/***************************************************************************** Licensed to Accellera Systems Initiative Inc. (Accellera) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. Accellera licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. *****************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************** sc_time.cpp -- Original Author: Martin Janssen, Synopsys, Inc., 2001-05-21 CHANGE LOG AT THE END OF THE FILE *****************************************************************************/ #include <math.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "sysc/kernel/sc_kernel_ids.h" #include "sysc/kernel/sc_simcontext.h" #include "sysc/kernel/sc_time.h" #include "sysc/utils/sc_utils_ids.h" #if !defined(PRIu64) # if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__MINGW32__) # define PRIu64 "I64u" # else # define PRIu64 "llu" # endif #endif // PRIu64 #ifdef SC_ENABLE_EARLY_MAXTIME_CREATION # define SC_MAXTIME_ALLOWED_ 1 #else # define SC_MAXTIME_ALLOWED_ 0 #endif namespace sc_core { static double time_values[] = { 1, // fs 1e3, // ps 1e6, // ns 1e9, // us 1e12, // ms 1e15 // s }; static const char* time_units[] = { "fs", "ps", "ns", "us", "ms", "s" }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CLASS : sc_time // // The time class. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // constructors sc_time::sc_time( double v, sc_time_unit tu ) : m_value( 0 ) { if( v != 0 ) { sc_time_params* time_params = sc_get_curr_simcontext()->m_time_params; double scale_fac = time_values[tu] / time_params->time_resolution; // linux bug workaround; don't change next two lines volatile double tmp = v * scale_fac + 0.5; m_value = SCAST<sc_dt::int64>( tmp ); time_params->time_resolution_fixed = true; } } sc_time::sc_time( double v, sc_time_unit tu, sc_simcontext* simc ) : m_value( 0 ) { if( v != 0 ) { sc_time_params* time_params = simc->m_time_params; double scale_fac = time_values[tu] / time_params->time_resolution; // linux bug workaround; don't change next two lines volatile double tmp = v * scale_fac + 0.5; m_value = SCAST<sc_dt::int64>( tmp ); time_params->time_resolution_fixed = true; } } sc_time::sc_time( double v, bool scale ) : m_value( 0 ) { static bool warn_constructor=true; if ( warn_constructor ) { warn_constructor=false; SC_REPORT_INFO(SC_ID_IEEE_1666_DEPRECATION_, "deprecated constructor: sc_time(double,bool)"); } if( v != 0 ) { sc_time_params* time_params = sc_get_curr_simcontext()->m_time_params; if( scale ) { double scale_fac = sc_dt::uint64_to_double( time_params->default_time_unit ); // linux bug workaround; don't change next two lines volatile double tmp = v * scale_fac + 0.5; m_value = SCAST<sc_dt::int64>( tmp ); } else { // linux bug workaround; don't change next two lines volatile double tmp = v + 0.5; m_value = SCAST<sc_dt::int64>( tmp ); } time_params->time_resolution_fixed = true; } } sc_time::sc_time( value_type v, bool scale ) : m_value( 0 ) { static bool warn_constructor=true; if ( warn_constructor ) { warn_constructor=false; SC_REPORT_INFO(SC_ID_IEEE_1666_DEPRECATION_, "deprecated constructor: sc_time(uint64,bool)"); } if( v != 0 ) { sc_time_params* time_params = sc_get_curr_simcontext()->m_time_params; if( scale ) { double scale_fac = sc_dt::uint64_to_double( time_params->default_time_unit ); // linux bug workaround; don't change next two lines volatile double tmp = sc_dt::uint64_to_double( v ) * scale_fac + 0.5; m_value = SCAST<sc_dt::int64>( tmp ); } else { m_value = v; } time_params->time_resolution_fixed = true; } } sc_time sc_time::from_value( value_type v ) { sc_time t; if( v != 0 && !