/* * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Regents of The University of Michigan * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include "arch/alpha/osfpal.hh" #include "base/trace.hh" #include "cpu/exec_context.hh" #include "kern/kernel_stats.hh" #include "kern/tru64/tru64_syscalls.hh" using namespace std; using namespace Stats; namespace Kernel { const char *modestr[] = { "kernel", "user", "idle", "interrupt" }; Statistics::Statistics(ExecContext *context) : xc(context), idleProcess((Addr)-1), themode(kernel), lastModeTick(0), iplLast(0), iplLastTick(0) { bin_int = xc->system->params()->bin_int; } void Statistics::regStats(const string &_name) { myname = _name; _arm .name(name() + ".inst.arm") .desc("number of arm instructions executed") ; _quiesce .name(name() + ".inst.quiesce") .desc("number of quiesce instructions executed") ; _ivlb .name(name() + ".inst.ivlb") .desc("number of ivlb instructions executed") ; _ivle .name(name() + ".inst.ivle") .desc("number of ivle instructions executed") ; _hwrei .name(name() + ".inst.hwrei") .desc("number of hwrei instructions executed") ; _iplCount .init(32) .name(name() + ".ipl_count") .desc("number of times we switched to this ipl") .flags(total | pdf | nozero | nonan) ; _iplGood .init(32) .name(name() + ".ipl_good") .desc("number of times we switched to this ipl from a different ipl") .flags(total | pdf | nozero | nonan) ; _iplTicks .init(32) .name(name() + ".ipl_ticks") .desc("number of cycles we spent at this ipl") .flags(total | pdf | nozero | nonan) ; _iplUsed .name(name() + ".ipl_used") .desc("fraction of swpipl calls that actually changed the ipl") .flags(total | nozero | nonan) ; _iplUsed = _iplGood / _iplCount; _callpal .init(256) .name(name() + ".callpal") .desc("number of callpals executed") .flags(total | pdf | nozero | nonan) ; for (int i = 0; i < PAL::NumCodes; ++i) { const char *str = PAL::name(i); if (str) _callpal.subname(i, str); } _syscall .init(SystemCalls::Number) .name(name() + ".syscall") .desc("number of syscalls executed") .flags(total | pdf | nozero | nonan) ; for (int i = 0; i < SystemCalls::Number; ++i) { const char *str = SystemCalls::name(i); if (str) { _syscall.subname(i, str); } } _faults .init(NumFaults) .name(name() + ".faults") .desc("number of faults") .flags(total | pdf | nozero | nonan) ; for (int i = 1; i < NumFaults; ++i) { const char *str = (*ListOfFaults[i])->name; if (str) _faults.subname(i, str); } _mode .init(cpu_mode_num) .name(name() + ".mode_switch") .desc("number of protection mode switches") ; for (int i = 0; i < cpu_mode_num; ++i) _mode.subname(i, modestr[i]); _modeGood .init(cpu_mode_num) .name(name() + ".mode_good") ; for (int i = 0; i < cpu_mode_num; ++i) _modeGood.subname(i, modestr[i]); _modeFraction .name(name() + ".mode_switch_good") .desc("fraction of useful protection mode switches") .flags(total) ; for (int i = 0; i < cpu_mode_num; ++i) _modeFraction.subname(i, modestr[i]); _modeFraction = _modeGood / _mode; _modeTicks .init(cpu_mode_num) .name(name() + ".mode_ticks") .desc("number of ticks spent at the given mode") .flags(pdf) ; for (int i = 0; i < cpu_mode_num; ++i) _modeTicks.subname(i, modestr[i]); _swap_context .name(name() + ".swap_context") .desc("number of times the context was actually changed") ; } void Statistics::setIdleProcess(Addr idlepcbb) { assert(themode == kernel || themode == interrupt); idleProcess = idlepcbb; themode = idle; changeMode(themode); } void Statistics::changeMode(cpu_mode newmode) { _mode[newmode]++; if (newmode == themode) return; DPRINTF(Context, "old mode=%-8s new mode=%-8s\n", modestr[themode], modestr[newmode]); _modeGood[newmode]++; _modeTicks[themode] += curTick - lastModeTick; xc->system->kernelBinning->changeMode(newmode); lastModeTick = curTick; themode = newmode; } void Statistics::swpipl(int ipl) { assert(ipl >= 0 && ipl <= 0x1f && "invalid IPL\n"); _iplCount[ipl]++; if (ipl == iplLast) return; _iplGood[ipl]++; _iplTicks[iplLast] += curTick - iplLastTick; iplLastTick = curTick; iplLast = ipl; } void Statistics::mode(cpu_mode newmode) { Addr pcbb = xc->regs.ipr[AlphaISA::IPR_PALtemp23]; if ((newmode == kernel || newmode == interrupt) && pcbb == idleProcess) newmode = idle; if (bin_int == false && newmode == interrupt) newmode = kernel; changeMode(newmode); } void Statistics::context(Addr oldpcbb, Addr newpcbb) { assert(themode != user); _swap_context++; changeMode(newpcbb == idleProcess ? idle : kernel); } void Statistics::callpal(int code) { if (!PAL::name(code)) return; _callpal[code]++; switch (code) { case PAL::callsys: { int number = xc->regs.intRegFile[0]; if (SystemCalls::validSyscallNumber(number)) { int cvtnum = SystemCalls::convert(number); _syscall[cvtnum]++; } } break; case PAL::swpctx: if (xc->system->kernelBinning) xc->system->kernelBinning->palSwapContext(xc); break; } } void Statistics::serialize(ostream &os) { int exemode = themode; SERIALIZE_SCALAR(exemode); SERIALIZE_SCALAR(idleProcess); SERIALIZE_SCALAR(iplLast); SERIALIZE_SCALAR(iplLastTick); SERIALIZE_SCALAR(lastModeTick); } void Statistics::unserialize(Checkpoint *cp, const string §ion) { int exemode; UNSERIALIZE_SCALAR(exemode); UNSERIALIZE_SCALAR(idleProcess); UNSERIALIZE_SCALAR(iplLast); UNSERIALIZE_SCALAR(iplLastTick); UNSERIALIZE_SCALAR(lastModeTick); themode = (cpu_mode)exemode; } /* end namespace Kernel */ }