/* * Copyright (c) 2003 The Regents of The University of Michigan * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "base/misc.hh" #include "sim/eventq.hh" #include "sim/param.hh" #include "sim/serialize.hh" #include "base/inifile.hh" #include "sim/sim_events.hh" #include "sim/sim_object.hh" #include "base/trace.hh" using namespace std; Serializer *Serializeable::serializer = NULL; Serializeable::Serializeable(const string &n) : proxy(this), objName(n), serialized(false) { } Serializeable::~Serializeable() { } void Serializeable::mark() { if (!serialized) serializer->add_object(this); serialized = true; } ostream & Serializeable::out() const { return serializer->out(); } void Serializeable::nameOut() { out() << "\n[" << name() << "]\n"; } void Serializeable::nameOut(const string &_name) { out() << "\n[" << _name << "]\n"; } template<> void Serializeable::paramOut(const string &name, const uint64_t& param) { out() << name << "=0x" << hex << param << dec << "\n"; } void Serializeable::childOut(const string &name, Serializeable *child) { child->mark(); if (child->name() == "") panic("child is unnamed"); out() << name << "=" << child->name() << "\n"; } void Serializeable::setName(const string &name) { if (objName != "") { cprintf("Renaming object '%s' to '%s'.\n", objName, name); } objName = name; } Serializer::Serializer() { } Serializer::~Serializer() { } ostream & Serializer::out() const { if (!output) panic("must set output before serializing"); return *output; } void Serializer::add_object(Serializeable *obj) { objects.push_back(obj); } void Serializer::add_objects() { mainEventQueue.mark(); SimObject::SimObjectList::iterator i = SimObject::simObjectList.begin(); SimObject::SimObjectList::iterator end = SimObject::simObjectList.end(); while (i != end) { (*i)->mark(); ++i; } } void Serializer::serialize(const string &f) { if (Serializeable::serializer != NULL) panic("in process of serializing!"); Serializeable::serializer = this; file = f; string cpt_file = file + ".cpt"; output = new ofstream(cpt_file.c_str()); time_t t = time(NULL); *output << "// checkpoint generated: " << ctime(&t); serlist_t list; add_objects(); while (!objects.empty()) { Serializeable *serial = objects.front(); DPRINTF(Serialize, "Naming children of %s\n", serial->name()); serial->nameChildren(); objects.pop_front(); list.push_back(serial); } while (!list.empty()) { list.front()->serialized = false; list.pop_front(); } add_objects(); while (!objects.empty()) { Serializeable *serial = objects.front(); DPRINTF(Serialize, "Serializing %s\n", serial->name()); serial->serialize(); objects.pop_front(); list.push_back(serial); } while (!list.empty()) { list.front()->serialized = false; list.pop_front(); } Serializeable::serializer = NULL; delete output; output = NULL; file = ""; } class SerializeEvent : public Event { protected: string file; public: SerializeEvent(EventQueue *q, Tick when, const string &file); ~SerializeEvent(); virtual void process(); virtual void serialize(); }; SerializeEvent::SerializeEvent(EventQueue *q, Tick when, const string &f) : Event(q), file(f) { setFlags(AutoDelete); schedule(when); } SerializeEvent::~SerializeEvent() { } void SerializeEvent::process() { Serializer serial; serial.serialize(file); new SimExitEvent("Serialization caused exit"); } void SerializeEvent::serialize() { panic("Cannot serialize the SerializeEvent"); } class SerializeParamContext : public ParamContext { private: SerializeEvent *event; public: SerializeParamContext(const string §ion); ~SerializeParamContext(); void checkParams(); }; SerializeParamContext serialParams("serialize"); Param serialize_cycle(&serialParams, "cycle", "cycle to serialize", 0); Param serialize_file(&serialParams, "file", "file to write to", ""); SerializeParamContext::SerializeParamContext(const string §ion) : ParamContext(section), event(NULL) { } SerializeParamContext::~SerializeParamContext() { } void SerializeParamContext::checkParams() { if (!((string)serialize_file).empty() && serialize_cycle > 0) event = new SerializeEvent(&mainEventQueue, serialize_cycle, serialize_file); } void debug_serialize(const char *file) { Serializer serial; serial.serialize(file); new SimExitEvent("Serialization caused exit"); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // SerializeableClass member definitions // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Map of class names to SerializeableBuilder creation functions. // Need to make this a pointer so we can force initialization on the // first reference; otherwise, some SerializeableClass constructors // may be invoked before the classMap constructor. map *SerializeableClass::classMap = 0; // SerializeableClass constructor: add mapping to classMap SerializeableClass::SerializeableClass(const string &className, CreateFunc createFunc) { if (classMap == NULL) classMap = new map(); if ((*classMap)[className]) { cerr << "Error: simulation object class " << className << " redefined" << endl; fatal(""); } // add className --> createFunc to class map (*classMap)[className] = createFunc; } // // Serializeable * SerializeableClass::createObject(IniFile &configDB, const string &configClassName) { // find simulation object class name from configuration class // (specified by 'type=' parameter) string simObjClassName; if (!configDB.findDefault(configClassName, "type", simObjClassName)) { cerr << "Configuration class '" << configClassName << "' not found." << endl; abort(); } // look up className to get appropriate createFunc if (classMap->find(simObjClassName) == classMap->end()) { cerr << "Simulator object class '" << simObjClassName << "' not found." << endl; abort(); } CreateFunc createFunc = (*classMap)[simObjClassName]; // builder instance SerializeableBuilder *objectBuilder = (*createFunc)(); assert(objectBuilder != NULL); // now create the actual simulation object Serializeable *object = objectBuilder->create(); assert(object != NULL); // done with the SerializeableBuilder now delete objectBuilder; return object; }