out;

} // namespace sc_core


  MODIFICATION LOG - modifiers, enter your name, affiliation, date and
  changes you are making here.

      Name, Affiliation, Date: Andy Goodrich, Forte Design Systems, 12 Aug 05
  Description of Modification: This is the rewrite of process support. It 
                               contains some code from the original
                               sc_process.h by Stan Liao, and the now-defunct
                               sc_process_b.h by Stan Liao and Martin
                               Janssen, all of Synopsys, Inc., It also contains
                               code from the original sc_process_b.h by 
                               Andy Goodrich of Forte Design Systems and
                               Bishnupriya Bhattacharya of Cadence Design

      Name, Affiliation, Date:
  Description of Modification:


// $Log: sc_process.h,v $
// Revision 1.36  2011/08/26 22:44:30  acg
//  Torsten Maehne: eliminate unused argument warning.
// Revision 1.35  2011/08/26 20:46:10  acg
//  Andy Goodrich: moved the modification log to the end of the file to
//  eliminate source line number skew when check-ins are done.
// Revision 1.34  2011/08/24 22:05:51  acg
//  Torsten Maehne: initialization changes to remove warnings.
// Revision 1.33  2011/08/15 16:43:24  acg
//  Torsten Maehne: changes to remove unused argument warnings.
// Revision 1.32  2011/07/24 11:20:03  acg
//  Philipp A. Hartmann: process control error message improvements:
//  (1) Downgrade error to warning for re-kills of processes.
//  (2) Add process name to process messages.
//  (3) drop some superfluous colons in messages.
// Revision 1.31  2011/04/13 02:44:26  acg
//  Andy Goodrich: added m_unwinding flag in place of THROW_NOW because the
//  throw status will be set back to THROW_*_RESET if reset is active and
//  the check for an unwind being complete was expecting THROW_NONE as the
//  clearing of THROW_NOW.
// Revision 1.30  2011/04/11 22:07:27  acg
//  Andy Goodrich: check for reset event notification before resetting the
//  throw_status value.
// Revision 1.29  2011/04/10 22:17:36  acg
//  Andy Goodrich: added trigger_reset_event() to allow sc_process.h to
//  contain the run_process() inline method. sc_process.h cannot have
//  sc_simcontext information because of recursive includes.
// Revision 1.28  2011/04/08 22:34:06  acg
//  Andy Goodrich: moved the semantics() method to this file and made it
//  an inline method. Added reset processing to the semantics() method.
// Revision 1.27  2011/04/08 18:24:48  acg
//  Andy Goodrich: moved reset_changed() to .cpp since it needs visibility
//  to sc_simcontext.
// Revision 1.26  2011/04/01 21:24:57  acg
//  Andy Goodrich: removed unused code.
// Revision 1.25  2011/03/28 13:02:51  acg
//  Andy Goodrich: Changes for disable() interactions.
// Revision 1.24  2011/03/20 13:43:23  acg
//  Andy Goodrich: added async_signal_is() plus suspend() as a corner case.
// Revision 1.23  2011/03/12 21:07:51  acg
//  Andy Goodrich: changes to kernel generated event support.
// Revision 1.22  2011/03/08 20:49:31  acg
//  Andy Goodrich: implement coarse checking for synchronous reset - suspend
//  interaction.
// Revision 1.21  2011/03/07 17:38:43  acg
//  Andy Goodrich: tightening up of checks for undefined interaction between
//  synchronous reset and suspend.
// Revision 1.20  2011/03/06 19:57:11  acg
//  Andy Goodrich: refinements for the illegal suspend - synchronous reset
//  interaction.
// Revision 1.19  2011/03/05 19:44:20  acg