(SC_MAXTIME_ALLOWED_ && v == ~sc_dt::UINT64_ZERO) ) { sc_time_params* time_params = sc_get_curr_simcontext()->m_time_params; time_params->time_resolution_fixed = true; } t.m_value = v; return t; } // conversion functions double sc_time::to_default_time_units() const { sc_time_params* time_params = sc_get_curr_simcontext()->m_time_params; # if SC_MAXTIME_ALLOWED_ if( m_value == 0 ) return 0.0; time_params->time_resolution_fixed = true; # endif // SC_MAXTIME_ALLOWED_ return ( sc_dt::uint64_to_double( m_value ) / sc_dt::uint64_to_double( time_params->default_time_unit ) ); } double sc_time::to_seconds() const { sc_time_params* time_params = sc_get_curr_simcontext()->m_time_params; # if SC_MAXTIME_ALLOWED_ if( m_value == 0 ) return 0.0; time_params->time_resolution_fixed = true; # endif // SC_MAXTIME_ALLOWED_ return ( sc_dt::uint64_to_double( m_value ) * time_params->time_resolution * 1e-15 ); } const std::string sc_time::to_string() const { value_type val = m_value; if( val == 0 ) { return std::string( "0 s" ); } sc_time_params* time_params = sc_get_curr_simcontext()->m_time_params; # if SC_MAXTIME_ALLOWED_ time_params->time_resolution_fixed = true; # endif // SC_MAXTIME_ALLOWED_ value_type tr = SCAST<sc_dt::int64>( time_params->time_resolution ); int n = 0; while( ( tr % 10 ) == 0 ) { tr /= 10; n ++; } assert( tr == 1 ); while( ( val % 10 ) == 0 ) { val /= 10; n ++; } char buf[BUFSIZ]; std::sprintf( buf, "%" PRIu64, val ); std::string result( buf ); if( n >= 15 ) { for( int i = n - 15; i > 0; -- i ) { result += "0"; } result += " s"; } else { for( int i = n % 3; i > 0; -- i ) { result += "0"; } result += " "; result += time_units[n / 3]; } return result; } // print function void sc_time::print( ::std::ostream& os ) const { os << to_string(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // STRUCT : sc_time_params // // Struct that holds the time resolution and default time unit. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sc_time_params::sc_time_params() : time_resolution( 1000 ), // default 1 ps time_resolution_specified( false ), time_resolution_fixed( false ), default_time_unit( 1000 ), // default 1 ns default_time_unit_specified( false ) {} sc_time_params::~sc_time_params() {} // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // functions for accessing the time resolution and default time unit void sc_set_time_resolution( double v, sc_time_unit tu ) { // first perform the necessary checks // must be positive if( v < 0.0 ) { SC_REPORT_ERROR( SC_ID_SET_TIME_RESOLUTION_, "value not positive" ); } // must be a power of ten double dummy; #if defined( __HP_aCC ) || defined(__ppc__) // aCC seems to have a bug in modf() if( modf( log10( v < 1.0 ? 1.0/v : v ), &dummy ) != 0.0 ) { #else if( modf( log10( v ), &dummy ) != 0.0 ) { #endif SC_REPORT_ERROR( SC_ID_SET_TIME_RESOLUTION_, "value not a power of ten" ); } sc_simcontext* simc = sc_get_curr_simcontext(); // can only be specified during elaboration if( sc_is_running() ) { SC_REPORT_ERROR( SC_ID_SET_TIME_RESOLUTION_, "simulation running" ); } sc_time_params* time_params = simc->m_time_params; // can be specified only once if( time_params->time_resolution_specified ) { SC_REPORT_ERROR( SC_ID_SET_TIME_RESOLUTION_, "already specified" ); } // can only be specified before any sc_time is constructed if( time_params->time_resolution_fixed ) { SC_REPORT_ERROR( SC_ID_SET_TIME_RESOLUTION_, "sc_time object(s) constructed" ); } // must be larger than or equal to 1 fs volatile double resolution = v * time_values[tu]; if( resolution < 1.0 ) { SC_REPORT_ERROR( SC_ID_SET_TIME_RESOLUTION_, "value smaller than 1 fs" ); } // recalculate the default time unit volatile double time_unit = sc_dt::uint64_to_double( time_params->default_time_unit ) * ( time_params->time_resolution / resolution ); if( time_unit < 1.0 ) { SC_REPORT_WARNING( SC_ID_DEFAULT_TIME_UNIT_CHANGED_, 0 ); time_params->default_time_unit = 1; } else { time_params->default_time_unit = SCAST<sc_dt::int64>( time_unit ); } time_params->time_resolution = resolution; time_params->time_resolution_specified = true; } sc_time sc_get_time_resolution() { return sc_time::from_value( sc_dt::UINT64_ONE ); } void sc_set_default_time_unit( double v, sc_time_unit tu ) { static bool warn_default_time_unit=true; if ( warn_default_time_unit ) { warn_default_time_unit=false; SC_REPORT_INFO(SC_ID_IEEE_1666_DEPRECATION_, "deprecated function: sc_set_default_time_unit"); } // first perform the necessary checks // must be positive if( v < 0.0 ) { SC_REPORT_ERROR( SC_ID_SET_DEFAULT_TIME_UNIT_, "value not positive" ); } // must be a power of ten double dummy; if( modf( log10( v ), &dummy ) != 0.0 ) { SC_REPORT_ERROR( SC_ID_SET_DEFAULT_TIME_UNIT_, "value not a power of ten" ); } sc_simcontext* simc = sc_get_curr_simcontext(); // can only be specified during elaboration if( sc_is_running() ) { SC_REPORT_ERROR( SC_ID_SET_DEFAULT_TIME_UNIT_, "simulation running" ); } sc_time_params* time_params = simc->m_time_params; // can only be specified before any sc_time is constructed if( time_params->time_resolution_fixed ) { SC_REPORT_ERROR( SC_ID_SET_DEFAULT_TIME_UNIT_, "sc_time object(s) constructed" ); } // can be specified only once if( time_params->default_time_unit_specified ) { SC_REPORT_ERROR( SC_ID_SET_DEFAULT_TIME_UNIT_, "already specified" ); } // must be larger than or equal to the time resolution volatile double time_unit = ( v * time_values[tu] ) / time_params->time_resolution; if( time_unit < 1.0 ) { SC_REPORT_ERROR( SC_ID_SET_DEFAULT_TIME_UNIT_, "value smaller than time resolution" ); } time_params->default_time_unit = SCAST<sc_dt::int64>( time_unit ); time_params->default_time_unit_specified = true; } sc_time sc_get_default_time_unit() { static bool warn_get_default_time_unit = true; if ( warn_get_default_time_unit ) { warn_get_default_time_unit=false; SC_REPORT_INFO(SC_ID_IEEE_1666_DEPRECATION_, "deprecated function: sc_get_default_time_unit"); } return sc_time::from_value( sc_get_curr_simcontext()->m_time_params->default_time_unit ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- const sc_time SC_ZERO_TIME; #undef SC_MAXTIME_ALLOWED_ } // namespace sc_core // $Log: sc_time.cpp,v $ // Revision 1.7 2011/08/26 20:46:11 acg // Andy Goodrich: moved the modification log to the end of the file to // eliminate source line number skew when check-ins are done. // // Revision 1.6 2011/07/24 16:08:36 acg // Philipp A. Hartmann: fix C99 format specifiers for Solaris. // // Revision 1.5 2011/02/18 20:27:14 acg // Andy Goodrich: Updated Copyrights. // // Revision 1.4 2011/02/13 21:47:38 acg // Andy Goodrich: update copyright notice. // // Revision 1.3 2011/01/19 23:21:50 acg // Andy Goodrich: changes for IEEE 1666 2011 // // Revision 1.2 2008/05/22 17:06:27 acg // Andy Goodrich: updated copyright notice to include 2008. // // Revision 2006/12/15 20:20:05 acg // SystemC 2.3 // // Revision 1.6 2006/01/26 21:04:55 acg // Andy Goodrich: deprecation message changes and additional messages. // // Revision 1.5 2006/01/25 00:31:19 acg // Andy Goodrich: Changed over to use a standard message id of // SC_ID_IEEE_1666_DEPRECATION for all deprecation messages. // // Revision 1.4 2006/01/24 20:49:05 acg // Andy Goodrich: changes to remove the use of deprecated features within the // simulator, and to issue warning messages when deprecated features are used. // // Revision 1.3 2006/01/13 18:44:30 acg // Added $Log to record CVS changes into the source. // // Taf!