//  Andy Goodrich: changes for object and event naming and structures.
// Revision 1.18  2011/02/19 08:30:53  acg
//  Andy Goodrich: Moved process queueing into trigger_static from
//  sc_event::notify.
// Revision 1.17  2011/02/18 20:27:14  acg
//  Andy Goodrich: Updated Copyrights.
// Revision 1.16  2011/02/18 20:10:44  acg
//  Philipp A. Hartmann: force return expression to be a bool to keep MSVC
//  happy.
// Revision 1.15  2011/02/17 19:52:45  acg
//  Andy Goodrich:
//    (1) Simplified process control usage.
//    (2) Changed dump_status() to dump_state() with new signature.
// Revision 1.14  2011/02/16 22:37:30  acg
//  Andy Goodrich: clean up to remove need for ps_disable_pending.
// Revision 1.13  2011/02/13 21:47:37  acg
//  Andy Goodrich: update copyright notice.
// Revision 1.12  2011/02/13 21:41:34  acg
//  Andy Goodrich: get the log messages for the previous check in correct.
// Revision 1.11  2011/02/13 21:32:24  acg
//  Andy Goodrich: moved sc_process_b::reset_process() implementation
//  from header to cpp file . Added dump_status() to print out the status of a
//  process.
// Revision 1.10  2011/02/11 13:25:24  acg
//  Andy Goodrich: Philipp A. Hartmann's changes:
//    (1) Removal of SC_CTHREAD method overloads.
//    (2) New exception processing code.
// Revision 1.9  2011/02/04 15:27:36  acg
//  Andy Goodrich: changes for suspend-resume semantics.
// Revision 1.8  2011/02/01 21:06:12  acg
//  Andy Goodrich: new layout for the process_state enum.
// Revision 1.7  2011/01/25 20:50:37  acg
//  Andy Goodrich: changes for IEEE 1666 2011.
// Revision 1.6  2011/01/19 23:21:50  acg
//  Andy Goodrich: changes for IEEE 1666 2011
// Revision 1.5  2011/01/18 20:10:45  acg
//  Andy Goodrich: changes for IEEE1666_2011 semantics.
// Revision 1.4  2010/07/22 20:02:33  acg
//  Andy Goodrich: bug fixes.
// Revision 1.3  2009/05/22 16:06:29  acg
//  Andy Goodrich: process control updates.
// Revision 1.2  2008/05/22 17:06:26  acg
//  Andy Goodrich: updated copyright notice to include 2008.
// Revision  2006/12/15 20:20:05  acg
// SystemC 2.3
// Revision 1.11  2006/05/08 17:58:10  acg
// Andy Goodrich: added David Long's forward declarations for friend
//   functions, methods, and operators to keep the Microsoft compiler happy.
// Revision 1.10  2006/04/28 23:29:01  acg
//  Andy Goodrich: added an sc_core:: prefix to SC_FUNC_PTR in the
//  SC_MAKE_FUNC_PTR macro to allow its transpareuse outside of the sc_core
//  namespace.
// Revision 1.9  2006/04/28 21:52:57  acg
//  Andy Goodrich: changed SC_MAKE_FUNC_PTR to use a static cast to address
//  and AIX issue wrt sc_module's inherited classes.
// Revision 1.8  2006/04/20 17:08:17  acg
//  Andy Goodrich: 3.0 style process changes.
// Revision 1.7  2006/04/11 23:13:21  acg
//   Andy Goodrich: Changes for reduced reset support that only includes
//   sc_cthread, but has preliminary hooks for expanding to method and thread
//   processes also.
// Revision 1.6  2006/03/13 20:26:50  acg
//  Andy Goodrich: Addition of forward class declarations, e.g.,
//  sc_reset, to keep gcc 4.x happy.
// Revision 1.5  2006/01/31 20:09:10  acg
//  Andy Goodrich: added explaination of static vs dynamic waits to
//  sc_process_b::trigger_static.
// Revision 1.4  2006/01/24 20:49:05  acg
// Andy Goodrich: changes to remove the use of deprecated features within the
// simulator, and to issue warning messages when deprecated features are used.
// Revision 1.3  2006/01/13 18:44:30  acg
// Added $Log to record CVS changes into the source.

#endif // !defined(sc_process_h_INCLUDED)